3,561 research outputs found

    Self-Reported Barriers to Quality Physical Education by Physical Education Specialists in the Island of Puerto Rico

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    The purpose of this study was to determine which barriers physical education teachers in the Island of Puerto Rico perceive to influence their teaching of the established physical education curriculum. The instrument Perceived Barriers to Teach Survey, a modification of the Opportunities to Learn instrument (2010) from NASPE was used to collect data from a stratified sample of 600 physical education teachers from all the school levels in Puerto Rico. Five-point Likert-type scales and open- ended questions were used to measure respondents perceptions regarding barriers to teach the established curriculum. The results of the study were as follows. First, teachers working at different schools levels did not perceived barriers differently. Second, teachers with fifteen to twenty years of teaching experience did not find the physical education Marco Curricular to be a valuable tool. Third, teachers with fifteen to twenty years of teaching experience did not use the Marco Curricular to plan their daily lessons. Fourth, lack of appropriate facilities, lack of equipment and materials and principal support were identified as barriers by teachers. Fifth, significant differences were found between teachers from the school districts of Ponce and Mayaguez in terms of time to teach. Significant differences were found between teachers working at a \u27 Segunda Unidad\u27 school setting and the rest of the school levels with regards to time to teach, principal support and number of students. Seventh, three main categories were formed after open — ended questions were analyzed: lack of adequate facilities, lack of equipment and materials. The findings suggest that teachers attempted to adopt and implement the Marco Curricular of the PR Department of Education, but barriers were present. School administrators and policy experts have a major responsibility to assist teachers minimizing the barriers that hinder the implementation of the established curriculum.\u2

    Latinos in the South: Community, Family, and Identity

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    As Latinos have migrated at high rates to the U.S. South in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the region has become known as a “new immigrant destination” and the “Nuevo South” yet political science research documenting the dynamics of Latino identity in the Nuevo South has been scarce. In this thesis I seek to understand the roles of Latino panethnic, U.S. (American) and Southern identity on factors informing the development of Latino community building. I use the 2016 Blair Center Poll to test social identity and family intimacy theories through a quantitative analysis of the effects of attachment to Latino/Hispanic panethnic, American, and Southern identity on Southern Latinos’ attitudes toward family intimacy and community voluntarism. I find that (1) Southern and non-Southern Latinos are similar in terms of linking their panethnic and American identity attachments to these factors of Latino community building, and that (2) Southern identity attachment plays an extraordinary role in shaping Southern Latinos’ positive attitudes toward community volunteerism

    Epidemiology and Hospital Course of Patients With Acute Salpingitis and Coincident HIV

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    Objective: To compare the epidemiology and hospital course of patients with acute salpingitis with and without coincident human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) seropositivity

    Registro, aplicación y pago del impuesto sobre la renta (IR) en Inversiones Agropecuarias S.A de Matagalpa durante el año 2015

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    El presente Seminario de Graduación para optar al Título de Licenciatura en Contabilidad Pública y Finanzas contiene como línea de principal de investigación y tema el Impuesto sobre la renta (IR) en las empresas de los departamentos de Matagalpa, Managua y Jinotega en el año 2015. El Subtema es Registro, aplicación y pago del impuesto sobre la Renta (IR) en Inversiones Agropecuarias S.A de Matagalpa durante el año 2015, cuya empresa es cafetalera dedica a la venta de Café en el extranjero. El objetivo del estudio es determinar la importancia de la correcta aplicación de los registros, aplicación y pago de Impuesto sobre la Renta (IR) basados en la ley 822, Ley de Concertación Tributaria vigente en la republica de Nicaragua. . Para el gremio contable que será alimentado por esta graduación es importancia analizar el Impuesto sobre la Renta IR en la ejecución de las sociedades anónimas ya que esto constituye un eje fundamental de las declaratorias de impuesto anuales a los cuales están obligados a declarar al finalizar el Periodo Fiscal. Basado en el estudio, la aplicación de instrumentos de investigación y la revisión documental se ha llegado a la conclusión principal de que Inversiones Agropecuarias S.A, está presentando las declaraciones de impuesto conforme a lo establecido en la ley 822, Ley de Concertación Tributari

    Optimization of the investment casting process

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    Rapid prototyping is an important technique for manufacturing. This work refers to the manufacture of hollow patterns made of polymeric materials by rapid prototyping technologies for its use in the preparation of ceramic molds in the investment casting process. This work is focused on the development of a process for manufacturing patterns different from those that currently exist due to its hollow interior design, allowing its direct use in the fabrication of ceramic molds; avoiding cracking and fracture during the investment casting process, which is an important process for the foundry industry

    Optimiranje postupka kalupljenja u ljevačkom procesu

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    Rapid prototyping is an important technique for manufacturing. This work refers to the manufacture of hollow patterns made of polymeric materials by rapid prototyping technologies for its use in the preparation of ceramic molds in the investment casting process. This work is focused on the development of a process for manufacturing patterns different from those that currently exist due to its hollow interior design, allowing its direct use in the fabrication of ceramic molds; avoiding cracking and fracture during the investment casting process, which is an important process for the foundry industry.Brzo razvijanje prototipa važna je proizvodna tehnika. Ovaj se rad odnosi na proizvodnju šupljih kalupa izrađenih od polimerskih materijala pomoću tehnologija brzog razvijanja prototipa za uporabu u izradi keramičkih modela u postupku kalupljenja ljevačkog procesa. Ovaj rad je usmjeren na razvijanje postupka za proizvodnju kalupa drukčijih od onih kakvi trenutno postoje i to zbog svoje šuplje unutarnje izvedbe čime se omogućava izravna uporaba u izradi keramičkih modela te se izbje gava pucanje i lom tijekom postupka kalupljenja ljevačkog procesa koji predstavlja važan postupak u ljevaoničkoj industriji

