85 research outputs found

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    Duración (en horas): Más de 50 horas. Destinatario: Estudiante y DocenteLos y las estudiantes deberán llevar a cabo dos proyectos, para lo cual tendrán que situarse en el papel de un docente que debe desarrollar un pequeño manual-guía sobre una dificultad del desarrollo o del aprendizaje. Dicho manual-guía recogerá información sobre los síntomas o las características de la dificultad, la forma de detectarla en las aulas y toda la información necesaria de cara a una correcta intervención psicoeducativa en la misma. Por otro lado, el segundo proyecto que deberán sacar adelante consiste en la creación de un cuento y una unidad didáctica (actividades para trabajar el cuento) sobre dicha dificultad que ayude a la sensibilización del alumnado de primaria en el tema de la diversidad y facillite la inclusión educativa de los niños y niñas con algún tipo de dificultad del desarrollo o del aprendizaje en las aulas de la Educación Primaria. Finalmente, deberán realizar una sesión formativa sobre la dificultad del desarrollo o del aprendizaje escogida yque esté dirigida al resto de sus compañeros y compañeras de clase. Para esa sesión formativa deben desarrollar un mural y un triptico que resuma toda la información recopilada a lo largo de los dos proyectos

    Felicidad subjetiva y dimensiones del autoconcepto físico

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    Felicidad subjetiva y dimensiones del autoconcepto físic

    The structure of the Social Self-Concept (SSC) Questionnaire

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    This study aims to analyze the factorial structure of the newly-created Coestionario de Autoconcepto Social - AUSO (from here on the Social Self-concept Questionnaire, or AUSO), which consists of two scales measuring social responsibility and social competence. The theoretical proposal which posits that social self-concept is the result of the combination of two basic self-perceptions: competence in social relations and response to the demands of social functioning, is based on a review of human social development theories and previous attempts to measure social self-concept. Participants were 818 students aged between 17 and 52. The results obtained though confirmatory factor analyses support the hypothesis of a structure made up of two correlated factors. In addition to providing a new measurement instrument with appropriate psychometric characteristics and valid criteria that justify its use in both applied:practice and research, this study also enhances our understanding of the internal nature of the social domain of self-concept.This study was conducted within the framework of the EDU2009-10102 project, subsidized by the MICINN (Spain), with the help of grants aimed at supporting the activities of research groups within the Basque university system (Basque Official Gazette 27-VII-2012 Application IT701-13)

    School and personal adjustment in adolescence: the role of academic self-concept and perceived social support

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    School and personal adjustment in adolescence: the role of academic self-concept and perceived social support

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    The Role of Resilience and Psychological Well-Being in School Engagement and Perceived Academic Performance: An Exploratory Model to Improve Academic Achievement

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    The aim of the present study is to examine the relationship between resilience, subjective well-being and academic achievement (i.e., school engagement and perceived performance). To achieve this, a battery of instruments was applied to 945 Compulsory Secondary Education students from Basque Country (425 boys and 520 girls) of medium socio-cultural level and aged between 12 and 17 (Mage = 14.50, SD = 1.82). The study tests a structural model for analyzing the effects of resilience and subjective well-being on school engagement and perceived performance. The findings provide evidence in favor of the influence of resilience and subjective well-being as decisive psychological variables in the prediction of school engagement and perceived performance. Finally, the results of this study highlight the need to foster education of resilience and subjective well-being to improve academic achievement among adolescent students

    Adolescent Life Satisfaction Explained by Social Support, Emotion Regulation, and Resilience

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    [EN]Adolescence is a stage characterized by many biological and psychosocial changes, all of which may result in a decrease in subjective well-being. It is therefore necessary to identify those factors that contribute to increased life satisfaction, in order to promote positive development among young people. The aim of this study is to examine the dynamics of a set of variables that contribute to life satisfaction. A total of 1,188 adolescents (aged between 12 and 16 years) completed the Perceived Social Support from Family and Friends and Perception of the School Environment Questionnaires, the Trait Meta Mood Scale (TMMS), Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale-10 (CD-RISC), and Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) for social support, emotion regulation, resilience, and life satisfaction. By applying structural equation modeling (SEM), the results reveal a direct prediction of family support, emotion regulation, and resilience on life satisfaction. Support from friends and emotion regulation was also found to explain resilience, and support from family and teachers was found to predict emotion regulation. In conclusion, emotion regulation and social support were found to indirectly affect life satisfaction among adolescents through resilience. The theoretical and practical implications of these results are discussed.This research project was funded by the IT1217-19 Consolidated Research Group within the Basque University System, and by the EDU2017-83949-P Project run by the Spanish Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Competitiveness' State Knowledge Generation Subprogram

    Quality of Life and Physical Activity: Their Relationship with Physical and Psychological Well-Being

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    Many studies have been focused on the analysis of different factors that relate to the quality of life. And those studies have found a clear relationship between the quality of life, psychological well-being, and health. It is important to know those relationships and to know factors that can improve these three aspects simultaneously. And one of the most important factors is the realization of physical activity on a regular basis. This study analyzes the effect of physical activity on improving the quality of life (physical health and well-being) and its relationship with psychological well-being through two studies. One was a randomized clinical trial involving 98 low-risk incident cases of acute coronary syndrome, who were randomly assigned to an unsupervised walking program or a cycle ergometer exercise program. The other study is an expost-facto investigation with a total of 841 healthy subjects. We apply them questionnaires to measure subjective well-being, satisfaction with life, positive and negative affect, Short Form-36 Health Survey (SF-36), and the specific Velasco-del Barrio questionnaire for post-myocardial infarction. This study concludes physical activity and exercise are key factors in an individual’s perception for their quality of life, both in the area of physical and psychological health

    Imagen de la mujer en la Literatura Infantil y Juvenil vasca contemporánea.

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    This work is a study about the image of women in present basque children´s and youth literature. We analysed the 55 books written by Basque authors in 2013 and the 19 works of creation in Basque language awarded between 2009 and 2014. In the 74 works examined gender stereotypes (physical and psychological characteristics of the characters) have been investigated, the sex of the main character, domestic tasks, family care and paid work. Although the data show that there has been a positive evolution with respect to other periods, Basque children´s and youth literature still does not reflect an egalitarian image of men and women.El presente trabajo es un estudio sobre la imagen de la mujer en la literatura infantil y juvenil vasca contemporánea. Se han analizado los 55 libros que escribieron los autores vascos en el año 2013 y las 19 obras de creación en euskara premiadas entre 2009 y 2014. En las 74 obras examinadas se han investigado los estereotipos de género (características físicas y psicológicas de los personajes), el sexo del personaje principal, las tareas domésticas, los cuidados familiares y los trabajos remunerados. Aunque los datos muestran que ha habido una evolución positiva, todavía la literatura infantil y juvenil vasca no refleja una imagen igualitaria del hombre y la mujer
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