373 research outputs found

    TAS2R38 bitter taste genotype is associated with complementary feeding behavior in infants

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    Background: Genetically mediated sensitivity to bitter taste has been associated with food preferences and eating behavior in adults and children. The aim of this study was to assess the association between TAS2R38 bitter taste genotype and the first complementary food acceptance in infants. Parents of healthy, breastfed, term-born infants were instructed, at discharge from the nursery, to feed their baby with a first complementary meal of 150 mL at 4 to 6 months of age. They recorded the day when the child ate the whole meal in a questionnaire. Additional data included food composition, breastfeeding duration, feeding practices, and growth at 6 months. Infants' TAS2R38 genotypes were determined at birth, and infants were classified as "bitter-insensitive" (genotype AVI/AVI) and "bitter-sensitive" (genotypes AVI/PAV or PAV/PAV). Results: One hundred seventy-six infants and their mothers were enrolled; completed data were available for 131/176 (74.4%) infants (gestational age 39.3 \ub1 1.1 weeks, birth weight 3390 \ub1 430 g). Bitter-insensitive were 45/131 (34.3%), and bitter-sensitive were 86/131 (65.6%). Thirty-one percent of bitter-insensitive infants consumed the whole complementary meal at first attempt, versus 13% of bitter-sensitive ones (p = 0.006). This difference was significant independently of confounding variables such as sex, breastfeeding, or foods used in the meal. Growth at 6 months did not differ between the two groups. Conclusions: Differences in TAS2R38 bitter taste gene were associated with acceptance of the first complementary food in infants, suggesting a possible involvement in eating behavior at weaning

    Detecting expert’s eye using a multiple-kernel Relevance Vector Machine

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    Decoding mental states from the pattern of neural activity or overt behavior is an intensely pursued goal. Here we applied machine learning to detect expertise from the oculomotor behavior of novice and expert billiard players during free viewing of a filmed billiard match with no specific task, and in a dynamic trajectory prediction task involving ad-hoc, occluded billiard shots. We have adopted a ground framework for feature space fusion and a Bayesian sparse classifier, namely, a Relevance Vector Machine. By testing different combinations of simple oculomotor features (gaze shifts amplitude and direction, and fixation duration), we could classify on an individual basis which group - novice or expert - the observers belonged to with an accuracy of 82% and 87%, respectively for the match and the shots. These results provide evidence that, at least in the particular domain of billiard sport, a signature of expertise is hidden in very basic aspects of oculomotor behavior, and that expertise can be detected at the individual level both with ad-hoc testing conditions and under naturalistic conditions - and suitable data mining. Our procedure paves the way for the development of a test for the \u201cexpert\u2019s eye\u201d, and promotes the use of eye movements as an additional signal source in Brain-Computer-Interface (BCI) systems

    Analysis of the antibiotic resistance profiles in methicillin-sensitive s. Aureus pathotypes isolated on a commercial rabbit farm in Italy

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    The breeding of meat rabbits is an important sector in the livestock industry in Italy. The focus of this study was to describe the antibiotic resistance profile distribution among the Methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus isolated in a rabbit farm. From 400 animals of different ages and three farm workers, 96 randomly selected strains isolated from various anatomical sites and lesions were analysed. According to spa typing and the resistance profiles towards veterinary and human antibiotics, 26 pathotypes were identified. The highest resistance was observed against Tetracyclines (92.3%) and Macrolides (80.8%), while almost all were susceptible to Penicillins, according to the limited use of β-lactams on the farm. In total, 92.3% of pathotypes were multidrug resistant (MDRs). Two MDR pathotypes belonging to the t2802 spa type were isolated from both farmers and rabbits. Age categories harboured significantly different pathotypes (p = 0.019), while no association was found between pathotypes and lesions (p = 0.128) or sampling sites (p = 0.491). The antibiotic resistance was observed to increase with the time spent in the farm environment (age category). The selective pressure exerted by antibiotic use acted by giving advantage to more resistant strains rather than by lowering susceptibility to various drug categories within strains

    Experimental and numerical study of strength mismatch in cross-weld tensile testing

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    The mechanical properties of welded boiler tubes used in power plants can be significantly altered as a result of the fabrication history, such as pre-straining and heat treatment. The primary aim of the study was to determine the effect of fabrication history on local tensile properties across the welds. This was achieved by testing cross-weld specimens machined from welded thin-walled tubes (with unstrained or pre-strained base metal) before and after heat treatment. Digital image correlation, which is a full-field strain measurement technique, was implemented in order to obtain the local stress–strain curves and to extract the corresponding local tensile properties such as offset proof stress. Evidence of strain hardening due to the constraint and thermo-mechanical cycles during the welding process was found in the heat-affected zone and evidence of softening was observed in the pre-strained base metal. It was found that the heat treatment process removed the effect of pre-straining and welding on the proof stress and the strength along the specimen was nearly homogenized. However, mapping the local stress–strain curves in the as-welded cross-weld specimens with pre-strained base metal has revealed abnormal strain relaxation with increase in load in the weld-affected region. For a better understanding of this behaviour, a tensile test of a cross-weld specimen with a large strength mismatch between the weld metal and the base metal was simulated using the finite element method. It was found that the strength mismatch in the specimen causes the development of biaxial stresses in the heat-affected zone once local yielding begins, and the use of global axial stress to construct the local stress–strain curve results in an apparent ‘reduced-strain’ anomaly. Nevertheless, for the strength mismatch ratios studied, this anomalous behaviour did not seem to significantly affect the determination of the local proof stress in the specimens