26 research outputs found

    Does the Meguma Terrane Extend into SW England?

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    The peri-Gondwanan Meguma terrane of southern Nova Scotia, Canada, is the only major lithotectonic element of the northern Appalachian orogen that has no clear correlatives elsewhere in the Appalachians and lacks firm linkages to the Caledonide and Variscan orogens of western and southern Europe. This characteristic is in contrast with its immediate peri-Gondwanan neighbor, Avalonia, which has features in common with portions of Carolinia in the southern Appalachians and has been traced from the Rhenohercynian Zone of southern Britain eastward around the Bohemian Massif to the Carpathians and western Pontides. At issue is the tendency in Europe to assign all peri-Gondwanan terranes lying outboard of the Rheic suture to Avalonia, characterized by relatively juvenile basement and detrital zircon ages that include Mesoproterozoic populations, and those inboard of the suture to Cadomia, characterized by a more evolved basement and detrital zircon ages that match Paleoproterozoic and older sources in the West African craton.    Although the unexposed basements of Avalonia and Meguma are thought to be isotopically very similar, the Meguma sedimentary cover contains scarce Mesoproterozoic zircon and is dominated instead by Neoproterozoic and Paleoproterozoic populations like those of Cadomia. Hence, felsic magma produced by crustal melting in the Meguma terrane (e.g. the ca. 370 Ma South Mountain Batholith) is isotopically more juvenile (eNd = –5 to –1, TDM = 1.3 Ga) than the rocks it intruded (eNd= –12 to –7, TDM = 1.7 Ga). By contrast, felsic magma produced by crustal melting in Avalonia (eNd = –1 to +6, TDM = 0.7–1.2 Ga) is isotopically similar to its host rocks (eNd = –3 to +4, TDM = 0.9–1.4).    The isotopic relationship shown by the Meguma terrane has also been recognized in the South Portuguese Zone of southern Spain, which is traditionally assigned to Avalonia. However, the Sierra Norte Batholith of the South Portuguese Zone (ca. 330 Ma; eNd = +1 to –3, TDM = 0.9–1.2 Ga) is on average more juvenile than the Late Devonian host rocks (eNd = –5 to –11) it intruded, suggesting instead an extension of the Meguma terrane into Europe. Available data for the Cornubian Batholith of SW England (ca. 275–295 Ma; eNd = –4 to –7, TDM = 1.3–1.8 Ga) and the Devonian–Carboniferous metasedimentary rocks it intruded (eNd = –8 to –11) suggests this may also be true of that part of the southern Britain (Rhenohercynian Zone) with which the South Portuguese Zone is traditionally correlated.SOMMAIRELe terrane péri-gondwanien de Meguma en Nouvelle-Écosse au Canada, est le seul grand élément lithotectonique de l’orogène des Appalaches du Nord qui n’ait pas de correspondant avéré ailleurs dans les Appalaches et qui ne montre aucun lien sûr avec les orogènes calédonienne et varisque de l’ouest et du sud de l’Europe.  Cette situation contraste avec celle de son voisin péri-gondwanien immédiat, l’Avalonie, qui partage certaines caractéristiques avec des portions de Carolinia des Appalaches du sud et qui a été suivi à partir de la zone rhénohercynienne dans le sud de la Grande-Bretagne vers l’est autour du massif bohémien jusqu’aux Carpates et l’ouest de la chaîne pontique.  Ce qui est en question ici c’est la tendance en Europe à assigner l’Avalonie à tous les terranes péri-gondwaniens situés à l’extérieur de la suture rhéïque lesquels sont caractérisés par un socle relativement juvénile et des âges de zircons détritiques qui comportent des populations mésoprotérozoïques, et ceux situés à l’intérieur de la suture à Cadomia, lesquels sont caractérisés par un socle plus évolué et des âges de zircons détritiques qui correspondent à des sources du craton ouest africain paléoprotérozoïques et plus anciennes.     Bien que l’on estime que les socles non-exposés des terranes d’Avalonie et de Meguma soient très similaires isotopiquement, le couvert sédimentaire de Meguma ne renferme que de rares zircons mésoprotérozoïques, et ce sont plutôt les populations de zircons néoprotérozoïques et paléoprotérozoïques qui dominent, comme c’est le cas pour Cadomia.  Il en ressort que le magma felsique produit par la fusion de croûte dans le terrane de Meguma (par ex. le batholite de South Mountain de 370 Ma env.) est isotopiquement plus jeune (eNd = –5 à –1, TDM = 1.3 Ga) que les roches qu’il recoupe (eNd= –12 à –7, TDM = 1.7 Ga).  Par opposition, le magma felsique produit par la fusion de la croûte dans le terrane d’Avalonie (eNd = –1 à +6, TDM = 0.7–1.2 Ga) est isotopiquement similaire aux roches de son encaissant (eNd = –3 à +4, TDM = 0.9–1.4).     Le profil isotopique du terrane de Meguma, traditionnellement assignée à l’Avalonie,  a aussi été détecté dans la Zone sud-portugaise du sud de l’Espagne.  Cependant, le batholite de Sierra Norte de la Zone sud-portugaise (ca. 330 Ma; eNd = +1 à –3, TDM = 0.9–1.2 Ga) est en moyenne plus jeune que l’encaissant du Dévonien moyen (eNd = –5 à –11) qu’il recoupe, ce qui permet de penser à une extension du terrane de Meguma en Europe.  Les données disponibles du batholite de Cornubian dans le S-O de l’Angleterre (ca. 275–295 Ma; eNd = –4 à –7, TDM = 1.3–1.8 Ga) et des roches métasédimentaires dévono-carbonifères qu’il recoupe (eNd = –8 to –11) permet de penser qu’il pourrait en être de même de cette portion du sud de la Grande-Bretagne (Zone rhénohercynienne) avec laquelle la Zone sud-portugaise est traditionnellement corrélée

