458 research outputs found

    Chisini's conjecture for curves with singularities of type xn=ymx^n=y^m

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    This paper is devoted to a very classical problem that can be summarized as follows: let S be a non singular compact complex surface, f:S --> P^2 a finite morphism having simple branching, B the branch curve: to what extent does B determine f? The problem was first studied by Chisini who proved that B determines S and f, assuming B to have only nodes and cusps as singularities, the degree d of f to be greater than 5, and a very strong hypothesis on the possible degenerations of B, and posed the question if the first or the third hypothesis could be weakened. Recently Kulikov and Nemirovski proved the result for d >= 12, and B having only nodes and cusps as singularities. In this paper we weaken the hypothesis about the singularities of B: we generalize the theorem of Kulikov and Nemirovski for B having only singularities of type {x^n=y^m}, in the additional hypothesis of smoothness for the ramification divisor. Moreover we exhibit a family of counterexamples showing that our additional hypothesis is necessary.Comment: 27 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure (file=polypicc.eps

    Seasonal variation of platelets in a cohort of Italian blood donors: a preliminary report

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    Massimo Gallerani1*, Roberto Reverberi2, Raffaella Salmi1, Michael H Smolensky3 and Roberto Manfredini4 Author Affiliations 1 Internal Medicine, Azienda Ospedaliera-Universitaria, Ferrara, Italy 2 Immunohematological and Transfusional Service, Azienda Ospedaliera-Universitaria, Ferrara, Italy 3 Department of Biomedical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, USA 4 Clinica Medica, Azienda Ospedaliera-Universitaria, Ferrara, ItalyBackground: Since available data are not univocal, the aim of this study was to explore the existence of a seasonal variation in platelet count. Methods: The study was based on the database of the Italian Association of Blood Volunteers (AVIS), section of Ferrara, Italy, 2001–2010. Hematological data (170,238 exams referring to 16,422 donors) were categorized into seasonal and monthly intervals, and conventional and chronobiological analyses were applied. Results: Platelets and plateletcrit were significantly higher in winter-autumn, with a main peak in December-February (average +3.4% and +4.6%, respectively, P <0.001 for both). Conclusions: Although seasonal variations have been reported for several acute cardiovascular diseases, it is extremely unlikely that such a slight increase in platelet count in winter alone may be considered as a risk factor.Biomedical [email protected]

    Generic covers branched over {xn=ym}

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    AbstractIn this paper the authors study generic covers of C2 branched over {xn+ym}=0 s.t. the total space is a normal analytic surface.They found a complete description of the monodromy of the cover in terms of the monodromy graphs and an almost complete description of the local fundamental groups in case (n,m)=1.For the general case, they give explicit descriptions of base changes in terms of monodromy graphs; they describe completely the embedded resolution graphs in the case n|m. Via these base changes every cover is a quotient of such a cover

    Epidemiological, chronobiological, and gender-oriented aspects of medical diseases

