158 research outputs found

    Tuning fluorescence and singlet oxygen quantum yields of subporphyrazines by axial functionalization

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    The axial functionalization of Subporphyrazines (SubPzs) with unreported alkoxy groups, carboxy and carboperoxy rests, as well as sulfanyl, aryl and amino groups, forming B−O, B−S, B−C, and B−N bonds, respectively, has been investigated. The studied oxygen nucleophiles include aromatic and sterically demanding aliphatic alcohols, along with carboxylic acids and peracids. In general, direct substitution of the chloro-SubPz by oxygen nucleophiles of diverse nature proceeds smoothly, with yields of the isolated alkoxy and carboxy-substituted SubPzs ranging from 49 to 100 %. Conversely, direct substitution with sulphur, carbon and nitrogen nucleophiles do not afford the corresponding substituted SubPzs. In these cases, a stepwise procedure involving an axial triflate-SubPz intermediate was employed, affording only the phenyl-SubPz in 8 % yield. The major compound under these conditions was the unreported SubPz μ-oxo dimer, presumably arising from substitution of the triflate-SubPz by the in situ generated hydroxy-SubPz. This result indicates a quite low reactivity of the TfO-SubPz intermediate with carbon, sulphur and nitrogen nucleophiles. All SubPzs prepared in this work exhibited fluorescence at 510–515 nm with quantum yields ranging from 0.1 to 0.24. Additionally, all SubPzs generated singlet oxygen, with ΦΔ values ranging from 0.15 to 0.57, which show no apparent correlation with the axial substituentsPID2020-116490GB-I00, TED2021-131255B-

    A green-to-near-infrared photoswitch based on a blended subporphyrazine-dithienylethene system

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    A subporphyrazine (SubPz)-dithienylethene (DTE) photochromic device with 1o and 1c states, was developed and characterized. In this device, the DTE unit can reversibly switch the SubPz absorbance from green to near-infrared [λmax (o/c) = 527 nm/740 nm], as well as the SubPz fluorescence and singlet oxygen quantum yields. The core of this design involves using a highly tunable SubPz chromophore that shares its quasi-isolated ethene moiety with a DTE photoswitchPID2020-116490GB-I00, TED2021-131255B-C43, Comunidad de Madrid MAD2D-CM, SEV2016-068

    Association between gait speed deterioration and EEG abnormalities

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    Physical and cognitive decline at an older age is preceded by changes that accumulate over time until they become clinically evident difficulties. These changes, frequently overlooked by patients and health professionals, may respond better than fully established conditions to strategies designed to prevent disabilities and dependence in later life. The objective of this study was twofold; to provide further support for the need to screen for early functional changes in older adults and to look for an early association between decline in mobility and cognition. A cross-sectional cohort study was conducted on 95 active functionally independent community-dwelling older adults in Havana, Cuba. We measured their gait speed at the usual pace and the cognitive status using the MMSE. A value of 0.8 m/s was used as the cut-off point to decide whether they presented a decline in gait speed. A quantitative analysis of their EEG at rest was also performed to look for an associated subclinical decline in brain function. Results show that 70% of the sample had a gait speed deterioration (i.e., lower than 0.8 m/s), of which 80% also had an abnormal EEG frequency composition for their age. While there was no statistically significant difference in the MMSE score between participants with a gait speed above and below the selected cut-off, individuals with MMSE scores below 25 also had a gait spee

    Zinc Phthalocyanine−Graphene Hybrid Material for Energy Conversion: Synthesis, Characterization, Photophysics and Photoelectrochemical Cell Preparation

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    Graphene exfoliation upon tip sonication in o-­‐DCB was accomplished. Then, covalent grafting of (2-­‐ aminoethoxy)(tri-­‐tert-­‐butyl) zinc phthalocyanine (ZnPc), to exfoliated graphene sheets was achieved. The newly formed ZnPc-­‐graphene hybrid material was found soluble in common organic solvents without any precipitation for several weeks. Application of diverse spectroscopic techniques verified the successful formation of ZnPc-­‐graphene hybrid materi-­‐ al, while thermogravimetric analysis revealed the amount of ZnPc loading onto graphene. Microscopy analysis based on AFM and TEM was applied to probe the morphological characteristics and to investigate the exfoliation of graphene sheets. Efficient fluorescence quenching of ZnPc in the ZnPc-­‐graphene hybrid material suggested that photoinduced events occur from the photoexcited ZnPc to exfoliated graphene. The dynamics of the photoinduced electron transfer was evaluated by femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy, thus, revealing the formation of transient species such as ZnPc+ yielding the charge-­‐separated state ZnPc•+–graphene•–. Finally, the ZnPc-­‐graphene hybrid material was integrated into a photoactive electrode of an optical transparent electrode (OTE) cast with nanostructured SnO2 films (OTE/SnO2), which exhibited sta le and reproducible photocurrent responses and the incident photon-­‐to-­‐current conversion efficien-­‐ cy was determine

    Transformaciones térmicas y fotoquímicas en derivados de benzisoxazolquinonas. Preparación de iminofosforanoquinonas y aplicaciones a la síntesis de heterociclos

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Química Orgánica. Fecha de lectura: 08-06-199

    Tomás Torres

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