88 research outputs found
Oral health in elders with Parkinson's disease
This study aimed to evaluate objectively and subjectively the oral health of elders with Parkinson's disease (PD), using clinical oral assessments and the General Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI). Subjects included 37 removable prosthesis wearers, 17 with PD (mean age 69.59±5.09 years) and 20 without PD (mean age 72.00±5.69 years). The objective assessment included an evaluation of oral characteristics, including the number of remaining teeth, decayed, missing and filled teeth (DMFT), visible plaque index (VPI), salivary flow rate and removable prosthesis conditions. The subjective assessment included self-perception of oral health collected using the GOHAI index. The number of remaining teeth, DMFT, VPI, salivary flow rate and GOHAI data were compared between the groups using t-tests. Removable prosthesis conditions were analyzed using χ2 tests (p0.05). Greater maxillary prosthesis defects were observed in the control group (p=0.037). GOHAI scores were low for the PD group and moderate for controls, yielding a group difference (p=0.04). In conclusion, elders with PD have similar oral health to controls. Although all elders had few remaining teeth, high DMFT and high VPI, PD elders had more negative self-perceptions of their oral health than did the controls273340344CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPSem informaçãoSem informaçãoEste estudo teve como objetivo avaliar objetiva e subjetivamente a saúde bucal em idosos com doença de Parkinson (DP), usando avaliações clínicas bucais e do General Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI). Os participantes foram 37 indivíduos usuários de prótese removível, 17 com DP (idade média 69,59±5,09 anos) e 20 sem DP (idade média 72,00±5,69 anos). A avaliação objetiva incluiu avaliação de características bucais,incluindo número de dentes remanescentes; dentes cariados, perdidos e obturados (CPOD); índice de placa visível (IPV), a taxa de fluxo salivar e as condições das próteses removíveis. A avaliação subjetiva incluiu autopercepção da saúde bucal, coletada usando o índice GOHAI. O número de dentes remanescentes, CPOD, IPV, fluxo salivar e os dados GOHAI foram comparadas entre os grupos utilizando o teste t . As condições das próteses removíveis foram analisadas utilizando o teste χ2 (p0,05). Maiores defeitos na prótese superior foi observada no grupo controle (p=0,037). As pontuações do GOHAI foram baixa para o grupo DP e moderada para os controles, com diferença entre os grupos (p=0,04). Como conclusão, os idosos com doença de Parkinson tem saúde bucal semelhante aos controles. Embora todos os idosos tenham poucos dentes remanescentes, alto CPOD e alto IPV, os idosos com DP apresentaram autopercepção mais negativa da sua saúde bucal em relação aos controle
Short term evaluation of interocclusal distance during speech after new removable prosthesis insertion
The aim of this study was to evaluate the interocclusal distance during the pronunciation of /m/ and /s/ sounds from Portuguese Language, in partially edentulous patients before and after new partial and total prosthesis installation. The subjects were divided into two groups: Experimental group, consisting of 9 patients entirely edentate in the upper maxillary arch and classified as Kennedy Class I in the lower arch; and Control group, consisting of 9 totally dentate patients. The subjects from the first group had their worn out dentures changed and the occlusal vertical dimension (OVD) corrected. A magnetic method of jaw tracking was used to measure the interocclusal distance (mm) during pronunciation of those phonemes. Comparison between groups, by t test, showed significant difference (pO objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a distância interoclusal durante a pronúncia dos fonemas /m/ e /s/ da Língua Portuguesa em pacientes parcialmente desdentados antes e após a instalação de novas próteses parciais inferiores e totais superiores. Os voluntários foram divididos em dois grupos: Grupo Experimental: composto por 9 pacientes totalmente desdentados na arcada dentária superior, e classificados como classe I de Kennedy na arcada dentária inferior; e Grupo Controle, composto por 9 pacientes totalmente dentados. Os voluntários do primeiro grupo tiveram suas próteses antigas substituídas e a dimensão vertical de oclusão (DVO) corrigida. O método eletromagnético do traçado dos movimentos mandibulares foi utilizado para mensurar a distância interoclusal (mm) durante a pronúncia dos referidos fonemas. A comparação dos resultados entre os grupos (teste "t") demonstrou diferença significante (
