88 research outputs found

    Estimates of avoided costs attributed to a short cervix screening program to prevent preterm birth from the perspective of the Unified Health System (SUS)

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    OBJECTIVE: To perform an economic cost analysis of the implementation of a short cervix screening program to reduce preterm birth in singleton pregnancies in a short-term time horizon. METHODS: We performed a cost-benefit economic analysis using the P5 trial database, a randomized multicenter clinical trial for prevention of preterm birth. Data collection was conducted from July 2015 to March 2019 in 17 different Brazilian hospitals. We conducted a cost analysis for universal cervical screening in singleton pregnancies between 18 weeks and 22 weeks plus 6 days. In subjects with a cervical length ≤ 25 mm, the analysis incorporated the costs of administering 200 mg/day of vaginal progesterone prophylactically until 36 weeks gestation. These findings were subsequently compared with the economic implications of forgoing cervical screening. The time horizon comprised from birth to 10 weeks postpartum. The outcome was measured monetarily in Brazilian real (R)fromtheperspectiveoftheUnifiedHealthSystem.RESULTS:Among7,844women,6.67) from the perspective of the Unified Health System. RESULTS: Among 7,844 women, 6.67% (523) had a cervix ≤ 25 mm. The cost of screening with transvaginal ultrasound and vaginal progesterone for prevention of births with < 34 weeks was estimated at R 383,711.36, while non-screening generated an estimated additional cost of R446,501.69(relatedtothe29nonscreenedpretermdeliveries).Thus,screeningandprophylaxiswouldgenerateafinalcostreductionofR 446,501.69 (related to the 29 non-screened preterm deliveries). Thus, screening and prophylaxis would generate a final cost reduction of R 62,790.33, constituting a possible cost-benefit strategy. CONCLUSION: Universal short cervix screening for preterm birth has lower costs compared to non-screening within a short-term time horizon, which suggests an interesting benefitcost ratio. Future studies should consider the cost-effectiveness of prophylactic treatment using sensitivity analyses in different scenarios within the Brazilian health system, as well as analyses that consider the long-term costs associated with preterm births, to robustly justify the implementation of a short cervix screening program.OBJETIVO: Realizar uma análise econômica de custo da implementação de um programa de rastreio de colo curto para redução da prematuridade em gestações únicas num horizonte temporal de curto prazo. MÉTODOS: Realizamos uma análise econômica do tipo custo-benefício utilizando o banco de dados do P5 trial, um ensaio clínico multicêntrico randomizado para prevenção da prematuridade. A coleta de dados ocorreu de julho de 2015 a março de 2019 em 17 diferentes hospitais do Brasil. Comparamos os custos do rastreamento universal em mulheres com gestação única de 18 a 22 semanas e 6 dias associado à progesterona vaginal profilática 200 mg/dia até 36 semanas naquelas com colo ≤ 25 mm com os do não rastreamento. O horizonte temporal foi do nascimento até 10 semanas após o parto. O desfecho foi medido monetariamente em real brasileiro (R)naperspectivadoSistemaUˊnicodeSauˊde.RESULTADOS:Entre7.844mulheres,6,67) na perspectiva do Sistema Único de Saúde. RESULTADOS: Entre 7.844 mulheres, 6,67% (523) apresentaram colo ≤ 25mm. O custo do rastreio com a ultrassonografia transvaginal mais a progesterona vaginal para prevenção de nascimentos < 34 semanas foi estimado em R 383.711,36, enquanto o não rastreamento gerou custo adicional estimado de R446.501,69(relacionadoaos29partosprematurosna~orastreados).Assim,orastreamentomaisaprofilaxiagerariaumareduc\ca~odecustofinaldeR 446.501,69 (relacionado aos 29 partos prematuros não rastreados). Assim, o rastreamento mais a profilaxia geraria uma redução de custo final de R 62.790,33, apresentando-se como uma possível estratégia de custo-benefício. CONCLUSÃO: O rastreamento universal de colo curto para prematuridade apresenta menores custos em relação ao não rastreamento dentro de um horizonte temporal de curto prazo, o que sugere uma interessante relação de custo versus benefício. Novos estudos que considerem a custo-efetividade do tratamento profilático utilizando-se de análises de sensibilidade em diferentes cenários dentro do sistema de saúde brasileiro, assim como análises que considerem os custos de longo prazo atrelados ao nascimento prematuro, são necessários para justificar com robustez a implementação de um programa de rastreamento

    Sexual Life And Dysfunction After Maternal Morbidity: A Systematic Review.