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    INTRODUCCIÓN: Las mujeres y los hombres son biológicamente diferentes a nivel de células, órganos y organismos, y, por lo tanto, en el sistema cardiovascular (CV); diferencias que pueden generar variaciones en la prevalencia, la presentación e incluso los resultados de las afecciones cardiovasculares. En la enfermedad arterial periférica (EAP), hay una amplia serie de diferencias sexuales, que incluyen la epidemiología y el perfil de riesgo, la presentación clínica y el manejo de la misma. A pesar de que la EAP es la tercera manifestación más común de la enfermedad cardiovascular, después de la enfermedad coronaria y el accidente cerebrovascular, sigue siendo poco diagnosticada y poco tratada en las mujeres. Esto también se debe a que las mujeres tienen tasas más altas de enfermedad asintomática / subclínica y la mayoría tiene síntomas atípicos. La claudicación intermitente restringe la actividad y la movilidad afectando considerablemente la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, por lo tanto, el objetivo principal del tratamiento en estos pacientes es mejorar su función de deambulación y calidad de vida. Aunque la importancia de la rehabilitación cardiovascular está bien establecida, está infrautilizada en todo el mundo, especialmente entre las mujeres. La tesis está compuesta por dos partes. Por un lado, en base a la experiencia científica específica de mi grupo de investigación, decidí revisar los aspectos epidemiológicos y cronobiológicos de las enfermedades médicas, en particular con referencia a las enfermedades cardiovasculares, bajo una perspectiva de género. Se inició una búsqueda general en la base de datos PubMed con los términos “Género” y “Cardiovascular” (búsqueda cerrada el 1 de agosto de 2018). Se abordaron nuevas adquisiciones y datos, incluso resumiendo en una serie de Tablas los resultados más recientes de estudios que tratan las diferencias de género en términos de terapia, procedimientos de intervención y resultados clínicos. La segunda parte se centra en el tema seleccionado de EAP, una vez más con una perspectiva definida por género. En particular, se discute la relevancia e importancia de la rehabilitación vascular, y se diseñó un estudio ad hoc para evaluar las diferencias relacionadas con el género en un nuevo programa de rehabilitación realizado por nuestro grupo de investigación. OBJETIVOS: General: Describir los aspectos epidemiológicos, cronobiológicos y orientados por género de las enfermedades médicas. Específicos: Determinar diferencias cronobiológicas y por género en las enfermedades cardiovasculares, considerando tratamiento, intervenciones y resultados clínicos. Evaluar diferencias por género en la apliación de un programa de rehabilitación en pacientes con EAP. SUJETOS Y MÉTODOS: Se estudiaron los pacientes con EAP y claudicación inscritos en un programa domiciliario estructurado de 2003 a 2016. El programa se prescribió en el hospital y se basó en dos sesiones diarias de caminata sin dolor de 10 minutos a una velocidad cada vez mayor. Las medidas de resultado, que se evaluaron al inicio y al momento del alta, fueron la velocidad al caminar cuando existen síntomas (PTS) y la máxima (Smax) durante una prueba de esfuerzo y la distancia a pie sin dolor (PFWD) y la distancia total caminada en seis minutos (6MWD). Se determinó el índice tobillo-brazo (IAB), la duración del programa y la adherencia del paciente. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 1007 pacientes (mujeres, N = 264; 26%). Al inicio del estudio, en comparación con los hombres, las mujeres mostraron valores IAB similares, pero valores más bajos de PTS y PFWD (p <0,001). En el momento del alta, con una adherencia similar (puntuación de ¾ ± 1 cada uno) en ambos grupos, se observaron importantes mejoras para PTS (0,8 ± 0,8 kmh-1 cada uno), Smax (0,4 ± 0,5 kmh-1 cada uno), PFWD (mujeres: 95 ± 100; hombres 86 ± 104), 6MWD (mujeres: 32 ± 65; hombres: 35 ± 58) y ABI (mujeres: 0.07 ± 0.12; hombres: 0.06 ± 0.11) sin diferencias entre grupos (confirmado después del análisis de propensión). CONCLUSIONES: En comparación con los hombres, las mujeres con EAP y claudicación después de un programa personalizado estructurado de baja intensidad, realizado en el hogar durante unos minutos al día, obtuvieron el mismo beneficio en términos de reducción de la discapacidad para caminar y un grado de adherencia similar. Esta observación también se confirmó después del análisis de propensión, que equilibró a los dos grupos en las características iniciales y demostró que no existen diferencias en los resultados de rehabilitación entre los sexos. Según nuestro conocimiento, la literatura disponible sobre la respuesta de las mujeres a la rehabilitación en PAD es deficiente, y los resultados actuales representan un informe novedoso. Los programas que favorecen la adherencia y los resultados funcionales en mujeres deben probarse en estudios prospectivos.INTRODUCTION: Women and men are biologically different at the level of cells, organs and organism, and sex differences exist also in the cardiovascular (CV) system, so that they can result in variations in prevalence, presentation, and even outcomes of CV conditions. Also per peripheral arterial disease (PAD), there are a wide series of sex differences, including epidemiology and risk profile, clinical presentation, management. Despite PAD is the third most common manifestation of CV disease, following coronary artery disease and stroke, it remains underdiagnosed and under-treated in women. This also because women have higher rates of asymptomatic/subclinical disease and the majority have atypical symptoms. Intermittent claudication restricts activity and mobility considerably affecting the health-related quality of life, therefore the primary treatment goal in these patients is to improve their deambulatory function and quality of life. Although the importance of CV rehabilitation is well established, it is underutilized worldwide, especially among women. This thesis is composed by two parts. On one hand, based on the specific scientific expertise of my group, I decided to review the epidemiological and chronobiological aspects of medical diseases, in particular with reference to CV diseases, under a gender-oriented perspective. A general search was launched on PubMed database with the terms ‘Gender’ and ‘Cardiovascular’ (search closed August 1, 2018). Novel acquisitions and data are recorded, even by gathering into a series of Tables the most recent results from studies dealing with sex-differences in terns of therapy, intervention procedures, and clinical outcomes. The second part is focused on the selected topic of PAD, once again with a defined perspective by gender. In particular, the relevance and importance of vascular rehabilitation is discussed, and a ad-hoc study has been designed to evaluate the possible difference of sex-related differences in a novel rehabilitation program performed by our research group. OBJECTIVES: General: To describe epidemiological, chronobiological and gender-oriented aspect of medical disease Specific: To determine chronobiological and gender differences in cardiovascular disease, considering therapy, intervention procedures and clinical outcomes. To evaluate gender-related differences in a novel rehabilitation program performed by peripheral arterial disease patients. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Patients with PAD and claudication enrolled in a structured home-based program from 2003 to 2016 were studied. The program was prescribed at the hospital and based on two daily 10-minute pain-free walking sessions at progressively increasing speed. Outcome measures, which were assessed at baseline and discharge, were the walking speed at symptoms (PTS) and maximal (Smax) during a treadmill test and the pain-free walking distance (PFWD) and total distance walked in six minutes (6MWD). The ankle-brachial index (ABI), program duration and patient adherence were determined. RESULTS: A total of 1007 patients (women, n = 264; 26%) were enrolled. At baseline, compared to men, women exhibited similar ABI values but lower PTS and PFWD values (p<0.001). At discharge, with similar adherence (score ¾±1 each) in both groups, superimposable improvements were observed for PTS (0.8±0.8 kmh-1 each), Smax (0.4±0.5 kmh-1 each), PFWD (women: 95±100; men 86±104), 6MWD (women: 32±65; men: 35±58), and ABI (women: 0.07±0.12; men: 0.06±0.11) without between-group differences (confirmed after propensity analysis). CONCLUSIONS: Compared to men, women with PAD and claudication following a structured low-intensity personalized program, performed inside the home for a few minutes a day, obtained the same benefit in terms of reduction of walking disability as well as a similar degree of adherence. This observation was also confirmed after propensity analysis, which balanced the two groups in baseline characteristics and proved that no differences in rehabilitation outcomes exist between sexes. To the best of our knowledge, the available literature on the response of women to rehabilitation in PAD is poor, and the present results represents a novel report. Programs favoring adherence and functional outcomes in women should be tested in prospective studies

