9 research outputs found

    The Proposal of the Brazilian patent office for the backlog solution: An unconstitutional proposition

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    It is notorious that there is an efficiency crisis in the Brazilian patent system, unable to meet society\u27s demand for a faster patent examination. The INPI takes about 11 years to concede a patent. There are 231.184 pending patent applications, and in June of 2017 it promoted a public consultation proposing an infra-legal norm that allows the granting of patents without substantive examination in the country, the so-called simplified procedure of granting of patent applications. Currently, the Brazilian government recognizes that it does not have the structure to make the substantive examination of all pending patent applications. This article aims to analyze not only the legality but the very constitutionality of the proposal under examination. After analyzing the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil and also the national legislation, it was concluded that it is not possible to grant patents without substantive examination in Brazil. In search of solution for INPI backlog, it should be based on the social interest and the technological development of the country, and this is not the case of the proposal commented in this paper

    Aspectos da Segurança da Informação da Propriedade Intelectual nos Institutos Federais: uma análise por meio dos documentos institucionais

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    Over the last decade, Federal Institutes (FIs) have expanded the protection of Intellectual Property (IP). On the other hand, the number of cybercrimes in federal agencies has been growing, since in 2017, 28.147 information security incidents were reported. In this scenario, difficulties and limitations faced by the Technological Innovation Nucleus (TIN) and Information Technology Departments (ITD) of the FIs are highlighted. In view of the above, the present work aims to provide an overview of information security management within the scope of the TINs of the IFs in the Northeast of Brazil, through the analysis of institutional documents regarding the TINs and ITDs, using as a methodological instrument a documentary research. The research demonstrated that the regulations do not include sufficient mechanisms to protect IPs, in addition to showing a lack of convergence between the TIN and the ITD, providing a more vulnerable environment in the protection of institutional knowledge.Ao longo da última década, os Institutos Federais (IFs) têm ampliado a proteção da Propriedade Intelectual (PI). Por outro lado, o número de crimes cibernéticos nos órgãos federais vem crescendo, já que, em 2017, foram notificados 28.147 incidentes de segurança da informação. Nesse cenário, ressalta-se as dificuldades e as limitações enfrentadas pelos Núcleos de Inovação Tecnológica (NIT) e pelos Departamentos de Tecnologia da Informação (DTI) dos IFs. Diante do exposto, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo traçar um panorama sobre a gestão da segurança da informação no âmbito dos NITs dos IFs da Região Nordeste do Brasil, por meio de análise de documentos institucionais que permeiam os NITs e DTIs, utilizando como instrumento metodológico uma pesquisa documental. A pesquisa demonstrou que os regulamentos não contemplam mecanismos suficientes para proteger as PIs, além de mostrar falta de convergência entre o NIT e o DTI, propiciando um ambiente mais vulnerável na proteção do conhecimento institucional


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    A criação de leis favoráveis à inovação constitui etapa fundamental para o desenvolvimento tecnológico do país. Em 2004, o Brasil estabeleceuseu primeiro grande marco legal, a Lei nº 10.973/04, conhecida como Lei da Inovação, a qual possibilitou a melhoria de indicadores, contribuiu para a interação entre Instituições Científicas e Tecnológicas (ICT) e o segmento produtivo, serviu como parâmetro para criação de Leis estaduais de inovação, como a Lei nº 11.174//2008, do Estado da Bahia. Todavia, percebeu-se que mesmo com estes avanços, havia pontos de entrave e falta de sincronismo com outras leis. Assim, surgiu em 2016 a Lei nº 13.243/16, intitulada Novo Marco de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (NMCT&I), objetivando suprir as necessidades da lei anterior, reformulando legislações e flexibilizando processos inovativos. Nesse contexto, este trabalho traça um paralelo entre o NMCT&I e a Lei de Inovação do Estado da Bahia, apresentando os principais itens que necessitam de adequação

    A Lei de Inovação Alagoana e sua Necessária Reformulação Diante do Advento do Novo Marco Nacional de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação

