14 research outputs found

    ¿De qué hablamos cuando hablamos de comunicación comunitaria? Etnografía de un proceso desde la universidad

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    What do we talk about when we talk about community communication? Ethnography of a process from the university The research systematized the conceptualization of Community Communication developed by the Area of Community Communication (ACC) from 2004 to 2017, assuming that it is a concept in definition and that it is carried out in the practices themselves, with the participation of the intervening actors.A self-ethnography was carried out on ACC field projects with inmates from the penal unit, rural producers who work on food sovereignty, members of social organizations, and women who worked on gender violence and memory of the neighborhood in Paraná.The initial analytical categories were communication, community and intervention, adding after the category of university, process, dialogue, time, celebration and participation.In terms of context, we also analyze the place of Community Communication in other academic spaces of Social Communication of national universities and inquire about university extension policies that frame the practices.  La investigación sistematizó la conceptualización de la comunicación comunitaria desarrollada por el Área de Comunicación Comunitaria (ACC) de 2004 a 2017, suponiendo que se trata de un concepto en definición y que se realiza en las prácticas mismas, con la participación de los actores intervinientes. Se realizó una autoetnografía sobre los proyectos en terreno del ACC con internos de la unidad penal, productores rurales que trabajan la soberanía alimentaria, integrantes de organizaciones sociales y mujeres que trabajaron sobre violencia de género y memoria barrial en Paraná. Las categorías analíticas iniciales fueron comunicación, comunidad e intervención, agregándose luego universidad, proceso, diálogo, tiempo, celebración y participación. En términos de contexto, analizamos también el lugar de la comunicación comunitaria en otros espacios académicos de Comunicación Social de las universidades nacionales e indagamos sobre las políticas de extensión universitaria que enmarcan las prácticas. &nbsp

    Evaluación de la intensidad lumínica generada por lámparas de fotopolimerización utilizadas en consultorios privados de la ciudad de Cuenca. 2018

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    La intensidad lumínica es importante para la activación de biomateriales fotosensibles y su valor mínimo es de 400mW/cm2. Las lámparas más comunes son Halógenas y LED. La presencia de fracturas o residuos de biomateriales sobre la fibra óptica de las mismas, pueden afectar su intensidad lumínica. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: La muestra fue de 366 unidades, se determinó el tipo de lámpara, marca comercial, modelo, presencia o ausencia de fracturas y residuos de biomateriales sobre la fibra óptica. El radiómetro dental Bluephase Meter II, determinó el diámetro de la fibra y la intensidad lumínica. Los datos obtenidos fueron analizados con el programa IBM SPSS Stadistics versión 23. RESULTADOS: El 67,2% tenían intensidad adecuada y 32,8% inadecuada. Además, 19,1% eran lámparas halógenas y 80,9% LED. En cambio, 64,7% de unidades presentaban fibra óptica con diámetro de 8 mm; 15,6% de 9 mm; 12% de 10 mm; 2,2% de 11 mm y 5,5% de 12mm. Aparte, 78,7% no tenían fracturas de la fibra óptica, pero 21,3% si las presentaban. Finalmente, 55,5% presentaban residuos de biomateriales dentales sobre la fibra óptica y 44,5% estaban libres de ellos. CONCLUSIONES: El 32,8% de dispositivos tenían intensidades menores de 400 mW/cm2, con un mayor porcentaje de lámparas halógenas respecto a las LED. Las fibras ópticas con diámetros de 8 y 9 mm, representaron los mayores porcentajes. La intensidad lumínica puede afectarse por la presencia de fracturas o residuos de biomateriales dentales sobre la fibra óptica.The luminous intensity is important for the activation of photosensitive biomaterials and its minimum value is 400mW/cm2. The most common lamps are Halogen and LED. The presence of fractures or residues of biomaterials on their optical fiber can affect their light intensity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The sample was 366 units, the type of lamp, trademark, model, presence or absence of fractures and residues of biomaterials on optical fiber was determined. The dental radiometer Bluephase Meter II, determined the diameter of the fiber and the light intensity. The data obtained was analyzed with the IBM SPSS Stadistics version 23 program. RESULTS: 67.2% had adequate intensity and 32.8% inadequate. In addition, 19.1% were halogen lamps and 80.9% LED. In contrast, 64.7% of units had optical fiber with a diameter of 8 mm; 15.6% of 9 mm; 12% of 10 mm; 2.2% of 11mm and 5.5% of 12mm. In addition, 78.7% did not have fiber optic fractures, but 21.3% did. Finally, 55.5% had residues of dental biomaterials on the optical fiber and 44.5% were free of them. CONCLUSIONS: 32.8% of devices had intensities lower than 400 mW / cm2, with a higher percentage of halogen lamps than LEDs. The optical fibers with diameters of 8 and 9 mm, represented the highest percentages. The light intensity can be affected by the presence of fractures or residues of dental biomaterials on the optical fiberOdontólogoCuenc

