1,162 research outputs found

    Clinical characteristics and outcome of patients with autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) uniformly defined as primary by a diagnostic work-up

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    Primary autoimmune hemolytic anemia (P-AIHA) is a relatively uncommon and hetereogeneous disease characterized by the destruction of red blood cells due to anti-erythrocyte autoantibodies (AeAbs) in the absence of an associated disease [1–3]. Secondary AHIA is frequently associated with lymphoproliferative diseases (LD) in particular, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, aggressive or indolent lymphomas, autoimmune disorders, malignancies other than lymphoid, and infections [1,2,4]. On the hypothetical assumption that in a significant proportion of cases defined as P-AIHA the clinical heterogeneity could be due to an ignored associated disease, we retrospectively analyzed the clinical characteristics and outcome of patients with a diagnosis of P-AIHA based on a diagnostic work-up aimed at excluding or identifying an associated disease. ..

    S14: Factors Affecting Dental Students’ Comfort with Online Synchronous Learning

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many universities to expand the use of videoconferencing technology to continue academic coursework. This study examines dental students’ experience with videoconferencing technology, comfort levels, and perceptions of using videoconferencing technology. Methods: 54 out of 100 second-year dental students enrolled in a course on local anesthesia, 54 completed a survey following an online synchronous lecture given in September 2020. Survey questions asked about prior experience with videoconferencing, comfort levels, and reasons for not turning on their video (showing their face). Results: Overall, 48.2% had little or no prior experience with videoconferencing prior to March 2020. The Regression analyses showed there were significant positive associations between ratings of experience and comfort with answering questions and interacting in breakouts (r=.55, p=.04 and r=.54, p=0.03, respectively). Students were significantly more comfortable interacting with each other more during in-person than on-line breakout sessions than on-line breakout sessions (p=0.003). Although not significant, students were more comfortable in-person than on-line for all other classroom parameters. The main reasons students did not turn on their for not using the video feature were that they did not want to dress up (48.1%), others were not using their video (46.3%), and feeling that they did not look good (35.5%). Conclusion: Students who had prior experience with videoconferencing technology were more comfortable actively participating in online synchronous lectures. Students reported feeling more comfortable interacting during in-person breakout groups than in online breakout groups. The most significant reasons for students not using the video feature (showing their face) relate to inconvenience, peers not using the video feature, and self-consciousness

    What are the motives underlying Brazilians' food choices? An analysis of the Food Choice Questionnaire and its relationship with different sample characteristics

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    ABSTRACT: The first aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Food Choice Questionnaire (FCQ)—using the original model—in a sample of 1480 Brazilian adults (69.5% female). The second aim was to rank the reasons underlying the participants' food choices using average FCQ scores and 95% confidence interval. The third aim was to evaluate the relationship between food choice motives and sample characteristics using multiple logistic regression and odds ratios. The validity, the invariance across different groups, and the reliability of the FCQ were confirmed for the sample. Sensory appeal and price emerged as the most important reasons, while ethical concern was the least valued. The factors associated with greater odds of choosing food for specific reasons were being older, female, and a student; practicing physical activity; dieting frequently; self-rating eating quality as good; having a higher body mass index; and having low income. Practical Applications Assessing food choice is a complex task, as it encompasses several factors, such as sensory characteristics, health status, income, culture, lifestyle, and cognitive-affective issues; therefore, the use of appropriate tools should be encouraged. The set analyses followed confirmed that the FCQ was an adequate instrument to evaluate the reasons for food choice of the participants who valued strongly the sensory aspects of the foods and presented specific characteristics (e.g., diet practice) that may influence their decisions. These findings may guide future research and clinical interventions aimed at producing food choices that are more oriented to health and well-being.FAPESPinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Patterns of Parental Reactions to Their Children’s Negative Emotions: A Cluster Analysis with a Clinical Sample

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    Parents' emotion socialization practices are an important source of influence in the development of children's emotional competencies This study examined parental reactions to child negative emotions in a clinical sample using a cluster analysis approach and explored the associations between clusters of parents' reactions and children's and parents' adjustment. The sample comprised 80 parents of Portuguese children (aged 3-13 years) attending a child and adolescent psychiatry unit. Measures to assess parental reactions to children's negative emotions, parents' psychopathological symptoms, parents' emotion dysregulation, and children's adjustment were administered to parents. Model-based cluster analysis resulted in three clusters: low unsupportive, high supportive, and inconsistent reactions clusters. These clusters differed significantly in terms of parents' psychopathological symptoms, emotion dysregulation, and children's adjustment. A pattern characterized by high supportive reactions to the child's emotions was associated with higher levels of children's adjustment. On the other hand, an inconsistent reactions pattern was associated with the worst indicators of children's adjustment and parental emotion dysregulation. These results suggest the importance of supporting parents of children with emotional and behavioural problems so that they can be more responsive to their children's emotional manifestations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The promoters of human cell cycle genes integrate signals from two tumor suppressive pathways during cellular transformation

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    Deciphering regulatory events that drive malignant transformation represents a major challenge for systems biology. Here we analyzed genome-wide transcription profiling of an in-vitro transformation process. We focused on a cluster of genes whose expression levels increased as a function of p53 and p16INK4A tumor suppressors inactivation. This cluster predominantly consists of cell cycle genes and constitutes a signature of a diversity of cancers. By linking expression profiles of the genes in the cluster with the dynamic behavior of p53 and p16INK4A, we identified a promoter architecture that integrates signals from the two tumor suppressive channels and that maps their activity onto distinct levels of expression of the cell cycle genes, which in turn, correspond to different cellular proliferation rates. Taking components of the mitotic spindle as an example, we experimentally verified our predictions that p53-mediated transcriptional repression of several of these novel targets is dependent on the activities of p21, NFY and E2F. Our study demonstrates how a well-controlled transformation process allows linking between gene expression, promoter architecture and activity of upstream signaling molecules.Comment: To appear in Molecular Systems Biolog

