54 research outputs found

    Biodiversidade e conservação da Caatinga: revisão sistemática

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    The Caatinga is an exclusive biome of the Brazilian territory, composed of dry forests with rich biodiversity and occupying a large territorial area. However, like other biomes, the Caatinga suffers from human pressures and conservation measures are necessary. Thus, this article aimed to investigate and describe the scientific production on biodiversity and conservation of Caatinga. For that, a systematic review was carried out on the “CAPES Journal Portal”. There was a low number of publications and an important participation of public universities of the Brazilian northeastern was identified for this scientific production. Also, it could be noted a high level of agreement between the studies regarding the need for greater knowledge of biodiversity and the improvement of conservation actions, in addition to the relevant contribution that can be obtained from strengthening the relations linking local populations and decision-makers. Finally, it was concluded that it is essential to stimulate research in this field, in order to deepen scientific knowledge and enable the adoption of more effective conservation measures.A Caatinga é um bioma exclusivo do território brasileiro, composta por florestas secas com rica biodiversidade e que ocupa grande área territorial. Porém, assim como outros biomas, a Caatinga sofre pressões humanas e medidas de conservação são necessárias. Desse modo, este estudo teve como objetivo investigar, por meio de uma revisão sistemática, a produção científica sobre a biodiversidade e conservação da Caatinga, mostrando os principais resultados obtidos e identificando possíveis lacunas de pesquisa. Verificou-se baixo número de publicações e importante participação das universidades públicas do Nordeste do Brasil nessa produção científica. Observou-se também elevado grau de concordância entre os artigos quanto à necessidade de maior conhecimento sobre a biodiversidade e de melhoria das ações de conservação, além da relevante contribuição que pode ser obtida com o estreitamento das relações entre as populações locais e tomadores de decisão. Por fim, concluiu-se que é primordial o estímulo à pesquisa nesse campo, de modo a aprofundar o conhecimento científico e possibilitar a adoção de medidas de conservação mais eficazes

    Effects of aging on biochar stability and soil amendment properties

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    As mudanças provocadas pela ação antrópica na paisagem promovem vários impactos sobre o ambiente físico e biológico. O acompanhamento, a identificação e a orientação para o uso e ocupação racional das terras são de grande importância para o planejamento ambiental. Nesse sentido, o uso de modelo ambiental estruturado em Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG) pode contribuir para a construção de dados espaciais que identifiquem a capacidade e as restrições do uso adequado da terra. Diante disso, o objetivo do trabalho foi elaborar o mapeamento da ocupação da terra na bacia hidrográfica do rio Poxim no estado de Sergipe, a partir de imagens de alta resolução espacial adquirida através do Google Earth. Observou-se os seguintes percentuais das classes mapeadas: pastagem (45,78%), floresta nativa (26,33%), agricultura (16,73%), solo exposto (5,66%), área urbana (5,34%) e corpos d’Água (0,13%). Podendo-se concluir que, a bacia hidrográfica do rio Poxim está inserida em uma área rural, de área relativamente conservada. Os resultados obtidos mostram a utilidade da espacialização de uso e cobertura das terras, utilizando SIG como ferramenta complementar e eficiente para fornecer análise espacial dos diversos usos das terras

    Regionalization of the Q90 Steady Flows for the Japaratuba River Basin in the State of Sergipe according to its climatic regions

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    The reduction and resolution of conflicts involving the use of water, as well as the guarantee of compliance with its various uses, require the appropriate management of water resources, using the instruments foreseen in the pertinent legislation. Among the legal instruments used for the distribution of water, among the different uses and users, the granting of right of use stands out, which is provided as a function of demand and water availability in the requested water body. For the establishment of water availability in a river basin it is necessary to quantify the flows, which is done from the data collected in the fluviométricas stations. However, the Brazilian hydrometric network does not fully cover all hydrography, leaving parts of it without the necessary data for the estimation of flows. The regionalization of flows has been carried out with the objective of providing hydrological information in places with no data or with little information available, as long as they share similar characteristics. The hydrographic basin of the Japaratuba River, which is the object of the study, although it has the most complete hydrological monitoring network in the State of Sergipe, is characterized by great climatic variability (Tropical Humid, Agreste and Semi-Arid), resulting in a different hydrological behavior throughout this basin. Thus, the objective of this work is to determine the regionalization equations of the Q90 residence flow for this basin, which best fit its climatic hydro behavior, in order to obtain a small variation between the actual and the calculated regionalization flow. In the determination of the Q90 permanence flow, the Traditional Method of regionalization was applied, having as independent variables the drainage area of the fluviometric station and its accumulated mean precipitation. The results show that the regionalization of the permanence flow when considering the average monthly precipitation characteristics to define the homogeneous regions presented results consistent with the hydrological reality of the basin rivers and good statistical adjustments to the flows observed in the fluviometric stations

