65 research outputs found

    Teaching and learning of probability

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    In this paper, we develop a personal synthesis of the most outstanding research on the teaching and learning of probability in the past years. We conducted a systematic search to examine publications on this topic in mathematics education, statistics education, education, and psychology journals. This exploration was complemented by additional studies published in conference proceedings or books. We classified these papers to highlight the main recent research tendencies in the field, according to the theme studied and considering the research objectives. Epistemological analyses suggest that informal inference based on simulation diminishes the topic abstraction but reduces probability to its frequentist view. Topics receiving particular attention include children’s probabilistic knowledge, the effect of visualizations on solving conditional probability problems, teachers’ education and probability modelling. In the final section, we recommend relevant points in which more investigation is needed to complete our knowledge about teaching and learning. In particular, we miss research on teachers’ mathematical knowledge of many probability concepts and on their didactic knowledge.Project PID2019-105601GB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.Funding for open access publishing: Universidad de Granada / CBUA

    Avoiding sexual interference: herkogamy and dichogamy in style dimorphic flowers of Narcissus broussonetii (Amaryllidaceae)

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    Spatial (herkogamy) or temporal (dichogamy) separation of sex organs are mechanisms considered to restrict self-pollination and promote outcrossing. Additionally, avoidance of self-interference is proposed to be the driving force for the evolution of these mechanisms, particularly in self-incompatible species. However, species with anthers and stigmas at different levels may increase the rate of imprecise pollen transfer, resulting in pollen discounting. Non-reciprocal stylar dimorphism has been considered a transitional, unstable stage towards the evolution of reciprocal style dimorphism (distyly), to simultaneously avoid interference and lack of precision. In this study we investigate the spatial and temporal separation of sex organs in a population of the style dimorphic and self-incompatible Narcissus broussonetii and their consequences in the reciprocity between the sex organs of morphs and their fecundity. First, we evaluated the relative growth of sex organs after anthesis. Then, we studied the stigma receptivity along the flower lifespan including its effect on seed production in both morphs. Finally, given the weak reciprocity between the sex organs of morphs of this species, we estimated population genetic diversity parameters in Long- and Short-styled plants to explore differences between them as a result of rates of inbreeding due to different mating strategies. We observed that Long-styled plants and Short-styled plants present different strategies to avoid sexual interference and both of them had negative consequences in the reciprocity between the sex organs of morphs. Long-styled plants exhibited a delay in stigma receptivity and a higher growth rate of the style after anthesis, while Short-styled plants presented higher herkogamy and no delay in stigma receptivity. These findings suggest that the avoidance of self-interference, in stylar dimorphic Narcissus species, seems to be more critical than improving of reciprocity between the sex organs of morphs. This might explain why reciprocal herkogamy (distyly) is rare in the genus.España, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (CGL2009-12565 and CGL2013-45037 PGC2018-099608-B-I00)ESpaña, Plan Andaluz de Investigación (RNM-210)España, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (BES-2014-067795 and EEBB-I-16-10587

    Probabilistic literacy and reasoning of prospective secondary school teachers when interpreting media news

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    Educating students to apply probability literacy and reasoning in out-of-school contexts requires the previous preparation of teachers, which should include the assessment of their mathematical and didactic knowledge. Consequently, we investigated three research questions concerning the probabilistic reasoning and literacy of 66 prospective secondary school teachers when solving probability questions related to a report taken from the media news, their ability to identify the fundamental stochastic ideas needed to solve the task, and their capacity to predict their students’ potential difficulties. The participants needed to compute the probability of a complementary event, several conditional probabilities, and perform critical reading of the information in the report. Despite the participants’ good mathematical knowledge, a high percentage showed reasoning biases, such as the fallacy of the transposed conditional, confusion between conditioning and causation, and few identified the information missing to solve a question. There was a poor capacity to determine the stochastic ideas needed to solve the questions, beyond probability, sample space, conditional probability, and sampling. The participants quoted a few potential errors of their students, mainly conceptual mistakes with scarce recognition of interpretation errors. These results reveal the need to reinforce teachers’ probabilistic literacy, reasoning, and related didactic knowledge.Grant PID2022-139748NB-I00 funded by MCINFondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (Una manera de hacer Europa

    Conceptos matemáticos en libros de texto para niños de educación primaria / Conceitos matemáticos em livros didácticos para crianças do ensino primário

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    En este trabajo presentamos un estudio sobre los conceptos que aparecen en el tema de medidas de posición central en tres libros de texto de 5º de Educación Primaria pertenecientes de editoriales de prestigio. En este trabajo se utilizan algunas nociones teóricas relacionadas con el Enfoque Ontosemiótico (EOS) desarrollado por Godino y sus colaboradores. El EOS distingue distintos elementos matemáticos en la práctica, que denomina primarios: situación-problema, lenguaje, conceptos, proposiciones, procedimientos, y argumentos; y advierte de la posibilidad de que el significado de alguno de ellos sea tratado de modo limitado o impreciso, en cuyo caso se puede presentar una disparidad o discordancia en su significado. En este trabajo nos vamos a centrar en uno de los elementos matemáticos mencionados, los conceptos. Entre las conclusiones podemos decir que hay un libro que destaca por encima del resto y que por lo tanto sería el libro más adecuado (en lo que respecta a los conceptos), ya que hemos observado que es el más completo. Finalmente, comentar que el objetivo de este trabajo es el análisis crítico del contenido de las medidas de posición central en algunos libros de texto mediante el cual podremos comprobar cuál de ellos es más adecuado

