7 research outputs found

    Influência do treinamento pliométrico na potência muscular de atletas de muay thai: uma revisão sistemática

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    Introdução: A capacidade de gerar o máximo de força possível em golpes com velocidade, pode ser definida como a potência muscular exigida no Muay Thai, onde os atletas precisam realizar golpes que causem o máximo de dano possível no adversário. O treinamento pliométrico é caracterizado por movimentos balísticos, que podem ter seus benefícios transferidos para atletas de Muay Thai que buscam o alto desempenho, com movimentos de saltos com ou sem carga extra, desenvolvendo maior capacidade de potência muscular, entre outras adaptações funcionais. Objetivo: Portanto o objetivo desta revisão é apresentar os efeitos do treinamento pliométrico no desenvolvimento da força e potência de atletas de Muay Thai. Materiais e Métodos: Este estudo foi pautado em uma revisão sistemática realizada no período compreendido entre setembro a março de 2022, utilizando as bases de dados CAPES, SciELO, PUBMED, Google Acadêmico, LILACS e MEDLINE. Resultados: Dentre os 136 encontrados nas bases de dados, 3 foram selecionados para compor esta revisão. Discussão: o treinamento pliométrico apresenta resultados positivos nas variáveis de potência muscular, força e flexibilidade em atletas de Muay Thai. Conclusão: A inclusão do treinamento pliométrico no planejamento da preparação física de atletas de Muay Thai mostra-se eficiente no aprimoramento da potência muscular de membros superiores e inferiores, força e flexibilidade

    Application of the high resolution melting (HRM) methodology to determine genetic profiles with forensic interest

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    A genética forense tem grande importância na geração de provas em casos de violência sexual, paternidade criminal, identificação de cadáveres e investigação de evidências de locais de crime. A análise de STRs apresenta grande poder de discriminação, mas é uma metodologia multi-etapas, trabalhosa, cara e em muitos casos a análise genética é prejudicada pela baixa quantidade e qualidade das evidências coletadas. Este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver e caracterizar uma metodologia de triagem de amostras forenses através da análise de perfis de dissociação em alta resolução (HRM) de regiões do DNA mitocondrial, o qual está presente em maior número de cópias e mais resistente a degradação. Para tanto, foram extraídos DNAs de 68 doadores. Estas amostras foram sequenciadas e analisadas por HRM para sete alvos no DNA mitocondrial. Também foram realizados ensaios para determinar a influência do método de extração, da concentração e nível de degradação do DNA no perfil de HRM obtido para uma amostra. Os resultados demonstraram a capacidade da técnica de excluir indivíduos com sequências diferentes da referência comparativa em cinco regiões amplificadas. Podem ser analisadas em conjunto, amostras de DNA com variação de concentração de até a ordem de 100 vezes e extraídas por diferentes metodologias. Condições de degradação de material genético não prejudicaram a obtenção de perfis de dissociação em alta resolução. A sensibilidade da técnica foi aprimorada com a análise de produtos de amplificação de tamanho reduzido. A fim de otimizar o ensaio foi testada a análise de HRM em reações de PCR duplex. Um dos pares de amplificação forneceu perfis de HRM compatíveis com resultados obtidos de reações com amplificação de apenas um dos alvos. Através da análise conjunta das cinco regiões, esta metodologia visa a identificação de indivíduos não relacionados com as referências comparativas, diminuindo o número de amostras a serem analisadas por STRs, reduzindo gastos e aumentando a eficiência da rotina de laboratórios de genética forense.The forensic genetics has an important role in the generation of evidence in cases of sexual assault, criminal paternity, identification of corpses and crime scenes investigation. The analysis of STRs has great power of discrimination, but it is a multi-stage methodology, complex, expensive and in many cases the genetic analysis is hampered by the low quantity and quality of evidence collected. This study aimed to develop and characterize a forensic samples screening methodology to examine high resolution melting profiles (HRM) of regions of the mitochondrial DNA, which is present in more copies and more resistant to degradation. Thus, we extracted DNA from 68 donors. These samples were sequenced and analyzed by HRM to seven mitochondrial DNA targets. Tests were also conducted to determine the influence of extraction method, concentration and DNA degradation level of HRM profile obtained for a sample. The results demonstrated the technical ability to exclude individuals with different sequences of comparative reference amplified in five regions. Can be analyzed together samples with varying concentration to the order of 100 times and extracted by different methods. Genetic material degradation conditions did not prevent obtaining high resolution melting profiles. The sensitivity of the technique was improved with the analysis of reduced size amplification products. In order to optimize the assay HRM analysis was tested in duplex PCR reactions. A pair of amplification provided HRM profiles consistent with results from amplification in reactions with only one of the targets. Through the joint analysis of the five regions, this approach aims to identify individuals not related to comparative references, reducing the number of samples to be analyzed by STRs, reducing costs and increasing the efficiency of the routine of forensic genetics laboratories

    Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Detecting Soil Salinization Using ProSpecTIR-VS Aerial Imagery and Sensor Simulation