    Analysis of the green corn production costs under tillage systems in the Sergipano Coastal Tableland

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    Abstract: Although many green corn producers manage their agricultural properties informally, the production of this vegetable is socioeconomically relevant to the Brazilian Northeast. This work aims to estimate and analyze the production costs, profitability and return of green corn in different cultivation systems, in the Coastal Tablelands of Sergipano. For this purpose, data were collected from the 16th to the 18th year of cultivation of a long-term experiment, in a strip experimental design, where each strip corresponds to the soil management system (conventional cultivation (CC), no-tillage (PD)) and minimum cultivation (CM)), and four previous crops (Beans Caupí, Crotalária, Guandu and Milheto) were randomized to corn. Production costs, Gross revenue, Operating profit, Profitability index and Leveling point were determined. Greater productivity and Gross revenue were observed in the PD, and greater disbursements in the CC (R8,184.59).PDhadhighestoperatingprofitandprofitabilityratio,whereGuandu/PDhadthebestperformance(R 8,184.59). PD had highest operating profit and profitability ratio, where Guandu/PD had the best performance (R 8,847.18 and 52.02% respectively). Guandu/CC presented negative operating profit and profitability index, characterizing itself as a non-viable alternative for the farmer. The identification and analysis of production costs is an important tool, as it enables the identification of more profitable crops, being the PD the most recommended

    Comparative analysis of sustainability assessment methods in agroecosystems

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    The aim of this work was to compare and analyze three different methods of the sustainability evaluation in agricultural systems, such as the Indicateurs de Durabilité des Exploitations Agricoles (IDEA), the weighted Assessment of environmental impact of New Rural activities (APOIA Novo-Rural), and the indicators of sustainability in Agroecosystem (ISA). Those methods were comparied by two criteria. The first one relates to the distribution of sustainability indicators into categories (Endogenous System Operation, Endogenous Resources, Exogenous Systems Operation, and Exogenous Resources) and elements (technical, socioeconomic, natural and cultural resources). The second one involves the conceptual approaches of each method towards the concept of sustainability, objective and target audience, adoption of the systemic approach, level of stakeholder’s participation, level of adequacy, and method flexibility in different realities. The indicators set of each method, although quantitatively different, consider the diversity of elements that involve the agricultural systems. The IDEA method concentrates its indicators on the Endogenous System Operation category, while the APOIA Novo-Rural and the ISA methods concentrate their indicators on the Endogenous Resources category. The IDEA method directs the assessment to the awareness of the environmental processes that surround the agricultural activity in the property. On the other hand, in the APOIA Novo-Rural and the ISA methods, the reflective practice is fostered from impacts on the environment, and can be improved by extension actions. The main difference presented among those methods is the integrative evaluation of the indicators as well as trade-offs involved

    The use of conflict mediation by the Sergipe River Basin Committee as a tool for implementing decentralised water resource management

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    Parallel to the growing demand for multiple uses of water, conflicts between its users appear, contributing to the increase in the number of cases submitted to the Judiciary. This study aimed at analyzing the existence of mediation as a method of resolving possible conflicts related to water resources in the Sergipe River Basin. The qualitative approach research was developed based on a bibliographic survey, by means of consultations with books, pertinent legislation, articles in scientific and non-scientific journals and, documental, through the analysis of the minutes of the meetings of the Sergipe River Basin Committee, its Internal Regulations and the Climatological Report that analyses the rainfall variability by regions in Sergipe, from 2000 to 2017. The results revealed that despite moving towards recognizing mediation as a method for resolving conflicts, the Committee faced several difficulties in carrying out decentralized management of water resources, especially with regard to the resolution of water disputes. Possible solutions to some of the problems faced by the Committee can be pointed out, such as training its members in water resource management and conflict management, in addition to making them aware of participating frequently in Committee meetings and also stimulating the participation of the population in these meetings

