30 research outputs found

    A psycho‑educational intervention programme for parents with SGA foetuses supported by an adaptive mHealth system: design, proof of concept and usability assessment

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    Background: Technology-based approaches during pregnancy can facilitate the self-reporting of emotional health issues and improve well-being. There is evidence to suggest that stress during pregnancy can affect the foetus and result in restricted growth and preterm birth. Although a number of mobile health (mHealth) approaches are designed to monitor pregnancy and provide information about a specific aspect, no proposal specifically addresses the interventions in parents at risk of having small-for-gestational-age (SGA) or premature babies. Very few studies, however, follow any design and usability guidelines which aim to ensure end-user satisfaction when using these systems. Results: We have developed an interactive, adaptable mHealth system to support a psycho-educational intervention programme for parents with SGA foetuses. The relevant results include a metamodel to support the task of modelling current or new intervention programmes, an mHealth system model with runtime adaptation to changes in the programme, the design of a usable app (called VivEmbarazo) and an architectural design and prototype implementation. The developed mHealth system has also enabled us to conduct a proof of concept based on the use of the mHealth systems and this includes data analysis and assesses usability and acceptance. Conclusions: The proof of concept confirms that parents are satisfied and that they are enthusiastic about the mHealth-supported intervention programme. It helps to technically validate the results obtained in the other stages relating to the development of the solution. The data analysis resulting from the proof of concept confirms that the stress experienced by parents who followed the mHealth-supported intervention programme was significantly lower than among those who did not follow it. This implies an improvement in the emotional health not only of the parents but also of their child. In fact, the babies of couples who followed the mHealth-supported programme weigh more than the babies of couples under traditional care. In terms of user acceptance and usability, the analysis confirms that mothers place greater value on the app design, usefulness and ease of use and are generally more satisfied than their partners. Although these results are promising in comparison with more traditional and other more recent technology- based approaches.MCIN/AEI PID2019-109644RB-I00Andalusia Ministry of Health (Junta de Andalucia-Spain) PC-0526-2016052

    Challenges in software applications for the cognitive evaluation and stimulation of the elderly

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    Background: Computer-based cognitive stimulation applications can help the elderly maintain and improve their cognitive skills. In this research paper, our objectives are to verify the usability of PESCO (an open-software application for cognitive evaluation and stimulation) and to determine the concurrent validity of cognitive assessment tests and the effectiveness of PESCO’s cognitive stimulation exercises.Methods: Two studies were conducted in various community computer centers in the province of Granada. The first study tested tool usability by observing 43 elderly people and considering their responses to a questionnaire. In the second study, 36 elderly people completed pen-and-paper and PESCO tests followed by nine cognitive stimulation sessions. Meanwhile, a control group with 34 participants used computers for nine non-structured sessions.Results: Analysis of the first study revealed that although PESCO had been developed by taking usability guidelines into account, there was room for improvement. Results from the second study indicated moderate concurrent validity between PESCO and standardized tests (Pearson’s r from .501 to .702) and highlighted the effectiveness of training exercises for improving attention (F = -4.111, p < .001) and planning (F = 5.791, p < .001) functions.Conclusions: PESCO can be used by the elderly. The PESCO cognitive test module demonstrated its concurrent validity with traditional cognitive evaluation tests. The stimulation module is effective for improving attention and planning skills.This research was jointly supported by funding from the Consortium Fernando de los Ríos and an Excellence Project (TIC-6600) from the Ministry of Innovation of the Regional Government of Andalusia in Spain. The University of Granada awarded a Research Grant to Sandra Rute-Pérez for this project

    A semi-automatic mHealth system using wearable devices for identifying pain-related parameters in elderly individuals

