21 research outputs found

    Big data classification using fuzzy logical concepts for paddy yield prediction

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    Time association data has been critical to the exploration field of paddy yield forecast. At durations the path of recent many years, countless flossy legitimate time arrangement. For this reason, this paper canters round searching forward to statistics esteems on a huge variety of flossy precept calculations. To clarify the approach in the course of gauging, the verifiable statistics of paddy yield. The method for acknowledgment used at some point of this exam can also be an extreme information grouping. The technique joins the coaching capacities of fake neural device with the human like data portrayal and clarification capacities of flossy precept frameworks and furthermore a trendy primarily based in maximum instances hold close framework. It's miles for the most half of used in Brobdingnagian expertise getting equipped applications. As we have a tendency to in all opportunity am aware, affiliation method of massive information teams the information into thousands of categories addicted to high-quality trends for additional getting equipped. We've got engineered up some other calculation to have an effect on the grouping by using flossy recommendations on this present fact informational index. Forecast of harvest yield is significant because of this on precisely meet marketplace conditions and legitimate company of rural sports coordinated towards enhance in yield. A number of obstacles, as an example, weather, bothers, biophysical and physio morphological highlights advantage their idea whereas determining the yield. It's in reality proper right here that the flossy precept becomes partner in Nursing important issue. This paper explains a shot to create flossy valid frameworks for paddy crop yield expectatio

    Market Study of Meat Processing Industry in Manabí, Ecuador

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    A meat market study was conducted in Bolivar canton, as part of this research. The population included in the study (380 persons) was taken from the total number of inhabitants of the canton (37 262). A number of questions were made about the meat market system in the city of Calceta and other areas in Bolivar canton. Supply analysis made to several other similar products available in the area explained the behavior through time. Also included in the study were national meat processing plants that sell cured meat cuts and other meat products, in general. The chain study concluded that 96 % of meat consumers preferred fresh beef from butcheries and traditional markets, though with an increasing perception to consume safer cuts with less supermarket packing. They were also more prone to buy up to 1.8 kg/week of trademark fresh beef, sausages and smoked meat. It revealed a higher inclination to develop a local university industry offering standard processed and meat products, reducing health risks due to wrong production practices at the local slaughterhouse

    Algarroba Effects on Behavior and Dairy Production of Grazing Cows II. Rainy Season.

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    The influence of arborization with algarroba (Prosopis juliflora SW) on behavior and dairy production of grazing cows was evaluated. The trial was made in the rainy season, and six enclosures per arborization treatment were used (low arborization, with 1-7 trees/ha; mid-arborization, with 12-16 trees/ha; and high arborization, with 20-27 trees/ha). Activities were observed every ten minutes during the mornings and afternoons. The number of animals, and each animal´s activity time was recorded. The dairy production data were collected and compared through a randomized design with six repetitions (ANOVA). Significant differences were observed (P < 0.05) to more arborization in grazing (155-173 min), and the monthly values observed were similar. In fields with low arborization, the cows ate less grass, whereas fields with mid and high arborization, the cows grazed longer, and produced more milk (11.2 and 12.59 kg/c/day)

    Effect of Algarroba on Grazing Cow Behavior and Milk Production. I. Dry Season.

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    The effect of algarroba (Prosopis juliflora SW) arborization on grazing cow behavior and milk production was assessed. The trial was made in the rainy season, and six enclosures were used per arborization treatment (low arborization, 1-7 trees/ha; mid arborization, 12-16 trees/ha; high arborization, 20-27 trees/ha). Rational grazing was performed. The grass rested for 21-28 days, and sprinklers were used for irrigation. The animalsʼ activity time and the number of animals were registered. Milk production values were compared using ANOVA, following a randomized design with six replicas. No significant differences were observed in the morning grazing (118-203 min), but there were significant differences (P < 0.05) in the afternoon, in favor of more arborization (103-125 min), whereas in lands with mid and high arborization, cows ruminated longer, with higher water consumption and milk production, and values between 11.85-13.76 kg/v/day