    Medición de preferencias de usos de canales de comunicación interna de la Universidad de Cuenca

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    La comunicación dentro del contexto organizacional e interno representa un componente altamente significativo e incidente dentro del rendimiento colectivo, en tanto se considera una cualidad estructural que permite el mejoramiento de la efectividad de los procesos individuales, lo que aplica al caso de una institución educativa como la Universidad de Cuenca, casa de estudios donde coexisten múltiples grupos a nivel interno: estudiantes, docentes y personal administrativos, entre los cuales se genera un constante flujo de comunicación, lo que amerita una constitución adecuada de sus canales informativos. Sobre la base de lo anterior, el presente proyecto tiene como objetivo presentar un estudio descriptivo del nivel de uso y preferencias de los canales de comunicación de esta casa de estudios en los públicos previamente mencionados, ello a través del direccionamiento de una encuesta y un Focus Group a miembros de cada grupo, lo que se verá sustentado con la realización de una serie de entrevista a decanos de las diversas facultades. Ello permitirá generar un diagnóstico situacional sobre el empleo de estas herramientas de transmisión de información, en consideración de sus posibles fortalezas y debilidades. Por lo tanto, se espera que este proyecto represente un aporte a nivel de evaluación de contextos internos de una organización, en este caso aplicado a una institución de Estudios Superiores, considerando los testimonios de todos los grupos que hacen vida en ella, en significación de la importancia de la coexistencia colectiva. Se toman en consideración los medios tradicionales y digitales como objeto de estudio.The communication within the organizational and internal context represents a highly significant component and incident within the collective performance, as it is considered a structural quality that allows the improvement of the effectiveness of the individual processes, which applies to the case of an educational institution such as University of Cuenca, house of studies where multiple groups coexist internally: students, teachers and administrative staff, among which a constant flow of communication is generated, which merits an adequate constitution of its information channels. On the basis of the above, the present project aims to present a descriptive study of the level of use and preferences of the communication channels of this house of studies in the public, a focus of the direction of a survey and a group approach to members of each group, which is supported by conducting a series of interviews with the deans of the various faculties. This will generate a situational diagnosis about the use of these information transmission tools, in consideration of their possible strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, it is expected that this project represents a level of evaluation of the internal contexts of an organization, in this case applied to an institution of Higher Studies, considering the testimonies of all the groups that make life in it, in significance of the importance of collective coexistence. Traditional and digital media are considered as an object of study.Licenciada en Ciencias de la Comunicación Social en Comunicación Organizacional y Relaciones PúblicasCuenc

    Gene expression profile from Microarray data analysis.

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    <p>Total RNA from CRC cells cultured in basal conditions with 10% FBS was analyzed by microarray. <b>A</b>. Venn-diagram showing the percentage of up- and down-regulated genes found in the cell line harboring a <i>KRAS</i><sup><i>G13D</i></sup> mutation (HAE6), when compared to mRNA levels found in HAF1 cells (<i>KRAS</i><sup><i>A146T</i></sup><i>)</i>. <b>B</b>. Bar chart representing differentially expressed genes (p-value ≤ 0.001) among the two cell lines HAE6 <i>versus</i> HAF1 cells, considering only-log2 fold change >1.5 and <-1.5. Gene symbol for each gene is indicated on the left. <b>C</b>. Three genes, <i>CATHEPSIN L</i>, <i>CATHEPSIN C</i> and <i>ADAM19</i> were selected based on their potential role on cell invasion and migration, for microarray validation using qPCR. *P< 0.05 versus HAF1 cells.</p

    Effect of EGF treatment on hnRNPs acetylation in <i>KRAS</i> mutated cells.

