809 research outputs found

    Phronetic workplace: a step forward into a practically wise Company

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    Phronesis (practical wisdom) is introduced in the management field as a possible solution to the problems associated with wild capitalism. Although its highly sustainable performance characterizes a phronetic company through innovativeness and shared value creation, there is yet a gap in the literature concerning workplace phronesis' perspective in management. We propose integrating organizational spirituality and organizational phronesis theories in management research to address the phronetic workplace. This study contributes to shedding light on the understanding of phronesis in management addressing group behavior and how individual phronesis spreads into the workplace towards the phronetic organization

    Filter-based stochastic algorithm for global optimization

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    We propose the general Filter-based Stochastic Algorithm (FbSA) for the global optimization of nonconvex and nonsmooth constrained problems. Under certain conditions on the probability distributions that generate the sample points, almost sure convergence is proved. In order to optimize problems with computationally expensive black-box objective functions, we develop the FbSA-RBF algorithm based on the general FbSA and assisted by Radial Basis Function (RBF) surrogate models to approximate the objective function. At each iteration, the resulting algorithm constructs/updates a surrogate model of the objective function and generates trial points using a dynamic coordinate search strategy similar to the one used in the Dynamically Dimensioned Search method. To identify a promising best trial point, a non-dominance concept based on the values of the surrogate model and the constraint violation at the trial points is used. Theoretical results concerning the sufficient conditions for the almost surely convergence of the algorithm are presented. Preliminary numerical experiments show that the FbSA-RBF is competitive when compared with other known methods in the literature.The authors are grateful to the anonymous referees for their fruitful comments and suggestions.The first and second authors were partially supported by Brazilian Funds through CAPES andCNPq by Grants PDSE 99999.009400/2014-01 and 309303/2017-6. The research of the thirdand fourth authors were partially financed by Portuguese Funds through FCT (Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia) within the Projects UIDB/00013/2020 and UIDP/00013/2020 of CMAT-UM and UIDB/00319/2020

    Combining filter method and dynamically dimensioned search for constrained global optimization

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    In this work we present an algorithm that combines the filter technique and the dynamically dimensioned search (DDS) for solving nonlinear and nonconvex constrained global optimization problems. The DDS is a stochastic global algorithm for solving bound constrained problems that in each iteration generates a randomly trial point perturbing some coordinates of the current best point. The filter technique controls the progress related to optimality and feasibility defining a forbidden region of points refused by the algorithm. This region can be given by the flat or slanting filter rule. The proposed algorithm does not compute or approximate any derivatives of the objective and constraint functions. Preliminary experiments show that the proposed algorithm gives competitive results when compared with other methods.The first author thanks a scholarship supported by the International Cooperation Program CAPES/ COFECUB at the University of Minho. The second and third authors thanks the support given by FCT (Funda¸c˜ao para Ciˆencia e Tecnologia, Portugal) in the scope of the projects: UID/MAT/00013/2013 and UID/CEC/00319/2013. The fourth author was partially supported by CNPq-Brazil grants 308957/2014-8 and 401288/2014-5.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Deletion of BmoR affects the expression of genes related to thiol/disulfide balance in Bacteroides fragilis

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    Bacteroides fragilis, an opportunistic pathogen and commensal bacterium in the gut, is one the most aerotolerant species among strict anaerobes. However, the mechanisms that control gene regulation in response to oxidative stress are not completely understood. In this study, we show that the MarR type regulator, BmoR, regulates the expression of genes involved in the homeostasis of intracellular redox state. Transcriptome analysis showed that absence of BmoR leads to altered expression in total of 167 genes. Sixteen of these genes had a 2-fold or greater change in their expression. Most of these genes are related to LPS biosynthesis and carbohydrates metabolism, but there was a signifcant increase in the expression of genes related to the redox balance inside the cell. A pyridine nucleotide-disulfde oxidoreductase located directly upstream of bmoR was shown to be repressed by direct binding of BmoR to the promoter region. The expression of two other genes, coding for a thiosulphate:quinoneoxidoreductase and a thioredoxin, are indirectly afected by bmoR mutation during oxygen exposure. Phenotypic assays showed that BmoR is important to maintain the thiol/disulfde balance in the cell, confrming its relevance to B. fragilis response to oxidative stress

    Semi-Holographic Fermi Liquids

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    We show that the universal physics of recent holographic non-Fermi liquid models is captured by a semi-holographic description, in which a dynamical boundary field is coupled to a strongly coupled conformal sector having a gravity dual. This allows various generalizations, such as a dynamical exponent and lattice and impurity effects. We examine possible relevant deformations, including multi-trace terms and spin-orbit effects. We discuss the matching onto the UV theory of the earlier work, and an alternate description in which the boundary field is integrated out.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures; v2: typos corrected and report number adde