Influence of a cobalt-chromium metal framework on surface roughness and Knoop hardness of visible light-polymerized acrylic resins
Although visible light-polymerized acrylic resins have been used in removable partial dentures, it is not clear whether the presence of a metal framework could interfere with their polymerization, by possibly reflecting the light and affecting important properties, such as roughness and hardness, which would consequently increase biofilm accumulation. The aim of this study was to compare the roughness and Knoop hardness of a visible light-polymerized acrylic resin and to compare these values to those of water-bath- and microwave-polymerized resins, in the presence of a metal framework. Thirty-six specimens measuring 30.0 x 4.0 ± 0.5 mm of a microwave- (Onda Cryl), a visible light- (Triad) and a water-bath-polymerized (Clássico) (control) acrylic resins containing a cobalt-chromium metal bar were prepared. After processing, specimens were ground with 360 to 1000-grit abrasive papers in a polishing machine, followed by polishing with cloths and 1-µm diamond particle suspension. Roughness was evaluated using a profilometer (Surfcorder SE 1700) and Knoop hardness (Kg/mm²) was assayed using a microhardness tester (Shimadzu HMV 2000) at distances of 50, 100, 200, 400 and 800 µm from the metal bar. Roughness and Knoop hardness means were submitted to two-way ANOVA and compared by Tukey and Kruskal Wallis tests at a 5% significance level Statistically significant differences were found (p;0.05). Within the limitations of this in vitro study, it was concluded that the presence of metal did not influence roughness and hardness values of any of the tested acrylic resins.Resinas acrílicas polimerizadas por luz visível têm sido indicadas para a confecção de próteses parciais removíveis. Entretanto, não há estudos determinando se a presença de estrutura metálica interfere ou não na polimerização, considerando que essa estrutura pode refletir a luz e afetar propriedades como rugosidade e dureza e, consequentemente, facilitar o acúmulo de biofilme bacteriano. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar os valores de rugosidade e dureza Knoop de uma resina polimerizada por luz visível com resinas acrílicas polimerizadas por microondas ou banho de água, na presença de estrutura metálica. Para tanto, trinta e seis espécimes nas dimensões de 30,0 x 4,0 ± 0,05 mm de resina acrílica polimerizada por microondas (Onda Cryl), luz visível (Triad) e banho de água (Clássico) (controle), contendo barra metálica de cobalto cromo foram preparadas. Após a polimerização, os espécimes foram acabados e polidos com lixas abrasivas de 360 a 1000 de granulação em politriz, seguidas de pasta de diamante e disco de feltro. A rugosidade foi avaliada em perfilômetro mecânico (Surfcorder SE 1700) e a dureza Knoop (Kg/mm²) em microdurômetro (Shimadzu HMV 2000) a 50, 100, 200, 400 e 800 µm de distância da barra metálica. Os valores de rugosidade e dureza Knoop foram submetidos a ANOVA a dois critérios e comparadas com os testes Tukey e Kruskal Wallis ao nível de significância de 5%. Diferenças estatisticamente significantes foram encontradas (p;0.05). Dentro das limitações deste estudo in vitro, concluiu-se que a presença de metal não influenciou nos valores de rugosidade e dureza das resinas
Influência da solução de armazenagem na desmineralização do esmalte submetido à ciclagem de pH
Extracted human teeth are frequently used for research or educational purposes. Therefore, it is necessary to store them in disinfectant solutions that do not alter dental structures. Thus, this study evaluated the influence of storage solution on enamel demineralization. For that purpose, sixty samples were divided into the following groups: enamel stored in formaldehyde (F1), stored in thymol (T1), stored in formaldehyde and submitted to pH cycling (F2), stored in thymol and submitted to pH cycling (T2). All samples were evaluated by cross-sectional microhardness analysis and had their percentage of mineral volume versus micrometer (integrated area) determined. Differences between groups were found up to 30-µm depth from the enamel surface (p < 0.05), where samples from group T2 were more demineralized. It was concluded that the storage solution influenced the reaction of a dental substrate to a cariogenic challenge, suggesting that formaldehyde may increase enamel resistance to demineralization, when compared to demineralization occurring in enamel stored in thymol solution.Dentes humanos extraídos são freqüentemente utilizados para propósitos educacionais ou de pesquisa. Desta forma, é necessário o armazenamento dos mesmos em soluções desinfetantes que não alterem a estrutura dental. Para tanto, sessenta espécimes foram divididos nos seguintes grupos: esmalte armazenado em formol (F1), armazenado em timol (T1), armazenado em formol e submetido à ciclagem de pH (F2) e armazenado em timol e submetido à ciclagem de pH (T2), sendo avaliados por meio de análise de microdureza longitudinal e tiveram a porcentagem de volume mineral pro micrômetro determinada. Diferenças entre os grupos foram encontradas até a profundidade de 30µm da superfície do esmalte (
