26 research outputs found

    Perceptions and Degree of Satisfaction with the Health Sciences University Educational Community Regarding the Measures Adopted for the Prevention of COVID-19 in the Academic Year 2020/2021

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    [EN] The COVID-19 pandemic caused the start of the academic year 2020/2021 to be conditioned by health and safety regulations. The present research was defined with the aim of analyzing the degree of satisfaction and perceptions on the establishment of bubble groups and pairs and on the use of audiovisual platforms for the development of theoretical and practical university teaching in three degrees of health sciences. A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out on a representative sample of students and teachers of health sciences in Ponferrada (n = 285). Specific questionnaires designed for this study were completed virtually during April and May 2021. The results indicate that that satisfaction was moderate–high. The perception of the influence of bubble pairs on the quality of teaching can be interpreted as very low. These results increase with the age and academic and professional experience of students and faculty members, respectively. However, the participants belonging to physiotherapy considered that the quality of teaching had worsened much more compared to their counterparts in nursing and podiatry.S

    Adaptation of the person centered therapeutic relationship patient version (PCTR‐PT) to a version for physiotherapists (PCTR‐PHYS) and evaluation of its psychometric properties

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    [EN] Background and Purpose The therapeutic relationship is a central component for developing person-centered care within physiotherapy services. However, it is necessary to understand how this relationship is perceived by both parties involved. The Person Centered Therapeutic Relationship-Patient scale (PCTR-PT) was constructed to identify patients' perceptions. No instruments are currently available to correlate patients' and physiotherapists' perceptions of the therapeutic relationship. This study sought to adapt the PCTR-PT to develop a version for physiotherapists, the Person Centered Therapeutic Relationship Scale for Physiotherapists (PCTR-PHYS) and to determine its psychometric properties. Methods A three-stage study was performed: (1) item generation, (2) pretesting of the questionnaire, (3) analysis of psychometric properties. Factor validity and psychometric properties were analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Convergent validity was calculated. Internal consistency was verified using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to examine temporal stability. Results Thirty-three physiotherapists participated in two rounds of cognitive interviews and 343 participated in the analysis of psychometric properties. The CFA confirmed the four-structure model. Reliability of the tool was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha (α = 0.863) for all four dimensions, as all were above 0.70, ranging from 0.704 (relational bond) and 0.898 (therapeutic communication). Test-retest was performed with 2-week intervals, indicating an appropriate stability for the scale (ICC = 0.908). Discussion The Person Centered Therapeutic Relationship Scale for Physiotherapists is a useful, valid and applicable instrument to evaluate the person-centered therapeutic relationship during physiotherapy interventions. It will enable the comparison of patients' and physiotherapists' perceptions. To provide person-centered care in physiotherapy services, there is a clear need to incorporate specific resources into clinical practice to evaluate the quality of the therapeutic relationship from the perspective of both the persons being treated and the professionals providing care.SIPublicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Examining the Association between Evidence-Based Practice and Burnout among Spanish Physical Therapists: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    The aim of this study was to quantify the level of burnout and competence for evidence-based practice among Spanish physical therapists and to determine if there is a relationship between these and other socio-professional factors. A cross-sectional study with 472 Spanish Physiotherapists. An electronic survey was conducted that included the Maslach Burnout Inventory, Evidence-Based Practice Questionnaire and sociodemographic data. The three subscales of the Burnout correlated with attitude and total Evidence-Based Practice Questionnaire. Attitude and practice for evidence-based practice, educational level and experience were the variables that showed the greatest influence on burnout. Burnout and the degree of evidence-based practice were identified as being discretely related. Specifically, it seems that the evidence-based practice could improve the lack of personal accomplishment, meaning that through interventions perceived as more effective and advantageous, a sense of mastery and self-efficacy is experienced

    Musculoskeletal Pain and Teleworking in Times of the COVID-19: Analysis of the Impact on the Workers at Two Spanish Universities

