239 research outputs found

    Estrategias did?cticas para el mejoramiento de los procesos de desarrollo moral de las ni?as y los ni?os de dos instituciones educativas de Santander a trav?s de la clase de ?tica y valores

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    167 P?ginasEl presente proyecto de investigaci?n corresponde a los fundamentos del enfoque cualitativo y busca dar respuesta a la pregunta ?Qu? estrategias did?cticas se pueden emplear para el mejoramiento de los procesos de desarrollo moral de las ni?as y los ni?os de dos instituciones educativas de Santander, a trav?s de la clase de ?tica y valores? Par ello se pens? en la propuesta de innovaci?n como una forma posible de aportar a la formaci?n de los educandos, espec?ficamente en el aspecto a tratar. La propuesta de innovaci?n pedag?gica que se ha planteado, establece la posibilidad de aportar al desarrollo moral de los ni?os y las ni?as. Para ello se han retomado los fundamentos de Kohlberg y se ha dise?ado una matriz pedag?gica que contempla como mecanismo de acci?n: unas tem?ticas por grados de primero a quinto de b?sica primaria, las edades pertinentes, los objetivos, algunas actividades a manera de propuesta y las intenciones. Se evidencian en este trabajo, parte de los alcances de la propuesta, mediante la aplicaci?n de un pre test y un pos test. Donde el trabajo colaborativo y un proceso pedag?gico, pensado y bien intencionado, puede aportar a la formaci?n ?tica y moral de los educandos y de esta manera contribuir al desarrollo de nuestra sociedad.ABSTRACT. This research project corresponds to the fundamentals of the qualitative approach and seeks to answer the question: What teaching strategies can be employed to improve the processes of moral development of girls and children from two schools of Santander, through class of ethics and values? Even thought it is the proposed innovation as a possible way to contribute to the training of students, specifically in the aspect to be treated. The proposed educational innovation that has been raised provides the possibility to contribute to the moral development of children. This has been picking up the basics of Kohlberg and designed an array pedagogical seen as mechanism of action: a thematic for first through fifth grades of elementary school, age relevant objectives, some way of proposed activities and intentions. It is evident in this work, part of the scope of the proposal, by applying a pre-test and posttest. Where collaborative work and learning process, thought and well-intentioned, can contribute to the ethical and moral formation of students and thus contribute to the development of our society.INTRODUCCI?N 14 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 16 1.1 JUSTIFICACI?N 17 1.2 OBJETIVOS 19 1.2.1 Objetivo general 19 1.2.2 Objetivos espec?ficos 20 2. DESCRIPCION DE LA POBLACION 21 3. MARCO DE REFERENCIA 22 3.1 ANTECEDENTES INVESTIGATIVOS 22 3.1.1 ?Valores educativos de alumnos de una escuela normal del estado de Yucat?n? 22 3.1.2 ?Juicio Moral en universitarios de la ciudad de Lima? 23 3.1.3 ?Implicaciones morales y emocionales que impiden la autorregulaci?n en el aprendizaje de ni?o y ni?as 23 3.2 MARCO LEGAL 25 3.3 MARCO TE?RICO 27 3.3.1 La personalidad 28 3.3.2 El desarrollo moral 30 Aspectos Psicol?gicos 32 Aspectos Sociales 34 Sobre la adquisici?n de normas 40 La justicia 41 El juicio moral y estadios del desarrollo moral 42 Clasificaci?n del juicio moral en niveles y estadios de desarrollo . 46 Descripci?n te?rica de los estadios morales 48 La moral y la teor?a 51 Familia 53 Escuela 56 Plan de estudios 59 ?tica y valores: fundamentos apoyados por el MEN 60 4. METODOLOG?A 64 4.1 ENFOQUE DE LA INVESTIGACI?N 64 4.2 DISE?O METODOL?GICO 65 4.3 PROCESO DE RECOLECCI?N DE LA INFORMACI?N 67 4.3.1 Pre test o un taller pedag?gico 67 4.3.2 Taller investigativo 67 4.3.3 Encuestas de selecci?n m?ltiple 69 4.4 REGISTRO DE LA INFORMACI?N 69 4.5 AN?LISIS DE LA INFORMACI?N 70 4.5.1 Encuesta a expertos 70 4.5.2 Encuestas a padres de familia 86 4.5.4 Triangulaci?n de la informaci?n 113 4.6 PROPUESTA DID?CTICA 116 4.6.1 Plan de ?rea de ?tica y valores 117 4.7 CRONOGRAMA DE ACTIVIDADES 125 5. CONCLUSIONES 126 6. RECOMENDACIONES 128 LISTA DE REFERENCIAS 129 ANEXOS 13

