224 research outputs found

    El cuento en su contexto para desarrollar la competencia escrita de los estudiantes del ciclo II del instituto Inelpress de la localidad 19 de Ciudad Bol?var

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    98 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl proyecto denominado ?Hacia la construcci?n de cuentos en contexto para desarrollar la competencia escrita de los estudiantes del ciclo II del instituto INELPRES de la localidad 19 de ciudad Bol?var?, es una propuesta de intervenci?n en aula, desde la cual se busc? fortalecer competencias de tipo textual, espec?ficamente de lectoescritura en ni?os de edades entre los 8 y 11 a?os de edad. El desarrollo de este objetivo se dio a trav?s de la implementaci?n de estrategias pedag?gicas que tomaron como base los cuentos en contexto; de esta manera el ni?o utiliz? como base para sus elaboraciones fant?sticas distintos elementos, personajes, lugares y acontecimientos de su entorno y con ellos elabor? relatos escritos y orales en los que la fantas?a propia del cuento fue el eje estructurador. Finalmente la propuesta se desarroll? desde la implementaci?n de una serie de talleres de trabajo (siete en total) en los cuales se recorri? el contexto, se crearon ambientes de trabajo y se produjeron cuentosThe project named " The story in context to develop student writing cycle II Institute INELPRES locality 19 Bolivar city competition " is a proposal for intervention in the classroom, from which he sought to strengthen powers of textual type specifically literacy in children ages 7 and 8 years old . The development of this objective was through the implementation of teaching strategies that were based stories in context; in this way the child used as a basis for its fantastic elaborations different elements , characters, places and events in their environment and they developed written and oral stories that own fantasy tale was the structural axis. Finally, the proposal developed from the implementation of a series of workshops (seven in total) in which the context is crossed , work environments were created and produced Stories Keywords: story, context, textual competence, children's literature, fantasy

    Development of a New Control Algorithm for Automatic Irrigation Scheduling in Soilless Culture

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    In soilless culture, water and nutrients must be frequently and precisely applied due to the reduced volume and low water holding capacity of the substrate. For this reason, irrigation scheduling is an important and difficult task. The use of an irrigation control tray with two electrodes (level sensor) is a simple way for controlling irrigation. Irrigation operation is triggered when the water level in the tray decreases below a preset level. This is a simple on-off control but inflexible because it requires periodic manually calibrations. This work aims at developing a more efficient control system for the irrigation management of soilless culture. The control system is based on a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) algorithm and it allows for fully automatic operation with a minimum set of variables in order to reduce the cost of the equipment. The results obtained demonstrate that the PID control algorithm can efficiently be used to control irrigation in soilless culture. The calculated average daily leaching fractions fit reasonably well to the target values. Nevertheless, some improvements of the control algorithm are required to reduce the variability of the calculated leaching fractions during the initial stage of crop development

    El riesgo percibido por el trabajador de la construcci?n: ?qu? rol juega el oficio?

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    This article presents a study of the perceived risk in the construction sector. The study was conducted from the analysis of questionnaires from several samples of construction workers from southern Spain. We report the perceived risk profile obtained from the psychometric paradigm through qualitative attributes and then we analyze the results. Stands out the attribute regarding how work affects our own long-term health. This represents something new with respect to previous studies. Also analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) the effects of socio-demographic variable craft with respect to the different attributes of the perceived risk of the questionnaire. It presents the differences obtained between the group of masons and framers.Este art?culo presenta un estudio acerca del riesgo percibido en el sector de la construcci?n. El estudio se realiz? a partir del an?lisis de cuestionarios provenientes de una muestra de trabajadores de la construcci?n del sur de Espa?a. Se presenta el perfil del riesgo percibido obtenido seg?n los enfoques del llamado paradigma psicom?trico a trav?s de atributos cualitativos y se analizan los resultados. El atributo relativo a como el trabajo afecta a la salud a largo plazo es el m?s puntuado. Lo cual representa una novedad con respecto a otros estudios previos. A su vez se analizan mediante un an?lisis de la varianza (ANOVA) los efectos de la variable sociodemogr?fica oficio con respecto a los distintos atributos del riesgo percibido del cuestionario. Se presentan las diferencias obtenidas entre el grupo de alba?iles y estructuristas

