1,068 research outputs found


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    El objetivo de la investigación fue caracterizar a los hogares a partir del gasto estimado en alimentos, el grado de inseguridad alimentaria y la variedad dietética para determinar la incidencia o prevalencia en el acceso a los alimentos. Materiales y métodos. Se consideró la base de datos de características de los hogares que habitan los integrantes del hogar de la Encuesta Nacional de Ingreso y Gasto de los Hogares para el estado de Oaxaca para determinar el índice de inseguridad alimentaria a partir de la Escala Mexicana de Inseguridad Alimentaria, se determinó la correlación entre el índice de inseguridad alimentaria, el gasto mensual estimado en alimentos y la diversidad dietética de los hogares para caracterizar la prevalencia de inseguridad alimentaria en los hogares. Resultados. Se determinó que siete de cada diez personas tienen algún grado de inseguridad alimentaria, la población con inseguridad alimentaria moderada y severa representó aproximadamente la mitad de la población y el porcentaje prevalece en el periodo de estudio. Los hogares con menores gastos tienen una dieta poca diversificada y con mayor grado de inseguridad alimentaria. Conclusiones. A pesar del grado de marginación y pobreza que prevalece en el estado de Oaxaca, en el periodo de estudio el porcentaje de la población con mayores carencias alimentarias no varió y el grupo de población con seguridad alimentaria se incrementó, los avances en la mejora del acceso a los alimentos difícilmente prevalecen, por el riesgo, en el corto plazo, en el acceso, tanto físico como económico a los alimentos

    Engineering Education in Iberian America

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    The large Continent of America has in its territory besides overseas regions, dependencies and colonies 35 sovereign countries, 25 in North America and 12 in South America. Among them there are two big countries Brazil, which official language is Portuguese and Argentina, which official language is Spanish. Both are of political and economical importance in South America. They both belong to the so called Iberian America, which is a term used since the second half of the 19th century to refer collectively to the countries in the Americas, which were formerly colonies of Spain or Portugal. The Iberian countries in Europe are Portugal, Spain, Andorra and Gibraltar. The objective of this paper is to present the history and he current status of engineering education in Iberian America countries Brazil and Argentina followed by the countries that originated the engineering education in these countries, Portugal and Spain


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    The effect of air velocity of 2.5 and 3.5 ms-1 was evaluated in the artificial drying of eight loads of 60 boards each, at two height positions of the shaft: the base and the top, with initial humidity in green and in the PSF by air drying, using twenty Tectona grandis Lf trees from a 33-year-old plantation in Chanchamayo, Peru. The drying time, rate, and quality of the wood were determined. In air drying, the Pearson correlation was positive linear between the free water drying rate with temperature (0.997) and air velocity (0.987), and negative linear with relative air humidity (-0.996), precipitation (-0.97), and drying time (-0.976). The artificial drying time of the wood showed a significant direct relationship with the initial humidity level, and an inverse relationship with the air velocity. The drying rate of free water showed a significant direct relationship with the air velocity, while it was significantly higher than that of hygroscopic water. The position of the wood at the height of the shaft did not significantly influence the time and rate of both air and artificial drying. The quality of the wood drying did not show significant dependence on the air velocity, the position of the wood at the height of the shaft, and on the initial drying humidity. The drying defects observed do not compromise the production of quality products with a uniform final moisture content of 10%

    Estimating Self-Sustainability in Peer-to-Peer Swarming Systems

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    Peer-to-peer swarming is one of the \emph{de facto} solutions for distributed content dissemination in today's Internet. By leveraging resources provided by clients, swarming systems reduce the load on and costs to publishers. However, there is a limit to how much cost savings can be gained from swarming; for example, for unpopular content peers will always depend on the publisher in order to complete their downloads. In this paper, we investigate this dependence. For this purpose, we propose a new metric, namely \emph{swarm self-sustainability}. A swarm is referred to as self-sustaining if all its blocks are collectively held by peers; the self-sustainability of a swarm is the fraction of time in which the swarm is self-sustaining. We pose the following question: how does the self-sustainability of a swarm vary as a function of content popularity, the service capacity of the users, and the size of the file? We present a model to answer the posed question. We then propose efficient solution methods to compute self-sustainability. The accuracy of our estimates is validated against simulation. Finally, we also provide closed-form expressions for the fraction of time that a given number of blocks is collectively held by peers.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figure


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    Objetivo. Determinar los indicadores de impacto para una evaluación efectiva de los programas de gobierno orientados a superar la pobreza alimentaria en localidades rurales de alta marginación en la Mixteca Alta Oaxaqueña. Materiales y métodos. Se identifican los indicadores a partir del marco lógico, se genera información a partir de entrevistas estructuradas y se ponderan los indicadores con un análisis multifactorial. Resultados y discusión. Se determina que el nivel de ingreso, el tamaño de la familia, la jefatura de la familia, la presencia de niños y adultos mayores en el hogar, así como los activos ganaderos son los indicadores que ponderan al índice de inseguridad alimentaria, a partir de estos indicadores debe identificarse la familia con pobreza alimentaria. Existen otros indicadores para medir la inseguridad alimentaria, cuya escala se basa en las experiencias de las familias, la desventaja es que los subíndices, prácticamente se construyen a partir del componente acceso a los alimentos, marginando indicadores de disponibilidad. Conclusiones. Los indicadores de evaluación de impacto se determinan a partir de las componentes de disponibilidad, accesibilidad y uso del concepto de seguridad alimentaria en el contexto de las localidades rurales y puede ser replicable en diferentes regiones de estudio

    Procesado mínimo de granada roja. efectos de calidad de materia prima, forma y temperatura de almacenamiento en la calidad microbiológica y fisicoquímica

