2,177 research outputs found

    Wetting Transitions Displayed by Persistent Active Particles

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    A lattice model for active matter is studied numerically, showing that it displays wettings transitions between three distinctive phases when in contact with an impenetrable wall. The particles in the model move persistently, tumbling with a small rate α\alpha, and interact via exclusion volume only. When increasing the tumbling rates α\alpha, the system transits from total wetting to partial wetting and unwetting phases. In the first phase, a wetting film covers the wall, with increasing heights when α\alpha is reduced. The second phase is characterized by wetting droplets on the wall with a periodic spacing between them. Finally, the wall dries with few particles in contact with it. These phases present nonequilibrium transitions. The first transition, from partial to total wetting, is continuous and the fraction of dry sites vanishes continuously when decreasing the tumbling rate α\alpha. For the second transition, from partial wetting to dry, the mean droplet distance diverges logarithmically when approaching the critical tumbling rate, with saturation due to finite-size effects

    Competition of Brazil nut effect, buoyancy, and inelasticity induced segregation in a granular mixture

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    It has been recently reported that a granular mixture in which grains differ in their restitution coefficients presents segregation: the more inelastic particles sink to the bottom. When other segregation mechanisms as buoyancy and the Brazil nut effect are present, the inelasticity induced segregation can compete with them. First, a detailed analysis, based on numerical simulations of two dimensional systems, of the competition between buoyancy and the inelasticity induced segregation is presented, finding that there is a transition line in the parameter space that determines which mechanism is dominant. In the case of neutrally buoyant particles having different sizes the inelasticity induced segregation can compete with the Brazil nut effect (BNE). Reverse Brazil nut effect (RBNE) could be obtained at large inelasticities of the intruder. At intermediate values, BNE and RBNE coexist and large inelastic particles are found both near the bottom and at the top of the system.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Temperature inversion in granular fluids under gravity

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    We study, via hydrodynamic equations, the granular temperature profile of a granular fluid under gravity and subjected to energy injection from a base. It is found that there exists a turn-up in the granular temperature and that, far from the base, it increases linearly with height. We show that this phenomenon, observed previously in experiments and computer simulations, is a direct consequence of the heat flux law, different form Fourier's, in granular fluids. The positive granular temperature gradient is proportional to gravity and a transport coefficient μ0\mu_0, relating the heat flux to the density gradients, that is characteristic of granular systems. Our results provide a method to compute the value μ0\mu_0 for different restitution coefficients. The theoretical predictions are verified by means of molecular dynamics simulations, and the value of μ0\mu_0 is computed for the two dimensional inelastic hard sphere model. We provide, also, a boundary condition for the temperature field that is consistent with the modified Fourier's law.Comment: Submitted to Physica

    Run-and-tumble in a crowded environment: persistent exclusion process for swimmers

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    The effect of crowding on the run-and-tumble dynamics of swimmers such as bacteria is studied using a discrete lattice model of mutually excluding particles that move with constant velocity along a direction that is randomized at a rate α\alpha. In stationary state, the system is found to break into dense clusters in which particles are trapped or stopped from moving. The characteristic size of these clusters predominantly scales as α−0.5\alpha^{-0.5} both in 1D and 2D. For a range of densities, due to cooperative effects, the stopping time scales as T1d0.85{\cal T}_{1d}^{0.85} and as T2d0.8{\cal T}_{2d}^{0.8}, where Td{\cal T}_d is the diffusive time associated with the motion of cluster boundaries. Our findings might be helpful in understanding the early stages of biofilm formation.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted in PR

    Self-assembly of Active Colloidal Molecules with Dynamic Function

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    Catalytically active colloids maintain non-equilibrium conditions in which they produce and deplete chemicals and hence effectively act as sources and sinks of molecules. While individual colloids that are symmetrically coated do not exhibit any form of dynamical activity, the concentration fields resulting from their chemical activity decay as 1/r1/r and produce gradients that attract or repel other colloids depending on their surface chemistry and ambient variables. This results in a non-equilibrium analogue of ionic systems, but with the remarkable novel feature of action-reaction symmetry breaking. We study solutions of such chemically active colloids in dilute conditions when they join up to form molecules via generalized ionic bonds, and discuss how we can achieve structures with time dependent functionality. In particular, we study a molecule that adopts a spontaneous oscillatory pattern of conformations, and another that exhibits a run-and-tumble dynamics similar to bacteria. Our study shows that catalytically active colloids could be used for designing self-assembled structures that posses dynamical functionalities that are determined by their prescribed 3D structures, a strategy that follows the design principle of proteins

    Critical Phenomena in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Vibrated Granular Systems

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    The critical phenomena associated to the liquid to solid transition of quasi-two-dimensional vibrated granular systems is studied using molecular dynamics simulations of the inelastic hard sphere model. The critical properties are associated to the fourfold bond-orientational order parameter χ4\chi_4, which measures the level of square crystallization of the system. Previous experimental results have shown that the transition of χ4\chi_4, when varying the vibration amplitude, can be either discontinuous or continuous, for two different values of the height of the box. Exploring the amplitude-height phase space, a transition line is found, which can be either discontinuous or continuous, merging at a tricritical point and the continuous branch ends in an upper critical point. In the continuous transition branch, the critical properties are studied. The exponent associated to the amplitude of the order parameter is β=1/2\beta=1/2, for various system sizes, in complete agreement with the experimental results. However, the fluctuations of χ4\chi_4 do not show any critical behavior, probably due to crossover effects by the close presence of the tricritical point. Finally, in quasi-one-dimensional systems, the transition is only discontinuous, limited by one critical point, indicating that two is the lower dimension for having a tricritical point
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