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    Background Mobile health systems integrating wearable devices are emerging as promising tools for registering pain-related factors. However, their application in populations with chronic conditions has been underexplored. Objective To design a semi-automatic mobile health system with wearable devices for evaluating the potential predictive relationship of pain qualities and thresholds with heart rate variability, skin conductance, perceived stress, and stress vulnerability in individuals with preclinical chronic pain conditions such as suspected rheumatic disease. Methods A multicenter, observational, cross-sectional study was conducted with 67 elderly participants. Predicted variables were pain qualities and pain thresholds, assessed with the McGill Pain Questionnaire and a pressure algometer, respectively. Predictor variables were heart rate variability, skin conductance, perceived stress, and stress vulnerability. Multiple linear regression analyses were conducted to examine the influence of the predictor variables on the pain dimensions. Results The multiple linear regression analysis revealed that the predictor variables significantly accounted for 27% of the variability in the affective domain, 14% in the miscellaneous domain, 15% in the total pain rating index, 10% in the number of words chosen, 14% in the present pain intensity, and 16% in the Visual Analog Scale scores. Conclusion The study found significant predictive values of heart rate variability, skin conductance, perceived stress, and stress vulnerability in relation to pain qualities and thresholds in the elderly population with suspected rheumatic disease. The comprehensive integration of physiological and psychological stress measures into pain assessment of elderly individuals with preclinical chronic pain conditions could be promising for developing new preventive strategies.R&D&i Project Ref. PID2019-109644RB-I00 funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación / Agencia Estatal de Investigación / 10.13039/501100011033R&D&i Project Ref. B-TIC-320-UGR20 funded by Junta de Andalucía and “ERDF A way of making Europe.

    Un enfoque innovador para el aprendizaje activo y colaborativo basado en juegos de rol

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    En este trabajo se propone una metodología de aprendizaje activo y colaborativo basada en juegos de rol para fomentar el análisis crítico en el aula. La metodología, «Equipos Analíticos» (Analytic Teams), busca dividir una tarea compleja del pensamiento crítico en actividades individuales o roles asignados a cada estudiante. Esta metodología, tiene como objetivo fomentar la participación y la equidad, percibiendo como valiosa la aportación de cada rol en el grupo. El proyecto incluye una prueba piloto con un análisis comparativo de la metodología docente, actualmente utilizada, y se recaba la opinión del estudiantado, a través de encuestas cuantitativas. Realizamos un análisis detallado de la aceptación de la metodología por parte del estudiantado de informática. Adicionalmente realizamos una comparativa con estudiantes de otras ramas del conocimiento, incluyendo empresa y economía. Los resultados del estudio demuestran que la metodología es efectiva para desarrollar las habilidades de trabajo en equipo en ámbitos más teóricos. Además, la motivación del estudiante universitario juega un papel importante en su predisposición a participar en estas dinámicas de trabajo. Estas actividades, motivan a los estudiantes a participar activamente en su propio proceso de aprendizaje y contribuyen a una mayor comprensión y retención del conocimiento.In this work, an active and collaborative learning methodology based on role-playing is proposed to promote critical thinking in the classroom. The presented methodology, “Analytic Teams”, aims to divide a complex critical thinking task into individual activities or roles assigned to each student. This student-centered approach seeks to encourage participation and equity, valuing the contribution of each role in the group. The project includes a pilot test with a comparative analisis of the current teaching methodology and student feed-back gathered through quantitative questionnaires. We carry out a detailed analysis of the acceptance of the proposed methodology by the computer science student. Additionally, we compared them with students from different fields of knowledge, including business and economics. The results of the study show that the methodology is effective in developing teamwork skills especially in theoretical areas. Moreover, the experience and motivation of the university student play an important role in their predisposition to participate in this type of group dynamics. These classroom activities motivate students to actively participate in their own learning process and contribute to a better understanding and retention of knowledge.Este trabajo es parte del proyecto financiado por la Unidad de Calidad, Innovación Docente y Prospectiva de la Universidad de Granada. Convocatoria: 2022. Código del Proyecto: 22-4

    Sc@ut DS: Soporte para el aprendizaje comunicativo usando una plataforma de ocio electrónico

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    La necesidad de generar estrategias y mecanismos alternativos al sistema tradicional de enseñanza, y más con personas con necesidades especiales, nos lleva al estudio de nuevos métodos y mecanismos de enseñanza que favorezcan las destrezas cognitivas, tiempo de dedicación y motivación, así como el entrenamiento de habilidades o conceptos que permitan superar las deficiencias de forma amena. El proyecto Sc@ut DS nace como plataforma para el aprendizaje comunicativo de distintos tipos: lenguaje con pictogramas, lenguaje hablado, lenguaje con signos o modificador de conductas. Se ha creado un sistema de comunicación aumentativo y alternativo que se ejecuta en la consola de videojuegos Nintendo DSTM. El presente trabajo muestra la experiencia en el diseño e implantación de Sc@ut DS en un Centro de Educación Especial

