51 research outputs found

    The paleoenvironmental and thermal histories of the Permian Irati formation shale in the paraná basin, Brazil: An integrated approach based on mineralogical and organic imprints

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    ABSTRACT: Mineralogical assemblages and organofacies are important sources of information to recover the paleoenvironmental and thermal histories of shale deposits. In this study, a detailed qualitative and quantitative characterization of the Permian Irati Formation (Assistência Member) shale is based on mineralogical (XRD and SEM-EDS) and organic components (TOC, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, organofacies, TAI, fluorescence and vitrinite reflectance measurements) and provides integrated data about sediment provenance, depositional environment, diagenesis, and thermal history, while supporting interpretations on the Paraná Basin (PB), Brazil, paleogeography and its correlation to the southwest Gondwana. The results revealed a prevailing type I/II kerogen, with type III kerogen being also present but mainly confined along the paleoshoreline of the PB. The dominance of fluorescent amorphous organic matter (AOM) combined with framboidal pyrite suggests microbial activity in an anoxic-dysoxic neritic-marine paleoenvironment. Additionally, common to abundant well-preserved phytoclasts, as well as the occurrence of Botryococcus braunii, indicates freshwater influx in a brackish marine depositional setting. Immature to early-oil window thermal maturities prevail across the PB, according to the organic maturation indicators. The combined analysis between the organic matter evolution with clay mineralogy, such as the occurrence of interstratified clays (e.g., I/S) and its positive correlation with depth suggest that burial diagenesis reached the transition to early catagenesis on the north, southeast, and south of the basin, attributing a shale oil potential for the Irati Formation on a regional scale. Local scale imprints of the Early Cretaceous Paraná-Etendeka Large Igneous Province (LIP), and its thermal effect in the Irati Formation shale components, are recorded as clay authigenesis (e.g., smectite webby texture and clay coating development), crystallization of minerals by low to high-grade of thermal alteration (e.g., corrensite, talc, lizardite and diopside), and by local scale gas-window maturities. Such thermal alteration, identified in the proximity to intruded sills and dykes, led to a heterogeneous organic maturation pattern with implications on shale gas and shale oil potential of the Irati Formation shale, demonstrating that these subjects in the Paraná Basin should be assessed locally.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Crescimento De Cana-de-açúcar Sob Aplicação De Biofertilizante Da Bovinocultura E Ureia

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    Effluents from intensive cattle breeding and treated with anaerobic reactors are highly relevant for agricultural reuse. Current paper assesses the growth of sugarcane cultivars SP 803280 and RB 867515 for 220 days. Doses 0, 16, 48, 64, 80 and 96 kg ha-1 N were applied derived from biofertilizing sources produced by cattle-breeding waste water and urea. Experimental design comprised randomized blocks with 96 splits and four replications. The cultivars fertilized with biofertilizers caused growth similar to those fertilized with urea. Doses 64, 80 and 96 kg ha-1 had the best efficiency in growth. Since average height of 3 m was obtained for cultures at the end of the experiment, urea may be replaced by biofertilizers.9497398

    Regional movements of the tiger shark, Galeocerdo cuvier, off northeastern Brazil: inferences regarding shark attack hazard

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    An abnormally high shark attack rate verified off Recife could be related to migratory behavior of tiger sharks. This situation started after the construction of the Suape port to the south of Recife. A previous study suggested that attacking sharks could be following northward currents and that they were being attracted shoreward by approaching vessels. In this scenario, such northward movement pattern could imply a higher probability of sharks accessing the littoral area of Recife after leaving Suape. Pop-up satellite archival taus were deployed on five tiger sharks caught off Recife to assess their movement patterns off northeastern Brazil. All tags transmitted from northward latitudes after 7-74 days of freedom. The shorter, soak distance between deployment and pop-up locations ranged between 33-209 km and implied minimum average speeds of 0.02-0.98 km.h(-1). Both pop-up locations and depth data suggest that tiger shark movements were conducted mostly over the continental shelf. The smaller sharks moved to deeper waters within 24 hours after releasing, but they assumed a shallower (< 50 m) vertical distribution for most of the monitoring period. While presenting the first data on tiger shark movements in the South Atlantic, this study also adds new information for the reasoning of the high shark attack rate verified in this region,State Government of Pernambuco and Petrobras (Brazil); Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (Portugal) [MCTES/FCT/SFRH/BD/37065/2007

    Desenvolvimento e avaliação de uma fonte DC de alta tensão para utilização em sistema de deposição de filmes finos por pulverização catódica

