663 research outputs found

    Nutritive Solutions Formulated from Organic Fertilizers

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    This chapter shows how organic fertilizers can provide essential nutrients soluble to plants, so as to be used in hydroponic systems in its various forms. Such materials are an important source of macro- and micronutrients. This form of plant nutrition can contribute to the sustainable production of food, both in developed and developing countries. Nutrient solutions can be formulated when soluble nutrients are extracted from the solid phase of organic manure. In some vegetables, equal yields, or sometimes higher, have been obtained in nutritive solutions formulated with synthetic chemical fertilizers. It has also been documented that the resulting edible products can be of a better nutraceutical quality. Ions can be obtained by means of preparations based on teas, extracts, leachates, digestate, urine, aquaculture, etc. Subsequently they must be diluted in water until reaching a level of electrical conductivity according to the tolerance levels of the crop to be established. The heterogeneity of the chemical composition of the solutions obtained is the main point that must be attended with the greatest possible precision to formulate the nutritive solutions and obtain satisfactory results. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the concentration of macro- and micronutrients (NO3−, NH4+, SO4=, H2PO4−, K+, Ca++, Mg++, Fe+++, Cu++, Mn++, Zn++, Cl−) as well as the Na+ ion (which is usually at high levels); it will also be necessary to adjust the pH. In addition, the chapter presents a broad overview and a series of research results in recent years: composition of solutions, nutrient supplements, substrates, and floating root trials in tomato, lettuce, cantaloupe melon, and green fodder. The environmental implications of inappropriate formulations are also analyzed. The nutritious solution, formulated from organic fertilizers, is not only an alternative for the nutrition of agricultural crops, but it also represents a more efficient way to use these resources

    Diseño e implementación de sistema para la automatización de vigilancia y seguridad del Conjunto Residencial “Las Margaritas”

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    El presente proyecto propone el diseño e implementación de un sistema de automatización para el conjunto residencial “Las Margaritas” con el objetivo de mejorar los servicios de accesos y vigilancia del edificio por medio de nuevos modelos de tecnología, buscando mejorar el confort, confiabilidad, seguridad y atención de los futuros habitantes del conjunto. De acuerdo a esto se presenta documento con plan de proyecto aplicando la Guía de Fundamentos de Gestión de Proyectos PMBOK ®. EL enfoque PMI utilizado en la Especialización Gerencia de Proyectos, permitió el correcto uso de las diez áreas del conocimiento, las cuales se reflejan en la estructuración y planificación del proyecto.This Project proposes the design and implementation of an automation system for the residential complex "Las Margaritas" with the aim of improving the access and surveillance services of the building through new technology models, seeking to improve comfort, reliability, security and care of the future inhabitants of the complex. Accordingly, a document with a Project plan is presented, applying the PMBOK ® Project Management Fundamentals Guide. The PMI approach used in the Project Management Specialization ended the correct use of the ten areas of knowledge, which are reflected in the structuring and planning of the Projec

    Evaluación de la Funcionalidad del Modelo de Preparación Comunitaria para Prevenir el Consumo de Sustancias Psicoactivas en el Municipio Pamplona

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    La Ciudad de Pamplona, asciende según las cifras derivadas del Ministerio de Educación Nacional y Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social (2016), a un total de 45% de la población que han consumido drogas ilegales. Así mismo El presente artículo de investigación tiene como objetivo Evaluar la funcionalidad respecto a la efectividad y adecuación del modelo de preparación comunitaria en la problemática psicosocial del consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en dos Barrios del Municipio de Pamplona. Para ello, se trabajó con un enfoque mixto y un diseño de Investigación Acción Participativa, con 54 personas de los barrios Santa Cruz y Centro del municipio de Pamplona, con edades comprendidas entre los 20 y 40 años. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron comparar la funcionalidad de la implementación del Modelo de Preparación Comunitaria de acuerdo con los estratos socioeconómicos, en donde se evidencian la capacidad de empoderamiento asociada a la necesidad de establecer soluciones oportunas que motivan al éxito   Abstract According to the figures derived from the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of Health and Social Protection (2016), the City of Pamplona rises to a total of 45% of the population who have consumed illegal drugs. Likewise, this research article aims to evaluate the functionality regarding the effectiveness and adequacy of the community preparation model in the psychosocial problem of the consumption of psychoactive substances in two neighborhoods of the Municipality of Pamplona. To do this, we worked with a mixed approach and a Participatory Action Research design, with 54 people from the Santa Cruz and Centro neighborhoods of the Pamplona municipality, aged between 20 and 40 years. The results obtained allowed to compare the functionality of the implementation of the Community Preparation Model according to the socioeconomic strata, where the empowerment capacity associated with the need to establish timely solutions that motivate success is evidenced

