64 research outputs found

    Bone strength index at Tibia and standing broad jump in adolescent swimmers

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    Measurement of broad jump is a simple, economical and non-invasive test that provides valuable information on muscular strength and power in youth lower limbs,and has been shown to be related to bone health..

    Validity of a food-frequency questionnaire for estimating calcium intake in adolescent swimmers

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    Introduction: accurate estimates of the intake of specific nutrients such as calcium (Ca) are crucial to correctly rank or classify subjects in the distribution of intakes. Therefore, we aimed to estimate the relative validity of a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) for measuring Ca intake in two different groups of healthy adolescents, a normoactive control group and a physically active group of swimmers with 2 non-consecutive 24h recalls (2 x 24HR) collected as the reference method. Methods: Pearson correlations, agreement between the 24HR and the FFQ at an individual level and questionnaire’s ability to assign individuals to the same quartile of intake as the 24HR were calculated. Results: mean daily Ca intakes were 564.6 mg (SD 232.0) and 895.9 mg (SD 343.1) for the 2 x 24HR and FFQ respectively in controls (P < 0.001); and 731.9 mg (SD 299.8) and 979.8 mg (SD 408.5) for the 2 x 24HR and FFQ respectively in swimmers (P < 0.001). Pearson correlations were 0.52 for controls and 0.47 for swimmers after correcting for intra-variability. Cross-classification analysis indicated that 73.7% of controls and 63.1% of swimmers were classified correctly or in the adjacent category. Also, the 89% of the control group and 79% of swimmers were classified correctly with the FFQ according to the dietary reference intake (DRI) of 1300 mg/d. Conclusions: for both groups, the FFQ tended to overestimate Ca intake, however it demonstrated fairly good ability to classify subjects into extremes of Ca intake and identified adolescents having Ca intakes lower than the dietary reference intake

    Active video games improve muscular fitness and motor skills in children with overweight or obesity

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    (1) Background: Childhood obesity is an important public health problem. Children with overweight or obesity often tend to show the pediatric inactivity triad components; these involve exercise deficit disorder, pediatric dynapenia, and physical illiteracy. The aim of the study was to examine the influence of an active video games (AVG) intervention combined with multicomponent exercise on muscular fitness, physical activity (PA), and motor skills in children with overweight or obesity. (2) Methods: A total of 29 (13 girls) children (10.07 ± 0.84 years) with overweight or obesity were randomly allocated in the intervention group (AVG group; n = 21) or in the control group (CG; n = 8). The intervention group performed a 5-month AVG training using the Xbox 360® with the Kinect, the Nintendo Wii®, dance mats, and the BKOOL® interactive cycling simulator, combined with multicomponent exercise, performing three sessions per week. The control group continued their daily activities without modification. Weight, PA using accelerometers, and motor competence using the Test of Gross Motor Development 3rd edition were measured. Muscular fitness was evaluated through the Counter Movement Jump height, maximal isometric strength of knee extension and handgrip strength, and lean mass using Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry. Mann–Whitney U and Wilcoxon signed rank tests were performed. The biserial correlation coefficients (r) were calculated. Spearman’s correlation coefficients among PA, muscular fitness, and motor competence variables were also calculated. (3) Results: The AVG group significantly increased their knee extension maximal isometric strength (4.22 kg; p < 0.01), handgrip strength (1.93 kg; p < 0.01), and jump height (1.60 cm; p < 0.01), while the control group only increased the knee extension maximal isometric strength (3.15 kg; p < 0.01). The AVG group improved motor competence and light physical activity (p < 0.05) and decreased sedentary time (p < 0.05). Lean mass improved in both AVG group and CG (p < 0.05). Lastly, the percentage of improvement of motor skills positively correlated with the percentage of improvement in vigorous PA (r = 0.673; p = 0.003) and the percentage of improvement in CMJ (r = 0.466; p = 0.039). (4) Conclusions: A 5-month intervention combining AVG with multicomponent training seems to have positive effects on muscle fitness, motor competence, and PA in children with overweight or obesity

    Association Between Physical Fitness and Bone Strength and Structure in 3- to 5-Year-Old Children

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    Background: The positive association between physical fitness and bone structure has been widely investigated in children and adolescents, yet no studies have evaluated this influence in young children (ie, preschoolers). Hypothesis: Fit children will present improved bone variables when compared with unfit children, and no sex-based differences will emerge in the sample. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Level of Evidence: Level 3. Methods: Handgrip strength, standing long jump (SLJ), speed/agility, balance, and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) were assessed using the Assessing FITness levels in PREschoolers (PREFIT) test battery in 92 children (50 boys; age range, 3-5 years). A peripheral quantitative computed tomography scan was performed at 38% of the length of the nondominant tibia. Cluster analysis from handgrip strength, SLJ, speed/agility, and CRF was developed to identify fitness groups. Bone variables were compared between sexes and between cluster groups. The association between individual physical fitness components and different bone variables was also tested. Results: Three cluster groups emerged: fit (high values on all included physical fitness variables), strong (high strength values and low speed/agility and CRF), and unfit (low strength, speed/agility, and CRF). The fit group presented higher values than the strong and unfit groups for total and cortical bone mineral content, cortical area, and polar strength strain index (all P < 0.05). The fit group also presented a higher cortical thickness when compared with the unfit group (P < 0.05). Handgrip, SLJ, and speed/agility predicted all bone variables except for total and cortical volumetric bone mineral density. No differences were found for bone variables between sexes. Conclusion: The results suggest that global fitness in preschoolers is a key determinant for bone structure and strength but not volumetric bone mineral density. Clinical Relevance: Physical fitness is a determinant for tibial bone mineral content, structure, and strength in very young children. Performing physical fitness tests could provide useful information related to bone health in preschoolers

    Modelación del arroz en Latinoamérica: estado del arte y base de datos para parametrización.