    Sex- and Gender-Specific Drug Abuse Dynamics: The Need for Tailored Therapeutic Approaches

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    Sex and gender have been gaining ever greater attention due to their associated risks, dynamics, patterns and protective factors underlying substance abuse and addiction. Such differentiations and the clarification of complexities thereof take on even greater relevance in light of drug abuse scope worldwide. According to the 2022 World Drug Report released by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), in 2020 an estimated 284 million people worldwide aged 15–64 had used a drug within the last 12 months. The authors have set out to shed a light on determinants and contributing factors of drug abuse based on sex and gender and outline policy and medicolegal remarks aimed at delineating sex- and gender-based approaches towards drug abuse therapeutic interventions that are both therapeutically and ethically/legally viable and grounded in an evidence-based set of standards. Neurobiological data suggest that estrogen may facilitate drug taking by interacting with reward- and stress-related systems. In animal research, the administration of estrogen increases drug taking and facilitates the acquisition, escalation, and reinstatement of cocaine-seeking behavior. From a medicolegal perspective, it is of utmost importance to take into account the whole picture constituting each patient profile, which certainly includes gender factors and contributors, when outlining a therapeutic approach. Failure to do so could lead to negligence-based malpractice allegations, in light of the scientific findings representing best practices with which clinicians need to comply when caring for SUD patients

    The Issue of Gender Bias Represented in Authorship in the Fields of Exercise and Rehabilitation: A 5-Year Research in Indexed Journals

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    Despite progress made in recent decades, gender bias is still present in scientific publication authorship. The underrepresentation of women and overrepresentation of men has already been reported in the medical fields but little is known in the fields of exercise sciences and rehabilitation. This study examines trends in authorship by gender in this field in the last 5 years. All randomized controlled trials published in indexed journals from April 2017 to March 2022 through the widely inclusive Medline dataset using the MeSH term “exercise therapy” were collected, and the gender of the first and last authors was identified through names, pronouns and photographs. Year of publication, country of affiliation of the first author, and ranking of the journal were also collected. A chi-squared test for trends and logistic regression models were performed to analyze the odds of a woman being a first or last author. The analysis was performed on a total of 5259 articles. Overall, 47% had a woman as the first author and 33% had a woman as the last author, with a similar trend over five years. The trend in women’s authorship varied by geographical area, with the higher representation of women authors in Oceania (first: 53.1%; last: 38.8%), North-Central America (first: 45.3%; last: 37.2%), and Europe (first: 47.2%; last: 33.3%). The logistic regression models (p &lt; 0.001) indicated that women have lower odds of being authors in prominent authorship positions in higher-ranked journals. In conclusion, over the last five years, in the field of exercise and rehabilitation research, women and men are almost equally represented as first authors, in contrast with other medical areas. However, gender bias, unfavoring women, still exists, especially in the last authorship position, regardless of geographical area and journal ranking