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    Because there is a lack of knowledge on the long-term consequences of maternal morbidity/near miss episodes on women´s sexual life and function we conducted a systematic review with the purpose of identifying the available evidence on any sexual impairment associated with complications from pregnancy and childbirth. Systematic review on aspects of women sexual life after any maternal morbidity and/or maternal near miss, during different time periods after delivery. The search was carried out until May 22(nd), 2015 including studies published from 1995 to 2015. No language or study design restrictions were applied. Maternal morbidity as exposure was split into general or severe/near miss. Female sexual outcomes evaluated were dyspareunia, Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) scores and time to resume sexual activity after childbirth. Qualitative syntheses for outcomes were provided whenever possible. A total of 2,573 studies were initially identified, and 14 were included for analysis after standard selection procedures for systematic review. General morbidity was mainly related to major perineal injury (3(rd) or 4(th) degree laceration, 12 studies). A clear pattern for severity evaluation of maternal morbidity could not be distinguished, unless when a maternal near miss concept was used. Women experiencing maternal morbidity had more frequently dyspareunia and resumed sexual activity later, when compared to women without morbidity. There were no differences in FSFI scores between groups. Meta-analysis could not be performed, since included studies were too heterogeneous regarding study design, evaluation of exposure and/or outcome and time span. Investigation of long-term repercussions on women's sexual life aspects after maternal morbidity has been scarcely performed, however indicating worse outcomes for those experiencing morbidity. Further standardized evaluation of these conditions among maternal morbidity survivors may provide relevant information for clinical follow-up and reproductive planning for women.1530

    Subsequent reproductive outcome in women who have experienced a potentially life-threatening condition or a maternal near-miss during pregnancy

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the long-term reproductive consequences that affect women who have experienced potentially life-threatening or life-threatening (near-miss) maternal complications. INTRODUCTION: Although advances have been made in reducing maternal death, few studies have investigated the long-term repercussions of significant events such as severe maternal morbidity and maternal near-misses. These repercussions may be long-lasting and negatively affect quality of life. METHODS: A total of 382 women who had experienced a potentially life-threatening pregnancy-related condition within the last five years were analyzed in this retrospective cohort study. A control group of 188 women who gave birth without complications was also included. Trained interviewers contacted the subjects by telephone and completed a pre-coded, structured questionnaire on reproductive health. Data were analyzed using odds ratios adjusted for age. The main outcome measures were occurrence and outcome of subsequent pregnancies. RESULTS: The estimated risk of becoming infertile as a result of tubal ligation or hysterectomy was 3.5 times higher in women who experienced a maternal near-miss or severe maternal morbidity during the index pregnancy as compared to controls. Likewise, the risk of complications in subsequent pregnancies was five times greater in women who had experienced severe maternal morbidity. However, no differences were found in the occurrence or number of subsequent pregnancies or perinatal outcome. CONCLUSION: The occurrence of a life-threatening or potentially life-threatening maternal condition reduces future reproductive potential and increases the risk of complications in subsequent pregnancies

    Sexual life and dysfunction after maternal morbidity: a systematic review.

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    BACKGROUND: Because there is a lack of knowledge on the long-term consequences of maternal morbidity/near miss episodes on women's sexual life and function we conducted a systematic review with the purpose of identifying the available evidence on any sexual impairment associated with complications from pregnancy and childbirth. METHODS: Systematic review on aspects of women sexual life after any maternal morbidity and/or maternal near miss, during different time periods after delivery. The search was carried out until May 22(nd), 2015 including studies published from 1995 to 2015. No language or study design restrictions were applied. Maternal morbidity as exposure was split into general or severe/near miss. Female sexual outcomes evaluated were dyspareunia, Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) scores and time to resume sexual activity after childbirth. Qualitative syntheses for outcomes were provided whenever possible. RESULTS: A total of 2,573 studies were initially identified, and 14 were included for analysis after standard selection procedures for systematic review. General morbidity was mainly related to major perineal injury (3(rd) or 4(th) degree laceration, 12 studies). A clear pattern for severity evaluation of maternal morbidity could not be distinguished, unless when a maternal near miss concept was used. Women experiencing maternal morbidity had more frequently dyspareunia and resumed sexual activity later, when compared to women without morbidity. There were no differences in FSFI scores between groups. Meta-analysis could not be performed, since included studies were too heterogeneous regarding study design, evaluation of exposure and/or outcome and time span. CONCLUSION: Investigation of long-term repercussions on women's sexual life aspects after maternal morbidity has been scarcely performed, however indicating worse outcomes for those experiencing morbidity. Further standardized evaluation of these conditions among maternal morbidity survivors may provide relevant information for clinical follow-up and reproductive planning for women

    Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and severe maternal morbidity: is there an association?