    Bismuth: economic geology and value chains

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    Bismuth occurs in a wide range of mineral deposit types and is usually regarded as a deleterious by-product. Its classification as a critical raw material by the European Commission in 2017 and a critical mineral by the USA in 2018 has, however, reawakened interest in Bi production and its security of supply. Demand for Bi is increasing, mostly as a substitute for Pb and for use in chemicals. Bismuth is mainly chalcophile in behaviour, although it has some lithophile characteristics. The element is strongly concentrated in felsic crustal lithologies, particularly fractionated granites, where it can substitute for Zr in zircon. It occurs within a diverse range of minerals; the most important hydrothermal minerals are native bismuth and bismuthinite. Bismuth can substitute for Pb in galena and Bi-rich galena is a major Bi ore. Bismuth alloys with gold to form maldonite at temperatures < 373 °C, thereby acting as a Au collector in felsic melts, particularly under reduced conditions. In the weathering environment Bi is generally immobile: it forms Bi oxide or hydroxide ochres or co-precipitates with Fe. Bismuth is found in a range of mineralised systems, sometimes in sufficient quantities to be economically extracted as a by-product. The most common sources of Bi are W-, Pb-, and, occasionally, Au-rich skarns, while five element (Co-Ni-Bi-Ag-As ± U) vein deposits were historically a major source of native Bi. Bismuth also occurs in large magmatic systems such in Sn- and W-rich greisens and associated veins as native bismuth and bismuthinite. Bismuth is present in trace concentrations in porphyry-hosted Mo-W-mineralisation and in some reduced intrusion-related Au, as well as some orogenic Au, deposits. VMS deposits can host minor Bi mineralisation, typically associated with the Au-rich parts of the mineralised system. Bismuth supply is strongly reliant on Asian production; notably the skarns deposits Núi Pháo in Vietnam and Shizhuyuan in China. Alternative supplies of Bi could be unlocked by greater consideration of bismuth by-production at the evaluation stage of polymetallic prospects elsewhere, and if more sustainable recovery techniques are developed for retrieval of Bi from conventional mineral processing circuits. The knowledge base for bismuth can be improved upon through interventions at the exploration, resource and reserve reporting and mineral processing planning stages. This in turn would provide a greater understanding of the deportment of Bi-bearing minerals, impacting on the design of mineral processing flow sheets and reducing waste, and thereby improving the sustainability and environmental footprint of mineral deposits

    Constraining the provenance of the Stonehenge ‘Altar Stone’:Evidence from automated mineralogy and U–Pb zircon age dating

