1,421 research outputs found

    Between Husband and Father: Queen Isabel of Lancaster’s crossed loyalties

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    Isabel of Lancaster became engaged to Afonso V of Portugal when they were both seven years old. Her father was Pedro, the uncle of the infant king and regent of the realm after the forcing out of the qneen rnother Leonor of Aragon. The regency allowed Pedro to favoiir his own lineage. However, when Afonso V took over the governinent, other branches of the roya1 family and the high nobility who felt endangered by Pedro's policy started to turn the king against him. We will show how Isabel negotiated her loyalty both to her husband and to her fatber during the conflict that arose between thern, and how she managed to keep her status and power while honouring her father's memory and protecting the other women of her lineage after thc ignominious death of Pedro in a battle against the king.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysing students' attitudes towards the learning of specialized software

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    In this article the situation of teaching in engineering courses using specialized software support is evaluated and analysed.The statistics courses in engineering often come off as element of formal exposure to statistical analysis and research methods. The software support during classes intends to facilitate and reinforce learning with computational resolution of statistical specific problems. We report a research that investigates students' attitudes towards computers and their effect on statistics unit performance. The preliminary results of research using a small sample of 47 students enrolled in the experimental statistics unit of the 1st year of the master's degree in industrial engineering from the University of Minho indicate that software perceived usefulness has a positive effect on student success, although perceived ease of use and perceived self-performance do not influence.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Desenvolvimento de uma solução de processamento de imagem em ambiente industrial

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    Mathematics achievement in engineering : an exploratory study with MIEGI students

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    Mathematics is a discipline that appears on the syllabus of many courses, including courses in engineering, where it is an essential discipline to the formation of all future engineers, whatever their field of study and work. Despite that, engineering students tend to reveal difficulties with courses based on mathematics. The factors that influence learning mathematics have been the subject of study for several researchers around the world. Researchers attempt to identify variables that explain mathematics achievement, but fail to address university students. In this paper, we present the results of an exploratory study based on industrial engineering students of University of Minho, concerning their grades in the courses of statistics and numerical methods. The preliminary results show that gender is an unexpected and significant factor.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Projectos de investigação em História Medieval financiados pela FCT nos últimos 10 anos

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    Neste artigo, avalia-se o peso que os projectos de investigação no âmbito da História Medieval tiveram, nos últimos dez anos, no conjunto dos projectos de História submetidos aos diferentes concursos lançados pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. Constata-se, assim, que a presença da Idade Média foi sempre bastante reduzida, quer entre as candidaturas quer entre os projectos financiados, mas praticamente equivalente em ambos; tal apenas não aconteceu no concurso de 2008, em que nenhum dos treze projectos de História Medieval foi aprovado, coincidindo com uma total ausência de medievalistas do painel de avaliadores. Também se procurou apurar a produtividade dos projectos financiados através de uma pesquisa na Internet, concluindo-se que a informação aí disponibilizada a esse respeito é parcial e insuficiente, sendo necessário um maior esforço na divulgação dos resultados por parte das equipas e uma maior exigência nesse sentido pelo lado da FCT.In this article we evaluate the relative position of the research projects on Medieval History among the whole of the research projects on History, submitted for funding to the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the last ten years. We concluded that the Middle Ages had always a discrete but equivalent position both among the applications and the approved projects; this only changed in 2008, when none of the thirteen projects on Medieval History was approved, precisely when not a single medievalist was part of the jury. We also tried to evaluate the productivity of the financed projects through an Internet search and found out that the data provided is partial and insufficient; the research teams need to make an additional effort to disclose the results of their projects in the World Wide Web and the FCT should also be more demanding concerning that issue.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Vivências religiosas femininas medievais: entre clausura, pobreza evangélica e poder

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    Introdução à secção monográfica homónima do volume em causa da revista.A secção monográfica deste número de Lusitania Sacra pretende oferecer uma amostra, pequena mas significativa, dos caminhos que, em anos recentes, têm vindo a ser trilhados por quem, na Península Ibérica, se tem interessado pelo fenómeno religioso medieval na perspetiva do feminino. É que, se o estudo das múltiplas conexões estabelecidas entre as mulheres e a religião cristã na Idade Média não é, de forma alguma, inédito, novas são as abordagens que desde a história das mulheres e do género lhe têm sido feitas, procurando entender em quê e porquê as vivências religiosas femininas foram diferentes das masculinas. O nosso objetivo foi, pois, dar visibilidade e trazer à discussão alguns exemplos dessas abordagens.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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