8 research outputs found

    Pr谩cticas parentales, alimentaci贸n saludable y medidas objetivas de composici贸n corporal en la ni帽ez preescolar

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    El presente trabajo describe la evidencia emp铆rica en cuanto a la relaci贸n entre pr谩cticas parentales, alimentaci贸n saludable y medidas objetivas de composici贸n corporal en la ni帽ez preescolar en contextos europeos, estadounidenses y latinoamericanos. Se encuentran algunas concordancias en cuanto a la presi贸n y la restricci贸n para comer. Se proponen direcciones para el desarrollo de l铆neas de investigaci贸n en el contexto latinoamericano: a) realizaci贸n de m谩s estudios, con el fin de confirmar si las relaciones entre las variables de inter茅s se mantienen o cambian; b) realizar estos estudios con muestras aleatorizadas y representativas, con medidas de autoreporte y observacionales, de las pr谩cticas parentales de alimentaci贸n; c) exploraci贸n del rol mediador y moderador de variables culturales y sociales espec铆ficas del contexto latinoamericano

    Estado del arte de la investigaci贸n en salud mental en Costa Rica

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    libro (no arbitrado)--Universidad de Costa Rica, Escuela de Psicolog铆a, Instituto de Investigaciones Psicol贸gicas, Escuela de Salud P煤blica, Centro de Investigaciones en Biolog铆a Celular y Molecular, y Escuela de Biolog铆a. Escuela de Psicolog铆a de la Universidad Nacional. Ministerio de Salud. 2013Esta es una obra que contiene varios cap铆tulos que brindan, en conjunto, un panorama general del estado de la investigaci贸n en Salud Mental en Costa Rica. Presentan la contextualizaci贸n hist贸rica con los eventos m谩s relevantes en la atenci贸n de la enfermedad mental. Se muestra la investigaci贸n desarrollada en el pasado y las necesidades y l铆neas de investigaci贸n para un futuro cercano, de cara a las pol铆ticas p煤blicas en Salud Mental. Se reflexiona y analiza en el concepto de la Salud Mental hacia conceptos m谩s comprensivos como bienestar o calidad de vida, y factores socioambientales asociados. Se aportan nuevos paradigmas y enfoques con el fin de comprender la Salud Mental no s贸lo desde sus dimensiones f铆sicas y psicol贸gicas, sino considerando sus manifestaciones sociales y culturales.Universidad de Costa Rica y Ministerio de SaludUCR::Vicerrector铆a de Investigaci贸n::Unidades de Investigaci贸n::Ciencias Sociales::Instituto de Investigaciones Psicol贸gicas (IIP

    Pr谩cticas parentales, alimentaci贸n saludable y medidas objetivas de composici贸n corporal en la ni帽ez preescolar

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    This paper describes empirical evidence regarding the relationship between parental practices, healthy eating and objective measures of body composition in preschool children in European, American and Latin American contexts. Concordances are noted in terms of pressure and restriction to eat. Directions are proposed for the development of lines of research in the Latin American context: a) conducting more studies in order to confirm if the relations between the variables of interest are maintained or changed; b) conduct these studies with randomized and representative samples, with self-report and observational measures of parental feeding practices; c) exploration of mediator and moderator roles that cultural and social variables specific to the Latin American context have on the relationships between the variables of interest.El presente trabajo describe la evidencia emp铆rica en cuanto a la relaci贸n entre pr谩cticas parentales, alimentaci贸n saludable y medidas objetivas de composici贸n corporal en la ni帽ez preescolar en contextos europeos, estadounidenses y latinoamericanos. Se encuentran algunas concordancias en cuanto a la presi贸n y la restricci贸n para comer. Se proponen direcciones para el desarrollo de l铆neas de investigaci贸n en el contexto latinoamericano: a) realizaci贸n de m谩s estudios, con el fin de confirmar si las relaciones entre las variables de inter茅s se mantienen o cambian; b) realizar estos estudios con muestras aleatorizadas y representativas, con medidas de autoreporte y observacionales, de las pr谩cticas parentales de alimentaci贸n; c) exploraci贸n del rol mediador y moderador de variables culturales y sociales espec铆ficas del contexto latinoamericano

    Food attitudes and well-being: The role of culture

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    Previous cross-cultural studies have found differences in food attitudes. For example, Americans are more concerned about weight gain than people from France and India. This study aimed to add on the literature on cross-cultural differences in food attitudes by comparing Euro-Americans with Costa Ricans on three different food attitudes: concern about gaining weight, food negativity, and the belief in the link between diet and health. This study also analyzes the implications of food attitudes on well-being. Specifically, within and across cultures, analyses were done to test the relationship between food attitudes and both anxiety and depression. Results showed that Costa Ricans are significantly less concerned about weight and less food negative than Euro-Americans. In further analyses an interaction was revealed, in which Costa Ricans that are high on weight concern but low on food negativity show lower levels of depression, compared to Euro-Americans. Results and implications for further research are discussed.UCR::Vicerrector铆a de Investigaci贸n::Unidades de Investigaci贸n::Ciencias Sociales::Instituto de Investigaciones Psicol贸gicas (IIP

