4,044 research outputs found

    Professional experience in Tecnoambiente, S.L.

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    [Resumen]El trabajo que realicé durante los meses de prácticas en Tecnoambiente ha sido principalmente trabajo de laboratorio. La mayor parte del tiempo la dediqué a análisis de aguas tanto de agua dulce como de agua marina. A estas aguas les realicé procedimientos para analizar, entre otros, nitratos, cloruros, sólidos, metales, detergentes, aceites y grasas, calcular la DQO (demanda química de oxígeno) y la DBO5 (demanda bioquímica de oxígeno), así como dar sus valores de pH, temperatura y conductividad. También aprendí a trabajar con diferentes aparatos, como el analizador microtox, el destilador, el rotavapor, el espectrofotómetro y el espectrofotómetro de absorción atómica. Por último, me enseñaron a calibrar, verificar y limpiar diferentes instrumentos del laboratorio, así como a solucionar algunos de los problemas que pueden surgir diariamente dentro de este.[Resumo]O traballo que realicei durante os meses de prácticas en Tecnoambiente foi principalmente traballo de laboratorio. A maior parte do tempo dediqueina a análise de augas tanto de auga doce como de auga mariña. A estas augas realiceilles procedementos para analizar, entre outros, nitratos, cloruros, sólidos, metais, deterxentes, aceites e graxas, calcular a DQO (demanda química de osíxeno) e a DBO5 (demanda bioquímica de osíxeno), así como dar os seus valores de pH, temperatura e conductividad. Tamén aprendín a traballar con diferentes aparellos, como o analizador microtox, o destilador, o rotavapor, o espectrofotómetro e o espectrofotómetro de absorción atómica. Por último, ensináronme a calibrar, verificar e limpar diferentes instrumentos do laboratorio, así como a solucionar algúns dos problemas que poden xurdir diariamente dentro de leste.[Abstract]The work that I realized during the months of practices in Tecnoambiente has been principally a laboratory work. I dedicated most of the time to water analysis both of freshwater and of seawater. To these waters I realized procedures to analyze, between others, nitrates, chlorides, solid, metals, detergents, oils and fats, to calculate the COD (Chemical oxygen demand) and the BOD5 (Biochemical oxygen demand), as well as to give his values of pH, temperature and conductivity. Also I learned to work with different devices, as the analyzer microtox, the distiller, the rotary evaporator, the spectrophotometer and the spectrophotometer of atomic absorption. Finally, they taught me to calibrate, to check and to clean different instruments of the laboratory, as well as to solving some of the problems that can arise every day inside this one.Traballo fin de mestrado (UDC.CIE). Ciencias, tecnoloxías e xestión ambiental. Curso 2013/201

    Decentralization and regional economic disparities

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    This paper analyses the impact of both fiscal and political decentralisation on regional productivity inequalities. The study of the influence of decentralisation on economic growth has received some attention in recent years, but very few studies deal with its impact on regional inequalities, both theoretically and empirically. In this paper, we analyse the relationship between different measures of regional inequalities in productivity, and several measures of political and fiscal decentralisation for a sample of 15 OECD countries. In order to control for other possible influences, we have also include in the analysis measures of public sector size and the type of party government. The results suggest a strong negative correlation between decentralisation, mainly fiscal decentralisation, and regional inequalities. Of course, much more analysis must be done before we can demonstrate such relationship. We hope that this paper will stimulate further research.

    Mobility and regional inequality in the European Union: Implications for economic policy

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse the mobility of per capita income distribution in the European regions during the period 1977-1996. In doing so we will attempt highlight some aspects of the nature of interregional inequality. We also hope to draw inferences that might be applied by European regional policy makers. If, for example, there proves to be very little mobility, this might mean that the regional positions are consolidated. If this were the case, a belligerent regional policy could be introduced in order to reduce regional disparities. If, on the other hand, our results suggest that income variability accounts for most of the disparities, regional policy could be focused on the negative effects of economic cycles. In this case, a regional convergence policy might be made to take second place. Our methodological approach involves calculating indices commonly used in the dynamic income distribution literature, such as those of Theil, Atkinson and Shorrocks. These indices are calculated at different levels, both temporal and geographical, in order to discover different regional behaviour patterns throughout the study period.

    Regional Productive Specialisation and Inequality in the European Union

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    This paper examines productive specialization in the regions of the European Union over the period 1977 to 1999 using the information provided by various methodological instruments. The results obtained reveal a process of convergence in regional productive structures during the twenty-three years considered. This has been due to the behavior of regions with high levels of specialization at the start of the period, whose productive structures have tended to shift to wards the European average overtime. The analysis carried out also high lights the major role played by regional size, level of development and geographical location in explaining specialization in the European context. Finally, the empirical evidence provided suggests that changes in regional productive structures are closely linked to the evolution of the spatial distribution of per capita income in the European Union. Keywords: Specialization, economic activity, regions, European Union. JEL Code: F15, R11, R12.
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