5,111 research outputs found

    The (π,γγ)(\pi^-,\gamma\gamma) reaction in nuclei and the σ\sigma meson in the medium

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    A theoretical analysis of the (π,γγ)(\pi^-,\gamma\gamma) reaction in nuclei is made in order to find the viability of this reaction to test modifications of the σ\sigma meson mass in nuclear matter. The ππ\pi\pi correlation in the scalar-isoscalar channel in nuclear matter could, in principle, manifest itself in this reaction since it plays an important role in the ππγγ\pi\pi\to\gamma\gamma mechanism. But we conclude that this effect is hardly visible in this reaction due to the strong background of the pion-Bremsstrahlung terms. Only with some special cuts and for some polarization states are the effect visible at the cost of a strong reduction in the cross section.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure

    On the hidden charm pentaquark-s in ΛbJ/ψKp\Lambda_b \to J/\psi K^- p decay

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    In a previous work we presented a theoretical analysis of the ΛbJ/ψKp\Lambda_b \to J/\psi K^- p reaction from where a recent experiment by the LHCb collaboration at CERN claimed the existence of two hidden charm pentaquarks, Pc(4380)+P_c(4380)^+ and Pc(4450)+P_c(4450)^+. In that work we focused only on the Λ(1405)\Lambda(1405) and Pc(4450)+P_c(4450)^+ signals and discussed the possible explanation of this pentaquark state within the picture of a dynamical meson-baryon molecule made up mostly from DˉΣc\bar D^* \Sigma_c and DˉΣc\bar D^* \Sigma^*_c components. In the present work we improve upon the previous one by considering the total KpK^- p and J/ψpJ/\psi p data including all the relevant resonances contributing to the spectra, and discuss the possible nature of both Pc(4380)+P_c(4380)^+ and Pc(4450)+P_c(4450)^+. We also discuss several important topics, like the effect of the contact term in the reaction, the viability of reproducing the data without the Pc(4380)+P_c(4380)^+ and the possible quantum numbers assignment to these pentaquarks.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Meson loops in the f0(980)f_0(980) and a0(980)a_0(980) radiative decays into ρ\rho, ω\omega

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    We calculate the radiative decay widths of the a0(980)a_0(980) and f0(980)f_0(980) scalar mesons into ργ\rho\gamma and ωγ\omega\gamma considering the dynamically generated nature of these scalar resonances within the realm of the Chiral Unitary Approach. The main ingredient in the evaluation of the radiative width of the scalar mesons are the loops coming from the decay into their constituent pseudoscalar-pseudoscalar components and the subsequent radiation of the photon. The dominant diagrams with only pseudoscalar mesons in the loops are found to be convergent while the divergence of those with a vector meson in the loop are written in terms of the two meson loop function easily regularizable. We provide results for all the possible charge channels and obtain results, with uncertainties, which differ significantly from quark loops models and some version of vector meson dominance

    Quantum loops in radiative decays of the a1a_1 and b1b_1 axial-vector mesons

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    A previous model where the low-lying axial-vector mesons are dynamically generated, implementing unitarity in coupled channels in the vector-pseudoscalar (VPVP) meson interaction, is applied to evaluate the decay widths of the a_1(1260)and and b_1(1235)axialvectormesonsinto axial-vector mesons into \pi\gamma.Unlikethecaseofthe. Unlike the case of the a_1,the, the b_1radiativedecayissystematicallyunderestimatedattreelevel.Inthisworkweevaluateforthefirsttimetheloopcontributioncomingfromaninitial radiative decay is systematically underestimated at tree level. In this work we evaluate for the first time the loop contribution coming from an initial VPvertex.Despitethelargesuperficialdivergenceoftheloops,theconvergenceoftherelevantloopscanbeestablishedbyusingargumentsofgaugeinvariance.Thepartialdecaywidthsobtainedagreeverywellwiththeexperimentalvalueswithinuncertainties,andshowthattheloopcontributioniscrucialinthe vertex. Despite the large superficial divergence of the loops, the convergence of the relevant loops can be established by using arguments of gauge invariance. The partial decay widths obtained agree very well with the experimental values within uncertainties, and show that the loop contribution is crucial in the b_1caseandalsoimportantforthe case and also important for the a_1$ case.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figurs Added extra discussio