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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo general aplicar instrumentos de gestión como contribución a la mejora productiva del sector minorista de cárnicos en el cantón Bolívar, para esto se utilizaron el método deductivo, que permitió identificar la falta de indicadores para la medición de los factores críticos dentro del sector objeto de estudio; y el inductivo que facilitó el análisis de diferentes fenómenos y teorías vinculadas al sector minorista para fortalecer las ideas previas de la investigación y enfocarlas hacia la realidad de dicho sector. Adicionalmente, la aplicación de técnicas contribuyó a la recolección de los datos de campo, tal es el caso de la revisión sistemática efectuada al recabar información bibliográfica que suministró argumentos sólidos para la selección de aquellos instrumentos de gestión más efectivos de acuerdo a diversos puntos de vista de autores revisados, haciendo uso oportuno de los tipos de investigación, específicamente de la descriptiva, bibliográfica y la de campo. Finalmente, se aplicaron las técnicas para cada factor crítico, el mapa de procesos, ficha de procesos y diagrama de flujo para clasificar, identificar y visualizar de forma exacta el proceso de producción, el programa de requerimientos de materiales para conocer la cantidad de insumos necesario para cada semana, el método proporcional para determinar la capacidad productiva de los procesos, el diseño de puesto para determinar las responsabilidades y las normas HACCP el control de calidad de producto final.PALABRAS CLAVE: Gestión; contribución; mejora; minoristas; factores críticos.APPLICATION OF MANAGEMENT INSTRUMENTS AS A CONTRIBUTION TO THE PRODUCTIVE IMPROVEMENT OF THE MEAT RETAIL SECTORABSTRACTThe general objective of the research was to apply management tools as a contribution to the productive improvement of the meat retail sector in the Bolívar canton, for which the deductive method was used, which allowed to identify the lack of indicators for the measurement of critical factors within the sector under study; and the inductive one that facilitated the analysis of different phenomena and theories related to the retail sector to strengthen the previous ideas of the research and focus them towards the reality of the sector. In addition, the application of techniques contributed to the collection of field data, such as the systematic review carried out when collecting bibliographic information that provided solid arguments for selecting the most effective management tools according to different points of view of reviewed authors, making timely use of the types of research, specifically descriptive, bibliographic and field. Finally, the techniques for each critical factor were applied, the process map, process sheet and flowchart to classify, identify and visualize the production process in an exact way, the program of material requirements to know the amount of necessary inputs for each week, the proportional method to determine the productive capacity of the processes, the design of the post to determine the responsibilities and the HACCP standards, the final product quality control.KEYWORDS: Management; contribution; improvement; retail; critical factors

    Effects of Milled Maize Stalks on the Productive Response of Grazing Dairy Cows.

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    The productive response of grazing dairy cows was evaluated, using milled corn stalks in the diet. The study was developed in two different settings, in Ecuador (Costa and Sierra regions). On the coast farm (29.1 ha), cows grazed on Bermuda grass (Cynodon nlemfuensis) and Guinea grass (Panicum maximum) with several types of legumes (Lysicarpus, Centrosema, Desmodium, Galactia), supplemented with corn stalks cv. INIAP 125. The animals received 0.46 kg beginning at 3 kg, and milled maize stalks in 30 and 28-day periods, respectively (M-30 and M-28), and control without stalks for 36 days (M-0). The farm in the other region (14.2 ha) had 23 cows grazing on Kikuyo grass (P. clandestinum) and ryegrass-white clover (L. perenne and whole maize stalks and T. (60-70% ripe grain), at a rate of 18 kg green/cow/day for 48 days; and balanced supplement, at a rate of 0.5 kg/ milk liter, after the fourth kilogram, along with minerals. In both cases the forage had effects (P < 0.05) on cow response. In the Sierra area, the increase was 1.68 kg/cow, and in the coast, it was 1.1 and 2.5 kg/cow). Maize stalks served as a nutritional complement for poorly consumed grass areas in both regions; milk production/animal was increased, and the costs were reduced

    Efecto del por ciento de leguminosas, tiempo de reposo y calidad estimada del pastizal en respuesta productiva de vacas lecheras en pastoreo.