    Desinformação em contextos de polarização social: a greve nacional na Colômbia do dia 21N

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    Disinformation emerges as a worldwide phenomenon that affects public opinion. The article’s purpose is to analyze the contents evaluated as disinformation by three fact-checking media during Colombia’s national strike (November 21st, 2019). Specifically, the objective is to understand how disinformation negatively affects the intangible assets (legitimacy, reputation, and trust) of social & political actors, and institutions. Methodologically, we carried out both quantitative and ethnographic content analysis to analyze data and, identify the prominent arguments and relationships. Through this, we linked the disinformation and the costs of the intangible assets associated with these actors and institutions. The results highlight that the disinformation contents’ key drivers were the violence and punishable acts that affected both social actors and the Public Force, particularly the Esmad and the police. These contents delegitimized and discredited both the reasons for the protest and the function of guaranteeing public order and security. Regarding the disinformation linked to political actors, the leader of the left-side was the most affected due to inaccurate content that polarized and proclaimed extreme positions close to subversion. Finally, we discuss the implications of disinformation and how it affects legitimacy, reputation, and trust. Moreover, disinformation imitates media outlet aesthetics as a necessity of a kind of legitimacy and credibility set of news practice in the eye of the beholder. La desinformación se ha convertido en un fenómeno mundial que incide en la opinión pública. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar los contenidos evaluados como desinformación por tres medios de verificación durante el paro nacional del 21 de noviembre del 2019. Específicamente, se pretende conocer cómo la desinformación afecta negativamente los bienes intangibles (legitimidad, reputación y confianza) de actores sociales, políticos e instituciones. Metodológicamente, se realizó un análisis de contenido cuantitativo y etnográfico para analizar los datos e identificar argumentos y patrones de relación de la desinformación con su afectación en la intangibilidad de estos clústeres de actores. Los resultados obtenidos destacan que la desinformación propagada vinculó la violencia y los actos punibles tanto a los actores sociales como a la fuerza pública, especialmente al Esmad y a la policía, con el fin de deslegitimar y desacreditar las razones de la protesta o bien su labor de garantizar el orden público y la seguridad. Respecto a la desinformación vinculada con los actores políticos se observa que el líder de la izquierda fue el más afectado por contenidos que polarizaban y proclamaban posiciones extremas cercanas a la subversión. Por último, se discuten las implicaciones de la desinformación en la ciudadanía y cómo incide sobre la legitimidad, reputación y confianza. Además, se evidencia que la desinformación imita la estética de medios de comunicación para dotarse de una falsa legitimidad y credibilidad ante los ojos de la audiencia.A desinformação se há convertido em um fenômeno mundial que infringe na opinião pública.O objetivo desse artigo é analisar os conteúdos vistos como desinformação por ter meios deverificação durante a greve nacional do dia 21 de novembro de 2019. Especificamente, busca-seconhecer como a desinformação afeta negativamente os bens intangíveis (legitimidade, reputaçãoe confiança) de atores sociais, políticos e instituições. Metodologicamente, realizou-se umaanálises do conteúdo quantitativo e etnográfico para analisar os dados e identificar argumentose padrões de relação da desinformação com sua afetação na intangibilidade propagada vinculoua violência e os atos puníveis tanto aos atores sociais como a força pública, especialmente oEsmad e a polícia, com o fim de deslegitimar e desacreditar as razões da paralisação ou bemseu trabalho de garantir a ordem pública e a segurança. Respeito a desinformação atreladacom os atores políticos observa-se que o líder da esquerda foi o mais afetado pelos conteúdosde polarizaram e proclamavam posições extremas. Por último, discutem-se as implicações dadesinformação na cidadania e como incide sobre a legitimidade, reputação e confiança. Oque mais se percebe é que a desinformação imita a estética dos meios de comunicação paraequipar-se de uma falsa legitimidade e credibilidade ante os olhos da audiência

    Poor quality cost audit program in the emergency department of the E.S.E. San Juan de Dios Hospital in Girón

