
Aerodynamic Characteristics at a Mach Number of 6.8 of Two Hypersonic Missile Configurations, One with Low-Aspect-Ratio Cruciform Fins and Trailing-Edge Flaps and One with a Flared Afterbody and All-Movable Controls


An investigation has been made to determine the aerodynamic characteristics in pitch at a Mach number of 6.8 of hypersonic missile configurations with cruciform trailing-edge flaps and with all-movable control surfaces. The flaps were tested on a configuration having low-aspect-ratio cruciform fins with an apex angle of 5 degrees; the all-movable controls were mounted at the 46.7-percent body station on a configuration having a 10 degrees flared afterbody. The tests were made through an angle-of-attack range of -2 degrees to 20 degrees at zero sideslip in the Langley 11-inch hypersonic tunnel. The results indicated that the all-movable controls on the flared-afterbody model should be capable of producing much larger values of trim lift and of normal acceleration than the trailing-edge-flap configuration. The flared-afterbody configuration had considerably higher drag than the cruciform-fin model but only slightly lower values of lift-drag ratio

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