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    Soil salinization due to irrigation affects agricultural productivity in the semi-arid region of Brazil. In this study, the performance of four computational models to estimate electrical conductivity (EC) (soil salinization) was evaluated using laboratory reflectance spectroscopy. To investigate the influence of bandwidth and band positioning on the EC estimates, we simulated the spectral resolution of two hyperspectral sensors (airborne ProSpecTIR-VS and orbital Hyperspectral Infrared Imager (HyspIRI)) and three multispectral instruments (RapidEye/REIS, High Resolution Geometric (HRG)/SPOT-5, and Operational Land Imager (OLI)/Landsat-8)). Principal component analysis (PCA) and the first-order derivative analysis were applied to the data to generate metrics associated with soil brightness and spectral features, respectively. The three sets of data (reflectance, PCA, and derivative) were tested as input variable for Extreme Learning Machine (ELM), Ordinary Least Square regression (OLS), Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR), and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP). Finally, the laboratory models were inverted to a ProSpecTIR-VS image (400–2500 nm) acquired with 1-m spatial resolution in the northeast of Brazil. The objective was to estimate EC over exposed soils detected using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). The results showed that the predictive ability of the linear models and ELM was better than that of the MLP, as indicated by higher values of the coefficient of determination (R2) and ratio of the performance to deviation (RPD), and lower values of the root mean square error (RMSE). Metrics associated with soil brightness (reflectance and PCA scores) were more efficient in detecting changes in the EC produced by soil salinization than metrics related to spectral features (derivative). When applied to the image, the PLSR model with reflectance had an RMSE of 1.22 dS·m−1 and an RPD of 2.21, and was more suitable for detecting salinization (10–20 dS·m−1) in exposed soils (NDVI < 0.30) than the other models. For all computational models, lower values of RMSE and higher values of RPD were observed for the narrowband-simulated sensors compared to the broadband-simulated instruments. The soil EC estimates improved from the RapidEye to the HRG and OLI spectral resolutions, showing the importance of shortwave intervals (SWIR-1 and SWIR-2) in detecting soil salinization when the reflectance of selected bands is used in data modelling

    Use of capacitive sensors with the instantaneous profile method to determine hydraulic conductivity

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    ABSTRACT Due to the need to monitor soil water tension continuously, the instantaneous profile method is considered laborious, requiring a lot of time, and especially manpower, to set up and maintain. The aim of this work was to evaluate the possibility of using capacitive sensors in place of tensiometers with the instantaneous profile method in an area of the Lower Acaraú Irrigated Perimeter. The experiment was carried out in a Eutrophic Red-Yellow Argisol. The sensors were installed 15, 30, 45 and 60 cm from the surface, and powered by photovoltaic panels, using a power manager to charge the battery and to supply power at night. Records from the capacitive sensors were collected every five minutes and stored on a data acquisition board. With the simultaneous measurement of soil moisture obtained by the sensors, and the total soil water potential from the soil water retention curve, it was possible to determine the hydraulic conductivity as a function of the volumetric water content for each period using the Richards equation. At the end of the experiment, the advantage of using capacitive sensors with the instantaneous profile method was confirmed as an alternative to using a tensiometer. The main advantages of using capacitive sensors were to make the method less laborious and to allow moisture readings at higher tensions in soils of a sandy texture

    Safety evaluation of the antimicrobial peptide bovicin HC5 orally administered to a murine model

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    Bovicin HC5 is an antimicrobial peptide that shows a broad spectrum of activity and potential for biotechnological and therapeutic applications. To gain insight about the safety of bovicin HC5 application, the histological and immunostimulatory effects of orally administrated bovicin HC5 to BALB/c mice were evaluated. BALB/c mice were divided into three groups: negative control (NC group); mice given purified bovicin HC5 (Bov group); mice given ovalbumin (positive control, PC group; a murine model of enteropathy). The mice were initially pre-sensitized, and PBS, bovicin HC5 or ovalbumin were administered for 30 days by daily gavages. Histological and morphometric analysis were performed and the relative expression of cytokines was analyzed by real-time RT-PCR. The oral administration of bovicin HC5 to BALB/c mice reduced weight gain and caused alterations in the small intestine, although absorptive changes have not been detected. The number of total goblet cells and the mucopolysaccharides production were not affected by bovicin HC5 administration. A hypertrophy of Paneth cells and an increase in the number of mitotic cells were observed in Bov group, while the number of mast cells remained unaltered. Increased expression of TNF-α, INF-γ and IL-12 was observed in the small intestine upon bovicin HC5 administration. Bovicin HC5 has only minor effects on intestinal permeability and did not elicit an allergenic response upon oral administration to animal models. Considering the low in vivo toxicity of bovicin HC5, it might be a good candidate for enteral applications

    Use of capacitive sensors with the instantaneous profile method to determine hydraulic conductivity

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT Due to the need to monitor soil water tension continuously, the instantaneous profile method is considered laborious, requiring a lot of time, and especially manpower, to set up and maintain. The aim of this work was to evaluate the possibility of using capacitive sensors in place of tensiometers with the instantaneous profile method in an area of the Lower Acaraú Irrigated Perimeter. The experiment was carried out in a Eutrophic Red-Yellow Argisol. The sensors were installed 15, 30, 45 and 60 cm from the surface, and powered by photovoltaic panels, using a power manager to charge the battery and to supply power at night. Records from the capacitive sensors were collected every five minutes and stored on a data acquisition board. With the simultaneous measurement of soil moisture obtained by the sensors, and the total soil water potential from the soil water retention curve, it was possible to determine the hydraulic conductivity as a function of the volumetric water content for each period using the Richards equation. At the end of the experiment, the advantage of using capacitive sensors with the instantaneous profile method was confirmed as an alternative to using a tensiometer. The main advantages of using capacitive sensors were to make the method less laborious and to allow moisture readings at higher tensions in soils of a sandy texture.</p></div

    Is the maximum reproductive rate of Centris analis (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Centridini) associated with floral resource availability?

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