88 research outputs found

    Sectoral analysis of production structure and topography: the agricultural cooperatives in Paraná

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    In 1996, the agricultural cooperatives in Paraná were responsible for 55% of the state's agriculture GDP , and they act in the food industry. Analyze the evolution of industry structure of the state in 1990 and 1995, considering explicitly the Agricultural sector and the components of the Food Industry breakdown in Cooperative and Non-Cooperative, is the goal of this study. From the regional input-output matrices for 40 sectors , the analysis concludes that: the sectors Pulp, Paper and Printing and Textiles were key in 1990 and 1995;, the production structure of Paraná showed in a less clear way than in years 80, trend of change in the sectoral composition in favor of other sectors of manufacturing industry in the 90 years;, the technical coefficients of the agricultural cooperatives were very similar to the non-cooperative, showing the monitoring of technological evolution in the sectors in focus ; the sectors linked to the cooperatives were most impacted by the increase in final demand in relation to production, income and employment.Regional input-output, agriculture

    Decomposition & synergy: a study ofthe interactions and dependence among the 5 Brazilian macro regions

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    The methodology originally developed by Sonis, Hewings, and Miyazawa (1997) is now expanded and discussed more thoroughly when applied to an interregional table at the level of the 5 macro regions of the Brazilian economy for the year of 1995. The methodology used in this work is based on a partitioned inputoutput system and exploits techniques ofthe Leontiefinverse through the nature ofthe internal and external interdependencies giving by the linkages, which allows to classify the types ofsynergetic interactions within a preset pair-wise hierarchy of economic linkages sub-systems. The results show that: a) the North region has practically no relation with the Northeast region and vice-versa; b) while the South region has some impact on the production ofthe North region, the inverse is not true; c) despite the fact thatthe demands from the Central West region have some impact on the production of the other regions, the production in the Central West region has its relations concentrated with the Southeast and South regions; and d) the South and Southeast regions show to be the most important regions in the system

    Uma análise dos impactos da abertura comercial sobre a estrutura produtiva da economia brasileira: 1990 a 1995

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    The Brazilian economy starts the 1990’s focusing on the trade liberalization programs that have been started in the middle 1980’s. The competition in the external market does call for modernization and changes in the productive structure of the economy. This study has select 19 sectors considered important in the Brazilian economy and through this sectoral classification has used the inputoutput tables constructed for the Brazilian economy for the 1990-95 period to study the structural changes in the economy in the first half of the 1990’s. This study has found that despite the work that the Brazilian economy has done to increase its share in the world trade, in the period studied there could not be found any main structural change but the decrease of the share of the labor remuneration in the value of the total production as well as in the value added

    Effects of demand shocks in the Brazilian economy : new production and value added multipliers

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    Assuming that the traditional input-output multipliers lead to a misinterpretation of macroeconomic concepts for multisectoral analysis of a given economy, the aim of this article is to calculate the new multipliers of variation in the final demand on the production and value added by the sectors of the Brazilian economy in the period between 1995 and 2009. Using the Euclidean distance method proposed in Amaral et al (2012) and data from input-output tables, the main results showed that: a) the structural change effect was more important than the scale effect, both for the production and for the value added, although it was less important for the latter; b) Brazil is still a major exporter of unprocessed products which will generate jobs, income and taxes abroad, depriving the country of this important benefit; c) the main key sectors were Agricultural (1), Mining (2), Steel industry (4), Chemistry (11), Food industry (16) and some service sectors, such as Public Utilities (18), Trade, (20) Transportation (21), Communication (22), Public administration (24) and Other services (25), revealing the gain in importance of these activities in the national economy.This paper was prepared during a post doc program of Antonio Carlos Moretto and Rossana Lott Rodrigues in UECE, a research center supported by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia). These authors acknowledge the financial support of the State University of Londrina, Brazil, during the post doc

    Estrutura produtiva e indústria alimentar no Paraná, de 1980 a 1995

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    The article had as objective to evaluate the evolution of the productive structure and identify the key sectors of Parana in the years of 1980, 1985, 1990 and 1995, highlighting the food processing sectors, using estimated input-output matrices. The results showed that the sectors of the transformation industry linked to the food processing sectors lost relative importance in the Parana economy, as much for the linkages with to the other sectors, as for the generation of production value and added value. This loss was more stressed in the more traditional food processing sectors, as Coffee Industry and Vegetal Products, instead of in most modern, as Meat Products, Dairy Products, Sugar Products and Vegetal Oil. Moreover, the production and the income had answered little to the impacts in the final demand in the food processing sectors throughout the analyzed period. Another trend that could be delineated was the change in the productive structure of the State, that became more diversified and complex, in direction of some sectors of the branch services and others emergent ones of the transformation industry, as metallurgy, mechanics and transport equipment.Input-output, Productive structure, Key-sectors, Food processing sectors, Agribusiness,

    Análise setorial e topografia da estrutura produtiva: as cooperativas agropecuárias no Paraná

