312 research outputs found

    Effect of Heating on Avian (Cortical and Medullary) Bone Chemistry, Mineralogy and Structural Organization

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    The Supporting Information is available free of charge at https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.cgd.3c00648.The study of bone changes induced by heating is highly relevant for forensic and archeological analyses as well as for the production of bone-derived materials with novel properties and applications. In the present study, we study in detail how different types of avian bone (cortical, medullary) transform during thermal treatments (up to 800 °C) using different analytical techniques such as thermogravimetry (TGA-DSC), electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy. We show that bone transformation following thermal treatments is strongly influenced by bone architecture, the composition of the organic matrix, and the integration of the mineral with the organic fractions. For instance, in avian cortical bone, the apatite nanocrystals are integrated within collagen fibrils and coated with phosphorylated proteins. During heating, the collagen losses structural order and denatures (at around 200 °C), losing all structural integrity at 300 °C. In the bone mineral fraction, there is a gradual conversion of phosphate, in poorly crystalline/amorphous environments, into apatite (up to 400 °C). However, it is not until all organics are completely lost at around 600 °C that recrystallization sets in with a rapid increase in the size of apatite crystals. Also, during recrystallization, foreign ions (Mg2+, Na+) are expelled from the apatite lattice to the crystal surface, and the degree of preferential orientation of the apatite crystals increases as larger, well-oriented apatite crystals grow epitaxially at the expense of smaller, randomly oriented crystals. However, the scenario is different for the medullary bone. In this case, with an organic matrix rich in noncollagen proteins and proteoglycans, the recrystallization sets in at much lower temperatures (around 400 °C compared to 600 °C in cortical bone). Thus, the association of mineral and organic components controls recrystallization, particularly in the case of apatite nanocrystals within collagen fibrils in cortical bone. Also, the calcination process creates additional microporosity in both types of bone, increasing the bone mineral surface area and reactivity. The information obtained in this study provides a better understanding of the dynamics of bone transformation during alteration in natural processes (e.g., diagenesis, burning) and how bone mineral characteristics can be modified for specific applications (e.g., bone grafts, waste removal, or chromatography).Junta de Andalucía (P20_00208 and P20_00207)Spanish government (PID2020-116660GB-I00), UCE-PP2016-05Biotechnology Institute (University of Granada


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    The Balsas river basin is one of the largest andmost important in Mexico. Comprisingapproximately 112,320 km2, it forms an eastwest-oriented depression in central-southMexico and occupies portions of the states ofGuerrero, Jalisco, México, Michoacán,Oaxaca, Puebla, and Tlaxcala, and all ofMorelos. The basin is physiographicallydelimited by the Transverse Volcanic Belt tothe north and the Sierra Madre del Sur to thesouth, and lies between 17°00' and 20°00' Nlatitude and 97°30' and 103°15' W longitude.The prevailing climate is warm and semiarid,with the aridity increasing eastward, wheremost of the xerophytic elements are thusconcentrated. Due to its position between twomajor mountain chains and the resultantvariations in elevation within the area, variousand diverse vegetation types occur in theregion, ranging from xerophyllous scrubs totropical forests to oak-pine forests and evenalpine grasslands above treeline. The greatdiversity of environmental conditions thatcharacterize the Balsas river basin, as well asthe biotic relationships to the neighboringareas, which belong to quite separate floristicregions, confer a great floristic diversity tothe area.The existing information on the vegetation andflora of the basin is not extensive, and we therefore can consider this to be one of themore poorly known regions of Mexico fromthe botanical point of view.The principal objective of this work is topresent a preliminary list of the phanerogamicflora of the balsas river Basin, based on thespecies that have been collected in or citedfrom the area. The list is alphabetical byfamily, genus, and species within the majorgroups of pteridophytes, gymnosperms, andangiosperms.The list includes 202 families, 1,246 generaand 4,442 species. The largest families are:Compositae with 136 genera and 573 species,Leguminosae with 90 genera and 486 species,Gramineae with 84 genera and 253 species andOrchidaceae with 51 genera and 197 species.The best collected states within the basin atpresent are Guerrero, Michoacán and Morelos.La cuenca del río Balsas es una de las másextensas e importantes de México, susuperficie es de aproximadamente 112,320km2, constituye una depresión con direccióneste-oeste en la parte centro sur de México, enla que están comprendidas porciones de losestados de Guerrero, Jalisco, México,Michoacán, Oaxaca, Puebla, Tlaxcala y latotalidad del estado de Morelos.Fisiográficamente está limitada por el ejeneovolcánico y la Sierra Madre del Sur, entrelas coordenadas 17°00' y 20°00' de latitudnorte y 97°30' y 103°15' de longitud oeste.La mayor parte del área presenta un climacálido semiseco, siendo hacia el oriente dondese acentúa más la condición de aridez y por lotanto donde se encuentra la mayor proporciónde elementos xerófilos.Asimismo, por su posición entre dos macizosmontañosos de gran importancia, esta regiónse caracteriza por tener varios tipos devegetación, resultado principalmente de lavariación climática que se da en relación aldesnivel altitudinal, presentándose desde matorrales xerófilos y bosques tropicales,hasta bosques de encino y pino e inclusopastizales alpinos por arriba del límite de lavegetación arbórea. La gran diversidad decondiciones ambientales que se dan en lacuenca del río Balsas, así como sus relacionescon las provincias florísticas circundantes,pertenecientes a dos regiones fisiográficasdistintas, le confieren una gran riquezaflorística.Los datos existentes sobre la vegetación y floraque prospera en esta cuenca no son muyabundantes, por lo que podemos considerar aesta zona como una de las regiones del paísmenos conocidas desde el punto de vistabotánico.El objetivo principal de este trabajo espresentar un listado preliminar de la florafanerógamica que prospera en el áreacomprendida por la cuenca del río Balsas; estelistado de elaboró tomando en consideraciónlas plantas vasculares que han sido citadas ocolectadas en la región del Balsas.La información se presenta de maneraalfabética, a nivel de familias, géneros yespecies. Encontrándose primero el grupo de las pteridofitas, siguiendo las gimnospermas yfinalmente las angiospermas. De acuerdo coneste listado florístico, se registra la existenciade 202 familias, 1,246 géneros y 4,442especies. Las familias mejor representadas son:Compositae con 136 géneros y 573 especies,Leguminosae con 90 géneros y 486 especies,Gramineae con 84 géneros y 253 especies yOrchidaceae con 51 géneros y 197 especies.Los estados mejor representados a la fecha sonGuerrero, Michoacán y Morelos