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    Se comparan los pastizales en una finca ganadera y cuartones con diferentes por cientos de leguminosas, en cuanto al tiempo de reposo, su calidad nutricional y la producción de leche con vacas en pastoreo en la seca. Se utilizaron cuatro cuartones de 0,45 ha/tratamiento de composición botánica del pasto, como réplicas de pastizales de Cynodon nlemfuensis, Vanderysty Panicum máximum, Jacq y, asociadas a ellos, leguminosas de los géneros Centrosema, Desmodium, Macroptilium y Teramnuz. La carga fue de 1,09 vacas/ha y los animales recibieron 16 % de PB a razón de 0,46 kg a partir del tercer kilogramo producido y forraje cortado en comedero. El diseño fue completamente aleatorio y se realizó análisis de varianza simple para el procesamiento estadístico de los datos. Las poblaciones incrementadas de leguminosas influyeron en el tiempo de reposo (P < 0,05) a favor de acelerar el tiempo adecuado para la ocupación del cuartón y mejoraron la calidad y respuesta láctea de las vacas en el período. El factor presencia de las leguminosas en el pastizal influyó parcialmente en la calidad, consumo y respuesta animal en rendimiento lechero, a favor de mayor presencia de leguminosas (37 %) con 9,1 kg/vaca/día.Effect of the percent of legumes, rest time and estimated quality of pastures in productive re-sponse of dairy cows in grazing.ABSTRACTA comparison between the pasture of a livestock farm and paddocks with different per cents of legumes was carried out, taking into account the rest time, nutritional quality and milk production with cows shepherded during the droughty season. Four paddocks of 0.45 ha/treatment of botanical composition of the pasture were used as duplicates of pastures of Cynodonnlemfuensis, Vanderystand Panicum máximum, Jacq and legumes of the genera Centrosema, Desmodium, Macroptilium and Teramnuzassociated with them. The load was 1.09 cows/day and the animals re-ceived 16 % of PB with a rate of 0.46 kg starting from the third kilogram produced and trough-cut forage. The design was completely random and simple analysis of variance was performed for the statistical processing of the data. The populations, enriched with legumes, influenced the rest time (P < 0.05) accelerating the suitable time for the occu-pancy of paddocks and improved the quality and the milk response of cows during the period. The presence of legumes in pastures influenced partially the quality, consumption and animal response in the milk output for the legumes (37 %) with 9.1 kg/cow/day

    Influencia de Prosopis juliflora: en composición botánica del pastizal, producción de leche y conducta devacas mestizas en pastoreo.

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    Se evaluó la influencia de la arborización con algarrobo (Prosopis juliflora) sobre la composición botánica, pro-ducción de leche y conducta de vacas mestizas en pastoreo durante la época seca. Se utilizaron tres tratamientos de arborización (A0= 1 a 3 árboles/ha; A1= 4 a 8 árboles/ha y A2= 9 a 13 árboles/ha), con 9 réplicas de 0,45 ha/tratamiento con pastizales de estrella cv africano (Cynodon nlemfuensis, Vanderyst) y saboya naturalizado (Panicum maximum, Jacq), y asociadas a ellos, leguminosas de los géneros Centrosema, Desmodium, Macroptilium y Teramnuz. Se encontró efecto favorable de A 2 (9 a 13 árboles/ha) sobre pasto saboya (P < 0,05) con 50 % del pastizal; y efecto favorable diferencial sobre estrella, Desmodiumy Centrosema. La producción de leche fue superior significativamente (P < 0,05) en A2, (214 kg/día; 8,71 kg/vaca/día y 9,48 kg/ha/día) por la mejor composición florística del pastizal, mejor valor nutricional de las gramíneas, las leguminosas y confort que representa la mayor cobertura arbórea (P < 0,05). En las pruebas de conducta, los animales tuvieron mayor por ciento de actividad de pastoreo que influyó en la respuesta láctea de las vacas.Influence of Prosopis juliflora: on pasture botanical composition, milk production and the behavior of crossbred cows in grazing.ABSTRACTThe influence of the forestation with carob (Prosopis juliflora) on the botanical composition, milk production and the behavior of crossbred cows in grazing were assessed during the dry season. Three forestation treatment were used (A0 = 1 to 3 trees/ha; A1 = 4 to 8 trees/ha and A2 = 9 to 13 trees/ha) with 9 duplicates of 0,45 ha/treatment with African cv (Cynodon nlemfuensis, Vanderyst) star pastures and naturalized Savoy (Panicum maximum, Jacq), and le-gumes of the genera of Centrosema, Desmodium, Macroptilium y Teramnuzassociated with them. A favorable effect of the A2treatment was found in Savoy grazing (P < 0,05) with 50 % of the pasture and differential favorable effect on Star, Desmodiumand Centrosema. Milk production increased appreciably (P < 0,05)  in A2(214 kg/day; 8,71 kg/cow/day y 9,48 kg/ha/day) because of the better floristic composition of the pastures, better nutritional value of gramineous, legumes and comfort which represents the greater arboreal area (P < 0,05). Animals had a greater percent of grazing activity in the behavioral tests. That influenced the milk response of the cows

    Influencia del algarrobo en la conducta y producción de leche de vacas en pastoreo. I I . Período l luvioso

