34,021 research outputs found
Associations between health and different types of environmental incivility : a Scotland-wide study
Objectives: Concern about the impact of the environment on health and well being has tended to focuson the physical effects of exposure to toxic and infectious substances, and on the impact of large scale infrastructures. Less attention has been paid to the possible psychosocial consequences of people's subjective perceptions of their everyday, street level environment, such as the incidence of litter and graffiti. As little is known about the potential relative importance for health of perceptions of different types of environmental incivility, a module was developed for inclusion in the 2004 Scottish Social Attitudes survey in order to investigate this relationship. Study design: A random sample of 1637 adults living across a range of neighbourhoods throughout Scotland was interviewed. Methods: Respondents were asked to rate their local area on a range of possible environmental incivilities. These incivilities were subsequently grouped into three domains: (i) street level incivilities (e.g. litter, graffiti); (ii) large scale infrastructural incivilities (e.g. telephone masts); and (iii) the absence of environmental goods (e.g. safe play areas for children). For each of the three domains, the authors examined the degree to which they were thought to pose a problem locally, and how far these perceptions varied between those living in deprived areas and those living in less deprived areas. Subsequently, the relationships between these perceptions and self assessed health and health behaviours were explored, after controlling for gender, age and social class. Results: Respondents with the highest levels of perceived street level incivilities were almost twice aslikely as those who perceived the lowest levels of street level incivilities to report frequent feelings of anxiety and depression. Perceived absence of environmental goods was associated with increased anxiety (2.5 times more likely) and depression (90% more likely), and a 50% increased likelihood of being a smoker. Few associations with health were observed for perceptions of large scale infrastructural incivilities. Conclusions: Environmental policy needs to give more priority to reducing the incidence of street levelincivilities and the absence of environmental goods, both of which appear to be more important for health than perceptions of large scale infrastructural incivilities
Evaluation of the metabolic cost of locomotion in an Apollo space suit
Evaluation of metabolic cost of locomotion in Apollo space sui
Observations on lunar gravity simulation
Physiological factors in astronaut performance in simulated lunar gravit
Colony Dynamics and Plant Community Associations of the Harvester Ant, \u3cem\u3ePogonomyrmex salinus\u3c/em\u3e (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Sagebrush-Steppe Habitat
We present the results of a 5-yr field study on colony dynamics and plant community associations of Owyhee harvester ants, Pogonomyrmex salinus (Olsen), in sagebrush-steppe habitat in southwestern Idaho. Over a 5-yr period, the total number of ant colonies across 16 sites increased from 843 to 878 (4.15%) as a result of 315 colony deaths and 350 colony initiations. Up to 7.1% of colony initiations may have been instances of nest relocation. Colonies had a higher rate of failure in their first year than in subsequent years (12.4 vs 4.6–8.4% over the next 3 yr). Of the 11 sites analyzed for colony dispersion, one was significantly clumped and the others did not differ from random. Population density in the final year of study ranged from 0.1 to 62.9 colonies/ha and was best described by an inverse relationship with sagebrush cover and positive relationship with coverage of non-Bromus (non-cheatgrass) understory vegetation. We interpret these results both in terms of 1) food resources—harvester ants avoid cheatgrass seeds in their diet, preferring instead small-seeded grasses and forbs, and 2) habitat structure—harvester ants prefer nesting in open areas where the ground is exposed to sun and they can clear vegetation from the vicinity of their nests. Given the habitat associations we report, the transition from sagebrush-dominated habitat to open grasslands that is occurring rapidly throughout much of the western United States may prove costly to native plant species whose seeds are readily consumed by harvester ants
A multi-data source surveillance system to detect a bioterrorism attack during the G8 summit in Scotland
In 18 weeks, Health Protection Scotland (HPS) deployed a syndromic surveillance system to early-detect natural or intentional disease outbreaks during the G8 Summit 2005 at Gleneagles, Scotland. The system integrated clinical and non-clinical datasets. Clinical datasets included Accident and Emergency (A and E) syndromes, and General Practice (GPs) codes grouped into syndromes. Non-clinical data included telephone calls to a nurse helpline, laboratory test orders, and hotel staff absenteeism. A cumulative sum-based detection algorithm and a log-linear regression model identified signals in the data. The system had a fax-based track for real-time identification of unusual presentations. Ninety-five signals were triggered by the detection algorithms and four forms were faxed to HPS. Thirteen signals were investigated. The system successfully complemented a traditional surveillance system in identifying a small cluster of gastroenteritis among the police force and triggered interventions to prevent further cases
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Comparing proxy rated quality of life of people living with dementia in care homes
Background: Improving quality of life (QOL) for people with dementia is a priority. In care homes, we often rely on proxy ratings from staff and family but we do not know if, or how, they differ in care homes.
Methods: We compared 1056 pairs of staff and family DEMQOL-Proxy ratings from 86 care homes across England. We explored factors associated with ratings quantitatively using multilevel modelling and, qualitatively, through thematic analysis of 12 staff and 12 relative interviews.
Results: Staff and family ratings were weakly correlated (ρs = 0.35). Median staff scores were higher than family's (104 v. 101; p < 0.001). Family were more likely than staff to rate resident QOL as ‘Poor’ (χ2 = 55.91, p < 0.001). Staff and family rated QOL higher when residents had fewer neuropsychiatric symptoms and severe dementia. Staff rated QOL higher in homes with lower staff:resident ratios and when staff were native English speakers. Family rated QOL higher when the resident had spent longer living in the care home and was a native English. Spouses rated residents’ QOL higher than other relatives. Qualitative results suggest differences arise because staff felt good care provided high QOL but families compared the present to the past. Family judgements centre on loss and are complicated by decisions about care home placement and their understandings of dementia.
Conclusion: Proxy reports differ systematically between staff and family. Reports are influenced by the rater:staff and family may conceptualise QOL differently
Anisotropy beta functions
The flow of couplings under anisotropic scaling of momenta is computed in
theory in 6 dimensions. It is shown that the coupling decreases as
momenta of two of the particles become large, keeping the third momentum fixed,
but at a slower rate than the decrease of the coupling if all three momenta
become large simultaneously. This effect serves as a simple test of effective
theories of high energy scattering, since such theories should reproduce these
deviations from the usual logarithmic scale dependence.Comment: uuencoded ps file, 6 page
Kohn Anomalies and Electron-Phonon Interaction in Graphite
We demonstrate that graphite phonon dispersions have two Kohn anomalies at
the Gamma-E_2g and K-A'1 modes. The anomalies are revealed by two sharp kinks.
By an exact analytic derivation, we show that the slope of these kinks is
proportional to the square of the electron-phonon coupling (EPC). Thus, we can
directly measure the EPC from the experimental dispersions. The Gamma-E_2g and
K-A'1 EPCs are particularly large, whilst they are negligible for all the other
modes at Gamma and K.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
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Uraniferous Asphaltine in Moore and Potter Counties, Texas
This report presents data regarding the origin, occurrence, distribution, and relative abundance of uraniferous asphaltite in the Red Cave Formation and "Panhandle lime" from Moore County and portions of Potter County, Texas. It is a brief survey that was based largely upon (1) microscopic examination of drill cuttings stored at the Well Sample and Core Library, University of Texas Balcones Research Center, and (2) megascopic examination of several cores loaned to the Bureau of Economic Geology by the U.S. Bureau of Mines - Branch of Helium Operations, Maynard Oil Company, and Colorado Interstate Gas Company.Bureau of Economic Geolog
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