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    The favorable regulatory framework is an important factor in promoting innovation in a country. In 2004, with the advent of Law nº. 10,973/04, known as the Innovation Law, Brazil established its first major legal framework in this area, which contributed to the improvement of indicators in the sector, promoted greater interaction between Scientific and Technological Institutions (ICT) and the productive segment and served as a parameter for the creation of state innovation laws, such as Law 7,177 / 2009, of the State of Alagoas. However, it was realized that even with these advances, there were points of hindrance and lack of synchronism with other laws. Thus, Law No. 13,243 / 16, entitled New Framework for Science, Technology and Innovation (NMCT & I) was enacted in 2016, aiming to meet the needs of the previous law, reformulating legislation and making innovative processes more flexible. In this context, this work draws a parallel between the NMCT & I and the Innovation Law of the State of Alagoas, presenting the main items that need adaptation.O arcabouço normativo favorável constitui importante fator para a promoção da inovação em um país. Em 2004, com o advento da Lei n. 10.973/04, conhecida como Lei da Inovação, o Brasil estabeleceuseu primeiro grande marco legal nessa área, o que contribuiu para a melhoria de indicadores no setor; promoveu maior interação entre Instituições Científicas e Tecnológicas (ICT) e o segmento produtivo; e serviu de parâmetro para criação de leis estaduais de inovação, como a Lei n. 7.117/2009, do Estado de Alagoas. No entanto, percebeu-se que mesmo com esses avanços, havia pontos de entrave e falta de sincronismo com outras leis. Assim, foi promulgada em 2016 a Lei n. 13.243/16, intitulada Novo Marco de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (NMCT&I), objetivando suprir as necessidades da lei anterior, reformulando legislações e flexibilizando processos inovativos. Nesse contexto, este trabalho traça um paralelo entre o NMCT&I e a Lei de Inovação do Estado de Alagoas, apresentando os principais itens que necessitam de adequação na referida Lei

    Innovation management in the Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology of the Brazilian Northeast: An overview

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    With the Law nº 11.892 of 2008, Brazilian´s professional education acquired new status, based on the conception of the Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology (FIs). In essence, FIs have the responsibility to stimulate applied research in the development of technical and technological solutions; entrepreneurship; and scientific and technological development with a view to innovative processes. Despite their intrinsic proximity to the productive sector, giving them an environment conducive to the development of intellectual assets, some FIs still have difficulties in managing innovation. Conversely, some of these institutions have developed mechanisms to promote innovation management and the improvement of knowledge protection indicators developed in their locus. In this perspective, the FIs of the Northeast region of Brazil stand out, through their Technological Innovation Centers, presenting the best Intellectual Property (IP) safeguard indexes between the years 2008 to 2016. In this sense, the present work aims to present the innovation actions of the FIs of the referred region that culminated in a greater protection of IP, and may serve as a reference for other institutions in the network.&nbsp

    Social cost of pending the patent examination in Brazil: An analysis of the deleteric effects of the sole paragraph of Art. 40 of law No. 9.279/96 in the post-patent segment

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    In Brazil, the general rule is that the invention patent has a duration of 20 years and that of a utility model, 15 years, counted from the filing date of the patent application. However, if the examination of a patent of invention or utility model is not completed within 10 or 8 years, respectively, the sole paragraph of art. 40 of Law nº 9,279/96 - Industrial Property Law (LPI) determines a differentiated methodology for the calculation of the validity of the right. The standard in question provides that, in this case, the patent will be valid for at least ten years in the case of IP and seven years in the case of MU, counting from the date of the granting of patent (and not the file). The present paper deals with the problematic involved in the extension of the term of validity of patent in the hypothesis of administrative slowness of Brazilian Office (INPI) in the appraisal of the application. As the vast majority of patents are granted using the benefit provided in the sole paragraph of art. 40 of the LPI, it will be analyzed the social cost of the automatic extension of the term of validity of the patent in the post-patent segment (pharmaceuticals and agricultural pesticides). It was found that the accumulated loss of the public coffers only taking into account nine medicines purchased by public health system (SUS) in regular centralized purchases up to January 2016 was over R2billion.Asforagriculturalpesticides,therewasanannualcostofapproximatelyR 2 billion. As for agricultural pesticides, there was an annual cost of approximately R 318 million for the group of eight patents that were extended with the application of the legal safeguard