    Sex and Sexual Behavior in Costa Rica and the United States

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    This study examined differences between Costa Ricans and Euro-Americans in perceptions of appropriate sexual behavior and definitions of sex. When compared to Costa Ricans, Euro- Americans were more likely to consider foreplay, oral sex, and intercourse to be appropriate in the early stages of a relationship. Costa Ricans considered these behaviors to be appro- priate only after steadily dating someone for 3 months or more. Euro-Americans were more likely to consider anal sex and phone/cyber sex to be appropriate prior to serious commit- ment (i.e. marriage). Cultural differences were also found in the types of behaviors that were considered to be sex. Costa Ricans defined non-penetrative acts such as foreplay, oral sex, and phone/cyber sex as sex more often than their Euro-American counterparts. In fact, Euro-Americans rarely considered foreplay or phone/cyber sex to be sex and defined oral sex as sex only in certain contexts. Finally, both Costa Rican and Euro-American partici- pants reported having had more lifetime sexual partners than penile鈥搗aginal intercourse partners. Results are discussed in terms of differing cultural values.UCR::Vicerrector铆a de Investigaci贸n::Unidades de Investigaci贸n::Ciencias Sociales::Instituto de Investigaciones Psicol贸gicas (IIP

    Solicitud de un cambio en las prioridades de financiamiento de la investigaci贸n: el ejemplo de la salud mental en Costa Rica

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020 urges its Member States to strengthen leadership in mental health, ensure mental and social health interventions in community-based settings, promote mental health and strengthen information systems, and increase evidence and research for mental health. Although Costa Rica has strongly invested in public health and successfully reduced the burden of nutritional and infectious diseases, its transitional epidemiological pattern, population growth, and immigration from unstable neighboring countries has shifted the burden to chronic disorders. Although policies for chronic disorders have been in place for several decades, mental disorders have not been included. Recently, as the Ministry of Health of Costa Rica developed a Mental Health Policy for 2013-2020, it became evident that the country needs epidemiological data to prioritize evidence-based intervention areas. This article stresses the importance of conducting local epidemiological studies on mental health, and calls for changes in research funding priorities by public and private national and international funding agencies in order to follow the WHO Mental Health Action Plan.El Plan de Acci贸n sobre Salud Mental 2013-2020 de la Organizaci贸n Mundial de la Salud (OMS) insta a sus Estados Miembros a que fortalezcan el liderazgo en el 谩mbito de la salud mental, garanticen las intervenciones de salud mental y asistencia social en los entornos comunitarios, promuevan la salud mental y fortalezcan los sistemas de informaci贸n, e incrementen los datos cient铆ficos y las investigaciones sobre salud mental. Aunque Costa Rica ha invertido mucho en salud p煤blica y ha reducido con 茅xito la carga de enfermedades nutricionales e infecciosas, su modelo epidemiol贸gico transitorio, el crecimiento de la poblaci贸n y la inmigraci贸n desde pa铆ses vecinos inestables han desplazado la carga de morbilidad hacia los trastornos cr贸nicos. Aunque existen pol铆ticas en vigor dirigidas a los trastornos cr贸nicos desde hace varios decenios, no se ha incluido en ellas a los trastornos mentales. Recientemente, cuando el Ministerio de Salud de Costa Rica elabor贸 una Pol铆tica Nacional de Salud Mental para el periodo del 2013 al 2020, se hizo evidente que el pa铆s necesita datos epidemiol贸gicos para priorizar las 谩reas de intervenci贸n con base en pruebas cient铆ficas. Este art铆culo subraya la importancia de llevar a cabo estudios epidemiol贸gicos de 谩mbito local sobre salud mental, y solicita cambios en las prioridades de financiamiento de la investigaci贸n por parte de los organismos de financiamiento p煤blicos y privados, nacionales e internacionales, con objeto de cumplir con lo que establece el Plan de Acci贸n sobre Salud Mental de la OMS.UCR::Vicerrector铆a de Investigaci贸n::Unidades de Investigaci贸n::Ciencias B谩sicas::Centro de Investigaci贸n en Biolog铆a Celular y Molecular (CIBCM)UCR::Vicerrector铆a de Docencia::Ciencias Sociales::Facultad de Ciencias Sociales::Escuela de Psicolog铆

    Hablo ingl茅s y espa帽ol:Cultural self-schemas as a function of language

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    Research has demonstrated that bilingual individuals experience a "double personality," which allows them to shift their self-schemas when they are primed with different language modes. In this study, we examine whether self-schemas change in Mexican-American (N = 193) bilinguals living in the U.S. when they provide open-ended personality self-descriptions in both English and Spanish. We used the Meaning Extraction Helper (MEH) software to extract the most salient self-schemas that influence individuals' self-defining process. Following a qualitative-inductive approach, words were extracted from the open-ended essays and organized into semantic clusters, which were analyzed qualitatively and named. The results show that as expected, language primed bilinguals to think about different self-schemas. In Spanish, their Mexican self-schemas were more salient; whereas, in English their U.S. American self-schemas were more salient. Similarities of self-schemas across languages were assessed using a quantitative approach. Language differences and similarities in theme definition and implications for self-identity of bilinguals are discussed

    Acute stress and fear scales during the COVID-19 pandemic: development and evaluation in a Costa Rican sample

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    Objective: In the context of the pandemic due to SARS-CoV-2, concerns were raised about how to adequately assess its impact on the wellbeing of the population. The main reason of this paper is to present the preliminary results of psychometric properties of measures created to evaluate such impact. Method: We created and adapted several assessment instruments, and validated them with a volunteer sample of 699 adults (+18), inhabitants of Costa Rica, who filled out an online questionnaire on mental health consequences of the pandemic during September 2020. Results: The results provided evidence of validity and reliability for the new scales developed. Also, they show a negative correlation between resilient coping and acute stress, which could be considered evidence of discriminant validity. Conclusion: In this order, the measures showed acceptable 聽psychometric properties with the evaluated sample. Future research is needed to gather more evidence of reliability and validity in probabilistic samples