    Improved personalized survival prediction of patients with diffuse large B-cell Lymphoma using gene expression profiling

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    BACKGROUND: Thirty to forty percent of patients with Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) have an adverse clinical evolution. The increased understanding of DLBCL biology has shed light on the clinical evolution of this pathology, leading to the discovery of prognostic factors based on gene expression data, genomic rearrangements and mutational subgroups. Nevertheless, additional efforts are needed in order to enable survival predictions at the patient level. In this study we investigated new machine learning-based models of survival using transcriptomic and clinical data. METHODS: Gene expression profiling (GEP) of in 2 different publicly available retrospective DLBCL cohorts were analyzed. Cox regression and unsupervised clustering were performed in order to identify probes associated with overall survival on the largest cohort. Random forests were created to model survival using combinations of GEP data, COO classification and clinical information. Cross-validation was used to compare model results in the training set, and Harrel's concordance index (c-index) was used to assess model's predictability. Results were validated in an independent test set. RESULTS: Two hundred thirty-three and sixty-four patients were included in the training and test set, respectively. Initially we derived and validated a 4-gene expression clusterization that was independently associated with lower survival in 20% of patients. This pattern included the following genes: TNFRSF9, BIRC3, BCL2L1 and G3BP2. Thereafter, we applied machine-learning models to predict survival. A set of 102 genes was highly predictive of disease outcome, outperforming available clinical information and COO classification. The final best model integrated clinical information, COO classification, 4-gene-based clusterization and the expression levels of 50 individual genes (training set c-index, 0.8404, test set c-index, 0.7942). CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that DLBCL survival models based on the application of machine learning algorithms to gene expression and clinical data can largely outperform other important prognostic variables such as disease stage and COO. Head-to-head comparisons with other risk stratification models are needed to compare its usefulness

    Validation of an IGF1 Screening Method for Retinopathy of Pre-maturity

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    Retinopathy of pre-maturity (ROP) is a retinal disease that causes arrest of vascularization of the retina and can result in retinal detachment and blindness. Current screening protocols may not be sufficiently accurate to identify all at-risk patients. The aim of this study is to validate a method for improved identification of newborns at risk of ROP. We conducted a prospective clinical trial of pre-term newborns <32 weeks of gestation and/or <1,500 g birth weight during a 6-year period in a tertiary care hospital. We applied our new method based on measurement of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) levels at 3 weeks of age and the presence of sepsis during the first 3 weeks of life. Our screening protocol allowed exclusion of 121 (79.1%) patients for whom American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) guidelines recommended screening, had a negative predictive value of 100%, and correctly identified all patients with ROP. Following retrospective assessment of our data based on these findings, we propose further restriction of the current AAP indications for screening to <1,100 g and <28 weeks of gestation in order to improve diagnostic efficacy while ensuring optimal use of restriction of human and material resources

    New Recurrent Structural Aberrations in the Genome of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Based on Exome-Sequencing Data

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    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is the most frequent lymphoproliferative syndrome in Western countries, and it is characterized by recurrent large genomic rearrangements. During the last decades, array techniques have expanded our knowledge about CLL's karyotypic aberrations. The advent of large sequencing databases expanded our knowledge cancer genomics to an unprecedented resolution and enabled the detection of small-scale structural aberrations in the cancer genome. In this study, we have performed exome-sequencing-based copy number aberration (CNA) and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) analysis in order to detect new recurrent structural aberrations. We describe 54 recurrent focal CNAs enriched in cancer-related pathways, and their association with gene expression and clinical evolution. Furthermore, we discovered recurrent large copy number neutral LOH events affecting key driver genes, and we recapitulate most of the large CNAs that characterize the CLL genome. These results provide "proof-of-concept" evidence supporting the existence of new genes involved in the pathogenesis of CLL

    Influence of Sex on Stroke Prognosis: A Demographic, Clinical, and Molecular Analysis