    Development of a New Control Algorithm for Automatic Irrigation Scheduling in Soilless Culture

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    In soilless culture, water and nutrients must be frequently and precisely applied due to the reduced volume and low water holding capacity of the substrate. For this reason, irrigation scheduling is an important and difficult task. The use of an irrigation control tray with two electrodes (level sensor) is a simple way for controlling irrigation. Irrigation operation is triggered when the water level in the tray decreases below a preset level. This is a simple on-off control but inflexible because it requires periodic manually calibrations. This work aims at developing a more efficient control system for the irrigation management of soilless culture. The control system is based on a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) algorithm and it allows for fully automatic operation with a minimum set of variables in order to reduce the cost of the equipment. The results obtained demonstrate that the PID control algorithm can efficiently be used to control irrigation in soilless culture. The calculated average daily leaching fractions fit reasonably well to the target values. Nevertheless, some improvements of the control algorithm are required to reduce the variability of the calculated leaching fractions during the initial stage of crop development

    El riesgo percibido por el trabajador de la construcci?n: ?qu? rol juega el oficio?

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    This article presents a study of the perceived risk in the construction sector. The study was conducted from the analysis of questionnaires from several samples of construction workers from southern Spain. We report the perceived risk profile obtained from the psychometric paradigm through qualitative attributes and then we analyze the results. Stands out the attribute regarding how work affects our own long-term health. This represents something new with respect to previous studies. Also analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) the effects of socio-demographic variable craft with respect to the different attributes of the perceived risk of the questionnaire. It presents the differences obtained between the group of masons and framers.Este art?culo presenta un estudio acerca del riesgo percibido en el sector de la construcci?n. El estudio se realiz? a partir del an?lisis de cuestionarios provenientes de una muestra de trabajadores de la construcci?n del sur de Espa?a. Se presenta el perfil del riesgo percibido obtenido seg?n los enfoques del llamado paradigma psicom?trico a trav?s de atributos cualitativos y se analizan los resultados. El atributo relativo a como el trabajo afecta a la salud a largo plazo es el m?s puntuado. Lo cual representa una novedad con respecto a otros estudios previos. A su vez se analizan mediante un an?lisis de la varianza (ANOVA) los efectos de la variable sociodemogr?fica oficio con respecto a los distintos atributos del riesgo percibido del cuestionario. Se presentan las diferencias obtenidas entre el grupo de alba?iles y estructuristas

    Mild to moderate hypersensitivity reactions to beta-lactams in children: a single-centre retrospective review.

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    Objective: Beta-lactam (BL) antibiotics are the most reported drugs in hypersensitivity reactions in children. More than 90% of these children tolerate the suspected drug after diagnostic work-up. Skin tests (STs) show low sensitivity. Our aim was to assess the performance of drug provocation tests (DPTs) without previous ST in mild and moderate delayed reactions and to propose a new DPT protocol. Design of the study: Charts from 213 children under 15 years of age referred for suspected BL allergy from 2011 to 1013 were reviewed. Prick, intradermal and patch tests were performed with major determinant penicilloyl-polylysine, minor determinant mixture, amoxicillin (AMX), cefuroxime, penicillin G and AMX-clavulamate. Children with negative skin tests underwent DPT. After an initial full dose of antibiotic, DPT was carried on for 3 days at home in patients reacting within the first 3 days of treatment. If the reaction took place from day 4 on of treatment, patients took the antibiotic for 5 days. Results: We included 108 girls and 105 boys. Mean age at the time of reaction was 3.66+/-3.06 years. 195 patients (91.5%) reacted to one BL. 154 reactions (67.2%) were non-immediate. Mild to moderate skin manifestations were most frequently reported. AMX-clavulanate was the most frequently involved (63.4%). DPT confirmed the diagnosis of drug hypersensitivity in 17 (7.3%) cases. These 17 patients had negative ST. Conclusion: In mild and moderate cases of BL hypersensitivity, diagnosis can be performed by DPT without previous ST

    La influencia de los factores contextuales e individuales en la aparici?n de mypes innovadoras en pa?ses emergentes: el caso de dos mypes peruanas

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    En el Per?, como en otros pa?ses emergentes, existe una gran cantidad de micro y peque?as empresas, las cuales emplean a una gran porci?n de la PEA, teniendo un rol importante en la econom?a. Estas mypes surgen inicialmente como emprendimientos, que en muchas ocasiones fracasan sin llegar a sus objetivos. La innovaci?n en las mypes nace como medio para crecer, sobrevivir y competir con otras empresas. Por tanto, es de inter?s nacional lograr la aparici?n de m?s mypes innovadoras, y para ello es necesario conocer qu? factores, contextuales e individuales, facilitan la creaci?n y aparici?n de mypes innovadoras. Para esto, se estudian dos casos de mypes peruanas