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    RESUMO O trabalho em questão está relacionado ao projeto e construção de uma fonte de alta tensão em corrente contínua utilizando materiais e dispositivos adquiridos no comércio local visando sua aplicação no processo de pulverização catódica. Essa técnica permite a deposição de filmes finos de metais, óxidos e nitretos sobre substratos sólidos. Como teste de funcionamento e aplicação da fonte DC, com a mesma instalada em canhão de pulverização em alto vácuo, filmes finos de diferentes espessuras de cobre, aço inoxidável 304 e tungstênio foram depositados e estudados. Análise de espessura, morfologia, e resistência elétrica e resistividade foram conduzidas. Filmes com resistividade elétrica dependente das espessuras foram obtidos. A fonte DC se mostrou confiável em operação e permite a deposição de uma infinidade de materiais nas mais diferentes espessuras sobre vários tipos de substratos

    Design And Model Of A Ubiquitous Classroom Response System Through Context Factors

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    The Active Learning Model, based on the constructivist theory, encourages students to have an active role in their own learning process. Currently, technology supports the Active Learning model through the Classroom Response Systems, electronic systems that enable the teacher to propose activities to the students and receive back their resolutions, allowing classroom collaboration, discussion and feedback. In order to support a more dynamic, natural and non-invasive use of technology, this work proposes the use of classroom related context information to support a Ubiquitous Classroom Response System (UCRS). In UCRS, teacher and student's context information are gathered and used to set and update mathematical variables and data records, like the affinity factor among students (which defines how productive the collaboration among two students is), the activity difficulty degree (which defines how difficult is for each student solve an activity), and the activity educational factor (which defines how educationally relevant an activity is). These factors allow UCRS to provide smart and dynamic features like the autonomous activity proposal for teachers (which suggests to the teacher the best activity to be offered to students at some time in the class), the automatic student's group formation (which considers the similarity among activities' resolutions and students' affinity factors), and a dynamic help request process among students. © Common Ground, Ricardo Caceffo, Heloisa Vieira da Rocha, All Rights Reserved.436172Anjaneyulu, K., Expert systems: An introduction (1998) Knowledge Based Computer Systems Group publicationAtterer, R., Streng, S., Non-Invasive Collaboration Aids: Supporting Group Learning with Pervasive and Ambient Technologies (2005) In International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, 5, pp. 73-76Anderson, A., Effects of User Similarity in Social Media (2012) Proceedings of the fifth ACM international conference on Web search and data mining, , ACM New York, NY, USA. ISBN:978-1-4503-0747-5Anderson, R., Supporting Active Learning and Example Based Instruction with Classroom Technology (2007) ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 39 (1), pp. 69-73. , Session: Teaching with tablets and inking technologies table of contentsAihua, Z., Study of ubiquitous learning environment based on Ubiquitous computing (2010) IEEE International Conference on Ubi-media Computing (U-Media), pp. 136-138. , JinhuaBonwell, C., Eison, J., Active Learning: Creating excitement in the classroom (1991) In ASHE-ERIC Higher Education, , Report No. 1. Washington, DC: George Washington UniversityCaceffo, R.E., Slides Manager Tool: Supporting Active Learning Using Tablet PC and Pen-Based Devices (2009) The Impact of Tablet PCs and Pen-based Technology on Education, pp. 1-5. , In: Caceffo, Purdue Press, USA, Ricardo Edgard. 2009b Ferramenta de apoio para o aprendizado ativo usando dispositivos com caneta eletrônica. Dissertação de Mestrado. Instituto de Computação, UNICAMPCaceffo, R.E., Vieira, R.H., Ubiquitous Classroom Response System: An Innovative Approach to Support the Active Learning Model (2011) In Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal, 3 (1). , ISSN 1835-9795Chong, K.M., Hans, G., Usability Classification for spontaneous device association (2012) In Journal Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, pp. 77-89. , Springer-Verlag, London, UK.16: DOI 10.1007/s00779-011-0421-1Levis, D., Aperfeiçoamento Automático do Perfil do Aprendiz em Ambientes de Educação Ubíqua (2008) Em Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação, 16 (1)Loke, S., Context-Aware Pervasive Systems (2007) In Architectures for a New Breed of Applications, , Auerbach Publications-Taylor& Francis GroupPopa, L., Building Extensible Networks with Rule-Based Forwarding (2010) Proceeding OSDI'10 Proceedings of the 9th USENIX conference on Operating systems design and implementation USENIX Association, , Berkeley, CA, USAShih, Generating Adaptive Learning Sheets for Museum Tour Guide in U-learning Grid Environments (2010) 6th IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies in Education (WMUTE), pp. 122-126. , KaohsiungVahey, P., Using Handheld Technology to Move between Private and Public Interactions in the Classroom (2007) Ubiquitous Computing in Education: Invisible Technology, Visible Impact, pp. 187-211. , Research Center for Educational Technology, Kent State University, New Jersey, London. ppWeiser, M., The computer for the 21st century (1991) Scientific American, 265 (3), pp. 94-104Wolfman, S., (2004) Understanding and Promoting Interaction in the Classroom through Computer-Mediated Communication in the Classroom Presenter System, , Ph. D Dissertation University of Washington, USAYin, A Collaborative Learning Service for SNS in Ubiquitous Computer Enviorment (2009) Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Wireless 29 communications, networking and mobile computing, pp. 5536-5539. , Beijing, China p

