10 research outputs found

    Efeitos dos excessos de alumĂ­nio, cloro e manganĂȘs em dois cultivares de soja (Glycine max (L.) Merrill)

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    Two soybean cultivars, Santa Rosa and FV-1, were grown in nutrient solution in the presence of high concentrations of Al (24 ppm), CI (1750 ppm) and Mn (25 ppm). Observations, measurements and chemical analyses allowed for the following conclusions to be drawn: (1) symptoms of toxicity are in agreement with those described in the literatura; (2) the detrimental effect obeyed the decreasing order - Mn Al CI; (3) dry matter production by the variety UFV - 1 was relatively more affected by the treatments; (4) leaf analyses do not provide a reliable indication of the sensitivity of the two varieties to the high levels of the three elements in the substrate; (5) Ca/Al ratio in the roots keeps a good relationship with the relative tolerance of the two cultivas to excess Al in the medium.Dois cultivares de soja, Santa Rosa e UFV-1, foram cultivados em solução nutritiva na presença de excesso de alumĂ­nio, cloro e manganĂȘs. AlĂ©m de provocar o aparecimento de sintomas foliares (cloro e manganĂȘs) ou radiculares (alumĂ­nio), os elementos em excesso causaram diminuiçÔes no crescimento e impediram a produção de vagens. A anĂĄlise mineral das folhas mostrou a influĂȘncia dos tratamentos na composição do tecido

    GFP-tagged CFTR transgene is functional in the G551D cystic fibrosis mouse colon

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    Trafficking of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is central to its function, with the most common mutation, DeltaF508, resulting in abnormal processing and trafficking. Therefore, there is a significant need to develop tools, which enable the trafficking of CFTR to be studied in vitro and in vivo. In previous studies it has been demonstrated that fusion of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) to the N-terminus of CFTR does lead to functional expression of CFTR chloride channels in epithelial cell lines. The aim of the present study was to examine whether it is possible to express GFP-tagged CFTR as a transgene in colonic and airway epithelial cells of cystic fibrosis (CF) mice and to correct the CF defect. Using the epithelial-specific human cytokeratin promoter K18, we generated bitransgenic mice cftr(G551D/G551D) K18-GFP-CFTR+/-, designated GFP mice. Transcripts for GFP-CFTR could be detected in bitransgenic mice by use of RT-PCR techniques. Expression of GFP-CFTR protein was detected specifically in the colonic epithelium by both direct GFP fluorescence and the use of an anti-GFP antibody. Ussing chamber studies showed that the ion transport defect in colon and airways observed in cftr(G551D/G551D) mice was partially corrected in the bitransgenic animals. Thus, K18-GFP-CFTR is functionally expressed in transgenic mice, which will be a valuable tool in studies on CFTR synthesis, processing and ion transport in native epithelial tissues

    Redox Effects of Cigarette Smoke in Lung Inflammation

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