3,765 research outputs found

    Planetary nebulae in the inner Milky Way

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    New abundances of planetary nebulae located towards the bulge of the Galaxy are derived based on observations made at LNA (Brazil). We present accurate abundances of the elements He, N, S, O, Ar, and Ne for 56 PNe located towards the galactic bulge. The data shows a good agreement with other results in the literature, in the sense that the distribution of the abundances is similar to those works. From the statistical analysis performed, we can suggest a bulge-disk interface at 2.2 kpc for the intermediate mass population, marking therefore the outer border of the bulge and inner border of the disk.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, uses iaus.cls, in press, IAU Symp. 265, Chemical abundances in the Universe: Connecting the first Stars to Planets, Ed. K. Cunha, M. Spite, B. Barbu

    Planetary nebulae as probes for galactic chemical evolution

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    The role of planetary nebulae as probes for the galactic chemical evolution is reviewed. Their abundances throughout the Galaxy are discussed for key elements, in particular oxygen and other alpha elements. The abundance distribution derived from planetary nebulae leads to the establishment of radial abundance gradients in the galactic disk that are important constraints to model the chemical evolution of the Galaxy. The radial gradient, well determined for the solar neighborhood, is examined for distinct regions. For the galactic anticenter in particular, the observational data confirm results from galactic evolution models that point to a decreasing in the gradient slope at large galactocentric distances. The possible time evolution of the radial gradient is also examined comparing samples of planetary nebulae of different ages, and the results indicate that a flattening in the gradient occurred, which is confirmed by some galactic evolution models. The galactic bulge is another important region whose modeling can be constrained by observational results obtained from planetary nebulae. Results derived in the last few years indicate that bulge nebulae have an abundance distribution similar to that of disk objects, however with a larger dispersion.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, LaTeX, To be published in the Proceedings of the IAU Symposium 234: Planetary Nebulae in Our Galaxy and Beyon

    Planetary nebulae and the chemical evolution of the galactic bulge

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    Electron temperatures, densities, ionic and elemental abundances of helium, nitrogen, oxygen, argon, sulfur and neon were derived for a sample of bulge planetary nebulae, representative of its intermediate mass population. Using these results as constraints, a model for the chemical evolution of the galactic bulge was developed. The results indicate that the best fit is achieved using a double-infall model, where the first one is a fast collapse of primordial gas and the second is slower and enriched by material ejected by the bulge itself during the first episode.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the conference "Planetary Nebulae as astronomical tools" held in Gdansk, Poland, jun 28/jul 02, 200

    Population density and photosynthetic pigment content in symbiotic dinoflagellates in the Brazilian scleractinian coral Montastrea cavernosa (Linnaeus, 1767)

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    A dinâmica sazonal na densidade de células e na concentração de pigmentos fotossintetizantes das zooxantelas de Montastrea cavernosa foram analisados no período setembro/1999 a setembro/2000 nos Recifes do Picãozinho (06º42'05"/07º07'30" S e 34º48'37"/34º50'00" W), Nordeste do Brasil. Verificou-se que existe um padrão distinto entre estes parâmetros, com maior quantidade de células no período chuvoso e maior concentração de pigmentos fotossintetizantes na época de estiagem. Ambos os parâmetros apresentaram, no entanto, uma nítida redução em seus valores nos meses de maiores índices pluviométricos (junho e julho /1999). Especulamos que tal fato deve estar relacionado com o regime de chuvas que pode variar em magnitude e freqüência, afetando a qualidade ótica da água e o estado fisiológico das células.The seasonal dynamics of cell density and photosynthetic pigment contents of the zooxanthellae hosted by Montastrea cavernosa were investigated on coastal reefs off Picãozinho (06º42'05"/07º07'30"S and 34º48'37"/34º50'00" W), Northeast Brazil between September 1999 and 2000. A distinct pattern of these parameters was found: cell numbers were greater during the rainy season (autumn/winter) while photosynthetic pigments were greater during the dry season (summer). Both parameters showed drastic reductions during heavy rains (June and July 1999). We speculate that this pattern is largely influenced by the rain cycles which, owing to their magnitude and frequency, affect the water clarity and the seasonal physiological condition of the cells

    Planetary nebulae and the chemical evolution of the galactic bulge: new abundances of older objects

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    In view of their nature, planetary nebulae have very short lifetimes, and the chemical abundances derived so far have a natural bias favoring younger objects. In this work, we report physical parameters and abundances for a sample of old PNe located in the galactic bulge, based on low dispersion spectroscopy secured at the SOAR telescope using the Goodman Spectrograph. The new data allow us to extend our database including older, weaker objects that are at the faint end of the planetary nebula luminosity function (PNLF). The results show that the abundances of our sample are lower than those from our previous work. Additionally, the average abundances of the galactic bulge do not follow the observed trend of the radial abundance gradient in the disk. These results are in agreement with a chemical evolution model for the Galaxy recently developed by our group.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, to appear in proceedings of the IAU Symposium 283: "Planetary Nebulae: An Eye to the Future", Eds.: A. Manchado, L. Stanghellini and D. Schoenberne

    What are the Best Hierarchical Descriptors for Complex Networks?

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    This work reviews several hierarchical measurements of the topology of complex networks and then applies feature selection concepts and methods in order to quantify the relative importance of each measurement with respect to the discrimination between four representative theoretical network models, namely Erd\"{o}s-R\'enyi, Barab\'asi-Albert, Watts-Strogatz as well as a geographical type of network. The obtained results confirmed that the four models can be well-separated by using a combination of measurements. In addition, the relative contribution of each considered feature for the overall discrimination of the models was quantified in terms of the respective weights in the canonical projection into two dimensions, with the traditional clustering coefficient, hierarchical clustering coefficient and neighborhood clustering coefficient resulting particularly effective. Interestingly, the average shortest path length and hierarchical node degrees contributed little for the separation of the four network models.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure


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    The aim of this study was to analyse the relationship between front crawl performance and hydrodynamic variables during leg kicking. Sixteen female swimmers (9.2±0.6 years) participated in this study. The 200m front crawl performance, the 200m front crawl kicking performance and the active drag during leg kicking were measured. The velocity perturbation method was used to determine active drag. The 200m front crawl performance was significantly correlated with performance in 200m kicking (0.89), with hydrodynamic drag force during leg kicking (-0.70), and power output in kicking (-0.64). Drag coefficient was not related to the performance in 200 m front crawl. These findings underline the importance of leg kicking to performance in front crawl swimming in these ages and suggests the important role of kicking tasks during training in young swimmers