279 research outputs found

    Crystallinity, thermal diffusivity, and electrical conductivity of carbon black filled polyamide 46

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    Polyamide 46 (PA 46) with carbon black (CB) has been subjected to a heat treatment. Crystallinity, specific heat capacity, crystalline melting peak temperature, thermal diffusivity, and electrical conductivity were measured. The crystallinity increases with duration of thermal treatment. The maximum value is dependent on the filler fraction. A lower CB content leads to a higher crystallinity at maximum tempering time. The crystalline melting peak temperature increases with decreasing filler fraction and duration of thermal treatment due to different crystal types and/or diverging geometric forms of the crystals. Thermal diffusivity and electrical conductivity act positively proportional to each other and increase with CB content and tempering time. The thermal diffusivity decreases with increasing temperature. The volume resistance of PA 46 is lowered by heat treatment. By CB addition in combination with a tempering process, the PA 46 can be transferred into a conductor. CB is moved by PA 46 crystals into amorphous regions forming conductive pathways

    antitumor and anti nematode activities of α mangostin

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    Abstract α-Mangostin, one of the major xanthones isolated from pericarp of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana Linn), exhibits a wide range of pharmacological activities, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial as well as anticancer, both in in vitro and in vivo studies. In the present study, α-mangostin' anti-cancer and anti-parasitic properties were tested in vitro against three human cell lines, including squamous carcinoma (SCC-15) and glioblastoma multiforme (U-118 MG), compared to normal skin fibroblasts (BJ), and in vivo against Caenorhabditis elegans. The drug showed cytotoxic activity, manifested by decrease of cell viability, inhibition of proliferation, induction of apoptosis and reduction of adhesion at concentrations lower than 10 μM (the IC50 values were 6.43, 9.59 and 8.97 μM for SCC-15, U-118 MG and BJ, respectively). The toxicity, causing cell membrane disruption and mitochondria impairment, was selective against squamous carcinoma with regard to normal cells. Moreover, for the first time anti-nematode activity of α-mangostin toward C. elegans was described (the LC50 = 3.8 ± 0.5 μM), with similar effect exerted by mebendazole, a well-known anthelmintic drug

    Clinical Manifestations of Bartonella henselae Infection Among Children: A Single Centre Study

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    Cilj: Cilj istraživanja je prikazati epidemiološke, kliničke i laboratorijske karakteristike B. henselae infekcije u djece liječene u Klinici za infektivne bolesti „Dr. Fran Mihaljević“ u Zagrebu, u razdoblju od siječnja 2014. do lipnja 2019. godine. Materijali i metode: Retrospektivno smo istražili kliničke karakteristike, epidemiologiju i laboratorijske parametre u bolesnika mlađih od 18 godina kod kojih je infekcija potvrđena indirektnim imunoflorescentnim testom za IgM i IgG na B. henselae ili detekcijom B. henselae lančanom reakcijom polimerazom iz punktata limfnog čvora. Rezultati: Od ukupno 104 bolesnika, 47 (45,1%) je bilo ženskog i 57 (54,8%) muškog spola. Medijan dobi iznosio je 9,7 godina (raspon, 1,1 do 17,3 godina). Kontakt s mačkom zabilježen je u 101 bolesnika (97,1%). Infekcija je potvrđena serološki u 87 (83,6%), PCR metodom u 5 (4,8%), a kombinacijom obje metode u 12 (11,5%) bolesnika. Najčešća manifestacija infekcije bila je regionalna limfadenopatija, a slijede diseminirani oblik bolesti, encefalopatija i vrućica nepoznatog porijekla. U 12/92 (13%) bolesnika s limfadenopatijom došlo je do razvoja supurativne upale koja je potvrđena citološki. U 100 (96,1%) bolesnika došlo je do izlječenja. Zaključak: Infekcija B. henselae u djece najčešće je blaga bolest koja se manifestira regionalnom limfadenopatijom. Serologija i lančana reakcija polimerazom metode su izbora za dijagnozu bolesti. Duljina liječenja i izbor terapije ovise o kliničkoj manifestaciji infekcije uz vrlo visoku stopu izlječenja.Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyze clinical manifestations, epidemiology and laboratory parameters of B. henselae infection among children treated at the University Hospital for Infectious Diseases “Dr. Fran Mihaljević”, Zagreb from January 2014 until June 2019. Materials and methods: We retrospectively analyzed the epidemiology, clinical and laboratory characteristics among children with positive indirect immunofluorescence assay for B. henselae IgM and IgG or positive B. henselae polymerase chain reaction from lymph node aspirate. Results: A total of 104 patients, 47 (45,1%) female and 57 (54,8%) male were enrolled. The median age was 9,7 (range, 1,1 to 17,3 years). A history of cat contact was present in 101 (97,1%) children. Acute infection was serologically confirmed in 87 (83,6%), in 5 (4,8%) with PCR while both methods were positive in 12 (11,5%) patients. The presentation on B. henselae infection were regional lymphadenopathy, disseminated disease, encephalopathy and fever of unknown origin. Suppurative inflammation was the most common complication in patients with lymphadenopathy 12/92 (13%). Full recovery was the most frequent outcome (96,1%). Conclusion: B. henselae infection among children is usually a mild disease presented as regional lymphadenopathy. Serology and polymerase chain reaction are useful tests for diagnosis. Treatment duration and choice of therapy depend on clinical manifestation and developed complications

    Promoting Well-being of Special education Teachers and Teacher Assistants in School X for Students With Intellectual Disabilities

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    Maģistra darba tēma. Speciālo pedagogu un pedagogu palīgu labizjūtas veicināšana darbā ar X izglītības iestādes izglītojamajiem ar garīgās attīstības traucējumiem Darba autore. Laura Ilze Rode – Treigūte Pētījuma mērķis. Teorētiski un praktiski pētīt labizjūtas veicināšanas iespējas speciālās izglītības pedagogiem un pedagogu palīgiem darbā ar X izglītības iestādes izglītojamajiem ar garīgās attīstības traucējumiem. Darba teorētiskā daļā tiek analizēta literatūra par labizjūtu, tās veidiem, ietekmējošajiem faktoriem, pedagogu un pedagogu palīgu labizjūtas piemēriem Latvijā un citviet pasaulē, speciālo pedagogu un pedagogu palīgu darba specifiku, garīgās attīstības traucējumiem, to iedalījumu un mācību procesa organizēšanu skolēniem ar garīgās attīstības traucējumiem. Teorētiskais apskats galvenokārt balstīts Fu, W., Pikeringa, P., Liepiņa, S., Shree, A. u.c. autoru teorētiskajās atziņās. Praktiskajā daļā veikta speciālo pedagogu un pedagogu palīgu anketēšana, telefonintervijas, apkopoti rezultāti, formulētas rekomendācijas izglītības iestādes vadībai labizjūtas veicināšanai iestādes ietvaros, izteikti secinājumi par gūtajiem datiem. Maģistra darba struktūrā ir 80 lappuses, 4 tabulas, 35 diagrammas, 9 pielikumi un 73 literatūras un informācijas avoti. Atslēgvārdi – speciālie pedagogi, pedagogu palīgi, garīgās attīstības traucējumi.Master’s thesis. Promoting Well-being of Special education Teachers and Teacher Assistants in School X for Students with Intellectual Disabilities Author. Laura Ilze Rode – Treigūte Objective of the study. Theoretically and practically study the possibilities of promoting Well-being of Special education Teachers and Teacher Assistants in School X for Students with Intellectual Disabilities. In the theoretical part of the study was analysed literature about well-being, it’s types, influencing factors, examples of Well-being of Teachers and Teacher Assistants in Latvia and abroad, the specifics of the work of Special education Teachers and Teacher Assistants, Intellectual Disabilities, their classification and organization of the learning process for students with Intellectual Disabilities. Theoretical review was mainly based on Fu, W., Pickering, P., Liepiņa, S., Shree, A. and other authors. The practical part consisted of questionnaires and telephone interviews of Special education Teachers and Teacher Assistants. Afterwards results were summarized and formulated recommendations for the administration of educational institution to promote well-being within the institution, conclusions were defined from the obtained data. Structure of master’s thesis consists of 80 pages, 4 tables, 35 charts, 9 annexes, 73 literature and information sources. Keywords – Special education Teachers, Teacher Assistants, Intellectual Disabilities

    Vocabulary expansion for 6. – 8. grade students with moderate and severe mental disabilities

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    Diplomdarba tēma. Vārdu krājuma paplašināšana 6. – 8. klases skolēniem ar vidēji smagiem un smagiem garīgās attīstības traucējumiem. Darba autore. Laura Ilze Rode – Treigūte Pētījuma mērķis. Teorētiski un praktiski pētīt vārdu krājuma paplašināšanas iespējas skolēniem ar vidēji smagiem un smagiem garīgās attīstības traucējumiem 6. – 8. klasē tēmā “Mājdzīvnieki”. Darba teorētiskā daļā tiek analizēta literatūra par garīgās attīstības traucējumiem, to iedalījumu un raksturīgākajām pazīmēm, bērnu vecumposma attīstības īpatnībām, vārdu krājuma veidošanos un paplašināšanas iespējām. Teorētiskās atziņas galvenokārt balstās Golubeva, A., Čapkeviča, O., Puškarevs, I., Tūbele, S. u.c. autoru teorētiskajām atziņām. Praktiskajā daļā veikta skolēnu vārdu krājuma sākotnējā analīze, organizēta skolēnu koriģējoši attīstošā darbība divos posmos, veikta skolēnu vārdu krājuma atkārtotā analīze, apkopoti rezultāti un izteikti secinājumi par vārdu krājuma izmaiņām. Diplomdarba struktūrā ir 127 lappuses, 48 attēli, 16 tabulas, 2 diagrammas, 62 pielikumi un 47 literatūras un informācijas avoti. Atslēgvārdi – vidēji smagi un smagi garīgās attīstības traucējumi, vārdu krājums, mājdzīvnieki.Diploma thesis. Vocabulary expansion for 6. - 8. grade students with intellectual disabilities. Author. Laura Ilze Rode – Treigūte Objective of the study. To study theoretical and practical vocabulary expansion options in topic ‘’Domestic animals’’ for 6. – 8. grade students with intellectual disabilities. In the theoretical part of the study was analysed literature about intellectual disabilities, their classification and characteristics, child’s development specifics, vocabulary formation and expansion options. Theoretical quotes are mainly based on other theoretical findings by authors, such as Golubeva, A., Čapkeviča, O., Puškarevs, I., Tūbele, S. In the practical part initial students vocabulary analysis was performed, organized activities to encourage development in two stages, repeatedly performed students vocabulary analysis, summarised results and conclusions about vocabulary changes. Structure of diploma consists of 127 pages, 48 images, 16 tables, 2 charts, 62 annexes, 47 literature and information sources. Keywords – intellectual disabilities, vocabulary, domestic animals