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    Se  evaluó  la  influencia  de  la  arborización  con  algarrobo (Prosopis  juliflora  SW)  en  la  conducta  y  producción  de leche  de  vacas  en  pastoreo.   El  ensayo  se  realizó  en época  de  lluvia  y  se  utilizaron  seis  cuartones  por tratamiento  de arborización  (bajo  grado  de  arborización  con 1-7  árboles/ha;   medio  grado  de  arborización  con  1 2- 1 6  árboles/ha  y  alto  grado  de  arborización  20-27 árboles/ha.   En  la  mañana  y  en  la  tarde  se  observaban  las actividades  cada  1 0  min.   Se registró  el  tiempo  del  animal  en actividad,  el  número  de  animales .  Se  tomó  la  información  de  la  producción  de  leche/tratamiento  y  en  un  diseño  al azar  con  seis  repeticiones  se  comparó  mediante  Anava. Se  registraron  diferencias significativas  (P  <  0, 05)  a  favor  de  mayor  arborización  en  pastoreo  ( 1 55- 1 73  min)  y  los índices  tuvieron  un  comportamiento  muy  similar  por  meses.   En  potreros  con  baja  carga  arbórea  las  vacas consumen  menos  pasto,  mientras  que en  potreros  con medio  y  alto  grado  de  arborización,  las  vacas  pastaron más  tiempo  y  tuvieron  mayor  producción  de leche  con valores  entre  1 1 , 02  y  1 2, 50  kg/v/día. Effect  of  Algarroba  on  Grazing  Cow  Behavior  and  Milk  Production.  II.  Rainy  Season ABSTRACTThe  effect  of  algarroba  (Prosopis juliflora  SW)  arborization on  grazing  cow  behavior  and  milk  production  was assessed.   The  trial  was  made  in  the  rainy  season,  and six  enclosures  were  used  per  arborization  treatment  (low  arborization,  1 -7  trees/ha;  mid  arborization,  1 2- 1 6 trees/ha;  high  arborization,  20-27  trees/ha) .   The  time  of each  animal during  activity,  and  the  number  of  animals, were  registered.   Milk  production  values  were  compared using  ANOVA, following  a  randomized  design  with  six replicas.   The  significant  differences  were  registered  (P  <  0. 05)  positively toward  greater  arborization  grazing  ( 1 55- 1 73  min) ,  and  the  indexes  had  a  very  similar  behavior  for months.   In  poorly arborized  grazing  lands  cows  consumed less  pasture,  whereas  in  highly  arborized  lands,  cows stayed  longer  and  pro-duced  more  milk  ( 1 1 . 02  and  1 2. 50  kg/cow/day).

    Influencia del algarrobo en la conducta y producción de leche de vacas en pastoreo. I. Período de Seca.

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    Se evaluó la influencia de la arborización con algarrobo (Prosopis juliflora SW) en la conducta y producción deleche de vacas en pastoreo. El ensayo se realizó en época de seca y se utilizaron seis cuartones por tratamiento de arborización (bajo grado de arborización con 1-7 árboles/ha; medio grado de arborización con 12-16 árboles/ha y alto grado de arborización 20-27 árboles/ha). El pastoreo fue racional. El reposo del pasto fue de 21 a 28 días y se utilizó riego por aspersión. En la mañana y en la tarde se observaban las actividades cada 10 min. Se registró el tiempo del animal por actividad, número de animales. Se tomó la información de la producción de leche y en un diseño al azar con seis repeticiones se comparó mediante ANAVA. No hubo diferencias significativas en el pastoreo en la mañana (118 a 203 min), pero sí fueron significativas (P < 0,05) en la tarde a favor de mayor arborización(103 a 125 min), mientras que en potreros con medio y alto grado de arborización, las vacas rumiaron mástiempo, con mayor consumo de agua y producción de leche con valores entre 11,85 y 13,76 kg/v/día.Effect of Algarroba on Grazing Cow Behavior and Milk Production. I. Dry Season ABSTRACTThe effect of algarroba (Prosopis juliflora SW) arborization on grazing cow behavior and milk production was assessed. The trial was made in the rainy season, and six enclosures were used per arborization treatment (low arborization, 1-7 trees/ha; mid arborization, 12-16 trees/ha; high arborization, 20-27 trees/ha). Rational grazing was performed. The grass rested for 21-28 days, and sprinklers were used for irrigation. Each animal´s activity time, and the number of animals, were registered. Milk production values were compared using ANOVA, following a randomized design with six replicas. No significant differences were observed in the morning grazing (118 -203 min),but there were significant differences (P < 0.05) in the afternoon, positively toward more arborization (103 -125 min), whereas in lands with mid and high arborization, cows ruminated longer, with higher water consumption and milk production, and values between11.85 - 13.76 kg/v/day