2,625 research outputs found

    State v. Frontier Acres Community Development District, 472 So. 2d 455 (Fla. 1985)

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    State v. Frontier Acres Community Development District, 472 So. 2d 455 (Fla. 1985)

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    Numerical Evaluation of Micro-Pocket Fission Detectors

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    Micro-pocket fission detectors (MPFDs) are miniature fission chambers suitable for in-core neutron measurement that have been under development at Kansas State University for over one decade. Current-generation devices have been used at a number of university reactors (Kansas State, Wisconsin, and MIT) and as part of the first experiments performed during the recent restart of TREAT. Ongoing research aims to improve understanding of the existing MPFDs and to optimize designs for future deployment. To aid in this development, the dynamic response of a prototypic MPFD was evaluated using Garfield++, Elmer, Gmsh, and Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter (SRIM). Specifically, the finite-element code Elmer was used to calculate the electric field on a mesh generated by Gmsh. SRIM was used to compute the energy loss tables of the fission fragments in the gas. With output from Elmer and SRIM, Garfield++ was used to simulate the ionization process, the resulting electron drift, and the induced signal. This particular Garfield++ application was developed with hybrid parallelization based MPI and OpenMP. The performance of the MPFDs subjected to different temperatures and applied voltages was evaluated. The preliminary results indicate the fission fragment deposits a few MeV of energy in the gas, consistent with previous estimates. The pulses in the MPFDs can be formed in the nanosecond scale, thus accommodating high count rates and, hence, high neutron-flux levels. Ongoing work aims to extend this model and validate it against existing and planned experimental data

    Study of Quark Propagator Solutions to the Dyson--Schwinger Equation in a Confining Model

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    We solve the Dyson--Schwinger equation for the quark propagator in a model with singular infrared behavior for the gluon propagator. We require that the solutions, easily found in configuration space, be tempered distributions and thus have Fourier transforms. This severely limits the boundary conditions that the solutions may satisify. The sign of the dimensionful parameter that characterizes the model gluon propagator can be either positive or negative. If the sign is negative, we find a unique solution. It is singular at the origin in momentum space, falls off like 1/p21/p^2 as p2+/p^2\rightarrow +/-\infty, and it is truly nonperturbative in that it is singular in the limit that the gluon--quark interaction approaches zero. If the sign of the gluon propagator coefficient is positive, we find solutions that are, in a sense that we exhibit, unconstrained linear combinations of advanced and retarded propagators. These solutions are singular at the origin in momentum space, fall off like 1/p21/p^2 asympotically, exhibit ``resonant--like" behavior at the position of the bare mass of the quark when the mass is large compared to the dimensionful interaction parameter in the gluon propagator model, and smoothly approach a linear combination of free--quark, advanced and retarded two--point functions in the limit that the interaction approaches zero. In this sense, these solutions behave in an increasingly ``particle--like" manner as the quark becomes heavy. The Feynman propagator and the Wightman function are not tempered distributions and therefore are not acceptable solutions to the Schwinger--Dyson equation in our model. On this basis we advance several arguments to show that the Fourier--transformable solutions we find are consistent with quark confinement, even though they have singularities on th

    The Probable Detection of SN 1923A: The Oldest Radio Supernova?

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    Based upon the results of VLA observations, we report the detection of two unresolved radio sources that are coincident with the reported optical position of SN 1923A in M83. For the source closest to the SN position, the flux density was determined to be 0.30 +/- 0.05 mJy at 20 cm and 0.093 +/- 0.028 mJy at 6 cm. The flux density of the second nearby source was determined to be 0.29 +/- 0.05 at 20 cm and 0.13 +/- 0.028 at 6 cm. Both sources are non-thermal with spectral indices of alpha = -1.0 +/- 0.30 and -0.69 +/- 0.24, respectively. SN 1923A has been designated as a Type II-P. No Type II-P (other than SN 1987A) has been detected previously in the radio. The radio emission from both sources appears to be fading with time. At an age of approximately 68 years when we observed it, this would be the oldest radio supernova (of known age) yet detected

    The ethos of physical activity delivery in mental health: a narrative study of service user experiences.

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    Our research into the physical activity experiences of people with severe mental illness has led us to take seriously the social and cultural environment in which physical activity is delivered. In this study, through narrative methodology, we examine service user accounts of physical activity to illuminate the characteristics of physical activity groups that are experienced as positive, helpful, or beneficial. We present several qualities and show how effective leadership and coaching is central to these qualities being present. We conclude that it is not so much what activity is delivered, but how it is delivered that is critical for sustained participation and positive outcomes

    Delivering reform in English healthcare: an ideational perspective

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    A variety of perspectives has been put forward to understand reform across healthcare systems. Recently, some have called for these perspectives to give greater recognition to the role of ideational processes. The purpose of this article is to present an ideational approach to understanding the delivery of healthcare reform. It draws on a case of English healthcare reform – the Next Stage Review led by Lord Darzi – to show how the delivery of its reform proposals was associated with four ideational frames. These frames built on the idea of “progress” in responding to existing problems; the idea of “prevailing policy” in forming part of a bricolage of ideas within institutional contexts; the idea of “prescription” as top-down structural change at odds with local contexts; and the idea of “professional disputes” in challenging the notion of clinical engagement across professional groups. The article discusses the implications of these ideas in furthering our understanding of policy change, conflict and continuity across healthcare settings