12 research outputs found

    Bajo peso al nacer y desnutrición

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    Bajo peso al nacer ha sido definido por la OMS como el peso al nacimiento menor de 2500 gramos. Los lactantes que nacen con bajo peso al nacer sufren de incidencia alta de morbilidad y mortalidad de enfermedades infecciosas y éstos tienen características típicas de desnutrición, pobre masa muscular, baja talla, en el periodo neonatal. Está asociado a alta mortalidad y morbilidad fetal y neonatal, dando como consecuencias un crecimiento retardado, un retraso o afectación del desarrollo cognitivo y enfermedades crónicas en la etapa de adulto. El periodo de crecimiento intrauterino y el desarrollo es de los factores que hacen más vulnerable el ciclo de vida del ser humano

    Unraveling the complexity of Disorders of the Gut-Brain Interaction: the gut microbiota connection in children

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    “Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction (DGBIs),” formerly referred to as “Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (FGIDs),” encompass a prevalent array of chronic or recurring gastrointestinal symptoms that notably impact the quality of life for affected children and their families. Recent studies have elucidated the intricate pathophysiology of DGBIs, underscoring their correlation with gut microbiota. This review seeks to explore the present comprehension of the gut microbiota's role in DGBI development. While other factors can contribute to DGBIs, the gut microbiota prominently influences the onset and progression of these conditions. According to the Rome IV diagnostic criteria, DGBI prevalence is approximately 40% worldwide. The Rome Foundation has diligently worked for nearly three decades to refine our comprehension of DGBIs. By centering on the gut microbiota, this review sheds light on potential therapeutic interventions for DGBIs, potentially enhancing the quality of life for pediatric patients and their families

    CORRESPONDENCIA Estimados Editores de la revista Colombia Médica:

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    Perspectivas de la diarrea por rotavirus en El Salvador

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    Materiales y métodos: En diciembre del año 2000, un brote epidémico de gastroenteritis ocurrió en El Salvador que se asoció con numerosas hospitalizaciones y muertes de niños en todo el país. El Ministerio de Salud Pública se mostró preocupado, pues se ignoraba su etiología y las medidas de control usuales fueron ineficaces. El brote lo produjo un rotavirus, y las medidas de control fueron rediseñadas para mejorar el tratamiento con rehidratación oral e iniciar un sistema de vigilancia para conocer los agentes etiológicos de la gastroenteritis. Se colectaron datos clínicos, demográficos y también muestras de heces en niños menores de 5 años que presentaron gastroenteritis aguda. A las muestras de heces se les realizó exámenes para determinar la presencia de rotavirus, parásitos y bacterias. El sistema revigilancia se extrapoló con los datos nacionales para estimar el impacto nacional de la enfermedad por rotavirus. Resultados: La vigilancia epidemiológica entre mayo 2001 y abril 2002 demostró que el rotavirus tuvo predominio en la estación de invierno, y se asoció con la presencia de vómitos que se informaron en 27% de 12,083 consultas por diarrea. Los niños con gastroenteritis por rotavirus eran lactantes con un promedio de edad de 9 meses en comparación con las diarreas causadas por otros agentes (13 meses para bacterias y 16 meses para parásitos). Al extrapolar los datos nacionales, se estimó que el riesgo de un niño que consultaba por diarrea por rotavirus, que se hospitalizaba, y riesgo de muerte antes de los 5 años fue 1:7, 1:56, y 1:531, respectivamente. Conclusiones: El brote de gastroenteritis en niños menores de 5 años entre diciembre 2000 y febrero 2001 representó un exagerado predominio estacional de la infección por rotavirus. La actividad de vigilancia epidemiológica después del brote sugiere que el rotavirus es la causa mas frecuente de diarrea en El Salvador. Un seguimiento en la vigilancia puede aportar una base importante para mejorar la atención de la gastroenteritis en un brote epidémico y puede proporcionar datos necesarios para decidir el comienzo de la vacunación rutinaria en el programa nacional de inmunizaciones de El Salvador. In December 2000, a large outbreak of gastroenteritis (GE) occurred in El Salvador that was associated with hospitalizations and deaths among children nationwide. Public concern was raised because the etiology was initially unknown and enteric control measures seemed ineffective. The outbreak was eventually linked to rotavirus, control measures were redirected to improving treatment with oral rehydration, and surveillance was initiated to characterize the etiologic agents of gastroenteritis. Demographic and clinical data and fecal specimens were collected from a systematic sample of children < 5 years old with acute gastroenteritis. Stools were examined for rotavirus, bacteria, and parasites. Surveillance results were extrapolated to national data in order to estimate the national burden of rotavirus disease. Results: Surveillance between May 2001 and April 2002 demonstrated that rotavirus with winter seasonality, was associated with vomiting and dehydration, and accounted for an estimated 27% of 12,083 consultations for diarrhea. Children with rotavirus gastroenteritis were younger (median 9 months) than those with GE due to other agents (median 13 months for bacteria, 16 months for parasites). Extrapolating to national data, we estimated the risk of a child experiencing a rotavirus-related medical visit, hospitalization, and death by the age of 5 years as 1:7, 1:56, and 1:531, respectively. Conclusions: The outbreak of gastroenteritis among children <5 years of age between December 2000 and February 2001 represented an exaggerated rotavirus season. The surveillance activity following the outbreak suggests that rotavirus is the most common cause of diarrheal disease in El Salvador. Further surveillance could provide a sound basis for improving the response to epidemics of gastroenteritis and could provide data needed to decide whether rotavirus vaccination should be included in the national program for childhood immunizations