    Using nintendo DS™ as an integrative resource for of the total communication

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    El presente trabajo muestra la experiencia en el diseño y aplicación de un sistema de comunicación aumentativo y alternativo en el CEE Fundación Purísima Concepción de Granada. Se ha trabajado con la aplicación Sc@ut DS, que es una plataforma para el aprendizaje comunicativo de distintos tipos: lenguaje con pictogramas, lenguaje hablado y lenguaje con signos. Se ha utilizado como soporte de la aplicación la consola de videojuegos Nintendo DS™. Se ha creado una biblioteca de animaciones para gestos de lengua de signos que se usan como refuerzo y lenguaje alternativo a la comunicación. Se ha trabajado durante 9 meses con ocho alumnos del CEE Purísima Concepción de Granada. Ha supuesto una gran motivación para el alumnado y un atractivo mecanismo de entrenamiento de habilidades, conceptos y gestos. El uso del dispositivo Nintendo DS como soporte a la comunicación utilizando comunicadores del Sistema Sc@ut es un recurso facilitador de la comunicación en personas con discapacidad intelectual y severos problemas en su lenguaje oral. Todos los sistemas de comunicación deben adaptarse al usuario, y nuestra propuesta lo hace. El uso de lengua de signos incorporada como animación en el dispositivo refuerza el aprendizaje y uso de gestos para la comunicación.This paper shows the experience in the design and the implementation of an alternative and augmentative communication system, in a special education school of Granada, la Fundación la Purísima Concepción. In that school we have worked with the application Sc@ ut DS, which is a platform for communicative learning, including language with pictograms, spoken language and language with gestures. The videogame console Nintendo DS™ has been used to support the application. A library of animations has been created, including gestures from sign language, used as reinforcement and alternative language for communication. We have been working with eight students during nine months in the Especial Education School La Purísima Concepción, in Granada. The use of Nintendo DS as communication support increases the motivation of the students and it is an attractive mechanism for training abilities, concepts and gestures. We have provided a resource which facilitates the communication of people with intellectual disability and severe problems in their oral language. Every Communication System must adapt to the user and our proposal does it. The use of sign language added as animation in the device reinforces the learning and use of gestures for communication

    Qué y cómo se evalúa en el TFG del Grado en Ingeniería Informática en España

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    Este trabajo presenta una comparativa sobre cómo se está realizando la evaluación por competencias en la asignatura de Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) en los distintos Grados en Ingeniería Informática a nivel nacional. Para ello, se han consultado todas las guías docentes disponibles, las rúbricas y el informe que debe realizar la comisión evaluadora (si los hubiere). En esta contribución se analizan las diferencias y similitudes encontradas. Tras realizar un análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo, se llega a la conclusión de que, actualmente, la evaluación de las competencias asignadas a la asignatura de TFG es un proceso sujeto a subjetividades y que no refleja la gran mayoría de las competencias que se supone que deben ser evaluadas y calificadas.This work presents a comparison study about how competency-based evaluation is being performed in the senior degree project (Trabajo fin de Grado in Spanish) subject in the computing curricula of the Spanish universities. All available teaching guides, evaluation rubrics and the reports (if any) to be delivered by the corresponding evaluation committees have been checked, both quantitatively and qualitatively. The analysis of results yields the conclusion that, at present, the evaluation of competencies for the senior degree Project is a subjective process that does not reflects most of competencies that, in theory, should be assessed and marked.Este proyecto está financiado por la Universidad de Granada, en la convocatoria de Proyectos de Innovación Docente y Buenas Prácticas del Plan FIDO UGR 2022-2023, modalidad de proyectos coordinados: Proyecto “Cómo escribir tu TFG o TFM de ingeniería Informática y no morir en el intento: dificultades, retos y elaboración de materiales docentes. Ref 22-29”