    Patient?s perception of improvement after surgical assisted maxillary expansion (SAME) : pilot study

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    Objective: Clinicians often assume that changes following orthognathic surgery are both physically and psychologically beneficial to the patient. The present study investigates patient perception regarding improvement after surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion. Study design: A survey with twenty-three patients was carried out to identify satisfaction with the surgical outcome and assess whether the surgery met patient expectations. General information was also collected on schooling, age, gender, chief complaint and reasons for seeking treatment. Results: Most patients (n = 19; 82%) were advised to undergo surgery by a dentist. Twenty-two (95%) patients reported being satisfied with the operation procedure. Twenty-one (91%) patients reported that the procedure met their expectations. Nineteen respondents would undergo the same operation again and would recommend treatment to others with similar problems. Conclusion: The need for surgery associated with orthodontic appliances to correct a transverse maxillary deficiency requires a proper explanation to patients regarding the procedure and postoperative period in order to ensure realistic expectations concerning the surgical goals

    Effect of indolebutyric acid on rooting and budding of cuttings of Glyicidium sepium

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    Studies carried out with the use of gliricidia biomass found that green manure contributes to increasing the productivity of forest crops when compared to the incorporation of other legumes. This study aimed to evaluate the viability of vegetative propagation by cuttings in the development of rooting and budding of Glyicidium sepium in different concentrations of indolebutyric acid (IBA). The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse with an entirely randomized block design and increasing concentrations of IBA 0, 625, 1250, and 3000 mg.L-1 with six replicates. The cuttings were standardized in length and diameter, then treated with sodium hypochlorite and immersed in different concentrations of IBA. The parameters plant evaluated were the sprouts number, sprouts length, sprouts diameter, sprouts dry weight, and roots dry weight. The concentration of IBA was shown to be effective in increasing all parameters studied at the IBA concentration of 2100 mg.L-1, and the higher concentrations did not offer any cost-benefit advantages for the production of gliricidia by cutting

    Atividade microbiológica do solo sob diferentes coberturas vegetais no Cerrado tocantinense

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    The microbial activity is very sensitive to changes in soil cover, making it an important indicator of soil quality. The study aimed to assess changes in soil microbiological activities under different vegetation coverings in the Cerrado biome of Tocantins state. The work was developed in areas of Eucalyptus sp., Pasture, agriculture and Cerrado sensu stricto in the experimental farm of the Federal University of Tocantins. The soil samples were collected in trenches of 70 x 70 cm at depths 0-10 and 10-20 cm, with six replications. The variables evaluated were: concentration and stock in the microbial biomass carbon, basal soil respiration, metabolic quotient and microbial quotient. The statistical analysis was performed using the normality test, analysis of variance and comparison of means by the Tukey test at 5% significance. The area with Eucalyptus sp. at 11 years of age, he had a stable soil microbiological activity, showing stocks in microbial biomass carbon 57.32% higher than that native forest vegetation, 84.29% that pasture and 290.91% that agriculture. The soil microbiological activities are affected by the variation of the soil vegetation cover, being efficient as an indicator of soil quality.A atividade microbiana se mostra bastante sensível a mudanças da cobertura, tornando-se um importante indicador de qualidade do solo. O estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as alterações nas atividades microbiológicas do solo sob as diferentes coberturas vegetais no cerrado do Tocantins. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em áreas de Eucalyptus sp., pastagem, agricultura e cerrado sensu stricto na fazenda experimental da Universidade Federal do Tocantins. As amostras de solo foram coletadas em trincheiras de 70 x 70 cm nas profundidades 0-10 e 10-20 cm, com seis repetições. As variáveis avaliadas foram: concentração e estoque de carbono na biomassa microbiana, respiração basal do solo, quociente metabólico e quociente microbiano. A análise estatística foi realizada por meio do teste de normalidade, análise de variância e comparação das médias pelo teste Tukey a 5% de significância. A área com Eucalyptus sp. com 11 anos apresentou uma atividade microbiológica do solo estável, apresentando estoques de carbono na biomassa microbiana superiores em 57,32 % aos da vegetação de mata nativa, 84,29 % ao da pastagem e 290,91 % ao da agricultura. As atividades microbiológicas do solo são afetadas pela variação da cobertura vegetal do solo, sendo eficiente como indicador de qualidade do solo