    Plataformas virtuales en el desarrollo de competencias de matemática en estudiantes de 3er. grado de secundaria

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    El presente estudio consiste en analizar el efecto que causa el uso de las plataformas virtuales en el desarrollo de las competencias de matemática en estudiantes de tercer grado de secundaria. Específicamente se hace referencia al uso de tres plataformas virtuales: Kahoot, Thatquiz y YouTube, las mismas que son administradas indistintamente durante los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las matemáticas. El estudio se realizó bajo un diseño cuasi experimental, basado en dos grupos, aplicándose un pre-test de 20 ítems a ambos grupos con 35 estudiantes cada uno, luego se aplicó el programa “Plataformas virtuales en el desarrollo de competencias de matemática” al grupo experimental y al termino se aplicó un post-test a ambos grupos, finalmente se procesó la información y se analizaron los resultados logrados. Según los resultados obtenidos se evidencia un efecto positivo del uso de las plataformas virtuales en el desarrollo de competencias de matemática

    Gestión de procesos en el mantenimiento correctivo para la mejora de la calidad de servicio en la empresa CIALIM S.A.C., Callao, 2018

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    La investigación se realizó con el objetivo de determinar cómo la gestión de procesos en el mantenimiento correctivo mejora la calidad de servicio en la empresa CIALIM S.A.C. Callao, 2018. Con el estudio y análisis de los libros de la gestión de procesos y calidad de servicio, donde se utilizó el estudio metodológico de la investigación siendo del tipo aplicada del nivel explicativo con diseño cuasi experimental y enfoque cuantitativo. La población estará formada por las cantidades numéricas tomadas de las variables de los últimos 12 meses. La técnica utilizada fue la observación y el instrumento, la ficha de datos. La validación de los instrumentos se efectuó a través del juicio de expertos. Para ejecutar el estudio de los datos se aplicó el programa estadístico SPSS versión 22. Los resultados estadísticos de la comparación de medias, se realizaron con la prueba T student para muestras relacionadas, en el pretest y postest donde se corrobora la aceptación de la hipótesis general, evidenciando que la calidad de servicio mejora 43% en este año. También se confirma la aceptación de la hipótesis específica, Capacidad de respuesta mejora un 26.22%

    Sonorous Remnants of the Past: The Phonograph and the Making of Mexican Aural Modernity, 1878-1913

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    Since its invention in 1877, the phonograph produced a torrent of speculation about its mechanism, capable of collecting and preserving the sounds that seemed lost forever. For the members of the Mexico’s industrial and political elites, this novel technology reinforced principles of modernization, cosmopolitanism, and progress that they sought to achieve in the country's capital. This thesis turns to the reception of the phonograph in Mexico City between 1878 and 1913 by examining how the new recording technology altered the aural texture of Mexico City, in the process transforming both auditory and cultural practices. How did the residents of Mexico City contest and reconfigure the user protocols and presumed meanings that companies from the Global North had developed for the phonograph in the late nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries? What impact did the phonograph have on the reconfiguration of social and spatial listening practices in Mexico City? What, finally, can an emerging Mexican aural modernity tell us about the active adaptation of the talking machine to the social and economic practices of the urban poor between 1870 and 1913? As this study posits, the development of sound technology in Mexico between 1878 and 1913 did not, by itself, usher in an era of modern aurality. Rather, a Mexican aural modernity emerged from the aural practices and embodied knowledge with which members of the lettered elites, middle- and working-class inhabitants, petty entrepreneurs and musicians approached the phonograph. The meanings of this new technology were shaped by local ontologies of listening which refined the concept of usage of imported mechanical production of sound in a living act of syncretism with local aural expressions. Ostensibly modern, this emerging twentieth-century Mexican soundscape carried traditional acoustic dimensions; etched into it were the vocalities of indigenous, Afro-descended, and mestizo peoples. Sonorous Remnants of the Past thus contributes to the study of aurality and sound recording in the Global South by critically examining the role of technological transmission and its interaction with social and cultural dynamics that then shaped its innovation, meaning, and use

    Costos de importación y su incidencia en la rentabilidad de la empresa SERBACH S.A.C., 2021

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    El presente trabajo de indagación tiene como objetivo principal analizar como los costos de importación inciden en la rentabilidad, la metodología empleada es de tipo descriptivo y de diseño no experimental, con enfoque cuantitativo. La población está determinada por los 42 trabajadores de la empresa SERBACH S.A.C. la misma que es considerada como muestra, la técnica utilizada es la encuesta, se ha empleado como instrumento el cuestionario el cual ha sido validado por tres expertos en la materia, se aplicó la prueba de Rho Spearman, la prueba de confiabilidad está determinada por el Alfa de Cronbach el cual se obtiene un valor de 0.826 validando su uso en esta investigación. El resultado de la hipótesis general su valor de significancia es igual a cero lo cual nos permitido aceptar la hipótesis alterna concluyendo así que los costos de importación inciden en la rentabilidad de la empresa con un coeficiente de correlación positiva considerable, ante ello se ha recomendado al gerente general capacitar al personal y crear el área de comercio exterior con el fin de manejar un adecuado costeo de importación y así no incurrir en sobrecostos que alteren la rentabilidad proyectada