223 research outputs found

    Existencia humana, mundo y responsabilidad en la fenomenologia de Jan PatoÄŤka

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    In this paper we seek to take notice of the evolution and continuity of Jan Patočka’s phenomenology on the topic of the world and human existence’s relationship with it. We believe that this problem underlies and stimulates Patočka’s whole phenomenological research and we think that it is a key element to understand the ensemble of his thought


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    PolĂ­tica, subjetividad libre y mundo : apuntes para una investigaciĂłn fenomenolĂłgica

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    En este trabajo exponemos, desde un punto de vista fenomenológico, las implicaciones mutuas entre la consideración de la subjetividad como subjetividad libre y la visión de mundo como ámbito en el que ésta se despliega. De esta manera, apuntamos a presupuestos frecuentemente no explicitados en las teorías políticas. Así, queda indicada la importancia de la filosofía primera en la filosofía política

    L' essence de l’apparaître chez Henry et Patočka

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    Iván Ortega RodrĂ­guez livre une contribution oĂą M. Henry est mis en confrontation avec PatoÄŤka, notamment sur la corrĂ©lation entre la vie et le monde, autrement dit sur l’« a priori de corrĂ©lation Â». Comme le rappelle l’auteur de cette Ă©tude, tant PatoÄŤka que M. Henry adoptent cette corrĂ©lation a priori comme point de dĂ©part, et donc eu Ă©gard aux questions portant respectivement sur l’apparaĂ®tre, sur ce qui apparaĂ®t et sur cette vie subjective qui semble devoir accompagner toute donation. Aussi Iván Ortega RodrĂ­guez soutient-il que tout semble se jouer entre M. Henry et PatoÄŤka dans leur conception de l’apparaĂ®tre. Autant la donation henryenne nous invite Ă  nous singulariser dans notre expĂ©rience selon le pathos de la vie auto-affective, autant elle nous invite chez PatoÄŤka Ă  sortir hors de nous-mĂŞmes selon la prioritĂ© accordĂ©e Ă  l’aspect de « champ Â» que nous trouvons dans le se-montrer, lĂ  oĂą se place tout ce qui est donnĂ©

    Cuerpo y fenomenologĂ­a "asubjetiva" en Jan PatoÄŤka

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    En este trabajo describimos las líneas básicas del análisis fenómeno-lógico de la corporalidad en Patočka. El estudio de la corporalidad es un elemento clave en el proyecto de fenomenología asubjetiva de Jan Patočka. Es en ella donde se da la inserción del sujeto finito en el mundo y es en ella donde se hace comprensible el dinamismo del sujeto en el mundo, un sujeto que no “constituye” el mundo sino que es una fuerza en el campo de fuerzas del aparecer

    La crĂ­tica de Patocka a Husserl: subjetividad trascendental frente al mundo como trascendental

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    Jan Patočka developed an original phenomenological research in spite of adverse circumstances. He underwent a profound evolution. If at first his theses were very close to Husserl’s Ideas, at the end of his life his position was notably different of his master’s. For the Czech philosopher, Husserl was right to speak about a transcendental sphere but was wrong to take it as an entity or pre-entity of subjective nature. On the contrary, a consequent use of epokhe enables us to get to the true transcendental sphere. This sphere is the “world” as the universal structure of appearing as such. Consequently, Patočka diverges from Husserl but he keeps the idea of a transcendental phenomenology (though “a-subjective”). Furthermore, Patočka thinks that Husserl mistook the realisation of appearing in each particular subject with the pure sphere of appearance. According to Patočka, then, Husserl’s Phenomenology would not have been transcendental enough.Jan Patočka (1907-1977) desarrolló un original trabajo fenomenológico pese a circunstancias adversas. En él, pasó de defender unas tesis muy cercanas a Ideas I a sostener unos planteamientos notablemente alejados. Para el filósofo checo, Husserl habría localizado la esfera trascendental pero habría errado al tomarla por un ente o preente subjetivo. Por el contrario, una aplicación consecuente hasta el final de la epojé nos permite ir hasta la auténtica esfera trascendental, que es el mundo como proto-estructura universal de aparición. En consecuencia, Patočka diverge muy notablemente de Husserl al tiempo que mantiene la propuesta de una fenomenología trascendental (aunque “a-subjetiva”). Asimismo, esta noción de la esfera trascendental permite profundizar la crítica a Husserl, pues su subjetivismo vendría dado por haber confundido la realización concreta del aparecer en cada sujeto concreto con la esfera pura del aparecer. Husserl no habría sido, a ojos de Patočka, lo suficientemente trascendental.Jan Patočka developed an original phenomenological research in spite of adverse circumstances. He underwent a profound evolution. If at first his theses were very close to Husserl’s Ideas, at the end of his life his position was notably different of his master’s. For the Czech philosopher, Husserl was right to speak about a transcendental sphere but was wrong to take it as an entity or pre-entity of subjective nature. On the contrary, a consequent use of epokhe enables us to get to the true transcendental sphere. This sphere is the “world” as the universal structure of appearing as such. Consequently, Patočka diverges from Husserl but he keeps the idea of a transcendental phenomenology (though “a-subjective”). Furthermore, Patočka thinks that Husserl mistook the realisation of appearing in each particular subject with the pure sphere of appearance. According to Patočka, then, Husserl’s Phenomenology would not have been transcendental enough

    A propĂłsito de Butler: una fenomenologĂ­a del cuerpo vivido, narrado y representado

