860 research outputs found


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    This paper estimates a fuzzy cluster methodology for na industrial input-output data basis for Minas Gerais, Brazil, in 1980 and 1996. The aim of the paper is identify industrial complexes and its thickness in the internal economic structure of the State of Minas Gerais.

    Complexos industriais no espaço: uma análise de fuzzy cluster [Identifying industrial complexes: a fuzzy cluster methodology]

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    This paper estimates a fuzzy cluster methodology for an industrial input-output data basis for Minas Gerais, Brazil, in 1980 and 1996. The aim of the paper is identify industrial complexes and its thickness in the internal economic structure of the State of Minas Gerais. The conclusion highlights the power of the fuzzy methodology in describing spatial economic structure and its intersectoral linkages.Minas Gerais; Brazil; industrial complexes; fuzzy clusters; spatial accessibility

    Métodos de análise regional e urbana: diagnóstico aplicado ao planejamento

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    This paper intends to identify the most important methodological advances on urban and regional methods of analysis for the last fifty years. The aim of the paper is to carry out an applied analysis of the main urban and regional techniques in order to contribute to diagnosis and economy policy on urban and regional economic development. These techniques are divided into three parts: 1) traditional methods; 2) multivariate analysis applied on urban and regional economics; and 3) recent developments. For each technique we will emphasize the most important properties, limits and potentialities to urban and regional development economic policies

    City Clustering Tool at iFood - Data-driven approach to design online experiments

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    Internship Report presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced Analytics, specialization in Business AnalyticsOne of the many ways innovation occurs in big tech companies is due to A/B testing in order to achieve reliable results the design of these online experiments needs to be well thought. There are some business constraints that might hinder some key requirements of the design such as the fact that some tests can’t be done under the granularity of users and most be done under the granularity of cities which might happen due to ethical and judicial constraints. In those cases in order to make sure that the chosen sample is a good representation of the population it’s proposed a cientific approach of city clustering so that the test cities all together represent a bigger portion of the county plus a best matching city function in order to choose the control cities. With the assumption that the introduction of a city clustering tool would improve the city A/B testing design consistency within the profitability department. The present document reports the descriptive details of the research, discovery, development and validation phase. Results show that new experiments done using said tool are more reliable than the ones done prior. Although results are positive, future steps are proposed, which includes a better UI/UX in order to facilitate stakeholder’s interaction with the tool

    User adoption of mobile insurance APPS

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Statistics and Information Management, specialization in Information Analysis and ManagementThe insurance sector is a sector that is in constant transformation, lately more oriented towards a more digital and technological path. Although millions have been spent on developing mobile insurance applications, knowledge revealed that users have not yet adopted those. In this research, we present evidence of the adoption and recommendation of mobile insurance applications by using a modified unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model, which integrates two extra determinants: word-of-mouth and enjoyment. With a sample of 200 answers collected in Portugal, we demonstrate that social influence, enjoyment, and word-of-mouth were deemed to be significant in the intention to use and recommend mobile insurance applications. The other UTAUT constructs are considered non-significant, which led us to suggest strategies based on those, to help insurers attract and gain users

    Padrões de Esforço Tecnológico da Indústria Brasileira: Uma Análise Setorial a Partir de Técnicas Multivariadas

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    The aim of this paper is to apply principal components and cluster analysis on a set of technological effort indicators calculated using the Brazilian Innovation Survey (PINTEC). Such indicators are employed in order to consider innovative effort in the broadest possible way. Thus, these indicators take into account as the R&D expenditures and graduated staff in R&D as acquisition of external technology and knowledge. The results highlight a clear contrast between two groups of sectors. The first are called “suppliers dominated” whereas the second is composed by sectors in which the innovative effort with R&D is relevant. Some peculiarities of the technical change in Brazil are emphasized to the extent that those sectors with the greatest technological opportunities present a very limited R&D-based innovative effort. This empirical evidence is explained by the nature of the technological absorption process in developing countries, which is characterized as passive and dependent on international means of technology transfer. Furthermore, sectors with the majority of the innovative expenditures in Brazil are “scale intensive”, have significant productive performance and were supported by industrial policies in the 1960’s and 1970’s.Padrões Setoriais de Mudança Técnica, PINTEC, Análise Multivariada, Brasil