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    Descontadas pocas excepciones, tal vez ninguna, todas las cosas grandes que ha hecho y sigue haciendo el ser humano, han tenido un punto de partida, tal vez pequeño, tal vez modesto, pero punto de partida al fin y al cabo. Y en asuntos de puntos de partida, nos motiva profundamente vivir el proceso de crecer profesional e intelectualmente por la vía de iniciar la construcción de la escalera del conocimiento con la elaboración intelectual, acertada o no, del primer peldaño, antes que embarcarnos en la tarea sin sentido y quijotesca de hacer un gigante con pies de barro. Tal y como afirma Germán Riaño Gamboa en su último libro Auditoria de la Gestión en Salud: Un reto a la excelencia en el nuevo milenio: “la auditoría se aprende más en la práctica que en los libros”. Como auditores de formación iniciamos ahora nuestro trasegar en este campo del conocimiento y fiel imagen de ello es el presente trabajo producto de nuestras reflexiones, de ensayar y de errar y volver a ensayar, de horas de lectura, análisis y diseño; al final, dejamos para su crítica y mejora este sencillo pero elaborado documento.Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud CESINTRODUCCION 1 1. MARCO TEORICO 3 1.1 ENERALIDADES 3 1.2 MARCO LEGAL 3 1.3 MARCO CONCEPTUAL 6 1.3.1 Aspectos Históricos de la calidad y la Auditoria en el Campo de la Salud 6 1.3.2 El Desarrollo de la Calidad 9 1.3.3 Definición de Calidad 9 1.3.4 Definiciones en Costos 13 1.3.5 Costos de la calidad y la no calidad 15 Costos de Prevención 15 Costos de Evaluación 16 Costos de las Fallas Internas 17 Costos de las Fallas Externas 18 1.3.6 La Auditoría de la Calidad 19 Principios de la Auditoría 20 Fases de la Auditoria 21 La Planificación 22 1.3.7 La medición de la calidad 22 Escala o nivel nominal 23 Escala o nivel ordinal 23 Escala o nivel numérico o de Intervalo 24 1.3.8 Características de la Medición 25 1.3.9 El concepto de indicador 26 1.4 MARCO INSTITUCIONAL 29 1.4.1 Antecedentes históricos del Hospital San Juan de Dios de Girón, hoy Empresa Social del Estado 29 1.4.2 Situación Actual 30 Visión 31 Misión 31 Valores Corporativos 31 Estructura Orgánica 31 2. OBJETIVOS 33 2.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 33 2.2 OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS 33 3. METODOLOGÍA 34 BIBLIOGRAFIA 37 ANEXOS 39EspecializaciónWith few exceptions, perhaps none, all the great things that human beings have done and continue to do, have had a starting point, perhaps small, perhaps modest, but a starting point after all. And in matters of starting points, we are deeply motivated to live the process of growing professionally and intellectually by starting the construction of the ladder of knowledge with the intellectual elaboration, successful or not, of the first step, before embarking on the task. senseless and quixotic of making a giant with feet of clay. As stated by Germán Riaño Gamboa in his latest book Health Management Audit: A challenge to excellence in the new millennium: "auditing is learned more in practice than in books". As training auditors, we now begin our journey in this field of knowledge and a true image of this is the present work, the product of our reflections, of rehearsing and erring and re-testing, of hours of reading, analysis and design; In the end, we leave this simple but elaborate document for your criticism and improvement.Modalidad Presencia

    First recorded case of leucism in the velvet belly lantern shark Etmopterus spinax (Squaliformes: Etmopteridae)

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    Poster presentado en el SIBIC 2022 IX Iberian Congress of IchthyologyThe capture of a female specimen of the velvet belly lantern shark Etmopterus spinax with abnormal skin coloration is reported. The specimen was captured off northern Spain (Bay of Biscay, North-Eastern Atlantic) in 2021 by bottom trawling. The lack of dermal melanophores combined with a normal retinal pigmentation, lead us to considérate the specimen as leucistic. This is the first case of leucism in E. spinax and the second record of colour aberration in the family Etmopteridae

    A political ecology of green territorialization: frontier expansion and conservation in the Colombian Amazon

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    After decades of civil war, the Colombian government has recently declared the Amazon as a model region for green growth and low carbon development. The Amazon Vision programme, launched by the Colombian government in 2016, seeks to contribute to forest conservation, climate mitigation, poverty reduction and peace building. The Amazon Vision fundamentally reframes the Colombian Amazon from a ‘narco frontier’ that needs to be liberated from guerrilla influence, organized crime and peasants destroying forests for coca cultivation, to a net CO2 sink with enormous potential for green growth and poverty reduction. Drawing on historical and empirical qualitative research in Guaviare and complemented by a quantitative land cover classification, this article builds on the concept of ‘green territoriality’ to investigate the extent to which the shift towards conservation affects property rights and the ability of indigenous groups and peasants to access land and natural resources. We illustrate how the reframing of peasants from protagonists of development and frontier expansion to villains, and of indigenous communities from underdeveloped forest dwellers to environmental guardians, has created land conflicts and affected the legitimacy of their respective property rights. In both cases, the Amazon Vision strengthens conservation policies and challenges existing land rights but also creates new windows of opportunity for the land claims of indigenous communities while reinforcing conceptualizations of social differentiation among dwellers of the Amazon

    Knock-Down of Specific Thyroid Hormone Receptor Isoforms Impairs Body Plan Development in Zebrafish