Relationship among malocclusion, number of occlusal pairs and mastication
This study evaluated the relationship among malocclusion, number of occlusal pairs, masticatory performance, masticatory time and masticatory ability in completely dentate subjects. Eighty healthy subjects (mean age = 19.40 ± 4.14 years) were grouped according to malocclusion diagnosis (n = 16): Class I, Class Class II-2, Class III and Normocclusion (control). Number of occlusal pairs was determined clinically. Masticatory performance was evaluated by the sieving method, and the time used for the comminute test food was registered as the masticatory time. Masticatory ability was measured by a dichotomic self-perception questionnaire. Statistical analysis was done by one-way ANOVA, ANOVA on ranks, Chi-Square and Spearman tests. Class II-1 and III malocclusion groups presented a smaller number of occlusal pairs than Normocclusion (p < 0.0001), Class I (p < 0.001) and II-2 (p < 0.0001) malocclusion groups. Class I, and III malocclusion groups showed lower masticatory performance values compared to Normocclusion (p < 0.05) and Class II-2 (p < 0.05) malocclusion groups. There were no differences in masticatory time (p = 0.156) and ability (χ2 = 3.58/p= 0.465) among groups. Occlusal pairs were associated with malocclusion (rho = 0.444/p < 0.0001) and masticatory performance (rho = 0.393/p < 0.0001), but malocclusion was not correlated with masticatory performance (rho = 0.116/p= 0.306). In conclusion, masticatory performance and ability were not related to malocclusion, and subjects with Class I, II-1 and III malocclusions presented lower masticatory performance because of their smaller number of occlusal pairs
Linear dimensional change of denture base resins cured by microwave activation
This study examined the influence of three polymerization cycles (1: heat cure - long cycle; 2: heat cure - short cycle; and 3: microwave activation) on the linear dimensions of three denture base resins, immediately after deflasking, and 30 days after storage in distilled water at 37± 2ºC. The acrylic resins used were: Clássico, Lucitone 550 and Acron MC. The first two resins were submitted to all three polymerization cycles, and the Acron MC resin was cured by microwave activation only. The samples had three marks, and dimensions of 65 mm in length, 10 mm in width and 3 mm in thickness. Twenty-one test specimens were fabricated for each combination of resin and cure cycle, and they were submitted to three linear dimensional evaluations for two positions (A and B). The changes were evaluated using a microscope. The results indicated that all acrylic resins, regardless of the cure cycle, showed increased linear dimension after 30 days of storage in water. The composition of the acrylic resin affected the results more than the cure cycles, and the conventional acrylic resin (Lucitone 550 and Clássico) cured by microwave activation presented similar results when compared with the resin specific for microwave activation.A proposta deste estudo foi comparar as alterações dimensionais de 3 resinas submetidas à polimerização com os seguintes ciclos: 1) banho d’água em 73ºC durante 12 horas - ciclo longo, 2) banho d’água durante 3 horas - ciclo curto, 3) energia de microondas por 3 minutos a potência de 500 W, após armazenamento em água destilada a 37 ± 2ºC durante 30 dias. As resinas usadas foram Clássico, Lucitone 550 e Acron MC. As resinas Clássico e Lucitone 550 foram submetidas aos três ciclos, enquanto a resina Acron-MC somente ao ciclo 3. Amostras medindo 65,0 x 10,0 x 3,0 mm e com marcas iguais em três pontos eqüidistantes foram confeccionadas a partir da inclusão de matrizes de aço em gesso-pedra tipo III. Foram confeccionados 21 corpos-de-prova para cada combinação resina/ciclo de polimerização e que foram submetidos a 3 leituras para cada posição (A e B), com o auxílio do microscópio de mensuração (precisão de 0,001 mm), imediatamente após a polimerização e depois do período de imersão em água por 30 dias. Os resultados mostraram que todas as resinas, independendo do ciclo a que tenham sido submetidas e das medidas avaliadas, apresentaram expansão dimensional após terem sido mantidas em água; a composição da resina interferiu na expansão dimensional mais do que o ciclo de polimerização ao qual as resinas foram submetidas; a resina convencional, quando polimerizada com energia de microondas, apresentou alteração dimensional semelhante à resina desenvolvida para a polimerização em microondas.27828
