44,494 research outputs found

    Force on a moving point impurity due to quantum fluctuations in a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    An analytic expression is derived for a force on a weak point impurity arising from the scattering of quantum fluctuations in a slow-moving, weakly interacting, three-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate at zero temperature. In an infinitely extended geometry, this force is shown to exist at any arbitrarily small flow velocity below Landau's critical velocity. Furthermore, this force is shown to be directly proportional to the flow speed.Comment: v2: corrected notation and other minor change

    The worldwide costs of marine protected areas

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    Declines in marine harvests, wildlife, and habitats have prompted calls at both the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development and the 2003 World Parks Congress for the establishment of a global system of marine protected areas (MPAs). MPAs that restrict fishing and other human activities conserve habitats and populations and, by exporting biomass, may sustain or increase yields of nearby fisheries. Here we provide an estimate of the costs of a global MPA network, based on a survey of the running costs of 83 MPAs worldwide. Annual running costs per unit area spanned six orders of magnitude, and were higher in MPAs that were smaller, closer to coasts, and in high-cost, developed countries. Models extrapolating these findings suggest that a global MPA network meeting the World Parks Congress target of conserving 20–30% of the world’s seas might cost between 5billionand5 billion and 19 billion annually to run and would probably create around one million jobs. Although substantial, gross network costs are less than current government expenditures on harmful subsidies to industrial fisheries. They also ignore potential private gains from improved fisheries and tourism and are dwarfed by likely social gains from increasing the sustainability of fisheries and securing vital ecosystem services

    Geometry, kinematics and rates of deformation in a normal fault segment boundary, central Greece

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    The geometry, kinematics and rates of deformation within a fault segment boundary between the ends of two major active normal fault segments have been investigated through examination of a faulted 126 ka marine terrace. Slip‐vector azimuths defined by striations on the faults indicate N‐S extension on c. E‐W faults, sub‐parallel to those from earthquake focal mechanisms, together with significant and contemporaneous E‐W extension on c. N‐S faults. Summed rates of E‐W extension along a c. 550 m transect (0.17 mm/yr) are comparable with those for N‐S extension (0.20 mm/yr) along a c. 350 m transect. Our observations show that distributed non‐plane strain extension occurs in fault segment boundaries and this should be noted when studying fault‐tip fracture toughness and regional deformation rates

    Multiplicative random walk Metropolis-Hastings on the real line

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    In this article we propose multiplication based random walk Metropolis Hastings (MH) algorithm on the real line. We call it the random dive MH (RDMH) algorithm. This algorithm, even if simple to apply, was not studied earlier in Markov chain Monte Carlo literature. The associated kernel is shown to have standard properties like irreducibility, aperiodicity and Harris recurrence under some mild assumptions. These ensure basic convergence (ergodicity) of the kernel. Further the kernel is shown to be geometric ergodic for a large class of target densities on R\mathbb{R}. This class even contains realistic target densities for which random walk or Langevin MH are not geometrically ergodic. Three simulation studies are given to demonstrate the mixing property and superiority of RDMH to standard MH algorithms on real line. A share-price return data is also analyzed and the results are compared with those available in the literature

    Two blowing concepts for roll and lateral control of aircraft

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    Two schemes to modulate aerodynamic forces for roll and lateral control of aircraft have been investigated. The first scheme, called the lateral blowing concept, consists of thin jets of air exiting spanwise, or at small angle with the spanwise direction, from slots at the tips of straight wings. For this scheme, in addition to experimental measurements, a theory was developed showing the analytical relationship between aerodynamic forces and jet and wing parameters. Experimental results confirmed the theoretically derived scaling laws. The second scheme, which was studied experimentally, is called the jet spoiler concept and consists of thin jets exiting normally to the wing surface from slots aligned with the spanwise direction

    Vortex Splitting in Subcritical Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation

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    Vortices and axisymmetric vortex rings are considered in the framework of the subcritical nonlinear Schrodinger equations. The higher order nonlinearity present in such systems models many-body interactions in superfluid systems and allows one to study the effects of negative pressure on vortex dynamics. We find the critical pressure for which the straight-line vortex becomes unstable to radial expansion of the core. The energy of the straight-line vortices and energy, impulse and velocity of vortex rings are calculated. The effect of a varying pressure on the vortex core is studied. It is shown that under the action of the periodically varying pressure field a vortex ring may split into many vortex rings and the conditions for which this happens are elucidated. These processes are also relevant to experiments in Bose-Einstein condensates where the strength and the sign of two-body interactions can be changed via Feshbach resonance.Comment: Invited submission to the special issue on Vortex Rings, Journal of Fluid Dynamics Researc

    Fluctuation-induced interactions between dielectrics in general geometries

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    We study thermal Casimir and quantum non-retarded Lifshitz interactions between dielectrics in general geometries. We map the calculation of the classical partition function onto a determinant which we discretize and evaluate with the help of Cholesky factorization. The quantum partition function is treated by path integral quantization of a set of interacting dipoles and reduces to a product of determinants. We compare the approximations of pairwise additivity and proximity force with our numerical methods. We propose a ``factorization approximation'' which gives rather good numerical results in the geometries that we study

    Undercoverage and Nonresponse in a List-sampled Telephone Election Survey

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    For landline telephone surveys in particular, undercoverage has been a growing problem. However, research regarding the relative contributions of socio-demographic bias and other composition effects is scarce. We propose to address this issue by analyzing an election survey which used a sample from a register-based sampling frame containing basic socio-demographic information and to which telephone numbers were subsequently matched. With respect to socio-demographic representation of the final sample, we find that difficult to match groups are also difficult to contact, while those who cooperate tend to have different characteristics. We find bias due to undercoverage to be of greater magnitude than noncontact bias, while noncooperation falls between the two. As for substantive variables, both additional efforts to match missing telephone numbers and the construction of better weights are successful in closing the gap between survey estimates of voting behavior and true values from the election results