    Ubiquitous Classroom Response System: An Innovative Approach To Support The Active Learning Model

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    The Active Learning Model, based on the constructivism theory, allows students to have an active role in their own learning process. The model stimulates the construction of an environment where exists an effective interaction between students and teacher, supported by activities that motivate this kind of behavior. Currently the technology supports the Active Learning Model by the use of Classroom Response Systems. These systems, usually supported by pen-based technology (e.g. Tablet PCs), allows the teacher to propose questions to the students, that submit their answers electronically back to the teacher. Then, that answers can be aggregated and displayed to the students, which facilitates the teacher's feedback and the classroom collaboration and discussion. However, studies involving the use of Classroom Response Systems show that this kind of system generate student's loss of attention and focus. Also, the specific use of a single device limits the use of technology, not considering the increasing presence of many different types of devices in the classroom. In that way, this work described the creation of a Ubiquitous Classroom Response System (UCRS), a framework that uses the ubiquitous computing main concepts in order to support the Active Learning in classroom. In order to support a natural and not invasive use of technology, the UCRS uses context information (profile, historical and physical) to allow the creation of a dynamic environment where students can use any available mobile device to answer the teacher's questions, interact with each other and receive feedback. Also, UCRS allows immediate change between private and public interaction, allowing the students to focus on the task regardless the device that has been used. © Common Ground, Ricardo Caceffo, Heloisa Vieira da Rocha, All Rights Reserved.314356Abowd, G.D., Mynatt, E.D., Charting Past, Present and Future Research in Ubiquitous Computing (2000) In ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction, 7 (1), p. 29. , 2000Adelstein, F., (2005) Fundamentals of Mobile and Pervasive Computing, , McGraw Hill Professional Engineering. New YorkAnderson, R., Classroom Presenter: A Classroom Interaction System for Active and Collaborative Learning (2006) In WIPTE-Workshop on Pen-Based Impact on Technology, Purdue Press, , 2006Anderson, R., Supporting Active Learning and Example Based Instruction with Classroom Technology (2007) In ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 39 (1), pp. 69-73. , Session: Teaching with tablets and inking technologies table of contents, 2007Almeida, P.B., (2010) Desenvolvimento e análise de impacto de uma aplicação colaborativa voltada para o aprendizado utilizando interação pen-based, , Dissertação de Mestrado. Instituto de Computação, UNICAMP, Junho de 2010Bonwell, C., Eison, J., Active Learning: Creating excitement in the classroom (1991) In ASHEERIC Higher Education Report No. 1, , Washington, DC: George Washington University. 1991Bernhard, J., (1999) Activity based physics education: Some examples of innovative approaches at some universities and colleges in USA, , In CUP-day. Linkoping University1999Caceffo, R.E., Heloisa, R., Rodolfo, A., Slides Manager Tool: Supporting Active Learning Using Tablet PC and Pen-Based Devices (2009) In: Workshop on the Impact of Pen-Based Technology on Education, pp. 1-5. , 2009, Blacksburg. The Impact of Tablet PCs and Pen-based Technology on Education, 2009Caceffo, R.E., (2009) Ferramenta de apoio para o aprendizado ativo usando dispositivos com caneta eletrônica, , Dissertação de Mestrado. Instituto de Computação, UNICAMP Março de 2009Chen, G., Kotz, D., (2000) A Survey of Context-Aware Mobile Computing Research, Darthmouth Computer Science Technical Report TR2000-381, hanover, NH, 2000 LOKE, Seng, , (2007.) Context-Aware Pervasive Systems-Architectures for a New Breed of Applications. Auerbach Publications-Taylor& Francis GroupMakela, K., Conducting a Wizard of Oz Experiment on a Ubiquitous Computing System Doorman (2001) In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Information Presentation and Natural Multimodal Dialogue, , pp155, 2001Mostefaoui, S., (2008) Advances in Ubiquitous Computing: Future Paradigms and Directions, , IGI Global. IGI Publishing. Hershey, New York, 2008Ogata, H., Yano, Y., (2004) Context-Aware Support for Computer Supported Ubiquitous Learning, , In Proc. Of IEE WMTE2004, pp2734Satyanarayanan, M., Challenges in Implementing a Context-Aware System (2002) In IEEE Pervasive Computing, 1 (3), p. 3. , 2002Schlogl, WebWOZ: A Wizard of Oz Prototyping Framework (2010) In Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive computing systems, , Berlin, Germany. SESSION: Tool support for interface development. P109-114. 2010Vahey, P., (2007) Using Handheld Technology to Move between Private and Public Interactions in the Classroom, pp. 187-211. , In Ubiquitous Computing in Education: Invisible Technology, Visible Impact. Research Center for Educational Technology, Kent State University, New Jersey, London. 2007Want, R., Remembering Mark Weiser: Chief Technologist, Xerox PARC (2000) In IEEE Personal Communications, February, pp. 8-10. , 2000Weiser, M., The computer for the 21st century (1991) In Scientific American, 265 (3), pp. 94-104. , September 1991Weiser, M., Some computer science issues in ubiquitous computing (1993) In CACM Special Issue, Computer-Augmented Environments, 36 (7), pp. 74-83. , July 1993Weiser, M., Brown, J., The coming age of calm technology (1996) Beyond Calculation: The Next Fifty Years of Computing, , In Denning, P.J. & Metcalfe, R.M. (Eds.), New York: Springer VerlagWolfman, S., (2004) Understanding and Promoting Interaction in the Classroom through Computer-Mediated Communication in the Classroom Presenter System, , Ph. D dissertation, University of WashingtonWikerson, M., Griswold, W., Simon, B., (2005) Ubiquitous Presenter: Increasing Student Access and Control in a Digital Lecturing Environment, , In SIGCSE'05, February 23-27, St. Louis, Missouri, USAYin, (2009) A Collaborative Learning Service for SNS in Ubiquitous Computer Enviorment, pp. 5536-5539. , In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Wireless communications, networking and mobile computing Beijing, China pp,200