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    The Altar Stone at Stonehenge is a greenish sandstone thought to be of Late Silurian-Devonian (‘Old Red Sandstone’) age. It is classed as one of the bluestone lithologies which are considered to be exotic to the Salisbury Plain environ, most of which are derived from the Mynydd Preseli, in west Wales. However, no Old Red Sandstone rocks crop out in the Preseli; instead a source in the Lower Old Red Sandstone Cosheston Subgroup at Mill Bay to the south of the Preseli, has been proposed. More recently, on the basis of detailed petrography, a source for the Altar Stone much further to the east, towards the Wales-England border, has been suggested. Quantitative analyses presented here compare mineralogical data from proposed Stonehenge Altar Stone debris with samples from Milford Haven at Mill Bay, as well as with a second sandstone type found at Stonehenge which is Lower Palaeozoic in age. The Altar Stone samples have contrasting modal mineralogies to the other two sandstone types, especially in relation to the percentages of its calcite, kaolinite and barite cements. Further differences between the Altar Stone sandstone and the Cosheston Subgroup sandstone are seen when their contained zircons are compared, showing differing morphologies and U-Pb age dates having contrasting populations. These data confirm that Mill Bay is not the source of the Altar Stone with the abundance of kaolinite in the Altar Stone sample suggesting a source further east, towards the Wales-England border. The disassociation of the Altar Stone and Milford Haven undermines the hypothesis that the bluestones, including the Altar Stone, were transported from west Wales by sea up the Bristol Channel and adds further credence to a totally land-based route, possibly along a natural routeway leading from west Wales to the Severn estuary and beyond. This route may well have been significant in prehistory, raising the possibility that the Altar Stone was added en route to the assemblage of Preseli bluestones taken to Stonehenge around or shortly before 3000 BC. Recent strontium isotope analysis of human and animal bones from Stonehenge, dating to the beginning of its first construction stage around 3000 BC, are consistent with the suggestion of connectivity between this western region of Britain and Salisbury Plain.This study appears to be the first application of quantitative automated mineralogy in the provenancing of archaeological lithic material and highlights the potential value of automated mineralogy in archaeological provenancing investigations, especially when combined with complementary techniques, in the present case zircon age dating

    Integrated Object-Based Image Analysis for semi-automated geological lineament detection in southwest England

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    Regional lineament detection for mapping of geological structure can provide crucial information for mineral exploration. Manual methods of lineament detection are time consuming, subjective and unreliable. The use of semi-automated methods reduces the subjectivity through applying a standardised method of searching. Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) has become a mainstream technique for landcover classification, however, the use of OBIA methods for lineament detection is still relatively under-utilised. The Southwest England region is covered by high-resolution airborne geophysics and LiDAR data that provide an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the power of OBIA methods for lineament detection. Herein, two complementary but stand-alone OBIA methods for lineament detection are presented which both enable semi-automatic regional lineament mapping. Furthermore, these methods have been developed to integrate multiple datasets to create a composite lineament network. The top-down method uses threshold segmentation and sub-levels to create objects, whereas the bottom-up method segments the whole image before merging objects and refining these through a border assessment. Overall lineament lengths are longest when using the top-down method which also provides detailed metadata on the source dataset of the lineament. The bottom-up method is more objective and computationally efficient and only requires user knowledge to classify lineaments into major and minor groups. Both OBIA methods create a similar network of lineaments indicating that semi-automatic techniques are robust and consistent. The integration of multiple datasets from different types of spatial data to create a comprehensive, composite lineament network is an important development and demonstrates the suitability of OBIA methods for enhancing lineament detection

    Magmatic, Metamorphic and Structural History of the Variscan Lizard Ophiolite and Metamorphic Sole, Cornwall, UK

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    The Lizard ophiolite, Cornwall, South-West England, is the largest and best-preserved ophiolite within the Variscan orogenic belt. It forms part of the Rheic-Rhenohercynian suture zone, and was obducted northwestward onto the passive continental margin of Avalonia (Laurussia) during the Middle Devonian. It comprises an almost complete thrust slice of oceanic crust with sheeted dykes, gabbros, Moho transition sequence, and upper-mantle peridotites, underlain by a metamorphic sole. Despite the importance of the Lizard ophiolite in understanding Variscan tectonics, the origin and age of the Lizard ophiolite are debated. We present new field observations, structural maps and cross-sections of the Lizard ophiolite from extensive re-mapping, integrated with U–Pb geochronology, petrology, thermobarometry, and whole rock geochemistry. We report new U–Pb zircon (CA-ID-TIMS and LA-ICPMS) ages of 386.80 ± 0.25/0.31/0.52 Ma (Givetian) from a plagiogranite dyke intruding the Crousa Gabbros at Porthoustock, and 395.08 ± 0.14/0.22/0.47 Ma (Emsian) from partial melts of the metamorphic sole Landewednack Amphibolites at Mullion Cove. These ages, respectively, precisely date the formation of the Lizard ophiolite oceanic crust, and the age of cooling post peak-metamorphism of the sole. Petrological modeling on the Landewednack Amphibolites suggests peak metamorphic conditions of 10 ± 2 kbar and 600 ± 75°C. We demonstrate that the Lizard ophiolite formed as a supra-subduction zone ophiolite overlying an inverted metamorphic sole, and we combine our observations and data into a new geodynamic model for the formation and obduction of the ophiolite. The current data supports an induced subduction initiation model

