49,689 research outputs found

    Aerodynamic Characteristics at a Mach Number of 6.8 of Two Hypersonic Missile Configurations, One with Low-Aspect-Ratio Cruciform Fins and Trailing-Edge Flaps and One with a Flared Afterbody and All-Movable Controls

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    An investigation has been made to determine the aerodynamic characteristics in pitch at a Mach number of 6.8 of hypersonic missile configurations with cruciform trailing-edge flaps and with all-movable control surfaces. The flaps were tested on a configuration having low-aspect-ratio cruciform fins with an apex angle of 5 degrees; the all-movable controls were mounted at the 46.7-percent body station on a configuration having a 10 degrees flared afterbody. The tests were made through an angle-of-attack range of -2 degrees to 20 degrees at zero sideslip in the Langley 11-inch hypersonic tunnel. The results indicated that the all-movable controls on the flared-afterbody model should be capable of producing much larger values of trim lift and of normal acceleration than the trailing-edge-flap configuration. The flared-afterbody configuration had considerably higher drag than the cruciform-fin model but only slightly lower values of lift-drag ratio

    Closing the design loop on HiMAT (highly maneuverable aircraft technology)

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    The design methodology used in the HiMAT program and the wind tunnel development activities are discussed. Selected results from the flight test program are presented and the strengths and weaknesses of testing advanced technology vehicles using the RPV concept is examined. The role of simulation on the development of digital flight control systems and in RPV's in particular is emphasized

    Study of fast response thermocouple measurement of temperatures in cryogenic gases

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    Thermocouples fabricated from uninsulated small diameter wire have fast reproducible response times. The thermocouple is thermally isolated from its supports by making the leads of sufficient length so that the heat conduction down the leads is small and assuming that the leads adjacent to the junction are subjected to the same thermal conditions

    Automated simulation as part of a design workstation

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    A development project for a design workstation for advanced life-support systems (called the DAWN Project, for Design Assistant Workstation), incorporating qualitative simulation, required the implementation of a useful qualitative simulation capability and the integration of qualitative and quantitative simulation such that simulation capabilities are maximized without duplication. The reason is that to produce design solutions to a system goal, the behavior of the system in both a steady and perturbed state must be represented. The Qualitative Simulation Tool (QST), on an expert-system-like model building and simulation interface toll called ScratchPad (SP), and on the integration of QST and SP with more conventional, commercially available simulation packages now being applied in the evaluation of life-support system processes and components are discussed

    Toxicity studies of Coolanol 15 Final report, Jan. - Sep. 1965

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    Toxicity studies of synthetic fluid coolant for manned spacecraft heat transfer system

    Studies of implicit and explicit solution techniques in transient thermal analysis of structures

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    Studies aimed at an increase in the efficiency of calculating transient temperature fields in complex aerospace vehicle structures are reported. The advantages and disadvantages of explicit and implicit algorithms are discussed and a promising set of implicit algorithms with variable time steps, known as GEARIB, is described. Test problems, used for evaluating and comparing various algorithms, are discussed and finite element models of the configurations are described. These problems include a coarse model of the Space Shuttle wing, an insulated frame tst article, a metallic panel for a thermal protection system, and detailed models of sections of the Space Shuttle wing. Results generally indicate a preference for implicit over explicit algorithms for transient structural heat transfer problems when the governing equations are stiff (typical of many practical problems such as insulated metal structures). The effects on algorithm performance of different models of an insulated cylinder are demonstrated. The stiffness of the problem is highly sensitive to modeling details and careful modeling can reduce the stiffness of the equations to the extent that explicit methods may become the best choice. Preliminary applications of a mixed implicit-explicit algorithm and operator splitting techniques for speeding up the solution of the algebraic equations are also described

    Evaluation of the SPAR thermal analyzer on the CYBER-203 computer

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    The use of the CYBER 203 vector computer for thermal analysis is investigated. Strengths of the CYBER 203 include the ability to perform, in vector mode using a 64 bit word, 50 million floating point operations per second (MFLOPS) for addition and subtraction, 25 MFLOPS for multiplication and 12.5 MFLOPS for division. The speed of scalar operation is comparable to that of a CDC 7600 and is some 2 to 3 times faster than Langley's CYBER 175s. The CYBER 203 has 1,048,576 64-bit words of real memory with an 80 nanosecond (nsec) access time. Memory is bit addressable and provides single error correction, double error detection (SECDED) capability. The virtual memory capability handles data in either 512 or 65,536 word pages. The machine has 256 registers with a 40 nsec access time. The weaknesses of the CYBER 203 include the amount of vector operation overhead and some data storage limitations. In vector operations there is a considerable amount of time before a single result is produced so that vector calculation speed is slower than scalar operation for short vectors