944 research outputs found

    The electrical properties of gold and tantalum thin films after argon ion implantation.

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    Evaporated gold and tantalum films have been bombarded with argon ions. In the case of gold films this resulted in an increase of the sheet-resistance by sputter etching to a maximum of 40 kO/[square] . The strain-gauge coefficient of resistance (gamma) (i.e. the fractional change in resistance per unit strain) was measured for films with a wide range of sheet-resistance, and was found to be almost invariant with an average of 2.6. This contrasts. greatly with the published values of gamma of up to 100 for thin island-structure evaporated films of similar sheet-resistance. The temperature coefficient of strain-gauge factor (beta) was found to be similar in magnitude but opposite in sign to the temperature coefficient of resistivity (alpha), which was measured as +12 x 104/°C. The measured values of gamma, beta and alpha agree well with values calculated assuming metallic conduction modified by reduction of the electron mean- free-path. We, therefore, conclude that a connected metallic layer still exists at very high values of sheet-resistance. In the case of tantalum films (that contain 30 atomic per cent oxygen) conduction was found to be by a combination of metallic and activated tunnelling. In the latter case there is some evidence for an increase in importance of this mechanism with oxygen concentration and for the existence of at least two activation energies. After bombardment with low doses of argon the resistivity (p) and also alpha shifted markedly towards values expected of very pure tantalum films, probably as a result of radiation enhanced diffusion and preferential sputtering of oxygen combined with re-arrangement of the film to form large precipitates of b.c.c. tantalum. There was also a significant increase in gamma (from an average of 3 up to 5.2) at similar doses, possibly as a result of changes in the microstructure increasing the importance of strain induced changes in the metallic conduction paths in the film. The metallic phase appears to be metastable as p increases with time (up to two years) at room temperature, probably due to reaction with oxygen near the film/substrate interface. For higher doses p drops (but not in a way explainable by sputter etching) alpha changes from a large positive value to a small negative one, and gamma drops towards a value of 2 which is the predicted value for Ta. on glass. These results 'indicate that a single phase, stable, low sputtering rate compound is formed, probably by reaction with the glass substrate. This compound has a mixture of activated tunnelling and metallic conduction with the strain gauge factor apparently determined by the metallic component of conduction. Some preliminary attempts at electrical depth profiling of the bombarded tantalum films by anodization are reported and the results support the models proposed above

    Management of Avena ludoviciana and Phalaris paradoxa with barley and less herbicide in subtropical Australia

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    The competitive advantage of barley compared with wheat was quantified for suppressing seed production of Avena ludoviciana Durieu. (wild oats) andPhalaris paradoxa L. (paradoxa grass), and for improving herbicide effectiveness on these major winter grass weeds of the subtropical grain region of Australia. Eight field experiments were broadcast with weed seed before sowing wheat or barley, in which the emerged weeds were then treated with 4 herbicide doses (0, 25, 50, 100% of recommended rates). Yield reduction from untreated weeds was on average 4 times greater in wheat than in barley, with greater losses from A. ludoviciana than P. paradoxa. Barley did not affect weed emergence, but suppressed weed tiller density and, to a lesser extent, the number of weed seeds per tiller. Seed production was, on average, 4340 and 5105 seeds/m2 for A. ludoviciana and P. paradoxa, respectively, in untreated wheat compared with 555 and 50 seeds/m2 in untreated barley. Weed seed production following treatment with 25% herbicide rate in barley was similar or less than that after treatment with 100% herbicide rate in wheat. Overall, 25% herbicide rate was optimal for both conserving yield and minimising weed seed production in barley. For wheat, maximum yield was achieved with 50% herbicide but weed seed production was lowest with 100% herbicide rate. This indicates that weeds can be effectively controlled in barley with considerably less herbicide than required in wheat, highlighting the importance of including barley as a part of weed management strategies that aim to reduce herbicide inputs

    On the Minimal Character Degree of a Finite Group

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    Improved Bounds on the Phase Transition for the Hard-Core Model in 2-Dimensions