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    El arroz en Latinoamérica y el Caribe (LAC) es un cultivo de gran importancia social y económica. El consumo de arroz en LAC ha aumentado significativamente durante los últimos años, registrando un promedio actual de 30 kg persona-1 año-1. La particularidad del arroz producido en LAC está en una alta calidad de grano y una producción que se realiza en su mayoría bajo sistemas mecanizados con siembra directa. En LAC, el arroz es producido bajo riego y secano dentro de diferentes eco-regiones (templado, tropical húmedo, tropical seco). La seguridad alimentaria y el cambio climático constituyen un reto para la producción de arroz en LAC, elevando la necesidad de aumentar, pero a su vez estabilizar los rendimientos y la calidad del grano. La modelación de cultivos permite evaluar potenciales estrategias de adaptación. Estas herramientas permiten conocer, de forma anticipada, el comportamiento de las variedades de arroz bajo diferentes ambientes (combinaciones de suelo, clima, manejo y sus interacciones). Esto permite proyectar no solo los cambios en rendimiento y manejo del cultivo, pero también entender los procesos eco-fisiológicos que causan dichos cambios. El objetivo del presente trabajo es recopilar información relevante sobre el cultivo de arroz en LAC, para su uso para calibración y/o validación de los modelos de simulación de crecimiento de cultivos. La información recabada incluye (1) generalidades sobre estudios de modelación existentes en LAC; (2) datos de crecimiento y desarrollo de variedades en ensayos experimentales; y (3) datos generales (a nivel nacional) de manejo del cultivo en LAC. A través de una revisión de literatura se encontraron estudios de modelación publicados para cuatro países de Latinoamérica: Brasil, Venezuela, Chile y Cuba. Se colectaron y organizaron datos de un total de 65 ensayos eco-fisiológicos para calibración y evaluación de modelos mecanísticos para dos países: Brasil y Colombia. Estas bases de datos incluyen información básica de clima y suelos, así como de crecimiento y desarrollo del cultivo para 2 variedades en Colombia; y para 3 variedades en Brasil. Adicionalmente, de acuerdo a información disponible a través del Fondo Latinoamericano de Arroz de Riego (FLAR) se determinó que existe información en otros países de la región. Esta información fue identificada como parte de este trabajo, y podría en el futuro formar parte de una segunda base de datos, que complemente la presentada en este informe. Toda esta información, así como los datos de manejo a nivel nacional recolectados a través de FLAR, constituyen un importante primer paso para estudiar los impactos del cambio climático en el cultivo de arroz en LAC.bitstream/item/176093/1/CNPAF-2018-abh.pdfEUR 29026 E

    A short educational intervention diminishes causal illusions and specific paranormal beliefs in undergraduates

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    Cognitive biases such as causal illusions have been related to paranormal and pseudoscientific beliefs and, thus, pose a real threat to the development of adequate critical thinking abilities. We aimed to reduce causal illusions in undergraduates by means of an educational intervention combining training-in-bias and training-in-rules techniques. First, participants directly experienced situations that tend to induce the Barnum effect and the confirmation bias. Thereafter, these effects were explained and examples of their influence over everyday life were provided. Compared to a control group, participants who received the intervention showed diminished causal illusions in a contingency learning task and a decrease in the precognition dimension of a paranormal belief scale. Overall, results suggest that evidence-based educational interventions like the one presented here could be used to significantly improve critical thinking skills in our students

    Identification of the Immunological Changes Appearing in the CSF During the Early Immunosenescence Process Occurring in Multiple Sclerosis

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    Patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) suffer with age an early immunosenescence process, which influence the treatment response and increase the risk of infections. We explored whether lipid-specific oligoclonal IgM bands (LS-OCMB) associated with highly inflammatory MS modify the immunological profile induced by age in MS. This cross-sectional study included 263 MS patients who were classified according to the presence (M+, n=72) and absence (M-, n=191) of LS-OCMB. CSF cellular subsets and molecules implicated in immunosenescence were explored. In M- patients, aging induced remarkable decreases in absolute CSF counts of CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes, including Th1 and Th17 cells, and of B cells, including those secreting TNF-alpha. It also increased serum anti-CMV IgG antibody titers (indicative of immunosenescence) and CSF CHI3L1 levels (related to astrocyte activation). In contrast, M+ patients showed an age-associated increase of TIM-3 (a biomarker of T cell exhaustion) and increased values of CHI3L1, independently of age. Finally, in both groups, age induced an increase in CSF levels of PD-L1 (an inductor of T cell tolerance) and activin A (part of the senescence-associated secretome and related to inflammaging). These changes were independent of the disease duration. Finally, this resulted in augmented disability. In summary, all MS patients experience with age a modest induction of T-cell tolerance and an activation of the innate immunity, resulting in increased disability. Additionally, M- patients show clear decreases in CSF lymphocyte numbers, which could increase the risk of infections. Thus, age and immunological status are important for tailoring effective therapies in MS.This work was supported by grants FIS-PI15/00513, FIS-PI18/00572 and RD16/0015/0001 from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain and FEDER: "Una manera de hacer Europa"