    On the effect of resonances in composite Higgs phenomenology

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    We consider a generic composite Higgs model based on the coset SO(5)/SO(4) and study its phenomenology beyond the leading low-energy effective lagrangian approximation. Our basic goal is to introduce in a controllable and simple way the lowest-lying, possibly narrow, resonances that may exist is such models. We do so by proposing a criterion that we call partial UV completion. We characterize the simplest cases, corresponding respectively to a scalar in either singlet or tensor representation of SO(4) and to vectors in the adjoint of SO(4). We study the impact of these resonances on the signals associated to high-energy vector boson scattering, pointing out for each resonance the characteristic patterns of depletion and enhancement with respect to the leading-order chiral lagrangian. En route we derive the O(p^4) general chiral lagrangian and discuss its peculiar accidental and approximate symmetries.Comment: v3: a few typos corrected. Conclusions unchange

    Strong Double Higgs Production at the LHC

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    The hierarchy problem and the electroweak data, together, provide a plausible motivation for considering a light Higgs emerging as a pseudo-Goldstone boson from a strongly-coupled sector. In that scenario, the rates for Higgs production and decay differ significantly from those in the Standard Model. However, one genuine strong coupling signature is the growth with energy of the scattering amplitudes among the Goldstone bosons, the longitudinally polarized vector bosons as well as the Higgs boson itself. The rate for double Higgs production in vector boson fusion is thus enhanced with respect to its negligible rate in the SM. We study that reaction in pp collisions, where the production of two Higgs bosons at high pT is associated with the emission of two forward jets. We concentrate on the decay mode hh -> WW^(*)WW^(*) and study the semi-leptonic decay chains of the W's with 2, 3 or 4 leptons in the final states. While the 3 lepton final states are the most relevant and can lead to a 3 sigma signal significance with 300 fb^{-1} collected at a 14 TeV LHC, the two same-sign lepton final states provide complementary information. We also comment on the prospects for improving the detectability of double Higgs production at the foreseen LHC energy and luminosity upgrades.Comment: 54 pages, 26 figures. v2: typos corrected, a few comments and one table added. Version published in JHE

    Beautiful Mirrors at the LHC

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    We explore the "Beautiful Mirrors" model, which aims to explain the measured value of AFBbA^b_{FB}, discrepant at the 2.9σ2.9\sigma level. This scenario introduces vector-like quarks which mix with the bottom, subtly affecting its coupling to the ZZ. The spectrum of the new particles consists of two bottom-like quarks and a charge -4/3 quark, all of which have electroweak interactions with the third generation. We explore the phenomenology and discovery reach for these new particles at the LHC, exploring single mirror quark production modes whose rates are proportional to the same mixing parameters which resolve the AFBbA_{FB}^b anomaly. We find that for mirror quark masses 500GeV,a14TeVLHCwith300fb1\lesssim 500 GeV, a 14 TeV LHC with 300 {\rm fb}^{-1} is required to reasonably establish the scenario and extract the relevant mixing parameters.Comment: version to be published in JHE

    Impacto ambiental en edificaciones de valor patrimonial y su repercusión económica

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    Se determinó el grado de deterioro provocado por el medio ambiente en tres edificaciones construidas en los siglos XVIII y XIX en la provincia de Holguín, Cuba, pérdida de valores que pudiera ser irreversible de no actuarse con la celeridad requerida. Se utilizó el método histórico-lógico, la observación científi ca, la matriz causa-efecto —adecuada al objetivo de  la  investigación—  y el análisis  costo-beneficio que permitió determinar  ventajas  y desventajas de  la  realización de los mantenimientos y/o reparaciones de esos inmuebles. La matriz causa-efecto permitió conocer  las acciones que mayor afectación produjeron en  las edificaciones. Se elaboró un plan de medidas para mitigar estos impactos ambientales. Se demostró, desde un punto de vista económico, las ventajas de una adecuada política de mantenimiento  continuo programado. Este  trabajo puede  servir de herramienta o guía metodológica para  trazar  futuras políticas de conservación del patrimonio edificado

    Heavy-light decay topologies as a new strategy to discover a heavy gluon

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    We study the collider phenomenology of the lightest Kaluza-Klein excitation of the gluon, G*, in theories with a warped extra dimension. We do so by means of a two-site effective lagrangian which includes only the lowest-lying spin-1 and spin-1/2 resonances. We point out the importance of the decays of G* to one SM plus one heavy fermion, that were overlooked in the previous literature. It turns out that, when kinematically allowed, such heavy-light decays are powerful channels for discovering the G*. In particular, we present a parton-level Montecarlo analysis of the final state Wtb that follows from the decay of G* to one SM top or bottom quark plus its heavy partner. We find that at \sqrt{s} = 7 TeV and with 10 fb^{-1} of integrated luminosity, the LHC can discover a KK gluon with mass in the range M_{G*} = (1.8 - 2.2) TeV if its coupling to a pair of light quarks is g_{G*qqbar} = (0.2-0.5) g_3. The same process is also competitive for the discovery of the top and bottom partners as well. We find, for example, that the LHC at \sqrt{s} = 7 TeV can discover a 1 TeV KK bottom quark with an integrated luminosity of (5.3 - 0.61) fb^{-1} for g_{G*qqbar} = (0.2-0.5) g_3.Comment: 36 pages, 13 figures. v2: a few typos corrected, comments added, version published in JHE