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    Identifying the complexities of the effect of sex on stroke risk, etiology, and lesion progression may lead to advances in the treatment and care of ischemic stroke (IS) and non-traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage patients (ICH). We studied the sex-related discrepancies on the clinical course of patients with IS and ICH, and we also evaluated possible molecular mechanisms involved. The study's main variable was the patient's functional outcome at 3-months. Logistic regression models were used in order to study the influence of sex on different inflammatory, endothelial and atrial dysfunction markers. We recruited 5,021 patients; 4,060 IS (54.8% male, 45.2% female) and 961 ICH (57.1% male, 42.9% female). Women were on average 5.7 years older than men (6.4 years in IS, 5.1 years in ICH), and more likely to have previous poor functional status, to suffer atrial fibrillation and to be on anticoagulants. IS patients showed sex-related differences at 3-months regarding poorer outcome (55.6% women, 43.6% men, p < 0.0001), but this relationship was not found in ICH (56.8% vs. 61.9%, p = 0.127). In IS, women had higher levels of NT-proBNP and 3-months worse outcome in both cardioembolic and non-cardioembolic stroke patients. Stroke patients showed sex-related differences in pre-hospital data, clinical variables and molecular markers, but only IS patients presented independent sex-related differences in 3-months poor outcome and mortality. There was a relationship between the molecular marker of atrial dysfunction NT-proBNP and worse functional outcome in women, resulting in a possible indicator of increased dysfunction

    Intra- and extra-hospital improvement in ischemic stroke patients: influence of reperfusion therapy and molecular mechanisms

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    Neuroprotective treatments in ischemic stroke are focused to reduce the pernicious effect of excitotoxicity, oxidative stress and inflammation. However, those cellular and molecular mechanisms may also have beneficial effects, especially during the late stages of the ischemic stroke. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between the clinical improvement of ischemic stroke patients and the time-dependent excitotoxicity and inflammation. We included 4295 ischemic stroke patients in a retrospective study. The main outcomes were intra and extra-hospital improvement. High glutamate and IL-6 levels at 24 hours were associated with a worse intra-hospital improvement (OR:0.993, 95%CI: 0.990-0.996 and OR:0.990, 95%CI: 0.985-0.995). High glutamate and IL-6 levels at 24 hours were associated with better extra-hospital improvement (OR:1.13 95%CI, 1.07-1.12 and OR:1.14, 95%CI, 1.09-1.18). Effective reperfusion after recanalization showed the best clinical outcome. However, the long term recovery is less marked in patients with an effective reperfusion. The variations of glutamate and IL6 levels in the first 24 hours clearly showed a relationship between the molecular components of the ischemic cascade and the clinical outcome of patients. Our findings suggest that the rapid reperfusion after recanalization treatment blocks the molecular response to ischemia that is associated with restorative processes

    Increased Serum Levels of sCD14 and sCD163 Indicate a Preponderant Role for Monocytes in COVID-19 Immunopathology

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    Background: Emerging evidence indicates a potential role for monocytes in COVID-19 immunopathology. We investigated two soluble markers of monocyte activation, sCD14 and sCD163, in COVID-19 patients, with the aim of characterizing their potential role in monocyte-macrophage disease immunopathology. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study of its kind. Methods: Fifty-nine SARS-Cov-2 positive hospitalized patients, classified according to ICU or non-ICU admission requirement, were prospectively recruited and analyzed by ELISA for levels of sCD14 and sCD163, along with other laboratory parameters, and compared to a healthy control group. Results: sCD14 and sCD163 levels were significantly higher among COVID-19 patients, independently of ICU admission requirement, compared to the control group. We found a significant correlation between sCD14 levels and other inflammatory markers, particularly Interleukin-6, in the non-ICU patients group. sCD163 showed a moderate positive correlation with the time lapsed from admission to sampling, independently of severity group. Treatment with corticoids showed an interference with sCD14 levels, whereas hydroxychloroquine and tocilizumab did not. Conclusions: Monocyte-macrophage activation markers are increased and correlate with other inflammatory markers in SARS-Cov-2 infection, in association to hospital admission. These data suggest a preponderant role for monocyte-macrophage activation in the development of immunopathology of COVID-19 patients
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