    Perspectivas de la diarrea por rotavirus en El Salvador

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    In December 2000, a large outbreak of gastroenteritis (GE) occurred in El Salvador that was associated with hospitalizations and deaths among children nationwide. Public concern was raised because the etiology was initially unknown and enteric control measures seemed ineffective. The outbreak was eventually linked to rotavirus, control measures were redirected to improving treatment with oral rehydration, and surveillance was initiated to characterize the etiologic agents of gastroenteritis. Demographic and clinical data and fecal specimens were collected from a systematic sample of children <5 years old with acute gastroenteritis. Stools were examined for rotavirus, bacteria, and parasites. Surveillance results were extrapolated to national data in order to estimate the national burden of rotavirus disease. Results: Surveillance between May 2001 and April 2002 demonstrated that rotavirus with winter seasonality, was associated with vomiting and dehydration, and accounted for an estimated 27% of 12,083 consultations for diarrhea. Children with rotavirus gastroenteritis were younger (median 9 months) than those with GE due to other agents (median 13 months for bacteria, 16 months for parasites). Extrapolating to national data, we estimated the risk of a child experiencing a rotavirus-related medical visit, hospitalization, and death by the age of 5 years as 1:7, 1:56, and 1:531, respectively. Conclusions: The outbreak of gastroenteritis among children <5 years of age between December 2000 and February 2001 represented an exaggerated rotavirus season. The surveillance activity following the outbreak suggests that rotavirus is the most common cause of diarrheal disease in El Salvador. Further surveillance could provide a sound basis for improving the response to epidemics of gastroenteritis and could provide data needed to decide whether rotavirus vaccination should be included in the national program for childhood immunizations


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    Bajo peso al nacer ha sido definido por la OMS como el peso al nacimiento menor de 2500 gramos. Los lactantes que nacen con bajo peso al nacer sufren de incidencia alta de morbilidad y mortalidad de enfermedades infecciosas y éstos tienen características típicas de desnutrición, pobre masa muscular, baja talla, en el periodo neonatal. Está asociado a alta mortalidad y morbilidad fetal y neonatal, dando como consecuencias un crecimiento retardado, un retraso o afectación deldesarrollo cognitivo y enfermedades crónicas en la etapa de adulto. El periodo de crecimiento intrauterino y el desarrollo es de los factores que hacen más vulnerable el ciclo de vida del ser humano

    High Prevalence of Nausea among School Children in Latin America

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    To evaluate the prevalence of nausea and its association with functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) in a large-scale, population-based study of Latin American school children. This cross-sectional study collected data from children in 3 Latin American countries. A Spanish version of the Questionnaire on Pediatric Gastrointestinal Symptoms-Rome III Version (QPGS-III) was administered to school children in Central and South America. Subjects were classified into FGIDs based on Rome criteria (QPGS-III). Students from 4 public and 4 private schools in the countries of El Salvador, Panama, and Ecuador participated in this epidemiologic study. A total of 1137 school children with mean age 11.5 (SD 1.9, range 8-15) years completed the QPGS-III (El Salvador n = 399; Panama n = 321; Ecuador n = 417). Nausea was present in 15.9% of all school children. Two hundred sixty-eight (24%) children met criteria for at least 1 FGID. Nausea was significantly more common in children with FGIDs compared with those without: El Salvador 38% vs 15% (P < .001); Panama 22% vs 7% (P < .001); Ecuador 25% vs 13% (P = .004). Among children with FGIDs, those with functional constipation had a high prevalence of nausea. Nausea was significantly more common in girls and children attending private schools. Nausea is commonly present in Latin American school children. FGIDs are frequently associated with nausea

    Current situation of pediatric endoscopy in Latin America: Report of the endoscopy and procedures committee of the latinamerican society of pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition (LASPGHAN) Situación actual de la endoscopía pediátrica en Amé

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    © 2017, Sociedad Argentina de Gastroenterologia. All rights reserved. The Latinamerican Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (LASPGHAN), through its Endoscopy and Procedures Committee, has performed a cuantitative and cualitative evaluation of Pediatric Endoscopy Centers and Pediatric Endoscopy Trainings Centers in 13 latinamerican countries. We have simultaneously investigated about the availability of other diagnostic technologies and procedures such as impedance, manometry, etc. A diagnose of the current situation of pediatric endoscopy in Latinamerica can be made through the information contained in the present report, identifying areas of greater advance in this particular field and allowing the elaboration of exchange plans, academic activities and certification programs that will ultimately improve the population´s access to quality specialized services of pediatric diagnostic, therapeutic and advanced endoscopy

    Diagnóstico y tratamiento de la esofagitis eosinofílica en niños. Revisión de la literatura y recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia. Grupo de trabajo de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Gastroenterología, Hepatología y Nutrición pediátrica (SLAGHNP)

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    En las últimas dos décadas la esofagitis eosinofílica se ha posicionado como una de las causas más importantes de disfunción esofágica en niños, de impactación de alimentos en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes, de falla terapéutica en pacientes con enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico, y es la patología eosinofílica más frecuente del tracto digestivo. Presentamos inrecomendaciones para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la enfermedad basadas en la revisión sistemática de la literatura