111 research outputs found


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    We have as a goal analyze different classifications and types of knowledge, wisdon and necessary abilities to the exercise of teaching. The eleven raised studies represent a modest part of the research made in the two last decades. Still thus, it was possible, from it get to three conclusions; first, that the variety of authors who have intended to command the plurality, composition and variaties of knowing professionals to them of the professors; , that the proper classifications and types of abilities elaborated, as a result of these studies, we can see that they are so plural, diverse and second heterogeneous as its object of analysis, what becomes impossible a comparison between them; third, the proliferation of classifications and its types in place of improving  the understanding of knowledge studied by them, it increased its complexities and make them less intelligible.Key-words: professionalization of the professors; docência; knowledge.Objetivamos analisar diferentes classificações e tipologias sobre os conhecimentos, saberes e competências necessários ao exercício da docência. Os onze estudos levantados representam uma parte modesta das pesquisas realizadas nas duas últimas décadas. Ainda assim, foi possível, a partir deles, chegar a quatro conclusões; primeiro, que é enorme a variedade de autores que têm pretendido ordenar a pluralidade, composição e heterogeneidade dos saberes profissionais dos professores; segundo, que as próprias classificações e tipologias elaboradas, como resultado desses estudos, são tão plurais, diversas e heterogêneas como seu objeto de análise, o que torna impossível uma comparação entre elas; terceiro, que a proliferação de classificações e tipologias em lugar de melhorar a compreensão dos saberes por elas estudados, aumentou sua complexidade e os tornaram menos inteligíveis; quarto, que apesar da diversidade de enfoques ser plural, diversa e heterogênea, o significado conceitual é quase o mesmo nos onze autores estudados.Palavras-chave: profissionalização dos professores; docência; conhecimento. 

    Thermochemistry and kinetics of the trans-N2H2+N reaction

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    AbstractThermochemical and kinetics properties of the hydrogen abstraction and addition processes of the trans-N2H2+N reaction were computed using high-level ab initio and DFT approximation methods with aug-cc-pVXZ (X=T,Q) basis set. The CCSD (T)/CBS//BB1K/aug-cc-pVTZ results for classical barrier height are 13.1 and 15.0kcal/mol for the abstraction and addition reactions, respectively. The thermal rate constants were calculated using the dual-level direct dynamics by variational transition state theory with the BB1K potential energy surface and thermochemical properties corrected with the CCSD (T)/CBS//BB1K/aug-cc-pVTZ results. The rate constants calculated show that the variational and tunneling effects play a relevant role only for the abstraction reaction

    Comparative cytogenetics among populations of Astyanax altiparanae (Characiformes, Characidae, Incertae sedis)

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    Cytogenetic data are presented for Astyanax altiparanae populations from three Brazilian hydrographic systems. The chromosomal data obtained in A. altiparanae support the hypothesis of diploid number conservation. However, small differences in the karyotype formula and number of nucleolar organizer regions were observed in these populations. The apparent karyotypical similarity among the studied populations strongly suggests a close relationship among them with some chromosomal divergences due to gene flow restriction

    The use of cannabidiol as a novel treatment for oral stereotypic behaviour (crib-biting) in a horse

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    Behaviour is the response of living things to their environment and external stimulation, and is one of the pa-rameters to be observed when assessing animal welfare. Any alteration from the conditions found in nature can lead to the occurrence of some specific behaviours, called stereotypies which are characterised as repetitive, consistent patterns of behaviour usually defined as having no apparent ultimate or proximal functions. It has been reported that once stabled or subjected to stressful activities, horses have more susceptibility of developing behavioural disturbances; therefore, behavioural disorders in horses are a strong indicator of poor welfare. Cannabis spp.-derived molecules have been studied under different medical conditions; the therapeutic potentials of phytocannabinoids are related to the effects of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabidiol (CBD), and other compounds. Cannabidiol has many activities within the central nervous system, such as anxiolytic, antidepres-sant, antipsychotic, anticonvulsant, and anti-inflammatory activities. Some studies have recently shown the potential and successful therapeutic use of phytocannabinoids in veterinary medicine. This clinical case report described a 22-year-old mare suffering from chronic crib-biting and wind-sucking, and the successful outcome of four weeks-therapy with CBD. This is the first report of the successful therapeutic use of phytocannabinoids in equine behavioural disorders