39 research outputs found

    Dynamic interaction networks in a hierarchically organized tissue

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    We have integrated gene expression profiling with database and literature mining, mechanistic modeling, and cell culture experiments to identify intercellular and intracellular networks regulating blood stem cell self-renewal.Blood stem cell fate in vitro is regulated non-autonomously by a coupled positive–negative intercellular feedback circuit, composed of megakaryocyte-derived stimulatory growth factors (VEGF, PDGF, EGF, and serotonin) versus monocyte-derived inhibitory factors (CCL3, CCL4, CXCL10, TGFB2, and TNFSF9).The antagonistic signals converge in a core intracellular network focused around PI3K, Raf, PLC, and Akt.Model simulations enable functional classification of the novel endogenous ligands and signaling molecules

    <i>Plasmodium </i>Condensin Core Subunits SMC2/SMC4 Mediate Atypical Mitosis and Are Essential for Parasite Proliferation and Transmission

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    Condensin is a multi-subunit protein complex regulating chromosome condensation and segregation during cell division. In Plasmodium spp., the causative agent of malaria, cell division is atypical and the role of condensin is unclear. Here we examine the role of SMC2 and SMC4, the core subunits of condensin, during endomitosis in schizogony and endoreduplication in male gametogenesis. During early schizogony, SMC2/SMC4 localize to a distinct focus, identified as the centromeres by NDC80 fluorescence and chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq) analyses, but do not form condensin I or II complexes. In mature schizonts and during male gametogenesis, there is a diffuse SMC2/SMC4 distribution on chromosomes and in the nucleus, and both condensin I and condensin II complexes form at these stages. Knockdown of smc2 and smc4 gene expression reveals essential roles in parasite proliferation and transmission. The condensin core subunits (SMC2/SMC4) form different complexes and may have distinct functions at various stages of the parasite life cycle

    Specification of haematopoietic stem cell fate via modulation of mitochondrial activity

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    Haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) differ from their committed progeny by relying primarily on anaerobic glycolysis rather than mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation for energy production. However, whether this change in the metabolic program is the cause or the consequence of the unique function of HSCs remains unknown. Here we show that enforced modulation of energy metabolism impacts HSC self-renewal. Lowering the mitochondrial activity of HSCs by chemically uncoupling the electron transport chain drives self-renewal under culture conditions that normally induce rapid differentiation. We demonstrate that this metabolic specification of HSC fate occurs through the reversible decrease of mitochondrial mass by autophagy. Our data thus reveal a causal relationship between mitochondrial metabolism and fate choice of HSCs and also provide a valuable tool to expand HSCs outside of their native bone marrow niches

    Objective assessment of stored blood quality by deep learning

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    Stored red blood cells (RBCs) are needed for life-saving blood transfusions, but they undergo continuous degradation. RBC storage lesions are often assessed by microscopic examination or biochemical and biophysical assays, which are complex, time-consuming, and destructive to fragile cells. Here we demonstrate the use of label-free imaging flow cytometry and deep learning to characterize RBC lesions. Using brightfield images, a trained neural network achieved 76.7% agreement with experts in classifying seven clinically relevant RBC morphologies associated with storage lesions, comparable to 82.5% agreement between different experts. Given that human observation and classification may not optimally discern RBC quality, we went further and eliminated subjective human annotation in the training step by training a weakly supervised neural network using only storage duration times. The feature space extracted by this network revealed a chronological progression of morphological changes that better predicted blood quality, as measured by physiological hemolytic assay readouts, than the conventional expert-assessed morphology classification system. With further training and clinical testing across multiple sites, protocols, and instruments, deep learning and label-free imaging flow cytometry might be used to routinely and objectively assess RBC storage lesions. This would automate a complex protocol, minimize laboratory sample handling and preparation, and reduce the impact of procedural errors and discrepancies between facilities and blood donors. The chronology-based machine-learning approach may also improve upon humans’ assessment of morphological changes in other biomedically important progressions, such as differentiation and metastasis

    Optimization of in vitro cord blood hematopoietic stem cell expansion through the identification of secreted factors mediating inter-cellular communication