    Fractionation of Li, Be, Ga, Nb, Ta, In, Sn, Sb, W and Bi in the peraluminous Early Permian Variscan granites of the Cornubian Batholith: precursor processes to magmatic-hydrothermal mineralisation

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    The Early Permian Variscan Cornubian Batholith is a peraluminous, composite pluton intruded into Devonian and Carboniferous metamorphosed sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Within the batholith there are: G1 (two-mica), G2 (muscovite), G3 (biotite), G4 (tourmaline) and G5 (topaz) granites. G1-G2 and G3-G4 are derived from greywacke sources and linked through fractionation of assemblages dominated by feldspars and biotite, with minor mantle involvement in G3. G5 formed though flux-induced biotite-dominate melting in the lower crust during granulite facies metamorphism. Fractionation enriched G2 granites in Li (average 315 ppm), Be (12 ppm), Ta (4.4 ppm), In (74 ppb), Sn (18 ppm) and W (12 ppm) relative to crustal abundances and G1 granites. Gallium (24 ppm), Nb (16 ppm) and Bi (0.46 ppm) are not significantly enriched during fractionation, implying they are more compatible in the fractionating assemblage. Sb (0.16 ppm) is depleted in G1-G2 relative to the average upper and lower continental crust. Muscovite, a late-stage magmatic/subsolidus mineral, is the major host of Li, Nb, In, Sn and W in G2 granites. G2 granites are spatially associated with W-Sn greisen mineralisation. Fractionation within the younger G3-G4 granite system enriched Li (average 364 ppm), Ga (28 ppm), In (80 ppb), Sn (14 ppm), Nb (27 ppm), Ta (4.6 ppm), W (6.3 ppm) and Bi (0.61 ppm) in the G4 granites with retention of Be in G3 granites due to partitioning of Be into cordierite during fractionation. The distribution of Nb and Ta is controlled by accessory phases such as rutile within the G4 granites, facilitated by high F and lowering the melt temperature, leading to disseminated Nb and Ta mineralisation. Lithium, In, Sn and W are hosted in biotite micas which may prove favourable for breakdown on ingress of hydrothermal fluids. Higher degrees of scattering on trace element plots may be attributable to fluid–rock interactions or variability within the magma chamber. The G3-G4 system is more boron-rich, evidenced by a higher modal abundance of tourmaline. In this system, there is a stronger increase of Sn compared to G1-G2 granites, implying Sn in tourmaline-dominated mineral lodes may represent exsolution from G4 granites. G1-G4 granite abundances can be accounted for by 20–30% partial melting and 10–40% fractionation of a greywacke source. G5 granites are analogues of Rare Metal Granites described in France and Germany. These granites are enriched in Li (average 1363 ppm), Ga (38 ppm), Sn (21 ppm), W (24 ppm), Nb (52 ppm) and Ta (15 ppm). Within G5 granites, the metals partition into accessory minerals such as rutile, columbite-tantalite and cassiterite, forming disseminated magmatic mineralisation. High observed concentrations of Li, In, Sn, W, Nb and Ta in G4 and G5 granites are likely facilitated by high F, Li and P, which lower melt temperature and promote retention of these elements in the melt, prior to crystallisation of disseminated magmatic mineralisation

    The Rhenohercynian passive margin of SW England : development, inversion and extensional reactivation

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    The SW England Rhenohercynian passive margin initiated with rift-related non-marine sedimentation and bimodal magmatism (Late Lockhovian). Continued lithospheric extension resulted in the exhumation of mantle peridotites and limited seafloor spreading (Emsian-Eifelian). Variscan convergence commenced during the Late Eifelian and was coeval with rifting further north. Collision was marked by the Early Carboniferous emergence of deep marine sedimentary/volcanic rocks from the distal continental margin, oceanic lithosphere, pre-rift basement and upper plate gneisses (correlated with the Mid-German Crystalline High of the Saxothuringian Zone). Progressive inversion of the passive margin was strongly influenced by rift basin geometry. Convergence ceased in the Late Carboniferous and was replaced by an extensional regime that reactivated basin controlling/thrust faults and reorientated earlier fabrics (Start-Perranporth Zone). The resultant exhumation of the lower plate was accompanied by emplacement of the Early Permian SW England granites and was contemporaneous with upper plate sedimentary basin formation above the reactivated Rhenohercynian suture. The Rhenohercynian passive margin probably developed in a marginal basin north of the Rheic Ocean or, possibly, a successor basin following its closure. The Lizard ophiolite is unlikely to represent Rheic Ocean floor or associated forearc (SSZ) crust. The Rheic and Rhenohercynian sutures may be coincident or the Rheic suture may be located further south in the Léon Domain