Alteração dimensional linear de resinas para bases de próteses polimerizadas com microondas
This study examined the influence of three polymerization cycles (1: heat cure - long cycle; 2: heat cure - short cycle; and 3: microwave activation) on the linear dimensions of three denture base resins, immediately after deflasking, and 30 days after storage in distilled water at 37± 2ºC. The acrylic resins used were: Clássico, Lucitone 550 and Acron MC. The first two resins were submitted to all three polymerization cycles, and the Acron MC resin was cured by microwave activation only. The samples had three marks, and dimensions of 65 mm in length, 10 mm in width and 3 mm in thickness. Twenty-one test specimens were fabricated for each combination of resin and cure cycle, and they were submitted to three linear dimensional evaluations for two positions (A and B). The changes were evaluated using a microscope. The results indicated that all acrylic resins, regardless of the cure cycle, showed increased linear dimension after 30 days of storage in water. The composition of the acrylic resin affected the results more than the cure cycles, and the conventional acrylic resin (Lucitone 550 and Clássico) cured by microwave activation presented similar results when compared with the resin specific for microwave activation.A proposta deste estudo foi comparar as alterações dimensionais de 3 resinas submetidas à polimerização com os seguintes ciclos: 1) banho d’água em 73ºC durante 12 horas - ciclo longo, 2) banho d’água durante 3 horas - ciclo curto, 3) energia de microondas por 3 minutos a potência de 500 W, após armazenamento em água destilada a 37 ± 2ºC durante 30 dias. As resinas usadas foram Clássico, Lucitone 550 e Acron MC. As resinas Clássico e Lucitone 550 foram submetidas aos três ciclos, enquanto a resina Acron-MC somente ao ciclo 3. Amostras medindo 65,0 x 10,0 x 3,0 mm e com marcas iguais em três pontos eqüidistantes foram confeccionadas a partir da inclusão de matrizes de aço em gesso-pedra tipo III. Foram confeccionados 21 corpos-de-prova para cada combinação resina/ciclo de polimerização e que foram submetidos a 3 leituras para cada posição (A e B), com o auxílio do microscópio de mensuração (precisão de 0,001 mm), imediatamente após a polimerização e depois do período de imersão em água por 30 dias. Os resultados mostraram que todas as resinas, independendo do ciclo a que tenham sido submetidas e das medidas avaliadas, apresentaram expansão dimensional após terem sido mantidas em água; a composição da resina interferiu na expansão dimensional mais do que o ciclo de polimerização ao qual as resinas foram submetidas; a resina convencional, quando polimerizada com energia de microondas, apresentou alteração dimensional semelhante à resina desenvolvida para a polimerização em microondas
Multidisciplinary therapy of extensive oligodontia: a case report
Oligodontia is a rare congenital disorder consisting in the absence of six or more teeth. This case report describes a multidisciplinary treatment approach for a 12-year-old male with absence of 11 permanent teeth. Prior to any procedure, all primary teeth were scheduled for extraction due to poor crown-to-root ratio. The treatment plan comprised two phases: 1. orthodontic and speech therapy aimed at overbite and anterior open bite adjustment, as well as tongue position improvement; and 2. prosthetic treatment by insertion of removable temporary partial dentures. The multidisciplinary treatment involving orthodontics, speech and prosthetic therapies have reestablished the masticatory function and aesthetics, allowing the patient to achieve greater self-esteem and better social acceptance.Oligodontia is a rare congenital disorder consisting in the absence of six or more teeth. This case report describes a multidisciplinary treatment approach for a 12-year-old male with absence of 11 permanent teeth. Prior to any procedure, all primary teeth were scheduled for extraction due to poor crown-to-root ratio. The treatment plan comprised two phases: 1. orthodontic and speech therapy aimed at overbite and anterior open bite adjustment, as well as tongue position improvement; and 2. prosthetic treatment by insertion of removable temporary partial dentures. The multidisciplinary treatment involving orthodontics, speech and prosthetic therapies have reestablished the masticatory function