25 research outputs found

    Photochemical cross-linking study of polymers containing diacetylene groups in their main chain and azobenzene compounds as pendant groups

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    Photochemical cross-linking studies at different temperatures (room temperature, Tg and maximum exothermal of crosslinking peak) are shown for three series of polymers containing diacetylene-groups in the main chain and polar chromophores derived from benzene, azo- and di-azobenzene, as pendant groups. We establish the optimal irradiation time and temperature that permit them being poled and cross-linked with minimal dye-degradation. The degradation process was followed by a diminution of the respective maximum absorption peak. These conditions could extend the mean life-time of the second order nonlinear optical properties, studied previously. Photochemical cross-linking at each polymer´s Tg (50-130°C) was the most convenient process. It took less than 10 min and was monitored by IR spectroscop

    Decision support system through automatic algorithms and electronic request in diagnosis of anaemia for primary care patients

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    An appropriate management of anaemia laboratory tests is crucial for a correct diagnosis and treatment. A non-sequential “shotgun” approach (where every anaemia related test is ordered) causes workload and cost increases and could be potentially harmful. We have implemented a Decision Support System through our laboratory information system (LIMS) based on reflexive algorithms and automatic generation of interpretative reports specifically in diagnosis of anaemia for primary care patients. When a request contained an “Anaemia Suspicion Study” profile, more than twenty automatic reflexive rules were activated in our LIMS based upon laboratory results. These rules normally involved the addition of reflexive tests. A final report was automatically generated for each interpretation which was always reviewed for their validity by two staff pathologists. We measured the impact of this system in the ordering of most common anaemia related tests and if a proper treatment was established based on the interpretive report. From all the studies performed, only 12% were positive being “iron deficiency” and “anaemia of chronic disease” the most frequent causes, 62% and 17%, respectively. Proper treatment was established in 88% of these anaemic patients. Total iron, transferrin, ferritin, folate and vitamin B12 demand decreased substantially after implementation representing a cost reduction of 40% only for these five tests. Our system has easily improved patient outcomes, advising on individual clinical cases. We have also noticeably reduced the number of over-requested tests and laboratory costs

    Structural insights into the IgE mediated responses induced by the allergens Hev b 8 and Zea m 12 in their dimeric forms

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    "Oligomerization of allergens plays an important role in IgE-mediated reactions, as effective crosslinking of IgE-Fc epsilon RI complexes on the cell membrane is dependent on the number of exposed B-cell epitopes in a single allergen molecule or on the occurrence of identical epitopes in a symmetrical arrangement. Few studies have attempted to experimentally demonstrate the connection between allergen dimerization and the ability to trigger allergic reactions. Here we studied plant allergenic profilins rHev b 8 (rubber tree) and rZea m 12 (maize) because they represent an important example of cross-reactivity in the latex-pollen-food syndrome. Both allergens in their monomeric and dimeric states were isolated and characterized by exclusion chromatography and mass spectrometry and were used in immunological in vitro experiments. Their crystal structures were solved, and for Hev b 8 a disulfide-linked homodimer was found. Comparing the structures we established that the longest loop is relevant for recognition by IgE antibodies, whereas the conserved regions are important for cross-reactivity. We produced a novel monoclonal murine IgE (mAb 2F5), specific for rHev b 8, which was useful to provide evidence that profilin dimerization considerably increases the IgE-mediated degranulation in rat basophilic leukemia cells.

    Cadmium induces reactive oxygen species-dependent pexophagy in Arabidopsis leaves.

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    Cadmium treatment induces transient peroxisome proliferation in Arabidopsis leaves. To determine whether this process is regulated by pexophagy and to identify the mechanisms involved, we analysed time course-dependent changes in ATG8, an autophagy marker, and the accumulation of peroxisomal marker PEX14a. After 3 hr of Cd exposure, the transcript levels of ATG8h, ATG8c, a, and i were slightly up-regulated and then returned to normal. ATG8 protein levels also increased after 3 hr of Cd treatment, although an opposite pattern was observed in PEX14. Arabidopsis lines expressing GFP-ATG8a and CFP-SKL enabled us to demonstrate the presence of pexophagic processes in leaves. The Cd-dependent induction of pexophagy was demonstrated by the accumulation of peroxisomes in autophagy gene (ATG)-related Arabidopsis knockout mutants atg5 and atg7. We show that ATG8a colocalizes with catalase and NBR1 in the electron-dense peroxisomal core, thus suggesting that NBR1 may be an autophagic receptor for peroxisomes, with catalase being possibly involved in targeting pexophagy. Protein carbonylation and peroxisomal redox state suggest that protein oxidation may trigger pexophagy. Cathepsine B, legumain, and caspase 6 may also be involved in the regulation of pexophagy. Our results suggest that pexophagy could be an important step in rapid cell responses to cadmium


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    A Single Mutation at the Sheet Switch Region Results in Conformational Changes Favoring lambda 6 Light-Chain Fibrillogenesis

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    Systemic amyloid light-chain (LC) amyloidosis is a disease process characterized by the pathological deposition of monoclonal LCs in tissue. All LC subtypes are capable of fibril formation although lambda chains, particularly those belonging to the lambda 6 type, are overrepresented. Here, we report the thermodynamic and in vitro fibrillogenic properties of several mutants of the lambda 6 protein 6aJL2 in which Pro7 and/or His8 was substituted by Ser or Pro. The H8P and H8S mutants were almost as stable as the wildtype protein and were poorly fibrillogenic. In contrast, the P7S mutation decreased the thermodynamic stability of 6aJL2 and greatly enhanced its capacity to form amyloid-like fibrils in vitro. The crystal structure of the P7S mutant showed that the substitution induced both local and long-distance effects, such as the rearrangement of the V(L) (variable region of the light chain)-V(L) interface. This mutant crystallized in two orthorhombic polymorphs, P2(1)2(1)2(1) and C222(1). In the latter, a monomer that was not arranged in the typical Bence-Jones dimer was observed for the first time. Crystal-packing analysis of the C222(1) lattice showed the establishment of intermolecular beta-beta interactions that involved the N-terminus and beta-strand B and that these could be relevant in the mechanism of LC fibril formation. Our results strongly suggest that Pro7 is a key residue in the conformation of the N-terminal sheet switch motif and, through long-distance interactions, is also critically involved in the contacts that stabilized the V(L) interface in lambda 6 LCs. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Direccion General de Asuntos del Personal Academico-Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)[IN 209506-3]Direccion General de Asuntos del Personal Academico-Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)Direccion General de Asuntos del Personal Academico-Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)[IN220707-3]Direccion General de Asuntos del Personal Academico-Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) - MéxicoConsejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia[82947]Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONACYT)[D44122Q]Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) - MéxicoNational Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS/NIH)[0080]U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH)U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)[DE-AC02-98CH10886