    Weekend Effect and in-Hospital Mortality in Elderly Patients with Acute Kidney Injury. A Retrospective Analysis of a National Hospital Database in Italy

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    Background: The aim of this study was to relate the weekend (WE) effect and acute kidney injury (AKI) in elderly patients by using the Italian National Hospital Database (NHD). Methods: Hospitalizations with AKI of subjects aged &gt;= 65 years from 2000-2015 who were identified by the ICD-9-CM were included. Admissions from Friday to Sunday were considered as WE, while all the other days were weekdays (WD). In-hospital mortality (IHM) was our outcome, and the comorbidity burden was calculated by the modified Elixhauser Index (mEI), based on ICD-9-CM codes. Results: 760,664 hospitalizations were analyzed. Mean age was 80.5 +/- 7.8 years and 52.2% were males. Of the studied patients, 9% underwent dialysis treatment, 24.3% were admitted during WE, and IHM was 27.7%. Deceased patients were more frequently comorbid males, with higher age, treated with dialysis more frequently, and had higher admission during WE. WE hospitalizations were more frequent in males, and in older patients with higher mEI. IHM was independently associated with dialysis-dependent AKI (OR 2.711; 95%CI 2.667-2.755,p&lt; 0.001), WE admission (OR 1.113; 95%CI 1.100-1.126,p&lt; 0.001), and mEI (OR 1.056; 95% CI 1.055-1.057,p&lt; 0.001). Discussion: Italian elderly patients admitted during WE with AKI are exposed to a higher risk of IHM, especially if they need dialysis treatment and have high comorbidity burden

    Seasonal variations in the incidence of cranial nerve paralysis.

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    The aim of the study was to verify whether there is a seasonal pattern in the occurrence of cranial nerve paralysis. All patients admitted to the Emergency Department of St Anna Hospital, Ferrara, Italy, from 1 January 1991 to 31 December 1997, were reviewed. Cranial nerve paralysis was diagnosed in 126 cases: the oculomotor nerve accounted for 46 cases, the trochlear nerve for 14, and the abducens nerve for 66. The frequencies of cases involving the oculomotor nerve and of all cases were significantly higher in winter than in the other seasons. Compared with other 2-month periods, the highest number of total cases occurred in November to December. Chronobiological analysis of the data for individual months showed a rhythmic 12-month pattern for the total population, with a weakly significant peak in January


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    A borda do Planalto Ocidental no Estado de São Paulo constitui um dos exemplos mais didáticos da Superfície das Cristas Médias e nela são encontrados depósitos recentes cuja idade e gênese são desconhecidas. Tendo como exemplo os depósitos do topo da Serra de São Pedro-SP, o objetivo deste trabalho foi buscar indicativos sobre a origem dos materiais, identificando a relação deles com a evolução geomorfológica da área. Foram analisadas as características macromorfológicas dos depósitos e os parâmetros granulométricos, morfoscópicos e mineralógicos das areias, além de ter sido determinada a idade absoluta (LOE) do material. Os resultados mostraram que os depósitos são constituídos principalmente por grãos inteiros subarredondados a arredondados foscos com marcas de choque, enquanto que os grãos polidos são em geral quebrados e mais frequentes nas frações arenosas mais finas e nas camadas mais superficiais ou alteradas. Considerando que as linhas de pedra apresentaram idades que coincidem com fases mais secas do Pleistoceno Superior, que os grãos apresentam elevado grau de arredondamento e são geralmente foscos com marcas de choque, e que a mineralogia dos sedimentos é compatível com a da Formação subjacente (Itaqueri), infere-se que os depósitos corresponderiam ao provável desmantelamento dessa unidade geológica. Os sedimentos teriam sido transportados e retrabalhados a curta distância em clima seco pelo vento ou pelo escoamento difuso da água em episódios de chuva torrencial. Nesse contexto, os resultados colocam em dúvida a atual existência da Superfície das Cristas Médias na área, uma vez que os depósitos seriam correlativos da destruição dos materiais em que esta foi esculpida