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    In this paper we take Judith Butler’s thinking as a basis from which to consider the ideas of three authors. In our view, these authors complement Butler’s project of helping excluded people to fight for a dignified life, a “liveable life”; and specifically to the idea of using performative resignifications of discourses and practices. On one hand, we present the writings of Sarah Ahmed and Lanei Rodemeyer; they consider the spatiality and temporality of the lived body (Ahmed) and the relationship between the lived body and discourse (Rodemeyer). In both cases, “pure phenomenology” (and not hermeneutics) is applied to the question of sexual diversity. On the other hand, we delve into the works of Louise Bourgeois, for whom artistic creation is a way of exorcising pain and becoming free of socially constructed prisons. Starting from the paths opened by these authors, we believe that a phenomenology is possible in which there is place for what does not fit into the norm. this phenomenology would make it possible, on one side, to rend visibility to those who do not fit into the established norms and categories and, on another side, to contribute to a reformulation of discourse, such a transformation that allows the excluded to inhabit them. “Pure” phenomenology, that aims at going to “the things themselves” do not naturalise oppressions, but it is rather an ally to recognise, denounce and provide a reparation for them.En este artículo partimos del pensamiento de Butler para adentrarnos en las propuestas de tres autoras que consideramos que complementan su proyecto de ayudar a las personas excluidas en su lucha por una vida más digna, una vida “vivible”, así como la estrategia de lograrlo mediante resignificaciones performativas de discursos y prácticas. Por un lado, presentamos los trabajos de Sarah Ahmed y Lanei Rodemeyer, para atender a la espacialidad y temporalidad del cuerpo vivido (Ahmed), y a la relación entre el cuerpo y el discurso (Rodemeyer). En ambos casos se aplica la fenomenología pura, no hermenéutica, a la cuestión de la diversidad sexual. Por otro lado, nos adentramos en las obras de Luise Bourgeois, para quien la creación artística es un modo de exorcizar el dolor y de liberarse de las cárceles socialmente construidas. Partiendo de la línea que recorren y abren estas autoras, creemos que se puede elaborar una fenomenología en la que quepa lo que se suele quedar en los márgenes. Esta fenomenología permitiría, por un lado, visibilizar a quienes no encajan en los conceptos y categorías establecidas, y por otro, contribuir a una reformulación de los discursos que les permita habitar en ellos. La fenomenología de las cosas mismas no naturaliza las opresiones, como podría sospecharse, creemos que más bien es una aliada para reconocerlas, denunciarlas y repararlas

    Vida precaria y sexualidad. Elementos para una Ă©tica sexual

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    In this paper we explore the possibilities of a sexual ethics that responds to our times of precariousness. We sustain that the task of a reconsidered sexual ethics can contribute to a more livable life for persons rendered fragile beyond our constitutive embodied fragility. Thus, we connect Judith Butler with 20th century dialogical philosophies as well as with some analysis on sexuality and ethics in authors like Thomas Nagel and Margaret Farley. In all this a key category will be that of justice.En este trabajo exploramos las posibilidades de una ética sexual que responda a tiempos de precariedad. Defendemos que la tarea de una ética sexual repensada puede contribuir a una vida más vivible para personas fragilizadas más allá de nuestra vulnerabilidad constitutiva por tener cuerpo. Ponemos en interlocución a Judith Butler con la filosofía dialógica del siglo XX y los análisis sobre sexualidad y ética de Thomas Nagel y Margaret Farley. En todo ello, una categoría clave será la justicia

    A general purpose acetonitrile interaction potential to describe its liquid, solid and gas phases

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    A flexible and polarizable force field to describe acetonitrile in its three states of matter has been developed on the basis of an ab initio potential energy surface at the MP2 level. The acetonitrile molecule is represented by a sophisticated twelve-site model: the six nuclei plus six mobile charges. Three thousands structures have been employed for the fitting including monomers, dimers and trimers. Gas phase behavior has been tested by analyzing aggregates from dimers to 27-mer which give accurate reproducibility of the experimental and quantummechanical results. Classical MD simulations have been performed for the liquid and its crystalline α- and βforms. An analysis of liquid in a wide range of structural, dynamic, energetics and spectroscopic properties has been performed, as well as neutron diffraction data. Comparison with experimental information is satisfactory. Due to the first principles nature and the polarizable character of this force field properties of the three states of matter are properly reproduced.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades de España y Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) - PGC2018-099366-BI00Universidad Nacional de México - DGAPA-PAPIIT-IG100920 y LANCAD-UNAM-DGTIC-05

    Coupling a polarizable water model to the hydrated ion–water interaction potential: A test on the Cr3+ hydration

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    A strategy to build interaction potentials for describing ionic hydration of highly charged monoatomic cations by computer simulations, including the polarizable character of the solvent, is proposed. The method is based on the hydrated ion concept that has been previously tested for the case of Cr3+ aqueous solutions [J. Phys. Chem. 100, 11748 (1996)]. In the present work, the interaction potential of [Cr(H2O6)]3+ with water has been adapted to a water model that accounts for the polarizable character of the solvent by means of a mobile charge harmonic oscillator representation (MCHO model) [J. Chem. Phys. 93, 6448 (1990)]. Monte Carlo simulations of the Cr3+ hexahydrate plus 512 water molecules have been performed to study the energetics and structure of the ionic solution. The results show a significant improvement in the estimate of the hydration enthalpy [ LlHhydr(Cr3+)=-1109.6:±70 kcal/mol] that now matches the experimental value within the uncertainty of this magnitude. The use of the polarizable water model lowers by �140 kcal/mol the statistical estimation of the [Cr(H2O6)]3+ hydration enthalpy compared to the nonpolarizable model. (-573 kcal/mol for the polarizable model vs -714 kcal/mol for the nonpolarizable one.) This improvement reflects a more accurate treatment of the many-body nonadditive effects.Dirección General de Investigaciones Científica y Técnica PB95-0549DGAPA-UNAM ES-112896CONACyT L004-
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