    Leishmania Parasites Drive PD-L1 Expression in Mice and Human Neutrophils With Suppressor Capacity

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    Neutrophils play an important role in the outcome of leishmaniasis, contributing either to exacerbating or controlling the progression of infection, a dual effect whose underlying mechanisms are not clear. We recently reported that CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, and dendritic cells of Leishmania amazonensis-infected mice present high expression of PD-1 and PD-L1, respectively. Given that the PD-1/PD-L1 interaction may promote cellular dysfunction, and that neutrophils could interact with T cells during infection, we investigated here the levels of PD-L1 in neutrophils exposed to Leishmania parasites. We found that both, promastigotes and amastigotes of L. amazonensis induced the expression of PD-L1 in the human and murine neutrophils that internalized these parasites in vitro. PD-L1-expressing neutrophils were also observed in the ear lesions and the draining lymph nodes of L. amazonensis-infected mice, assessed through cell cytometry and intravital microscopy. Moreover, expression of PD-L1 progressively increased in neutrophils from ear lesions as the disease evolved to the chronic phase. Co-culture of infected neutrophils with in vitro activated CD8+ T cells inhibits IFN-γ production by a mechanism dependent on PD-1 and PD-L1. Importantly, we demonstrated that in vitro infection of human neutrophils by L braziliensis induced PD-L1+ expression and also PD-L1+ neutrophils were detected in the lesions of patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis. Taken together, these findings suggest that the Leishmania parasite increases the expression of PD-L1 in neutrophils with suppressor capacity, which could favor the parasite survival through impairing the immune response

    Validação brasileira do Instrumento de Qualidade de Vida/espiritualidade, religião e crenças pessoais