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    <p>Both CRC cell lines were grown in serum-free medium and then stimulated with EGF (20ng/mL) for 20 and 120min. <b>A</b>. Protein extracts from control or EGF-treated cells were isolated and immunoprecipitated with α-hnRNPA1 (upper panel) or hnRNPL (lower panel) antibodies. The immunoprecipitated samples were then analyzed by western blot with antibodies recognizing acetyl-lysine residues and, either hnRNPA1 or hnRNPL. Inputs of each specific hnRNP in the different cell lines are shown. <b>B</b>. mRNA levels of hnRNPA1 and hnRNPL were analyzed by qPCR in control and 2h EGF-treated cells. No statistical significance was found (n = 3). <b>C</b>. Western blot analysis showing protein levels of both hnRNPs in HAF1 and HAE6 cells in control and 2h EGF-treatment conditions. The intensity of hnRNPs bands was measured and normalized by β-actin; graphs in lower panel show the quantification for both hnRNPL and A1 in HAF1 (white bars) and HAE6 (grey bars) cell lines.</p

    EGF-Induced Acetylation of Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoproteins Is Dependent on <i>KRAS</i> Mutational Status in Colorectal Cancer Cells

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    <div><p><i>KRAS</i> mutational status is considered a negative predictive marker of the response to anti-EGFR therapies in colorectal cancer (CRC) patients. However, conflicting data exist regarding the variable response to EGFR-targeted therapy. The effects of oncogenic <i>KRAS</i> on downstream targets were studied in cell lines with different <i>KRAS</i> mutations. Cells harboring a single <i>KRAS<sup>G13D</sup></i> allele showed the most tumorigenic profile, with constitutive activation of the downstream pathway, rendering them EGF-unresponsive. Conversely, <i>KRAS<sup>A146T</sup></i> cells showed a full EGF-response in terms of signal transduction pathways, cell proliferation, migration or adhesion. Moreover, the global acetylome of CRC cells was also dependent on <i>KRAS</i> mutational status. Several hnRNP family members were identified within the 36 acetylated-proteins. Acetylation status is known to be involved in the modulation of EGF-response. In agreement with results presented herein, hnRNPA1 and L acetylation was induced in response to EGF in <i>KRAS<sup>A146T</sup></i> cells, whereas acetyl-hnRNPA1 and L levels remained unchanged after growth factor treatment in <i>KRAS<sup>G13D</sup></i> unresponsive cells. Our results showed that hnRNPs induced-acetylation is dependent on KRAS mutational status. Nevertheless hnRNPs acetylation might also be the point where different oncogenic pathways converge.</p></div

    Role of KRAS<sup>A146T</sup> mutation on downstream pathway and hnRNP acetylation.

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    <p><b>A</b>. HAF1 cells were treated with EGF in the presence or absence of MAPK inhibitors (MEK, UO0126 or PI3KA, LY294002). Protein extracts from HAF1 cells were immunoprecipitated with α-hnRNPA1 or hnRNPL antibodies. The immunoprecipitated samples were then analyzed by western blot with antibodies recognizing acetyl-lysine residues and, either hnRNPA1 or hnRNPL (Left panel). Phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and AKT in HAF1 cells was also assessed to confirm efficiency of individual inhibitors at doses used (Right panel). <b>B</b>. Both MAPK inhibitors were simultaneously used to study their effect on EGF-induced acetylation of hnRNPs. <b>C</b>. Role of deacetylases on basal acetylation levels of hnRNPs were further studied in HAF1 cells treated with trichostatin A. Immunoprecipitation with hnRNPs antibodies and western blot against acetyl-lysine, hnRNPA1 or L in HAF1 cells treated with EGF, TSA or a combination of both are shown.</p

    KRAS downstream pathway, adhesion and migration in EGF-treated cells.

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    <p><b>A</b>. Downstream targets of KRAS signaling pathway were analyzed by western blot to determine pAKT and pERK1/2 levels after EGF-treatment. <b>B</b>. Cell adhesion was determined by western blot analysis of TALIN cleavage in HAF1 and HAE6 cells. <b>C</b>. Migration ratio was studied after EGF (20ng/mL) treatment by wound healing assay. Graph shows the percentage of cells that migrated to the wound area after 24h. <b>D</b>. Cell proliferation, measured by BrdU assay, to analyze proliferative activity in EGF-treated (20ng/mL) cells. *P<0.05 EGF-treated vs untreated controls (n = 4).</p