    Comparing probabilities in urns: A study with primary school students

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    The study aimed to explore the strategies used by Costa Rican primary school students when comparing urn probabilities. The sample was intentional and consisted of 55 6th graders. Using an interpretive approach, we analyzed the children’s responses to a questionnaire of five probability comparison items taken from previous studies, including different levels of proportional reasoning. Results indicate that problems in the first levels of proportional reasoning were solved easily by students, while problems at higher levels increased in difficulty. One-variable strategies, which compare only the favorable or unfavorable cases in both urns, are predominant; although there are correspondence strategies, few students show complete proportional reasoning. Aside from slight variations, results are similar to previous studies, which suggests that this task is influenced more by the child’s level of maturity than by the instruction received

    Percepción del trabajo del veterinario para una ONG

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    Hoy día el trabajo con ONGs se ha vuelto cada vez más asiduo, las mismas son una fuente de incursión laboral más allá del compromiso con su misión particular. Para éstas, la defensa y protección de animales consiste en un conjunto de acciones solidarias para hacerse cargo de la tutela y el alojamiento de los animales en mal estado así como de su adopción, sanidad y cuidados paliativos de ser necesario. Cada una de las ONG cuenta normalmente con la atención médica a partir de profesionales veterinarios y destinan parte de sus recursos a ellos.Facultad de Ciencias VeterinariasConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    Dificultades en la construcción de intervalos de confianza por estudiantes de bachillerato y de psicología

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    El intervalo de confianza es un procedimiento básico en inferencia estadística y, por ello, su estudio se incluye en las matemáticas aplicadas a las ciencias sociales II para alumnos de dicha modalidad de bachillerato y en el primer curso de la licenciatura de Psicología. Además, en las pruebas de acceso a la universidad se propone con frecuencia un problema relacionado con este contenido. Con el objetivo de evaluar la dificultad que implica la construcción del intervalo, en este trabajo se analizan los pasos requeridos para resolver un problema abierto tomado de las pruebas españolas de acceso la universidad y se comparan las soluciones aportadas por 58 estudiantes de bachillerato y 57 de psicología, después de haber estudiado el tema. Los resultados muestran una mayor proporción de respuestas correctas en estos últimos estudiantes, que han seguido un método ligeramente diferente a sus compañeros, que parece ser más comprensible para ellos. Se informa también de la frecuencia con que se completan diferentes pasos y de los principales errores en el proceso

    Comprensión del intervalo de confianza por estudiantes de bachillerato

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    El intervalo de confianza es un procedimiento básico en inferencia estadística y su estudio se incluye en las Matemáticas Aplicadas a las Ciencias Sociales II para bachillerato. Además, en las pruebas de acceso a la universidad se propone con frecuencia un problema de este contenido. Con el objetivo de evaluar la comprensión del tema, en este trabajo se analizan las respuestas de 58 estudiantes de segundo curso del citado bachillerato a un cuestionario que consta de seis ítems de opción múltiple y un problema abierto tomado de anteriores pruebas de acceso la universidad. Los resultados muestran una pobre comprensión del tema, con pocas respuestas correctas en los ítems de opción múltiple, que evalúan la comprensión conceptual, y con sólo un 40% de estudiantes que logran una resolución completa y correcta del problema

    Analysis of the evolution of ultra-filtered water quality in a drinking water distribution system by particle size distribution: Influence of pre-ozonation

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    An experimental drinking water distribution system (DWDS) was used to evaluate the evolution of particle size distribution (PSD) and basic quality parameters of ultrafiltered water with or without pre-ozonation. An ultrafiltration (UF) module was set up, associated with a pre-ozonation system (3.7 g O3/m3). The permeate was circulated in the DWDS (300 m; 0.9 m/s) with 0.4 mg/L of chlorine, and the analysis of the PSD was performed using a β-variable mathematical model. A better control of membrane fouling was obtained with preozonation, and PSD was necessary to observe water quality differences between permeates and in the DWDS. A decrease in particle concentration of 1.8 logarithms was obtained with the application of UF membranes, while a decrease of only 1.2 logarithms was obtained with pre-ozonation. The system without pre-ozonation showed a higher efficiency at removing smaller particles (around 2 μm), with the absence of particles larger than 23 μm during both stages. The PSD revealed a worsening of water quality in the DWDS with an increase of particles smaller than 5 μm during the application of UF membranes, while with pre-ozonation, all particle sizes analyzed increased their concentration. Practitioner Points • Pre-ozonation led to a better control of membrane fouling, but a worsening of permeate quality according to particle size distribution. • Pre-ozonation does not improve the turbidity, dissolved organic carbon or UV254 removal capacity of ultrafiltration during drinking water treatment. • Particles size distribution reveals the deterioration of water quality in a drinking water distribution system better than turbidity or DOC. • Ozone prior to ultrafiltration membranes led to a worsening of permeate quality, more significant in the drinking water distribution system.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Grant/Award Number: CTM2010-18899-TECN

    El inicio del razonamiento probabilístico en educación infantil

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    Se presenta una síntesis de la investigación sobre el razonamiento probabilístico de los niños hasta los 7 años. Tras una breve mención a los trabajos de Piaget e Inhelder y Fischbein, se revisan estos y otros estudios asociados. Analizamos los estudios sobre la comprensión del azar en los niños, su lenguaje probabilístico, la identificación y enumeración de posibilidades, estrategias de comparación de probabilidades y razonamiento combinatorio. El maestro y las familias pueden utilizar esta síntesis para apoyar la educación temprana del razonamiento probabilístico, que beneficiará al niño en su desarrollo, posterior comprensión de la probabilidad y toma de decisiones en situaciones de incertidumbre