    Premature ventricular contractions in patients with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator cardiac resynchronization therapy device: Results from the UMBRELLA registry

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    BACKGROUND: Premature ventricular contractions (PVC) are known to reduce the percentage of biventricular (BiV) pacing in patients with cardiac resynchronization (CRT), decreasing the clinical response. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of a high PVC burden, as well as therapeutic action (pharmacotherapy, catheter ablation or device programming), in a large CRT implantable-defibrillator (CRT-D) population. METHODS: Patients with a CRT-D device from the UMBRELLA multicenter prospective remote monitoring registry were included. The PVC count was collected from each remote monitoring transmission. Patients were divided into two high (>/=1 transmission >/=200/>/=400 PVC/h, respectively) and one low (all transmissions /=200/>/=400 PVC/h, respectively). The majority of patients in the high PVC groups were not treated (61 [79%] and 32 [74%], respectively. Considering the untreated patients in the high PVC groups, median PVC/h was 199 (interquartile range [IQR]: 196) and 271 (IQR: 330), respectively. The PVC burden (proportion of time with PVC/h >/= 200/>/=400) was 40% (IQR 70) and 29% (IQR 59), respectively. CONCLUSION: A significant proportion of CRT-D patients presented a high PVC count, however, few received treatment. In the untreated patients with a high PVC count, the PVC burden during follow-up varied substantially. Several consecutive recordings of a high PVC count should be warranted before considering therapeutic action such as catheter ablation

    Non-Canonical WNT5A Signaling Through RYK Contributes to Aggressive Phenotype of the Rheumatoid Fibroblast-Like Synoviocytes

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    We hypothesized that WNT5A could contribute to the enhanced migration and invasiveness of rheumatoid arthritis fibroblast-like synoviocytes (RA FLS), which is one of the incompletely understood aspects of the RA FLS aggressive phenotype. This hypothesis is based on the previous evidence of a WNT5A role in both, RA and cell migration. Migration and invasion of RA FLS were assessed after incubation with recombinant Wnt5a (rWnt5a) or silencing of the endogenous WNT5A expression. The expression of WNT5A, WNT receptors, cytokines, chemokines, and metalloproteinases was quantified with RT-PCR. The WNT pathway was explored with gene silencing, antibody and pharmacological inhibition followed by migration assays and phosphoprotein western blots. Here, we reported that rWnt5a promoted migration and invasion of RA FLS, whereas knockdown of the endogenous WNT5A reduced them. These effects were specific to the RA FLS since they were not observed in FLS from osteoarthritis (OA) patients. Also, rWnt5a induced the expression of IL6, IL8, CCL2, CXCL5, MMP1, MMP3, MMP9, and MMP13 from baseline or potentiating the TNF induction, WNT5A signaling required the RYK receptor and was mediated through the WNT/Ca(2+) and the ROCK pathway. These pathways involved the RYK and ROCK dependent activation of the p38, ERK, AKT, and GSK3beta kinases, but not the activation of JNK. Together these findings indicate that WNT5A contributes to the enhanced migration and invasiveness of RA FLS through RYK and the specific activation of ROCK and downstream kinases

    Plan de negocio para determinar la viabilidad de constituir una empresa de dise?o y fabricaci?n de m?quinas trituradoras de Cizalla

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    Nuestra tesis, enfocada en la fabricaci?n de maquinaria industrial, aspira a ser una buena opci?n manufacturera que brinde: valor agregado a la materia prima, genere empleo y sobretodo que beneficie a la sociedad y al medio ambiente. Para ello, hemos identificado un problema de com?n denominador a nivel mundial, la excesiva generaci?n de residuos s?lidos, en contraparte hemos revisado soluciones para corregir y/o aliviar esta situaci?n, eligiendo la m?quina trituradora de cizalla como la opci?n m?s amigable y confiable para reducir el tama?o de los residuos s?lidos, cualquiera sea su origen. Para el Estudio de Mercado, ten?amos que estudiar el proceso de gesti?n de residuos s?lidos en Lima Metropolitana; y elegir certeramente nuestra posible cartera de clientes, en algunos casos ideando estrategias para crear la demanda la cual era nula. Estimada la demanda, ideamos el Plan de Marketing que haga atractivo y sostenible nuestro Plan de Negocio y en funci?n a ello creamos nuestro Plan de Operaciones, considerando proveedores, procesos, costos y legislaci?n vigente. Finalmente nuestro Plan Financiero reflej? que nuestra idea de negocio s? era rentable y atractiva. Esperamos que esta Tesis sea de gu?a para futuras ideas de negocios en nuestra incipiente industria manufacturera peruana