5,781 research outputs found

    Validez de los contratos sobre tierras indigenas reguladas en la Ley 19.253 segun los principios del derecho civil y la normativa vigente en Chile

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    70 p. La siguiente tesis no es autorizada por el autor para su difusión en formato digitalCon fecha 28 de Septiembre de 1993 se dicta en Chile la Ley Nº 19.253, también llamada Ley Indígena, ley que establece normas sobre protección, fomento y desarrollo de los Indígenas, creando además la Corporación Nacional de Desarrollo Indígena; en esta norma se establecen distintos preceptos que vienen a establecer una legislación definitiva sobre diversas materias, siendo la de nuestro principal interés la regulación de la “Propiedad Indígena”, determinando los requisitos para constituirse como tal, las características de ellas y la forma en que el Estado chileno buscara dar protección a estas mismas. El presente trabajo busca establecer el modo en que la protección que otorga el Estado a las tierras Indígenas se hace efectiva, sus diversas aristas y como esta protección limita el actuar y la facultad de disposición del Indígena en Chile./ ABSTRACT: On September 28th 1993 it is spoken in Chile Law Nº. 19.253, also known as the Indigenous Law, a law that establishes norms for protection, stabilization and development of the Indigenous people, creating also a National Corporation for Indigenous Development; this norm establishes various precepts which establish a definite legislature in regards to various topics, being that of our principal interest the regulation of the “Indigenous Property”, determining the requirements for building such, the characteristics of them and the way in which the Chilean government would find the protection of such. The present work looks to establish that the mode in which the protection is given by the Government to the indigenous lands is indeed effective, the diverse edges and how this protection limits the actions and capacity of dispositions of the Indigenous in Chile

    Twenty years of PWV measurements in the Chajnantor Area

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    Context. Interest in the use of the Chajnantor area for millimeter and submillimeter astronomy is increasing because of its excellent atmospheric conditions. Knowing the general site annual variability in precipitable water vapor (PWV) can contribute to the planning of new observatories in the area. Aims. We seek to create a 20-year atmospheric database (1997 - 2017) for the Chajnantor area in northern Chile using a single common physical unit, PWV.We plan to extract weather relations between the Chajnantor Plateau and the summit of Cerro Chajnantor to evaluate potential sensitivity improvements for telescopes fielded in the higher site. We aim to validate the use of submillimeter tippers to be used at other sites and use the PWV database to detect a potential signature for local climate change over 20 years. Methods. We revised our method to convert from submillimeter tipper opacity to PWV. We now include the ground temperature as an input parameter to the conversion scheme and, therefore, achieve a higher conversion accuracy. Results.We found a decrease in the measured PWV at the summit of Cerro Chajnantor with respect to the plateau of 28%. In addition, we found a PWV difference of 1:9% with only 27 m of altitude difference between two sites in the Chajnantor Plateau: the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) and the Cosmic Background Imager (CBI) near the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) center. This difference is possibly due to local topographic conditions that favor the discrepancy in PWV. The scale height for the plateau was extracted from the measurements of the plateau and the Cerro Chajnantor summit, giving a value of 1537 m. Considering the results obtained in this work from the long-term study, we do not see evidence of PWV trends in the 20-year period of the analysis that would suggest climate change in such a timescale.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figures, 4 table

    Persistent Single-Neuron Activity during Working Memory in the Human Medial Temporal Lobe

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    Working memory is an essential component of human cognition. Persistent activity related to working memory has been reported in many brain areas, including the inferior temporal and prefrontal cortex [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7 ; 8]. The medial temporal lobe (MTL) contains “concept cells” that respond invariantly to specific individuals or places whether presented as images, text, or speech [9 ; 10]. It is unknown, however, whether the MTL also participates in working memory processes. We thus sought to determine whether human MTL neurons respond to images held in working memory. We recorded from patients with chronically intractable epilepsy as they performed a task that required them to remember three or four sequentially presented pictures across a brief delay. 48% of visually selective neurons continued to carry image-specific information after image offset, but most ceased to encode previously presented images after a subsequent presentation of a different image. However, 8% of visually selective neurons encoded previously presented images during a final maintenance period, despite presentation of further images in the intervening interval. Population activity of stimulus-selective neurons predicted behavioral outcome in terms of correct and incorrect responses. These findings indicate that the MTL is part of a brain-wide network for working memory

    Entrevista: Maria Amélia Mello, “inventora de livros”, há 40 anos no mercado editorial

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    Entrevista com a editora Maria Amélia Mello, que em 2018 completa 40 anos de mercado editorial. Depois de 20 anos à frente da José Olympio, a editora segue fiel ao projeto de inovar a partir do resgate da memória literária brasileira

    Para além da vida e da morte: o erótico e o sagrado em Deus de Caim, de Ricardo Guilherme Dicke

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    Hoje esquecido pelo mercado editorial e pelos departamentos de literatura das universidades brasileiras, o escritor Ricardo Guilherme Dicke (1936 – 2008) foi uma das surpresas do II Prêmio Nacional Walmap de literatura, realizado em 1967, com o romance Deus de Caim(1968).No prefácio à obra, Antonio Olinto (1919 – 2009) identifica no romance, a partir das ideias de Herbert Marcuse (1898 – 1979), o apelo a Eros na luta contra a morte pavimentada pela sociedade industrial.Nosso objetivo é demonstrar que, ao contrário do que acreditava o crítico mineiro, o que Deus de Caimpõe em jogo é, não o erotismo como afirmação da vida e proteção contra a morte, mas, sim, como nas palavras de Bataille, o erotismo como “a aprovação da vida até na morte”.  Em sua crença no papel do escritor como aquele que lida com “o imponderável das coisas eternas”, Dicke se aproxima do ideal de artista como “construtor de espelhos”, de Michel Leiris, e na articulação do erótico com o sagrado busca vencer o tempo sem relógio ao realizar a transposição dos limites entre Eros e Tânatos no caminho da supressão da fronteira entre a vida e a morte