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    [SPA] El procesado mínimo de granada roja es una buena alternativa para incrementar su consumo en los mercados. No obstante, su maduración no es homogénea y su índice de cosecha no es preciso por lo que es altamente susceptible al partido de los frutos, constituyéndose en un factor de pérdida poscosecha. Se estudió el efecto de calidad de la materia prima (partidas e intactas), el tipo de presentación (gajos y desgranada) así como las temperaturas de almacenamiento (0, 5 y 10ºC) en la calidad fisicoquímica y microbiológica de los productos almacenados por 20 días. Frutos de granada (rajados e intactos) procedentes de un huerto comercial ubicado en Apaseo el Alto Guanajuato, México, fueron lavados con agua corriente y posteriormente tratados con una solución de hipoclorito de sodio (200 ppm) durante 5 minutos, posteriormente fueron partidos para extraer gajos de cada uno de sus carpelos o desgranados. Tanto gajos como dientes desgranados fueron tratados con una solución de hipoclorito de sodio (50 ppm) durante 5 minutos y posteriormente escurridos y envasados en envases de plástico de 200 gramos (para gajos) aproximadamente 100 gramos para dientes; posteriormente fueron almacenados a 0, 5 y 10ºC. Periódicamente se analizaron (visual, fisicoquímica y microbiológicamente) muestras de las distintas temperaturas. Se observó el aspecto visual, color, contenido de acidez, azúcares, el recuento bacteriano total y hongos y levaduras. La temperatura que mejor conservó la calidad general fue 0ºC donde los productos procedentes de frutos intactos alcanzaron hasta 20 días de almacenamiento sin cambios apreciables. Las muestras de frutas partidas tuvieron una menor vida de anaquel: 18 días a 0ºC; a 5ºC se redujo a 12 y 10 días para gajos y dientes respectivamente y a 10ºC ésta fue de solo 6 y 4 días. La calidad general de las muestras en gajos fue mejor respecto de las desgranadas; no obstante, hubo un ligero oscurecimiento de la cáscara. [ENG] Minimally processing pomegranate is an alternative to increase the consumption of the fruit. However, their maturation is inhomogeneous and their harvest index is imprecise generating fruit cracking in overripe fruit and quality loss in the postharvest system. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of raw quality (intact or cracking fruit), presentation form (single seeds or fruit sections) and storage temperature (0, 5 and 10ºC) on microbiological and physicochemical properties of the product stored during 20 days. Pomegranate fruit (intact and cracking) was harvested from commercial orchard in Apaseo El Grande Guanajuato México. These fruit were washing in chlorinated water (200 ppm) during 5 minutes, cut in segments or scattering and finally sanitized in chlorinated water (50ppm) for 5 minutes and then packing in plastic containers with 100 or 200 g of product and stored at 0, 5 and 10ºC. Each two days, samples were taken to measure their color, acidity, sugar content and their microbiological content (total aerobics, coliforms, fungus and yeast). The samples stored at 0ºC showed the best quality condition after 20 days. The samples from cracking fruit had a lower shelf life (18 days at 0ºC) and decreased in according with high temperatures (12 and 10 days at 5ºC or 4 and 6 days at 10ºC). The general quality of segments fruits was better respect of single seeds; however, there was a slight browning on the internal tissue of the skin

    Avaliação de sensibilidade de três sistemas para a detecção de Mycoplasma gallisepticum pela Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR)

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    Foram analisados neste trabalho três sistemas para detecção molecular de Mycoplasma gallisepticum(MG) pela Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR). Dois sistemas são baseados em amplificações únicas(genes de proteínas de superfície GapA e mgc2) e um sistema no formato nested-PCR (gene GapA). Asensibilidade analítica foi avaliada pela detecção de diluições seriadas de cepa vacinal e pela análise de 44amostras clínicas provenientes de swabs de galinhas e perus. A nested-PCR apresentou maior sensibilidadeaos sistemas de amplificação única tanto na diluição de vacina quanto nas amostras clínicas.Palavras-chave: Mycoplasma gallisepticum, sensibilidade, PCR

    Opportunistic screening for skin cancer using a mobile unit in Brazil

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    Abstract Background Skin cancer is the most common malignancy in the white population worldwide. In Brazil, the National Cancer Institute (INCA) estimates that in 2010 there will be 119,780 and 5,930 new cases of non-melanoma skin cancer and melanoma, respectively. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of a mobile unit in the diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer in several poor regions of Brazil. Methods The diagnosis of skin cancer was accomplished through active medical screening in the prevention Mobile Unit (MU) of Barretos Cancer Hospital (BCH). The study population consisted of patients examined in the MU between 2004 and 2007, and their suspicious lesions were subjected to histopathological evaluation. Data were collected prospectively from standardized forms and analyzed. Results During the screening, 17,857 consultations were carried out. A total of 2012 (11.2%) cases of skin cancer were diagnosed. The predominant histological type reported was basal cell carcinoma (n = 1,642 or 81.6%), followed by squamous cell carcinoma (n = 303 or 15.1%), Bowen's disease (n = 25 or 1.2%), malignant melanoma (n = 23 or 1.1%), basosquamous cell carcinoma (n = 3 or 0.1%), miscellaneous lesions (12 or 0.6%), and metatypical carcinoma (n = 4 or 0.2%). Only 0.6% of lesions were stage III. There were no stage IV non-melanoma skin lesions, as well as no melanomas stages III and IV, found. Conclusions It was observed that the MU can be a useful tool for early skin cancer diagnosis and treatment. This program probably is important, especially in developing countries with inadequate public health systems and social inequality