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    [EN] The special situation brought about by the coronavirus pandemic and the confinement imposed by the Government, has given rise to numerous changes in working habits. The workers at the universities have had to start a period of teleworking that could give rise to consequences for the musculoskeletal system. The objective of this article is to analyze the impact of the confinement on the musculoskeletal health of the staff of two Spanish universities. A cross-sectional, observational study was carried out on the workers. Data was taken in April–May 2020 and included: The Standardized Kuorinka Modified Nordic Questionnaire, the Perceived Stress Scale and another one on sociodemographic data. This study comprised 472 people. The areas of pain noted during the confinement period concluded that it was less in all cases (p < 0.001). The frequency of physical activity carried out increased significantly during the period of confinement (p < 0.04), especially in women. The type of physical activity done was also seen to modify during this period (p < 0.001), with a preference for strength training and stretching exercises. In conclusion, the confinement gave rise to changes in the lifestyle and in the musculoskeletal pain of the workers at the universities. All of this must be taken into account by health institutions and those responsible for the Prevention of Occupational Risks at Spanish universities.S

    Examining the Association between Evidence-Based Practice and Burnout among Spanish Physical Therapists: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    [EN] The aim of this study was to quantify the level of burnout and competence for evidence-based practice among Spanish physical therapists and to determine if there is a relationship between these and other socio-professional factors. A cross-sectional study with 472 Spanish Physiotherapists. An electronic survey was conducted that included the Maslach Burnout Inventory, Evidence-Based Practice Questionnaire and sociodemographic data. The three subscales of the Burnout correlated with attitude and total Evidence-Based Practice Questionnaire. Attitude and practice for evidence-based practice, educational level and experience were the variables that showed the greatest influence on burnout. Burnout and the degree of evidence-based practice were identified as being discretely related. Specifically, it seems that the evidence-based practice could improve the lack of personal accomplishment, meaning that through interventions perceived as more effective and advantageous, a sense of mastery and self-efficacy is experienced.S

    Leadership and contagion by COVID-19 among residence hall students: A social network analysis approach

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    University students have changed their behaviour due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this paper, we describe the characteristics of PCR+ and PCR- nodes, analyse the structure, and relate the structure of student leaders to pandemic contagion as determined by PCR+ in 93 residential university students. Leadership comes from the male students of social science degrees who have PCR +, with an eigenvector centrality structure, β-centrality, and who are part of the bow-tie structure. There was a significant difference in β-centrality between leaders and non-leaders and in β-centrality between PCR+ and non-leaders. Leading nodes were part of the bow-tie structure. MR-QAP results show how residence and scientific branch were the most important factors in network formation. Therefore, university leaders should consider influential leaders, as they are vectors for disseminating both positive and negative outcomes.S

    The psychometric properties of the person-centered therapeutic relationship in physiotherapy scale

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    [EN] Objective To determine the psychometric properties of the Person-Centered Therapeutic Relationship in Physiotherapy Scale (PCTR-PT) in order to find the most appropriate fit for the tool. Methods Patients who had received treatment at the physiotherapy service of nine hospitals in Spain were invited to complete the 31 items of the PCTR-PT scale. To select the most appropriate items of the PCTR-PT, an exploratory factorial analysis (EFA) was performed using the maximum likelihood and oblique rotation (promin) methods. Factor validity, goodness-of-fit and psychometric properties were analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Convergent (CFA) and discriminant validity were calculated. Internal consistency was verified using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to examine temporal stability. Results 366 patients over 18 years old who had received, at least, 15 physiotherapy treatment sessions completed the questionnaire. The results of the exploratory factor analysis revealed a tool with 15 items in four factors [Relational Bond (N items = 4); Individualized Partnership (N items = 4); Professional Empowerment (N items = 3) and Therapeutic Communication (N items = 4)], explaining 78.4% of the variance of the total variables of this tool. The confirmatory factor analysis further confirmed the four-structure model. Reliability of the tool was approved by Cronbach's alpha in all four dimensions, as all were above .70, ranging from .84 (Individualized Partnership) to .91 (Professional Empowerment). = 0.94. Test-retest was performed with two-week intervals, indicating an appropriate stability for the scale (ICC = 0.900). Conclusion The Person-Centered Therapeutic Relationship in Physiotherapy Scale (PCTR-PT) is a useful, valid and applicable instrument to evaluate the person-centered therapeutic relationship during physiotherapy interventions. It would be interesting to investigate the predictive capacity (sensitivity and specificity) of the PCTR-PT scale.SIAuthors JMB, ORN, are recipients of a grant from CEU Cardenal Herrera University (www. uchceu.es) and the San Pablo University-Santander Foundation (FUSP). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Musculoskeletal Pain and Non-Classroom Teaching in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Analysis of the Impact on Students from Two Spanish Universities