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    For the hard-core lattice gas model defined on independent sets weighted by an activity λ\lambda, we study the critical activity λc(Z2)\lambda_c(\mathbb{Z}^2) for the uniqueness/non-uniqueness threshold on the 2-dimensional integer lattice Z2\mathbb{Z}^2. The conjectured value of the critical activity is approximately 3.7963.796. Until recently, the best lower bound followed from algorithmic results of Weitz (2006). Weitz presented an FPTAS for approximating the partition function for graphs of constant maximum degree Δ\Delta when λ<λc(TΔ)\lambda<\lambda_c(\mathbb{T}_\Delta) where TΔ\mathbb{T}_\Delta is the infinite, regular tree of degree Δ\Delta. His result established a certain decay of correlations property called strong spatial mixing (SSM) on Z2\mathbb{Z}^2 by proving that SSM holds on its self-avoiding walk tree Tsawσ(Z2)T_{\mathrm{saw}}^\sigma(\mathbb{Z}^2) where σ=(σv)vZ2\sigma=(\sigma_v)_{v\in \mathbb{Z}^2} and σv\sigma_v is an ordering on the neighbors of vertex vv. As a consequence he obtained that λc(Z2)λc(T4)=1.675\lambda_c(\mathbb{Z}^2)\geq\lambda_c( \mathbb{T}_4) = 1.675. Restrepo et al. (2011) improved Weitz's approach for the particular case of Z2\mathbb{Z}^2 and obtained that λc(Z2)>2.388\lambda_c(\mathbb{Z}^2)>2.388. In this paper, we establish an upper bound for this approach, by showing that, for all σ\sigma, SSM does not hold on Tsawσ(Z2)T_{\mathrm{saw}}^\sigma(\mathbb{Z}^2) when λ>3.4\lambda>3.4. We also present a refinement of the approach of Restrepo et al. which improves the lower bound to λc(Z2)>2.48\lambda_c(\mathbb{Z}^2)>2.48.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure. Polished proofs and examples compared to earlier versio

    Antiviral screening identifies adenosine analogs targeting the endogenous dsRNA Leishmania RNA virus 1 (LRV1) pathogenicity factor.

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    The endogenous double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) virus Leishmaniavirus (LRV1) has been implicated as a pathogenicity factor for leishmaniasis in rodent models and human disease, and associated with drug-treatment failures in Leishmania braziliensis and Leishmania guyanensis infections. Thus, methods targeting LRV1 could have therapeutic benefit. Here we screened a panel of antivirals for parasite and LRV1 inhibition, focusing on nucleoside analogs to capitalize on the highly active salvage pathways of Leishmania, which are purine auxotrophs. Applying a capsid flow cytometry assay, we identified two 2'-C-methyladenosine analogs showing selective inhibition of LRV1. Treatment resulted in loss of LRV1 with first-order kinetics, as expected for random virus segregation, and elimination within six cell doublings, consistent with a measured LRV1 copy number of about 15. Viral loss was specific to antiviral nucleoside treatment and not induced by growth inhibitors, in contrast to fungal dsRNA viruses. Comparisons of drug-treated LRV1 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; and LRV1 &lt;sup&gt;-&lt;/sup&gt; lines recapitulated LRV1-dependent pathology and parasite replication in mouse infections, and cytokine secretion in macrophage infections. Agents targeting Totiviridae have not been described previously, nor are there many examples of inhibitors acting against dsRNA viruses more generally. The compounds identified here provide a key proof-of-principle in support of further studies identifying efficacious antivirals for use in in vivo studies of LRV1-mediated virulence

    Australian Group on Antimicrobial Resistance Australian Staphylococcus aureus Sepsis Outcome Programme annual report, 2014

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    From 1 January to 31 December 2014, 27 institutions around Australia participated in the Australian Staphylococcal Sepsis Outcome Programme (ASSOP). The aim of ASSOP 2014 was to determine the proportion of Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia (SAB) isolates in Australia that are antimicrobial resistant, with particular emphasis on susceptibility to methicillin and to characterise the molecular epidemiology of the isolates. Overall, 18.8% of the 2,206 SAB episodes were methicillin resistant, which was significantly higher than that reported in most European countries. The 30-day all-cause mortality associated with methicillin-resistant SAB was 23.4%, which was significantly higher than the 14.4% mortality associated with methicillin-sensitive SAB (P <0.0001). With the exception of the beta-lactams and erythromycin, antimicrobial resistance in methicillin-sensitive S. aureus remains rare. However in addition to the beta-lactams, approximately 50‰ of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) were resistant to erythromycin and ciprofloxacin and approximately 15% were resistant to co-trimoxazole, tetracycline and gentamicin. When applying the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing breakpoints, teicoplanin resistance was detected in 2 S. aureus isolates. Resistance was not detected for vancomycin or linezolid. Resistance to non-beta-lactam antimicrobials was largely attributable to 2 healthcare-associated MRSA clones; ST22-IV [2B] (EMRSA-15) and ST239-III [3A] (Aus-2/3 EMRSA). ST22-IV [2B] (EMRSA-15) has become the predominant healthcare associated clone in Australia. Sixty per cent of methicillin-resistant SAB were due to community-associated (CA) clones. Although polyclonal, almost 44% of community-associated clones were characterised as ST93-IV [2B] (Queensland CA-MRSA) and ST1-IV [2B] (WA1). CA-MRSA, in particular the ST45-V [5C2&5] (WA84) clone, has acquired multiple antimicrobial resistance determinants including ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, clindamycin, gentamicin and tetracycline. As CA-MRSA is well established in the Australian community it is important that antimicrobial resistance patterns in community and healthcare-associated SAB is monitored as this information will guide therapeutic practices in treating S. aureus sepsis