and aesthetics, allowing the patient to achieve greater self-esteem and better social acceptance242174178A oligodontia é uma doença rara, congênita, caracterizada pela ausência de seis ou mais dentes. Este relato de caso descreve uma abordagem terapêutica multidisciplinar de um adolescente de 12 anos de idade com ausência de 11 dentes permanentes. Antes de qualquer procedimento, todos os dentes decíduos foram extraídos devido à pobre relação coroa-raiz. O plano de tratamento foi constituído por duas fases: 1. terapia ortodôntica e fonoaudiológica com o objetivo de ajuste de sobre-mordida e mordida aberta anterior, bem como melhoria da posição da língua, e 2. tratamento reabilitador protético através da instalação de próteses parciais removíveis provisórias. A abordagem multidisciplinar envolvendo os tratamentos ortodônticos, fonoaudiológico e protético reestabeleceram a função mastigatória e a estética, melhorando a autoestima e aceitação social do pacient
Long-term short implants performance: Systematic review and meta - Analysisofthe essential assessment parameters
Lack of standard criteria in the outcome assessment makes it difficult to draw conclusions on the clinical performance of short implants and, under these circumstances, determine the reasons for implant failure. This study evaluated, through a systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis, the essential parameters required to assess the long-term clinical performance of short and extra-short implants. Electronic databases (Pubmed- MEDLINE, Cochrane Library Database, Embase, and Lilacs) were searched by two independent reviewers, without language limitation, to identify eligible papers. References from the selected articles were also reviewed. The review included clinical trials involving short dental implants placed in humans, published between January 2000 and March 2014, which described the parameters applied for outcome\u2019s measurements and provided data on survival rates. Thirteen methodologically acceptable studies were selected and 24 parameters were identified. The most frequent parameters assessed were the marginal bone loss and the cumulative implant survival rate, followed by implant failure rate and biological complications such as bleeding on probing and probing pocket depths. Only cumulative implant survival rate data allows meta-analysis revealing a positive effect size (from 0.052 (fixed) to 0.042 (random)), which means that short implant appears to be a successful treatment option. Mechanical complications and crown-to-implant (C/I) ratio measurement were also commonly described, however, considering the available evidence; no strong conclusions could be drawn since different methods were used to assess each parameter. By means of this literature review, a standard evaluation scheme is proposed, being helpful to regiment further investigations and comparisons on future studies
Botulinum toxin type A and acupuncture for masticatory myofascial pain: a randomized clinical trial
BoNT-A has been widely used for TMD therapy. However, the potential benefits compared to dry needling techniques are not clear. Objective: this study aimed to compare the immediate effects of botulinum toxin type A (BoNT-A) injections and Acupuncture in myofascial temporomandibular disorders (TMD) patients. Methodology: 54 women were divided into three groups (n=18). AC patients received four sessions of traditional acupuncture, being one session/week during 20-min. BoNT-A patients were bilaterally injected with 30U and 10U in masseter and anterior temporal muscles, respectively. Moreover, a control group received saline solution (SS) in the same muscles. Self-perceived pain was assessed by visual analog scale, while pressure pain threshold (PPT) was verified by a digital algometer. Electromyographic evaluations (EMG) of anterior temporal and masseter muscles were also measured. All variables were assessed before and 1-month after therapies. The mixed-design two-way repeated measures ANOVA and Tukey’s post-hoc tests were used for analysis, considering a=0.05. Results: Self-perceived pain decreased in all groups after one month of therapy (P<.001). BoNT-A was not better than AC in pain reduction (P=0.05), but both therapies were more effective in reducing pain than SS (P<0.05). BoNT-A was the only treatment able to improve PPT values (P<0.05); however, a severe decrease of EMG activity was also found in this group, which is considered an adverse effect. Conclusion: after one month of follow-up, all therapies reduced the self-perceived pain in myofascial TMD patients, but only BoNT-A enhanced PPT yet decreased EMG
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