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    Queretaro state is localized in thecentral part of Mexico, has approximately12,000 Km2 and presents the followingvegetation types: confers forest (FC), openscrub forest (OSF), mountain rain forest(MRF), oak-savannah (OS), deciduousseasonal forest (DSF), semievergreenseasonal forest (SSF), arid tropical scrub(ATS), grassland (G), acuatic andsubacuatic vegetation (ASV) and pine-oakforest (POF) (Zamudio et al., 1992).Beside, in this paper we included thepteridophytes grow in forest PinusQuercus. This work presents the ecologicaldistribution of 48 genera, 175 species and12 varieties of pteridophyte from Queretaro.We make an analized about taxa distributionand found the following: 32% of the speciesare in MRF, 23% in OS , 10% are in ATS andPOFeach one, 9.6%in DSF, 6.1% in FC, 6.8%in SSF, 1.3% in G and 0.68% in ASV andscrub forest, many species are presented indifferents vegetation types.El estado de Querétaro se encuentraubicado en el centro del país, ocupa aproximadamente 12,000 Km2 y presenta lossiguientes tipos de vegetación: bosque deconíferas (BC), bosque espinoso (BE),bosque mesófilo de montaña (BMM),bosque de encino (BEN), bosque tropicalcaducifolio (BTC), bosque tropical subcaducifolio (BTS), matorral xerófilo (MX),pastizal (P), vegetación acuática ysubacuática (VASA) (Zamudio et al., 1992);además en este trabajo se incluyenaquellaspteridófitas que prosperan en comunidadesde vegetación de pino-encino (BPE). En estetrabajo se presenta la ubicación y distribución de 175 especies y 12 variedades de 48géneros de pteridófitas en los diferentestipos de vegetación. Del análisis de ladistribución de los taxones en la región, seencontró que el 32% de las especies prosperan en el BMM, 23% en BEN, 10% enMX y BPE respectivamente, 9.6% en BTC,6.1% en BC, 6.8% en BTS, 1.3% en P y0.68% en VASA y PE, distribuyéndose a suvez muchas de las especies en varios de lostipos de vegetación


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    The 337 species of vascular plantsconsidered endemic from the Balsas riverbasin are listed. Basing on the number oftaxa, the best represented families are:Compositae 48, Leguminosae 30, Cactaceae21, Burseraceae and Crassulaceae 17.Among the monocotyledons Orchidaceae24, Bromeliaceae and Liliaceae 16. Frompteridoflora only 14 species were registredas endemics. The best represented state isGuerrero (82 spp exclusive), the state thatless species registers is Jalisco (7 spp) andTlaxcala none. Most of the species werelocated in tropical deciduous forest and inthe xerophytic scrub.  Se enlistan 337 especies de plantasvasculares en la cuenca del río Balsas,ubicadas en la categoría de endémicas. Lasfamilias mejor representadas son Compositaecon 48 taxones, Leguminosae con 30,Cactaceae 21, Burseraceae y Crassulaceae 17;en las monocotiledóneas destacanOrchidaceae con 24 especies, Bromeliaceaey Liliaceae 16. De la pteridoflora sólo 14especies se registran como taxones dedistribución restringida. El estado mejorrepresentado es Guerrero (82 spp exclusivas)Jalisco el que menos taxones registra (7 spp)y en Tlaxcala no ocurre ninguna especie hastala fecha. La mayoría de las especiesprosperan en el bosque tropical caducifolioy en el matorral xerófilo