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the occurrence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among women experiencing a severe maternal morbidity event and associated factors in comparison with those without maternal morbidity. METHODS: In a retrospective cohort study, 803 women with or without severe maternal morbidity were evaluated at 6 months to 5 years postpartum for the presence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Interviews were conducted by telephone and electronic data was stored. Data analysis was carried out by using χ2, Fisher’s Exact test, and logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: There was no significant change in the prevalence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder related to a previous severe maternal morbidity experience. There were also no differences in diagnostic criteria for severe maternal morbidity (hypertensive syndromes, hemorrhage, surgical intervention or intensive care unit admission required, among other management criteria). Low parity (2.5-fold risk) and increasing age were factors associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. CONCLUSIONS: A severe maternal morbidity episode is not associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms within five years of the severe maternal morbidity event and birth. However, a more advanced maternal age and primiparity increased the risk of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. This does not imply that women who had experienced a severe maternal morbidity event did not suffer or need differentiated care

    Does severe maternal morbidity affect female sexual activity and function? Evidence from a brazilian cohort study

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    To assess Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) scores and delay to resume sexual activity associated with a previous severe maternal morbidity. This was a multidimensional retrospective cohort study. Women who gave birth at a Brazilian tertiary maternity between 2008 and 2012 were included, with data extraction from the hospital information system. Those with potentially life-threatening conditions and maternal near miss episodes (severe maternal morbidity) were considered the exposed group. The control group was a random sample of women who had had uncomplicated pregnancy. Female sexual function was evaluated through FSFI questionnaire, and general and reproductive aspects were addressed through specific questions. Statistical analyses were performed using Mann-Whitney and Pearson's Chi-square for bivariate analyses. Logistic regression was used to identify variables independently associated with lower FSFI scores. 638 women were included (315 at exposed and 323 at not exposed groups). The majority of women were under 30 years-old in the control group and between 30 and 46 years-old in the exposed group (p = 0.003). Women who experienced severe maternal morbidity (SMM) had statistically significant differences regarding cesarean section (82.4% versus 47.1% among deliveries without complications, p< 0.001), and some previous pathological conditions. FSFI mean scores were similar among groups ranging from 24.39 to 24.42. It took longer for exposed women to resume sexual activity after index pregnancy (mean 84 days after SMM and 65 days for control group, p = 0.01). Multiple analyses showed no significant association of FSFI below cut-off value with any predictor. FSFI scores were not different in both groups. However, they were lower than expected. SMM delayed resumption of sexual activity after delivery, beyond postpartum period. However, the proportion of women in both groups having sex at 3 months after delivery was similar. Altered sexual response may be evaluated as one of possible long-term consequences after SMM episodes. Further studies on the growing population of women surviving severe maternal conditions might be worth for improvement of care for women1012CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQ471142/2011-

    Reference ranges of the WHO Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS 2.0) score and diagnostic validity of its 12-item version in identifying altered functioning in healthy postpartum women.

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    OBJECTIVES: To compare scores on the 36-item WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 tool (WHODAS-36) for postpartum women across a continuum of morbidity and to validate the 12-item version (WHODAS-12). METHODS: This is a secondary analysis of the Brazilian retrospective cohort study on long-term repercussions of severe maternal morbidity. We determined mean, median, and percentile values for WHODAS-36 total score and for each domain, and percentile values for WHODAS-12 total score in postpartum women divided into three groups: "no," "nonsevere," and "severe" morbidities. RESULTS: The WHODAS-36 mean total scores were 11.58, 18.31, and 19.19, respectively for no, nonsevere, and severe morbidity. There was a dose-dependent effect on scores for each domain of WHODAS-36 according to the presence and severity of morbidity. The diagnostic validity of WHODAS-12 was determined by comparing it with WHODAS-36 as a "gold standard." The best cut-off point for diagnosing dysfunctionality was the 95th percentile. CONCLUSION: The upward trend of WHODAS-36 total mean value scores of women with no morbidity compared with those with morbidity along a severity continuum may reflect the impact of morbidity on postpartum functioning

    Validation of the WHO Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS 2.0) 12-item tool against the 36-item version for measuring functioning and disability associated with pregnancy and history of severe maternal morbidity.

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    OBJECTIVE: To validate the WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0) 12-item tool against the 36-item version for measuring functioning and disability associated with pregnancy and the occurrence of maternal morbidity. METHODS: This is a secondary analysis of the Brazilian retrospective cohort study on long-term repercussions of severe maternal morbidity (SMM) among women who delivered at a tertiary facility (COMMAG study). We compared WHODAS-12 and WHODAS-36 scores of women with and without SMM using measures of central tendency and variability, tests for instruments' agreement (Bland-Altman plot), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and Cronbach alpha coefficient for internal consistency. RESULTS: The COMMAG study enrolled 638 women up to 5 years postpartum. Although the median WHODAS-36 and -12 scores for all women were statistically different (13.04 and 11.76, respectively; P<0.001), there was a strong linear correlation between them. Furthermore, the mean difference and the differences in variance analyses demonstrated agreement of total scores between the two versions. CFA demonstrated how the WHODAS-12 questions are divided into six previously defined factors and Cronbach alpha showed good internal consistency. CONCLUSION: WHODAS-12 demonstrated agreement with WHODAS-36 for total score and was a good instrument for screening functioning and disability among postpartum women, with and without SMM