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    Robust and large-scale expansion of umbilical cord blood stem cells in vitro is necessary for widening the usage of transplantation therapies for the treatment of hematological and immune diseases. The lack of understanding of the complex inter-cellular networks regulating stem cell fate in culture explains the low success met so far for the ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic stem cells. The development of a mathematical model of in vitro hematopoiesis coupled with gene expression profiling led to predictions about the secreted factors that play a crucial role in regulating hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal in culture. We tested 18 putative molecules predicted to display effects on primitive progenitor (Long-Term Culture-Initiating Cell; LTC-IC) output, functionally validating three stimulators (VEGF, PDGF, EGF) and three inhibitors (TGFβ, CCL4, CXCL10). Combinatorial studies with the stimulatory molecules showed less-than additive effects, perhaps related to redundant signaling mechanisms. Small molecule-mediated inhibition of the downstream signaling pathways activated by VEGF, PDGF, and EGF led to a decreased expansion of primitive cell compartments, confirming the endogenous activity of these growth factors for the stimulation of blood stem and progenitor cells. Blocking TGFβ-mediated negative feedback signaling in culture enhanced mature cell outputs but had no effect on primitive cell expansion, consistent with the role of TGFβ as a proliferation inhibitor, and underlying the complexity and multi-parametric aspect of the inter-cellular regulatory network. Studies are currently underway to validate the functional activity of VEGF and EGF on in vivo repopulating stem cells (NOD/SCID repopulating cells; SRC) using a clinical-grade, closed-system bioprocess. These results constitute a major step in the functional elucidation of the complex extracellular signaling networks that govern stem cell fate in vitr

    In vitro Fate Mapping of Single Hematopoietic Stem Cells

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    The in vitro expansion of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) for clinical applications is hampered by a rapid loss of HSC blood reconstitution capability in culture. While these rare cells can be stimulated to massively proliferate, cell divisions mostly result in differentiation caused by the lack of interactions with the native microenvironment, termed niche, in the bone marrow. Indeed, an increasing body of literature highlights the crucial role of instructive niche signals directing HSC fate in vivo. But how HSC fate, and in particular the delicate choice between self-renewal and differentiation divisions, is controlled by niche signaling cues remains unknown. Therefore, the goal of this thesis was to systematically characterize HSC fate decisions in vitro, and to utilize this knowledge to design artificial niches that maintain stemness. Differentiating HSCs first give rise to several transient populations of highly proliferative multipotent progenitors. Because reliable markers that distinguish HSCs from the earliest multipotent progenitors in vitro are lacking, it is currently not possible to discriminate between HSC self-renewal and commitment fate choices. The development and application of novel tools to probe HSC fate at the single cell level is therefore crucial, even more so because HSC populations are highly heterogeneous. In the first part of this thesis, a micro-engineered single cell analysis platform was employed to track in high-throughput the fate of individual HSCs by time-lapse microscopy. Single cell imaging revealed a surprising direct generation of megakaryocytes, cells that produce blood platelets, from phenotypic HSCs in the complete absence of a cell division. Megakaryocytic differentiation has previously been shown to occur very early in hematopoiesis and recent studies revealed the existence of a subpopulation of HSCs that is predetermined to undergo megakaryocytic differentiation. Our results suggest that some megakaryocyte progenitors may not be directly derived from HSCs but rather share the same cell surface marker repertoire such that they are indistinguishable from HSCs by state-of-the-art purification strategies. In order to discriminate between HSC self-renewal and commitment at single cell level, in the second part of this thesis gene expression signatures associated with the stem cell and multipotent progenitor cell states were established. Twelve differentially expressed genes marking the quiescent HSC state were identified, including four genes encoding cellcell interaction signals in the niche. Single cell multigene expression analysis performed on daughter cells, derived from single HSCs in serum-free culture, showed a rapid loss of the HSC identity with increasing number of cell divisions. In order to prevent such a dramatic loss of stemness in vitro, biomimetic microenvironments were engineered to display ligands of the newly identified niche components. Exposure of single HSCs to these artificial niches revealed a reduction in the mitotic activity of HSCs. Strikingly, in vivo transplantation of artificial niche-cultured HSCs resulted in long-term blood reconstitution of irradiated mice, demonstrating maintenance of functional HSC in vitro when exposed to critical cell-cell interaction signals found in native niches. Studies with invertebrates have shown that the pool of stem cells in vivo is controlled through asymmetric self-renewal divisions, resulting in two daughter cells with distinct fates, only one of which maintains stemness. Very little is known about asymmetric divisions of HSCs. Therefore, in the third part of this thesis, the symmetry of HSC divisions was systematically investigated in vitro. Using time-lapse imaging and single cell multigene expression analysis of paired daughter cells isolated by micromanipulation, approximately one third of all HSC was found to divide in an asymmetric fashion under serum-free culture conditions. Strikingly, paired daughter cells of cultured HSCs that were activated in vivo to exit their dormant state were found to divide mostly in an asymmetric fashion. These results shed light on the critical role of the in vivo microenvironment in specifying HSC fate and in particular asymmetric cell divisions. Altogether, this thesis demonstrates the power of single cell analyses to unravel stem cell fate decisions, and presents a novel approach to identify functional artificial niches to maintain HSCs in culture. This experimental paradigm should contribute to the development of better strategies to study and manipulate other stem cell types in culture. One exciting avenue is the expansion of human cord blood-derived HSCs, a cellular source that is particularly plagued by a lack of sufficient numbers for transplantation, with the aim of improving HSC therapies