    Architecture For E-learning Environments With Multimodal User Interface

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    Multimodal interaction is a proposal to turn the interaction between humans and machines more natural, increasing the usability, flexibility and convenience of the application. Improve an application with multimodal features impacts on its architecture and, to describe the main components to treat the multimodality, some architecture models are proposed in the literature, including for Web multimodal systems. e-Learning environments are Web-based systems and need a good usability, flexibility and convenience, requirements that can be improved with implementation of multimodal features on them. Since they have their own peculiarities, we need a more specific multimodal architecture model described in such a way to reuse the components built for multimodal systems and connect them with the e-learning environment components. This work proposes an architecture for e-learning environments and show their impact on the Ae e-learning system, an e-learning environment developed using a component-based development process. © 2013 IADIS.165172(2013) Ae - Aprendizado Eletrônico Environment, , http://tidia-ae.iv.org.br/Beder, D.M., A Case Study of the Development of e-Learning Systems Following a Component-based Layered Architecture (2007) Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2007), pp. 21-25. , Niigata, Japan, doi: 10.1109/ICALT.2007.4Chee, Y., (2011) Ink Markup Language (InkML) W3C Recommendation, , http://www.w3.org/TR/InkML/Da Silva, A.C., Da Rocha, H.V., InkBlog: A Pen-based blog tool for e-learning environments (2013) Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 10, pp. 121-135Dumas, B., Multimodal interfaces: A survey of principles, models and frameworks (2009) Human-Machine Interaction, pp. 3-26. , Lalanne D. and Kohlas, J., Eds. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Berlin, German, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-00437-7-1Gruenstein, A., The WAMI toolkit for developing, deploying, and evaluating web-accessible multimodal interfaces (2008) Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces( ICMI 2008), pp. 141-148. , Chania, Greece, doi: 10.1145/1452392.1452420Lalanne, D., Fusion engine for multimodal input: A survey (2009) Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI-MLMI'09), pp. 153-160. , Cambridge, USA, doi: 10.1145/1647314.1647343Mayes, T., The 'M' Word: Multimedia interfaces and their role in interactive learning systems (1992) Multimedia Interface Design in Education, pp. 1-22. , Edwards, A. D. N., Holland, S. Eds. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, GermanMcCobb, G., (2013) The W3C Multimodal Architecture, Part 2: The XML Specification Stack, , http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/web/library/wa-multimodarch2/index.html(2013) Moodle.Org: Open-source Community-based Tools for Learning, , http://www.moodle.orgOviatt, S.L., Advances in robust multimodal interface design (2003) IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 23 (5), pp. 62-68. , doi: 10.1109/MCG.2003.1231179(2013) Sakai Project | Collaboration and Learning - For Educators by Educators, , http://sakaiproject.org(2013) TelEduc. Ensino A Distância, , http://www.teleduc.org.br(2013) Multimodal Architecture and Interfaces, , http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/REC-mmi-arch-20121025