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar propriedades psicométricas do Instrumento de Qualidade de Vida da Organização Mundial da Saúde - Módulo Espiritualidade, Religiosidade e Crenças Pessoais (WHOQOL-SRPB). MÉTODOS: O WHOQOL-SRPB, a Escala de Coping Religioso/Espiritual Abreviada (CRE-Breve), o WHOQOL-Breve e o BDI foram consecutivamente aplicados em amostra de conveniência de 404 pacientes e funcionários de hospital universitário e funcionários de universidade, em Porto Alegre, RS, entre 2006 e 2009. A amostra foi estratificada por sexo, idade, estado de saúde e religião/crença. O reteste dos dois primeiros instrumentos foi realizado com 54 participantes. Análises fatoriais exploratórias do WHOQOL-SRPB pelo método dos componentes principais foram realizadas sem delimitar o número de fatores, solicitando oito fatores e em conjunto com os itens do WHOQOL-Breve. RESULTADOS: O WHOQOL-SRPB em português brasileiro (Domínio SRPB-Geral) apresentou validade de construto, com validade discriminativa entre crentes de não-crentes (t = 7,40; p = 0,0001); validade relacionada ao critério concorrente, discriminando deprimidos de não-deprimidos (t = 5,03; p = 0,0001); validade convergente com o WHOQOL-Breve (com físico r = 0,18; psicológico r = 0,46; social r = 0,35; ambiental r = 0,29; global r = 0,23; p = 0,0001) e com o Domínio SRPB do WHOQOL-100 (r = 0,78; p = 0,0001); e validade convergente/discriminante com a Escala CRE-Breve (com CREpositivo r = 0,64; p = 0,0001/CREnegativo r = -0,03; p = 0,554). Observou-se excelente fidedignidade teste-reteste (t = 0,74; p = 0,463) e consistência interna (α = 0,96; correlação intrafatorial 0,87 > r > 0,60, p = 0,0001). As análises fatoriais exploratórias realizadas corroboraram a estrutura de oito fatores do estudo multicêntrico do WHOQOL-SRPB. CONCLUSÕES: O WHOQOL-SRPB em português brasileiro apresentou boas qualidades psicométricas e uso válido e fidedigno para uso no Brasil. Sugerem-se novos estudos com populações específicas, como diferentes religiões, grupos culturais e/ou doenças.OBJETIVO: Analizar propiedades psicométricas del Instrumento de Calidad de Vida de la OMS - Módulo Espiritualidad, Religiosidad y Creencias Personales (WHOQOL-SRPB). MÉTODOS: El WHOQOL-SRPB, la Escala de Coping Religioso/Espiritual Abreviada (CRE-Breve), el WHOQOL-Breve y el BDI fueron consecutivamente aplicados en muestra de conveniencia de 404 pacientes y funcionarios de hospital universitario y funcionarios de universidad, en Porto Alegre, Sur de Brasil, entre 2006 y 2009. La muestra fue estratificada por sexo, edad, estado de salud y religión/creencia. La reevaluación de los dos primeros instrumentos fue realizada por 54 participantes. Análisis factoriales exploratorias del WHOQOL-SRPB por el método de los componentes principales fueron realizadas, sin delimitar el número de factores, solicitando ocho factores y en conjunto con los itens del WHOQOL-Breve. RESULTADOS: El WHOQOL-SRPB en portugués-brasileño (Dominio SRPB-General) presentó validez de constructo, con validez discriminativa entre creyentes de no creyentes (t=7,40; p=0,0001); validez relacionada con el criterio concurrente, discriminando deprimidos de no deprimidos (t=5,03; p=0,0001); validez convergente con el WHOQOL-Breve (con físico r=0,18; psicológico r=0,46; social r=0,35; ambiental r=0,29; global r=0,23; p=0,0001) y con el Dominio-SRPB del WHOQOL-100 (r=0,78; p=0,0001); y validez convergente/discriminante con la Escala CRE-Breve (con CRE positivo r=0,64; p=0,0001/CRE negativo r=-0,03; p=0,554). Se observó excelente fidedignidad test-retest (t=0,74; p=0,463) y consistencia interna (α=0,96; correlación intrafactorial 0,87>r>0,60, p=0,0001). Los análisis factoriales exploratorios realizados corroboran la estructura de ocho factores de estudio multicéntrico del WHOQOL-SRPB. CONCLUSIONES: El WHOQOL-SRPB en portugués-brasileño presentó buenas cualidades psicométricas, siendo válido y fidedigno para uso en Brasil. Se sugieren nuevos estudios con poblaciones específicas, como diferentes religiones, grupos culturales y/o enfermedades.OBJECTIVE: To analyze the psychometric properties of the World Health Organization's Quality of Life Instrument - Spirituality, Religion and Personal Beliefs module (WHOQOL-SRPB). METHODS: The WHOQOL-SRPB, the Brief Spiritual/Religious Coping Scale (Brief-SRCOPE Scale), the WHOQOL-BREF and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were consecutively applied in a convenience sample of 404 patients and workers of a university hospital and workers of a university, in the city of Porto Alegre, Southern Brazil, between 2006 and 2009. The sample was stratified by sex, age, health status and religion/belief. The retest of the two first instruments was conducted with 54 participants. Exploratory factorial analyses of the WHOQOL-SRPB with the method of main components were performed, without limiting the number of factors, and requiring eight factors concomitantly with the WHOQOL-BREF items. RESULTS: The Brazilian Portuguese version of the WHOQOL-SRPB (General SRPB-Domain) showed construct validity, with a discriminatory validity between believers and non-believers (t = 7.40; p = 0.0001); concurrent criterion-related validity, distinguishing depressed individuals from non-depressed ones (t = 5.03; p = 0.0001); convergent validity with the WHOQOL-BREF (physical r = 0.18; psychological r = 0.46; social r = 0.35; environmental r = 0.29; global r = 0.23; p = 0.0001) and with the SRPB-Domain of the WHOQOL-100 (r = 0.78; p = 0.0001); and convergent/discriminatory validity with the brief SRCOPE Scale (with positive SRCOPE r = 0.64; p = 0.0001/negative SRCOPE r = -0.03; p = 0.554). Excellent test-retest reliability (t = 0.74; p = 0.463) and internal consistency (α = 0.96; intrafactorial correlation 0.87 > r > 0.60; p = 0.0001) were observed. The exploratory factorial analyses performed corroborated the eight-factor structure of the WHOQOL-SRPB multicenter study. CONCLUSIONS: The Brazilian Portuguese version of the WHOQOL-SRPB showed good psychometric qualities and use valid and reliable in Brazil. It is suggested that new studies be conducted with specific populations, such as different religions, cultural groups and/or diseases

    The origin of dust in galaxies revisited: the mechanism determining dust content

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    The origin of cosmic dust is a fundamental issue in planetary science. This paper revisits the origin of dust in galaxies, in particular, in the Milky Way, by using a chemical evolution model of a galaxy composed of stars, interstellar medium, metals (elements heavier than helium), and dust. We start from a review of time-evolutionary equations of the four components, and then, we present simple recipes for the stellar remnant mass and yields of metal and dust based on models of stellar nucleosynthesis and dust formation. After calibrating some model parameters with the data from the solar neighborhood, we have confirmed a shortage of the stellar dust production rate relative to the dust destruction rate by supernovae if the destruction efficiency suggested by theoretical works is correct. If the dust mass growth by material accretion in molecular clouds is active, the observed dust amount in the solar neighborhood is reproduced. We present a clear analytic explanation of the mechanism for determining dust content in galaxies after the activation of accretion growth: a balance between accretion growth and supernova destruction. Thus, the dust content is independent of the uncertainty of the stellar dust yield after the growth activation. The timing of the activation is determined by a critical metal mass fraction which depends on the growth and destruction efficiencies. The solar system formation seems to have occurred well after the activation and plenty of dust would have existed in the proto-solar nebula.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure