61 research outputs found

    Центральная Азия в интересах Ирана, Китая, России и Турции: взгляд из США

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    Работа посвящена изучению реакции американских специалистов на внешнюю политику Ирана, Китая, России и Турции в Центральной Азии. В исследовании комплексно рассмотрена политика единственной сверхдержавы относительно отдельного региона в рамках общей стратегии США.Робота присвячена вивченню реакції американських фахівців на зовнішню політику Ірану, Китаю, Росії та Туреччини у Центральній Азії. У дослідженні комплексно розглянута політика єдиної наддержави щодо окремого регіону в рамках її загального стратегічного курсу.The thesis is focused on a study of the american specialists reactions toward foreign policy of China, Iran, Russia and Turkey in Central Asia. The research presents a complex investigation of the policy of the only superpower in the relation to a separate region in the frame of its general strategic course

    Using behavior-analytic implicit tests to assess sexual interests among normal and sex-offender populations

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    The development of implicit tests for measuring biases and behavioral predispositions is a recent development within psychology. While such tests are usually researched within a social-cognitive paradigm, behavioral researchers have also begun to view these tests as potential tests of conditioning histories, including in the sexual domain. The objective of this paper is to illustrate the utility of a behavioral approach to implicit testing and means by which implicit tests can be built to the standards of behavioral psychologists. Research findings illustrating the short history of implicit testing within the experimental analysis of behavior are reviewed. Relevant parallel and overlapping research findings from the field of social cognition and on the Implicit Association Test are also outlined. New preliminary data obtained with both normal and sex offender populations are described in order to illustrate how behavior-analytically conceived implicit tests may have potential as investigative tools for assessing histories of sexual arousal conditioning and derived stimulus associations. It is concluded that popular implicit tests are likely sensitive to conditioned and derived stimulus associations in the history of the test-taker rather than 'unconscious cognitions', per se

    A carbonate-fluoride defect model for carbonate-rich fluorapatite

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    We propose a microscopic model of the dominant carbonate for phosphate substitution in fluorapatite. A well-crystallized sedimentary fluorapatite sample containing similar to 2.3 +/- 0.8 wt% of carbonate was investigated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and C-13 and F-19 magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR). About 75% of the carbonate groups replace the phosphate group ("B-site"), whereas a lesser contribution from carbonate groups located in the structural channels ("A-site") is observed. Beside the dominant F-19 NMR signal of channel ions at similar to-102 ppm, an additional signal corresponding to similar to 8% of fluoride ions is observed at -88 ppm. F-19 double quantum-single quantum (DQ-SQ) MAS NMR and C-13 {F-19} frequency-selective Rotational Echo DOuble Resonance (REDOR) experiments prove that this additional signal corresponds to isolated fluoride ions in the apatite structure, located in close proximity of substituted carbonate groups. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations allow us to propose a composite carbonate-fluoride tetrahedron defect model accounting for these experimental observations. The planar carbonate ion lies in the sloping face of the tetrahedron opposite a fluoride ion occupying the remaining vertex, together replacing the tetrahedral phosphate ion. This "francolite-type" defect leads to a diagnostic narrow IR absorption band at 864 cm(-1) that could be used as a guide to, e.g., detect the incipient transformation of fossil bone and teeth samples

    Building on Weber to understand governance: exploring the links between identity, democracy and 'inner distance'

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    The paper builds up a conceptual picture of two types of governance - network and organic. In this process it highlights the legitimacies of co-ordination (interior authority and democracy) that lie outside Weber's typology of domination and are relatively neglected in governance literature. The exploration of interior authority, through discussion of identity and substantive liberty, reflects a perspective on human agency that acknowledges the interconnection of the social and non-social and links sociological understanding of agency with political philosophy. It is suggested that this theoretical work gives some necessary content to Weber's concept of inner distance. In turn, this also has implications for our understanding of what is involved in democratizing governance