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    [EN] The lockdown, due to the coronavirus, has led to a change in lifestyle and physical activity in Spanish university students. The objective of this study was to analyze the prevalence of musculoskeletal pain and changes in physical activity and self-perceived stress in the student bodies of two Spanish Universities during the lockdown. A cross-sectional study was carried out in a sample of 1198 students (70.6% women). The main instruments used for measuring were the Standardized Kuorinka Modified Nordic Questionnaire and the Perceived stress scale (the questionnaire regarding the practice of physical activity). A reduction in the prevalence of musculoskeletal pain (p < 0.001) was identified in the sample of men and women, an increase (12.5%) in the frequency of carrying out physical activity from moderate to frequent, and the preference for strength training (15.1%), especially among women, was identified. All of this may be taken into account by health institutions when implementing measures to encourage physical activity in both suitable amounts and types, which improves the quality of life of the students.S

    Relationship between the nursing practice environment and the therapeutic relationship in acute mental health units: a cross-sectional study

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    The therapeutic relationship constitutes the central axis of mental health nursing. The clinical practice environment has been empirically related to the quality of care. However, the relationship between the two constructs is unknown in the setting of mental health units. We aimed to examine whether the practice environment and nurses' characteristics influence the therapeutic relationship in mental health units. Through a cross-sectional design, data were collected via an online form completed by nurses in 18 mental health units. Linear regression was used to examine the relationship between the clinical practice environment and the therapeutic relationship. Questionnaires were completed by 198 participants. The mean age was 33.8 (SD 9.1) years, 71.7% were women, and only 20.2% had a specialist qualification in mental health. The therapeutic relationship was better when there was a more favourable practice environment (B: 3.111; 95% CI: 1.46-4.75). The most influential environment-related factor was the nursing foundations for quality of care (B: 2.124; 95% CI: 0.17-4.07). The factors associated with a high-quality therapeutic relationship were a more favourable practice environment and the presence of more foundations for quality nursing care, coupled with higher academic attainment and longer nursing experience. Institutions should take into account the importance of the nursing practice environment in mental health units. Aspects related to the quality of nursing foundations, such as training, the use of nursing language and taxonomy, and the existence of a common nursing philosophy, are influential for a high-quality therapeutic relationship

    Aprendizaje-servicio para la promoción de la salud y la prevención de enfermedad en la población infantil

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    [ES] El presente proyecto de innovación docente consistió en una actividad de aprendizaje-servicio, basada en la metodología de acción participativa, llevada a cabo con estudiantes de los grados en Enfermería y Fisioterapia del Campus de Ponferrada. Objetivos: Con el diseño y puesta en práctica del proyecto, se pretendió desarrollar un aprendizaje significativo, adquirir diversas competencias transversales y específicas de cada titulación, así como aumentar su nivel de empatía y compromiso social. Descripción de la innovación: Los estudiantes, en el marco de distintas asignaturas de la titulación, diseñaron y llevaron a cabo diversos talleres de educación para la salud y promoción de hábitos de vida saludables destinados a escolares de primero y sexto de primaria de la ciudad de Ponferrada. Los talleres versaron sobre la promoción de la actividad física, la igualdad de géneros, la protección solar, el lavado de manos y los primeros auxilios. Principales resultados: Participaron un total de 67 estudiantes y 236 escolares. El 96,2% de los escolares mostraron satisfacción máxima con los talleres. A nivel de los estudiantes universitarios, los resultados medidos a través de la escala de empatía “Interpersonal Reactivity Index”, mostraron un cambio significativo en la dimensión de estrés personal, en la que hubo una disminución de la puntuación tras la actividad en la muestra total (p=0.006) y en el grupo de las mujeres (p=0.018). Los estudiantes, además de adquirir y consolidar resultados de aprendizaje específicos, manifestaron trabajar competencias relacionadas con la motivación por el trabajo, las relaciones interpersonales y el trabajo en equipo. Conclusiones: El aprendizaje-servicio se presenta como una estrategia interesante a nivel universitario. El aprendizaje significativo aporta a los universitarios una satisfacción y recompensa personal. En esta experiencia, se produjeron cambios significativos en la dimensión de estrés personal, factor fundamental para la toma de decisiones ante situaciones estresantes