    Statistical Survey of Type III Radio Bursts at Long Wavelengths Observed by the Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO)/Waves Instruments: Radio Flux Density Variations with Frequency

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    We have performed a statistical study of 152152 Type III radio bursts observed by Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO)/Waves between May 2007 and February 2013. We have investigated the flux density between 125125kHz and 1616MHz. Both high- and low-frequency cutoffs have been observed in 6060\,% of events suggesting an important role of propagation. As already reported by previous authors, we observed that the maximum flux density occurs at 11MHz on both spacecraft. We have developed a simplified analytical model of the flux density as a function of radial distance and compared it to the STEREO/Waves data.Comment: published in Solar Physic

    Single-electron transport driven by surface acoustic waves: moving quantum dots versus short barriers

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    We have investigated the response of the acoustoelectric current driven by a surface-acoustic wave through a quantum point contact in the closed-channel regime. Under proper conditions, the current develops plateaus at integer multiples of ef when the frequency f of the surface-acoustic wave or the gate voltage Vg of the point contact is varied. A pronounced 1.1 MHz beat period of the current indicates that the interference of the surface-acoustic wave with reflected waves matters. This is supported by the results obtained after a second independent beam of surface-acoustic wave was added, traveling in opposite direction. We have found that two sub-intervals can be distinguished within the 1.1 MHz modulation period, where two different sets of plateaus dominate the acoustoelectric-current versus gate-voltage characteristics. In some cases, both types of quantized steps appeared simultaneously, though at different current values, as if they were superposed on each other. Their presence could result from two independent quantization mechanisms for the acoustoelectric current. We point out that short potential barriers determining the properties of our nominally long constrictions could lead to an additional quantization mechanism, independent from those described in the standard model of 'moving quantum dots'.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures, to be published in a special issue of J. Low Temp. Phys. in honour of Prof. F. Pobel

    Community-onset Staphylococcus aureus Surveillance Programme annual report, 2012

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    In 2012, the Australian Group on Antimicrobial Resistance (AGAR) conducted a community-onset period-prevalence survey of clinical Staphylococcus aureus isolated from hospital outpatients and general practice patients including nursing homes, long term care facilities and hospice patients. Day surgery and dialysis patients were excluded. Twenty-nine medical microbiology laboratories from all state and mainland territories participated. Isolates were tested by Vitek2® (AST-P612 card). Results were compared with previous AGAR community surveys. Nationally, the proportion of S. aureus that were methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) increased significantly from 11.5% in 2000 to 17.9% in 2012 (P<0.0001). Resistance to the non-ß-lactam antimicrobials varied between regions. No resistance was detected to vancomycin, teicoplanin or linezolid. Resistance in methicillin susceptible S. aureus was rare apart from erythromycin (12.8%) and was absent for vancomycin, teicoplanin, linezolid and daptomycin. The proportion of S. aureus characterised as health care-associated MRSA (HA-MRSA) was 5.1%. Three HA-MRSA clones were characterised, with 72.9% and 26.4% of HA-MRSA classified as ST22-IV [2B] (EMRSA-15) and ST239-III [3A] (Aus-2/3 EMRSA) respectively. Multi-clonal community-associated MRSA (CA-MRSA) accounted for 12.5% of all S. aureus. Regional variation in resistance in MRSA was primarily due to the differential distribution of the 2 major HA-MRSA clones; ST239-III [3A] (Aus-2/3 EMRSA), which is resistant to multiple non-ß-lactam antimicrobials, and ST22-IV [2B] (EMRSA-15), which is resistant to ciprofloxacin and typically erythromycin. Although the majority of CA-MRSA were non-multi-resistant, a significant expansion of Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) positive CA-MRSA clones has occurred nationally. The mean age of patients (31.7 years, 95% CI 28.9–34.5) with a PVL positive CA-MRSA infection was significantly lower (P<0.0001), than the mean age of patients with a PVL negative CA-MRSA infection (55.7 years, 95% CI 50.7–60.6). This shift in the molecular epidemiology of MRSA clones in the Australian community will potentially increase the number of young Australians with skin and soft tissue infections requiring hospitalisation