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    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a estrutura produtiva da economia paranaense enfatizando o papel das cooperativas agropecuárias no desenvolvimento do Estado nos anos de 1980, 1985, 1990 e 1995. A partir de tabelas de insumo-produto estimadas para o Paraná foi possível constatar que: i) nos anos de 1980 e 1985 o setor Cooperativa foi chave na economia estadual; ii) as cooperativas agropecuárias apresentaram, para todos os anos estudados, coeficientes técnicos de produção bastante similares aos das empresas não-cooperativas, mostrando que aquelas estão incorporando em seus processos produtivos o progresso tecnológico consolidado pelas não-cooperativas; iii) alguns setores da indústria de transformação, tais como Máquinas e Equipamentos, Material de Transporte e, em menor grau, Metalurgia e Material Elétrico/Eletrônico parecem emergir na economia paranaense; iv) a economia paranaense revelou maior diversificação da estrutura produtiva, crescimento das relações externas e, conseqüentemente, incremento da complexidade econômica.The goal of this paper is to analyze the productive structure of the Parana economy emphasizing the role of the agricultural cooperatives in the state development for the years 1980, 1985, 1990 and 1995. Using input-output tables estimated for those years it was possible to detect that: i) for the years 1980 and 1985 the Cooperative sector was a key sector for the Parana economy; ii) in all years analyzed, the agricultural cooperatives presented technical coefficients of production very similar to those of the non-cooperative sector, showing that the cooperatives are incorporating in their productive process the technological progress that have been consolidated by the non-cooperative sector; iii) some sectors of the transformation industry, like Machinery and Equipment, Transport Equipment and, in a lesser scale, Metal Products and Electrical/Electronic Equipment seem to be increasing their participation in the state economy; iv) the Parana economy showed more diversification in the productive structure, more openness to external relations and, consequently, more economic complexity

    Structural changes and external vulnerabilities in the brazilian economy : 1995-2009

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    From the 1990s, the reorientation of the development model, which switched from protective of industrial sector to intensifier of the trade liberalization process, brought the need for reorganization of large productive sectors of the Brazilian economy, were openly forced to face global competitors, within the established international conditions. Thus, during the 1990s, the Brazilian economy experienced a period of fast and deep changes, combining the process of intensification of trade liberalization with a view of industrial and technological policy which combines sectoral and systemic dimension, with privatization of important sectors of the economy (such as electricity and telecommunications sectors), and a stabilization program (Real Plan), based on a fixed exchange rate, with important effects on the whole economy. This article aims to assess the evolution of external vulnerability and structural changes in terms of generating value added in the Brazilian economy in the period 1995-2009, subdivided into three sub-periods, namely 1995-2000, 2000-2005 and 2005 -2009, by means of a novel treatment of the inter-sectoral output multipliers. The data base was the annual input-output matrices from Brazil for 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2009, structured into 42 sectors. The main results indicated a very satisfactory behavior of the national economy over time, with a predominance of positive gains in the ability to generate value added and lower imports of intermediate inputs by the most technologically advanced industries and by services, and fewer losses and greater external dependence for the minority of sectors, particularly in recent years

    Uma análise dos impactos da abertura comercial sobre a estrutura produtiva da economia brasileira: 1990 a 1995

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    The Brazilian economy starts the 1990’s focusing on the trade liberalization programs that have been started in the middle 1980’s. The competition in the external market does call for modernization and changes in the productive structure of the economy. This study has select 19 sectors considered important in the Brazilian economy and through this sectoral classification has used the inputoutput tables constructed for the Brazilian economy for the 1990-95 period to study the structural changes in the economy in the first half of the 1990’s. This study has found that despite the work that the Brazilian economy has done to increase its share in the world trade, in the period studied there could not be found any main structural change but the decrease of the share of the labor remuneration in the value of the total production as well as in the value added


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    Este artigo apresenta os multiplicadores de empregos e renda diretos, indiretos e induzidos da economia brasileira, dando ênfase para a indústria de açúcar. O primeiro passo para a realização do trabalho foi estimar a matriz de insumo-produto do Brasil para 2004. Estimou-se que para cada 1 milhão de reais de aumento na demanda agregada a indústria de açúcar cria 27 empregos e 264,1 mil reais em renda. Aplicando-se esses multiplicadores ao valor da demanda final da indústria de açúcar, o resultado foram 118,2 mil empregos e 3.839 milhões de reais de renda, considerando os efeitos diretos, indiretos e induzidos. ----------------------------------------------This article presents the inducement of direct and indirect employment and income multiplier, of brazilian economy, with an emplasis to the sugar industry. The first step to achieve these work, was by estimating the year of 2004 in Brazil and it`s input-output matrix. It was estimated that to each one million of reals, were an increased to the demand of the sugar industry and it created 27 employmentes and 264,1 thousand reals of income. Putting into practice these multipliers to the final demand of value by the sugar industry, it´s result was 118,2 thousand employment and 3.839 millions reals of income, by taking into consideration the inducement of direct and indirect efects.Indústria, Açúcar, Multiplicadores, Emprego, Renda, industry, sugar, multipliers, employment, income, Agribusiness,

    Relações sinérgicas e efeitos sobre a produção setorial no sistema inter-regional Paraná-Restante do Brasil

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    The present article has as objective to calculate and to analyze the level of the synergic interactions and the overflow of the multiplying effect of the sectorial production between Parana and the Rest of Brazil (Brazil except Parana), using interregional systems of input-output estimated for the years of 1995 and 2000. The main results showed that: a) the dependence of the production of Parana in relation to the flow of trade with the Rest of Brazil raised from 25% in 1995 to 33% in 2000; b) only 1.36% of the production of the Rest of Brazil depended on the flow of input (goods and services) between this and Parana in 1995, reducing this dependence to 0,56% in 2000; c) the overflowing average of the multiplier effect of the production of the sectors of the economy of Parana in direction of the Rest of Brazil raised from 16% in 1995 to 20% in 2000, while in direction of the Rest of Brazil-Parana, it kept on 1%.input-output, synergic interactions, overflow of the production, regional economy., Agribusiness, C67, D57, R15,
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