    Interiorização e Novas Centralidades Urbanas: Uma Visão Prospectiva para o Brasil

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    Este artigo apresenta e analisa o processo de interiorização e criação de novas centralidades urbanas. Baseado nas Regiões de Influência das Cidades definidas pelo IBGE em 1993 e 2007, de projeções populacionais e de impactos regionais dos investimentos do Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento (PAC) para 2020, usando técnicas de análise multivariada e Equilíbrio Geral Computável (EGC), o que podemos perceber nos últimos anos é o surgimento de uma rede urbana embrionariamente policêntrica, com maior ou menor qualificação, no interior da região Centro-Sul, no Brasil Central, no Nordeste não litorâneo e em parcela do “arco da ocupação” da região Centro-NorteInteriorização, Centralidade Urbana, Brasil

    Follow the leaders: competition in the Brazilian auto financing sector

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    Este estudo busca compreender o padrão competitivo e estratégia das empresas nomercado de financiamento de automóveis brasileiro. Primeiramente, analisamos a fortesegmentação observada neste mercado, determinando nichos de mercado. Em seguida,estimamos funções de reação às mudanças de preços dos concorrentes. Os resultadosindicam que as três maiores empresas do setor têm uma forte influência sobre a definiçãoda taxa de juros dentro de todo o segmento. Esse fenômeno caracteriza a competiçãodo setor como do tipo líder-seguidor, ao invés de competição a la Bertrand, o últimodos quais é frequentemente esperado no setor bancário e demonstra a existência depoder de mercado das empresas líderes.This study seeks to understand the competitive pattern and strategy of the firms inthe Brazilian automobile financing market. First, we analyzed the strong segmentationobserved in this market, determining market niches. We then estimated reaction functionsto price changes. The results indicated that the three largest companies in thesector have a strong influence on interest rate setting within the entire segment. Thisphenomenon characterizes the competition of this sector as the leader-follower type,rather than Bertrand competition, the latter of which is often expected in the bankingsector and it demonstrates the existence of the leading firms’ market power

    Regional imbalances and market potential in Brazil

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    Brazil presented in the last 30 years not only periods of economic growth but also crises and stagnation. The Brazilian regions’ performance (in face of the challenges and opportunities presented during this period) was not even at all, as we can see by the massive regional imbalances around the country. Various approaches have tried to understand this reality of economic activity spatial concentration. Among them, the emerging New Economic Geography (NEG). Could this theory comprehend and explain the regional unevenness on wages among Brazilian municipalities over the recent decades? Using 1980, 1991 and 2000 Brazilian Census data (at comparables municipalities areas), this paper aims to estimate the NEG wage equation, using panel data model with spatially correlated errors components. The results point to a strong relationship between market potential and wages, indicating that the NEG theoretical framework might be well fit to recent Brazilian municipalities’ reality.New economic geography, market potential, Brazil

    Colômbia: movimentos pela paz

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Jornalismo.Este livro-reportagem tem como objetivo retratar o atual momento dos principais movimentos sociais colombianos. A aproximação se deu a partir do contato com a frente política colombiana Marcha Patriótica, fundada em abril de 2012 por mais de duas mil organizações sociais, entre campesinas, indígenas, sindicais, estudantis e outras. O movimento pretende disputar o poder para propor um fim pacífico aos mais de 50 anos de guerra civil entre Estado e guerrilhas revolucionárias. A partir de imersões nos principais movimentos sociais, muitos dos quais compõem a Marcha, de pesquisa documental e de entrevistas com especialistas, o livro terá três grandes reportagens (movimento estudantil, movimento camponês e direitos humanos), além de quatro entrevistas ping-pong que ofereçam ao leitor a visão de como os movimentos estão sendo construídos e quais suas implicações no cenário político colombiano