    Brief Report: Single-Cell Analysis Reveals Cell Division-Independent Emergence of Megakaryocytes From Phenotypic Hematopoietic Stem Cells

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    Despite increasingly stringent methods to isolate hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), considerable heterogeneity remains in terms of their long-term self-renewal and differentiation potential. Recently, the existence of long-lived, self-renewing, myeloid-restricted progenitors in the phenotypically defined HSC compartment has been revealed, but these cells remain poorly characterized. Here, we used an in vitro single-cell analysis approach to track the fate of 330 long-term HSCs (LT-HSC; Lin- cKit+ Sca-1+ CD150+ CD48- CD34-) cultured for 5 days under serum-free basal conditions. Our analysis revealed a highly heterogeneous behavior with approximately 15% of all phenotypic LT-HSCs giving rise to megakaryocytes (Mk). Surprisingly, in 65% of these cases, Mk development occurred in the absence of cell division. This observation suggests that myeloid-restricted progenitors may not derive directly from LT-HSCs but instead could share an identical cell surface marker repertoire

    In Vivo Pre-Instructed HSCs Robustly Execute Asymmetric Cell Divisions In Vitro

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    Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are responsible for life-long production of all mature blood cells. Under homeostasis, HSCs in their native bone marrow niches are believed to undergo asymmetric cell divisions (ACDs), with one daughter cell maintaining HSC identity and the other committing to differentiate into various mature blood cell types. Due to the lack of key niche signals, in vitro HSCs differentiate rapidly, making it challenging to capture and study ACD. To overcome this bottleneck, in this study, we used interferon alpha (IFN alpha) treatment to "pre-instruct" HSC fate directly in their native niche, and then systematically studied the fate of dividing HSCs in vitro at the single cell level via time-lapse analysis, as well as multigene and protein expression analysis. Triggering HSCs' exit from dormancy via IFN alpha was found to significantly increase the frequency of asynchronous divisions in paired daughter cells (PDCs). Using single-cell gene expression analyses, we identified 12 asymmetrically expressed genes in PDCs. Subsequent immunocytochemistry analysis showed that at least three of the candidates, i.e., Glut1, JAM3 and HK2, were asymmetrically distributed in PDCs. Functional validation of these observations by colony formation assays highlighted the implication of asymmetric distribution of these markers as hallmarks of HSCs, for example, to reliably discriminate committed and self-renewing daughter cells in dividing HSCs. Our data provided evidence for the importance of in vivo instructions in guiding HSC fate, especially ACD, and shed light on putative molecular players involved in this process. Understanding the mechanisms of cell fate decision making should enable the development of improved HSC expansion protocols for therapeutic applications