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    The role of thyroid hormones (THs) in development has been extensively studied, however, the specific molecular mechanisms involved are far from being clear. THs act by binding to TH nuclear receptors (TR) that act as ligand-dependent transcription factors to regulate TH-dependent gene expression. Like vertebrates, zebrafish express different isoforms of functional Tr alpha and beta, some of which can bind alternative ligands like 3,5-T2. In this study, we first analyzed the effects of exogenous T3 and 3,5-T2 exposure during embryogenesis. The percentage of affected embryos was similar to those vehicle-injected, suggesting that the early exposure to low TH levels is not sufficient to elicit effects upon the phenotype of the embryo. We then generated crispants for four isoforms of thr to learn more about the role of these receptors in early development. We found that crispant larvae from thraa and a newly identified l-thrb+, but not thrab and canonical thrb1 showed profound deleterious effects upon symmetry and laterality, suggesting early novel roles for these Tr isoforms in the body plan developmental program. Since critical events that determine cell fate start in the late gastrula, we tested if some genes that are expressed during early developmental stages could indeed be TH targets. We identify early development genes, like sox10 and eve, that were specifically over-expressed in thraa and l-thrb+ crispants, suggesting that these specific thr isoforms function as transcription repressors for these genes, while transcription of zic and ets appear to be thraa and l-thrb+-mediated, respectively. Overall, present results show that TH signaling participates in early zebrafish development and identify Tr isoform-specific mediated regulation of early gene expression

    Effect of poultry manure and biosolid mixed with European turbe for cucurbit seedling production

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    En México, la turba de Sphagnum (peat moss), es el principal sustrato utilizado para la producción de plántulas de hortalizas en bandeja de poliestireno, su precio es elevado por ser de importación, lo que hace necesario estudiar alternativas de menor costo. Por lo anterior, se propone mezclar la turba con materiales orgánicos de origen local como la gallinaza (G) y biosólido (B) para producir plántulas de pepino (Cucumis sativus L.) y calabacita (Cucurbita pepo L.). Ocho mezclas de material orgánico-turba fueron evaluadas para cada especie: 1) 4% G + 96% turba; 2) 8% G + 92% turba; 3) 12% G + 88% turba; 4) 16% G + 84% turba; 5) 4% B + 96% turba; 6) 8% B + 92% turba; 7) 12% B + 88% turba; 8) 16% B + 84% turba, el tratamiento testigo fue 100% turba. En los resultados se destaca, en pepino, la mezcla con 16% de biosólido que afectó positivamente en unidades SPAD (Soil Plant Analysis Development), diámetro de tallo y área foliar, mientras que la mezcla con 12% de gallinaza aumentó peso seco de parte aérea y total (P ≤ 0,05). En calabacita, la mezcla con 16% de gallinaza incrementó área foliar (P ≤ 0,05). En las variables de altura, peso seco de raíz y balance de plántula no se encontraron diferencias significativas en ambas especies y mezclas. Se concluye que mezclas de turba europea (peat moss) con gallinaza o biosólido, son una importante alternativa técnica y económica para la producción de plántulas en pepino y calabacita.In Mexico, Sphagnum turbe (peat moss) is the main substrate used for the production of vegetable seedlings in polystyrene trays. It is imported and thus has an elevated price, therefore some lower cost alternatives need to be addressed. This work proposes a mixture of peat with local organic materials as poultry manure (PM) and biosolid (B) to produce cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) and zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) seedlings. Eight mixtures of organic material-peat were evaluated for each species: 1) 4% PM + 96% peat; 2) 8% PM + 92% peat; 3) 12% PM + 88% peat; 4) 16% PM + 84% peat; 5) 4% B + 96% peat; 6) 8% B + 92% peat; 7) 12% B + 88% peat; 8) 16% B + 84% peat, and 100% peat as control. Compared with the control, the mixture with 16% of biosolid affected positively SPAD (Soil Plant Analysis Development) units, stem diameter and leaf area in cucumber seedlings, while the mixture with 12% of poultry manure increased aerial and total dry weight (P ≤ 0.05). In zucchini, the mixture with 16% of poultry manure increased leaf area (P ≤ 0.05). No significant differences were found in height, root dry weight and seedling balance in both species and mixtures. We concluded that use of peat moss mixed with poultry manure or biosolid represents an important technical and economic alternative for cucumber and zucchini seedling production.Fil: Carballo Méndez, Fernando de Jesús. Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Rodríguez Ortiz, Juan Carlos. Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: García Hernández, José Luis.Fil: Alcalá Jáuregui, Jorge Alonso. Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Preciado Rangel, Pablo. Instituto Tecnológico de Torreón (México)Fil: Rodríguez Fuentes, Humberto. Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (México). Facultad de Agronomía.Fil: Villarreal Guerrero, Federico. Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Facultad de Agronomí