    Antimicrobial defenses of table eggs: Importance of antibacterial proteins in egg white as a function of hen age in an extended production cycle

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    The importance of egg natural defences to prevent bacterial contamination and their relation with hen age in extended production cycles were evaluated. Egg-white from eggs of different hen age groups (up 100-weeks-old) and lines (Hy-Line white and brown) were inoculated with Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus or Gram-negative Salmonella Typhimurium, ranging from 103-106 CFU/mL. Our results show that concentrations of egg-white lysozyme and, particularly, ovotransferrin are important to modulate bacterial survival in a dose-dependent matter. Depending on protein concentration, their effect ranges from bactericidal to bacteriostatic, with a threshold for bacterial contamination that depends also on hen age and line. The concentrations of lysozyme and ovotransferrin increased with hen age (up to 2 and 22 w/w% of total protein, respectively), and eggs laid by older hens exhibited the greatest potential to prevent the growth of the highest Salmonella inoculum (106 CFU/ mL). Salmonella-penetration experiments demonstrated that non-contaminated eggs display significantly higher concentrations of antimicrobial proteins. However, eggs from older hens needed a higher concentration of these proteins (>20% ovotransferrin) to prevent bacterial contamination, showing that antimicrobial protein concentrations in egg-whites was not the only factor influencing bacterial contamination. Finally, this study demonstrated that egg-white of eggs produced by old hens are less prone to contamination by Salmonella.Spanish Government CGL 2015-64683-PPremio de Investigacion 2019 (Instituto del Huevo)Junta de Andalucia RNM-938Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) RGPIN2022-0441

    Consolidation of degraded ornamental porous limestone stone by calcium carbonate precipitation induced by the microbiota inhabiting the stone

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    El artículo original ha sido publicado por Chemosphere, de la Editorial Elsevier, disponible en: http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/362/description#description http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6V74-4NF2NCX-1&_user=654849&_coverDate=08%2F31%2F2007&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_origin=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_acct=C000035398&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=654849&md5=a44718f997b5057999cd6a5f100b7289&searchtype=aAlthough it has already been shown that calcareous stone can be consolidated by using a bacterially-inoculated culture media, a more user-friendly method is the in situ application of a sterile culture media that is able to activate, among the microbial community of the stone, those bacteria with a potential for calcium carbonate precipitation. In order to test this new method for stone consolidation, non-sterilized decayed porous limestone was immersed in sterile nutritional media. Results were compared to those of the runs in which stone sterilized prior to the treatment was used. The effects of the microbial community on stone consolidation were determined by recording the evolution of the culture media chemistry. The treated stones were tested for mechanical resistance and porosity. Results demonstrate that the tested media were able to activate bacteria from the microbial community of the stone. As a consequence of the growth of these bacteria, an alkalinization occurred that resulted in calcium carbonate precipitation. The new precipitate was compatible with the substrate and consolidated the stone without pore plugging. Therefore, a good candidate to in situ consolidate decayed porous limestone is the application of a sterile culture media with the characteristics specified in the present study.Proyectos MAT2005-03994, MAT2006-05411, CGL2004-03910 Grupo de Investigación de la Junta de Andalucía NMR 179, FQM 195 Departamento de Microbiología; Departamento de Mineralogía y Petrología (Universidad de Granada

    El MoMA, un museo de vanguardia para familias

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    En las próximas páginas y como fruto del estudio de un caso realizado dentro del MoMA en marzo del 2013, vamos a tratar de aproximarnos a cómo dicha institución cultural y educativa favorece el establecimiento de relaciones de con anza con sus visitantes, a partir de los talleres de familias que organizan, tomando como ocasión obras de arte modernas y abstractas


