3,694 research outputs found

    Enhancing organizational performance with social media use: the catalysing effect of corporate entrepreneurship

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    Social Media use has become pervasive and firms are increasingly relying on it, not only to relate to customers, but also to leverage internal processes like innovation. The strategic use of these tools can facilitate also the entrepreneurial orientation of the firm, as it provides useful knowledge which can make the firm more entrepreneurial, stimulating it to find new opportunities or innovative ideas where other companies do not recognize them. However, despite the relevance of the phenomenon in current hyper-competitive environments, empirical research on the topic remains scarce. To shed some light on the issue, the main purpose of the paper is to examine how Social Media use impacts the different dimensions of corporate entrepreneurship (new business venturing, innovativeness, proactiveness and self-renewal), enhancing also organizational performance. The study is intended to extend knowledge on this topic, by providing understanding of the path firms should take to benefit from Social Media use to become more entrepreneurial and achieve higher organizational performance, developing and nurturing competitive advantages. The paper analyses data obtained from a sample of 201 technological firms located in Spain. The methodology used is Structural equation modelling with LISREL analysis. Findings confirms how the use of Social Media tools positively impacted all the different dimensions of corporate entrepreneurship, translating also in enhanced performance. This paper contributes to the literature by empirically confirming in a structural model how Social Media use helps to create business value, by enhancing proactive behaviours, promoting strategic renewal inside the firm and increasing innovativeness and new business venturing and displaying the internal and sequential relationships among these dimensions.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Experimental determination of the b quark mass in DELPHI

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    The running mass of the b quark as defined in the MS-bar renormalization scheme, m_b, was measured at the M_Z scale using 2.8 million hadronic Z^0 decays collected by the DELPHI experiment at LEP. The result is m_b(M_Z) = 2.67 +- 0.25 (stat.) +- 0.34 (frag.) +- 0.27(theo.) GeV/c^2 which differs from that obtained at the Upsilon scale, by m_b(M_\Upsilon/2)-m_b(M_Z) = 1.49 +- 0.52 GeV/c^2. This measurement, performed far from the bbˉb\bar{b} production threshold, provides the first experimental observation of the running of the quark masses.Comment: Talk given at the QCD 97 conference held in Montpellier, July 1997. Also available here http://hep.ph.liv.ac.uk/~martis

    THROES: a caTalogue of HeRschel Observations of Evolved Stars. I. PACS range spectroscopy

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    This is the first of a series of papers presenting the THROES (A caTalogue of HeRschel Observations of Evolved Stars) project, intended to provide a comprehensive overview of the spectroscopic results obtained in the far-infrared (55-670 microns) with the Her- schel space observatory on low-to-intermediate mass evolved stars in our Galaxy. Here we introduce the catalogue of interactively reprocessed PACS (Photoconductor Array Camera and Spectrometer) spectra covering the 55-200 microns range for 114 stars in this category for which PACS range spectroscopic data is available in the Herschel Science Archive (HSA). Our sample includes objects spanning a range of evolutionary stages, from the asymptotic giant branch to the planetary nebula phase, displaying a wide variety of chemical and physical properties. The THROES/PACS catalogue is accessible via a dedicated web-based inter- face (https://throes.cab.inta-csic.es/) and includes not only the science-ready Herschel spectroscopic data for each source, but also complementary photometric and spectroscopic data from other infrared observatories, namely IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite), ISO (Infrared Space Observatory) or AKARI, at overlapping wavelengths. Our goal is to create a legacy-value Herschel dataset that can be used by the scientific community in the future to deepen our knowledge and understanding of these latest stages of the evolution of low-to-intermediate mass stars.Comment: 38 page

    Perception of Coach According to the Role of Starter or Substitute in the Final Stage of the Season