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    The medicinal plants of Copandaro deGaleana in the state of Michoacan, Mexico,were studied, and uses were recorded for103 taxa. The dominant plant families wereCompositae (19 spp.), Labiatae (10 spp.),Solanaceae (6 spp.) and Leguminosae (5spp.), and the most represented genera wereSalvia (Labiatae) y Tagetes (Compositae).Twenty-two species of medicinal flora were22Núm. 22:21-50 Noviembre 2006registered for the state for the first time. Toevaluate their relative use, the Friedmanquantitative methodology was used to determine the rank of priority (ROP) and thefidelity value (FL) of these plants. Therelative popularity (RPL) was determined bydesignating the plants as «popular» or «notpopular» and adjusting the FL values. Themost frequently used species (ROP = 100)were: Tecoma stans (L.) Juss., Oenotherarosea L´Her. ex Ait., O. purpusii Munz,Bougainvillea glabra Choisy, Lippiatriphylla (L´Her.) Kuntze and Lobelialaxiflora HBK. This information was usedto construct a database and prepare anillustrated manual, in which the uses andcommon names of these species are given.A local herbarium for general use wasestablished with our collections.Se estudió la flora medicinal del municipiode Copándaro de Galeana en el estado deMichoacán, México. Se obtuvo un listadoflorístico de 103 taxa. Las familias másimportantes, de acuerdo al número deespecies, son: Compositae (19 spp.),Labiatae (10 spp.), Solanaceae (6 spp.) yLeguminosae (5 spp.). Los géneros mejorrepresentados son Salvia (Labiatae) yTagetes (Compositae). Se registran porprimera vez 22 especies para la floramedicinal del estado de Michoacán.Usando la metodología cuantitativa deFriedman se determinó el uso de las plantas,mediante el rango de prioridad (ROP),definiendo el valor de fidelidad de lasespecies (FL). La popularidad relativa (RPL)se determinó designando a las plantas como‘‘populares’’ o ‘’no populares’’ ajustando elvalor de la fidelidad (FL). Las especies másusadas (ROP=100) fueron Tecoma stans (L.)Juss., Oenothera rosea L´Her. ex Ait., O.purpusii Munz, Bougainvillea glabraChoisy, Lippia triphylla (L´Her.) Kuntze yLobelia laxiflora HBK.Con la información obtenida se elaboró unabase de datos y un manual ilustradodonde se describen los usos, forma y lanomenclatura popular de cada especie. Seestableció un herbario local con losejemplares colectados para la informaciónde los usuarios

    Tumor odontogénico queratoquístico de mandíbula, presentación de un caso

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    The odontogenic keratocystic tumor is a cystic tumor whose capsule is formed by squamous epithelium originating from dental lamina or from primordial odontogenic epithelium. Represents 10% of all cystic lesions of the jaws and 4 to 12% of all odontogenic tumors and rarely cause root resorption. The diagnosis is based on clinical and histological features; its most important differential diagnosis is with follicular cyst. The treatment of odontogenic  keratocystic tumors is under constant debate as published relapse rate is high, although it is surgical varies depending on the specific factors to the patient, the tumor and the institution. It is presented a case of a white male patient, of 21 years old, who was attended in the dental consultation to present discomfort in the lower right jaw. It is diagnosed, treated and rehabilitated by an odontogenic keratocystic tumor.El tumor odontogénico queratoquístico es una tumoración quística cuya cápsula está formada por un epitelio escamoso derivado de la lámina dental o del epitelio odontogénico primordial. Representa el 10% de todas las lesiones quísticas de los maxilares y del cuatro al 12% de todos los tumores odontogénicos y es raro que provoque reabsorciones radiculares. El diagnóstico está basado en las características clínicas e histológicas; su diagnóstico diferencial más importante es con el quiste folicular. El tratamiento de los tumores odontogénicos queratoquísticos  es objeto de constante discusión pues la tasa de recidiva publicada es elevada y aunque es quirúrgico varía según los factores propios del paciente, el tumor y la institución. Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino, blanco, de 21 años de edad, que acude a la Consulta estomatológica por presentar molestias en la parte inferior derecha de la mandíbula. Se le diagnostica, trata y rehabilita por un tumor odontogénico queratoquístico

    Characterization of resilient adolescents in the context of parental unemployment

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    This research analyzes a group of Spanish adolescents at high risk of adversity –conceptualized as living in households with no employed parent– in one of the countries where unemployment rates have risen significantly due to the recent economic recession. The objective was to identify sociodemographic and contextual factors that promote resilience in this context. Using the Extreme Group Approach and the theoretical framework of resilience, two groups of adolescents living in households with no employed parent were selected from the HBSC-2014 edition in Spain depending on their adaptive response to the risk, measured by a global health score. Therefore, from a total sample of 1336 adolescents at high risk (living in households with no employed parent), 290 resilient adolescents (those who presented the highest scores in their global health score) and 618 maladaptive adolescents (those presenting lower scores in their global health score) were selected, resulting in a final sample composed of 908 adolescents aged 11–18 years old (M = 15.2; DT = 2.18), with a balanced representation of boys and girls. Results showed that support from, and satisfaction with, family and friend relationships, as well as support from classmates and teachers, and satisfaction with the school environment, are protective factors that can foster resilience when facing adversity provoked by parental unemployment and its negative consequences for adolescent health. Intervention programs aimed at reducing the negative impact of parental unemployment on adolescent health should consider these contextual factors, as well as individual factors such as age or sex.Junta de Andalucía SEJ 08007Universidad de Sevill