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    [EN] This paper examines the athletes’ perception of their coaches according to the role of starter or substitute in the final phase of the season. The variables analyzed were: leadership style, perceived justice, competence, and support for basic psychological needs. A longitudinal study was developed, evaluating the participants at two different stages: the end of the season and seven weeks before. A total of 112 football and handball players participated in this study, 78 completing the questionnaire at the two waves. The final sample comprised 51 starters (80.39% males) and 27 substitutes (70.37% males) who evaluated their coaches’ leadership, competence, and support of the players’ psychological needs. The interaction moment of measurement (seven weeks before the end of the season vs. end of the season) * group (starters vs. substitutes) was statistically significant for the variables authentic leadership, perceived justice, and the basic psychological need of competence. Post hoc analyses revealed a significant decline in the perception of authentic leadership from coaches, perceived justice, and support of the psychological need of competence at the end of the season only in those in a starter position, with no change observed in the substitutes group. The findings show that the perceptions of coaches among starting players deteriorates significantly in the final phase of the season, while those among substitutes remain unaffected.S

    Análisis en función del género de los jugadores sobre la percepción que tienen de su entrenador

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    [ES] El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar en función del género de los jugadores la percepción que tienen de sus entrenadores respecto a su estilo de liderazgo auténtico, justicia percibida, competencia y atención a las necesidades psicológicas básicas . Participaron en el estudio 217 jugadores de fútbol y balonmano (147 hombres y 70 mujeres). Las deportistas de género femenino a diferencias de los de género masculino, mostraron niveles más altos en las variables psicológicas seleccionadas. Este estudio debería ser útil a los entrenadores para reconocer cuales son las percepciones de sus deportistas, y de este modo, poder matizar su intervención en función del género del equipo al cual se entrene.[EN] This study aimed to analyze gender differences in athletes' perception of their coaches' authentic leadership style, perceived justice, competence, and attention to basic psychological needs. A total of 217 soccer and handball players (147 men and 70 women) participated. In contrast to male athletes, female athletes showed higher levels in the selected variables. This study should be helpful for coaches to identify their athletes' different perceptions depending on gender. Consequently, coaches may use a different approach depending on their team’s gender.S

    Does the effect of feedback modulate the coach's perception of competition?

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    [ES] El objetivo fue analizar el efecto de diferentes tipos de feedback sobre variables psicológicas y de rendimiento en función de la percepción del deportista de la competencia del entrenador. Se realizó un estudio de caso con 33 futbolistas asignados aleatoriamente a tres condiciones experimentales (feedback positivo, negativo y ausencia de feedback). Se midieron velocidad y precisión de lanzamientos a portería, valoración de competencia, competencia percibida, motivación autónoma y vitalidad subjetiva. Se empleó un nivel α de 0,05 para los análisis. El grupo feedback positivo exhibió niveles más altos de valoración de competencia, competencia percibida, motivación autónoma y bienestar, que los de feedback negativo y ausencia de feedback, en sujetos con alta percepción de competencia del entrenador. Este efecto no se observó en aquellos con baja percepción de competencia del entrenador. La percepción del jugador sobre la competencia del entrenador podría ser un factor en la modulación de las diferencias generadas en cuanto al tipo de feedback.[EN] The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect that different types of feedback had on psychological and performance variables as a function of an athlete´s perception of his/her coach´s competence. A case study was conducted with 33 soccer players randomly assigned to three experimental conditions (positive and negative feedback and no feedback). Shot speed and accuracy, competence valuation, perceived competence, autonomous motivation and subjective vitality were measured. An α-level of .05 was employed for all the analyses. Positive feedback group exhibited higher levels of competence valuation, perceived competence of the player, autonomous motivation, and well-being than the negative and neutral feedback groups only in those subjects who had a high perception of the coach's competence. This effect was not observed in those with a low perception of coach competence. In this respect, the players’ perception of coach’s competence could be a factor in modulating the differences generated with regard to the type of feedback received.S

    Well-Being and Throwing Speed of Women Handball Players Affected by Feedback

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    [EN] This research aims at studying the e ect of feedback on well-being (vitality, and positive and negative a ect), competence valuation, perceived competence, motivation, and performance (throwing speed and accuracy) in a throwing task. Thirty nine expert women handball players, with experience in international handball competitions, participated in this study. They were indiscriminately ascribed to one of three di erent experimental conditions measuring feedback: (positive, negative, and none). Significant di erences in well-being (positive a ect) and throwing speed were found among the three feedback groups. More concretely, higher levels of positive a ect and throwing speed were found in the negative feedback group in comparison with the other two groups (positive and no-feedback). These results have important implications for athletes’ well-being and performance, and for coaches’ training programs.S