114 research outputs found

    Top managers networking influence on competitive intelligence practices : the case of hi-tech SMBs

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    This paper aims at studying and measuring the influence of SMEs’ top decision makers’ social capital on competitive intelligence practices. To do so, a literature review of both competitive intelligence and social capital fields led us to construct a conceptual model based on four hypotheses. Methodological details of the test model using a PLS approach are outlined Data from 193 questionnaires filled out by high-tech French SMEs, are analysed through a PLS regression. A re-sampling procedure with the construct level change option and 250 re-samples is run. The results provide support for the four hypotheses and so contribute toward improving efficiency of competitive intelligence practices in four fields.peer-reviewe

    Methods of investment management in the Russian electricity transmission industry

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    The paper surveys the methods of investment management in the Russian electricity transmission industry: state regulation and corporate planning of investment activity. The analysis of these two methods highlights their features, advantages and disadvantages. The investigation of the forecasting and investment decision process is given with regard to the electricity industry restructuring. The algorithm of interests’ alignment between the state and the electricity network company is provided through the mechanism of investment management. The analysis of the methods of investment management in electricity transmission in Russia shows that corporate planning of investment activity coexists on a parallel basis with state regulation of investment activity. Corporate planning conforms to the interests of the electricity network company. Elaboration of efficient investment programs is associated with the lack of reliable development forecasts, regional specific features, tight deadlines for preparing the investment programs, centralized investment decision-making. A French approach for organizing the state forecasting system in Russia is also presented in the research and could be of use in Russia. Corporate planning of investment activity in France defers the goals of state regulation due to the fact that investment decisions are eventually made by the Regulator, which manages the electricity transmission company. Investment decision process is characterized by a larger degree of social responsibility taken by the electricity network company when making an investment decision. For that a special attention is drawn to public relations, whose interests are taken into account at the initial stage of investment process.peer-reviewe

    Mao en Chine ancienne, le lexique du poil Ă  l'Ă©poque Han

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    Le nom propre en chinois. Essai de morphosyntaxe

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    The author presents some basic characteristics of the Chinese language and Chinese writing, including the pinyin romanization of this language. First of all, there is no space between words, no Capital letters, nothing, to distinguish Proper Names and other kinds of words, except if one uses romanization. Only the place of the word in the sentence, the syntactic function of the word (or phrase), or its meaning, may show that this is a Proper Name. Speaking about Geographical Names, the author divides its presentation into two parts: endonyms and exonyms. The Chinese endonyms follow administrative rules: specific term first, generic term second. The generic terms are mostly made of only one syllable. Rules for writing endonyms in romanization are exposed in details too. The specific and generic terms are separately written, but for names of villages and other small entities. The reality in newspapers and books are different from what is decreted by Governmental organisations: very often the generic term is omitted, this situation may create ambiguity. About exonyms (this category comprises foreign terms as well as terms in minority languages), the situation is complex: one cand find transcription, translation or a mix of both technics. When the foreign Generic term is meaningful, it is usually translated by its Chinese equivalent, the Specific term is translated by Chinese characters whose sound is as near as possible from the original equivalent, there are Administrative norms asking people to use always the same character to write such or such foreign syllable. The Names of persons are usually written with the family name first, the personal name second. The combination of patronyms and idyonyms form most often three syllables, the choice of the personal name is a complicated thing for the parents, because each are meaningful and highly regarded. The foreign names are only transcripted, for a long time there was no rules, each writer following its own way, which could create a lot of complications, the Government has these last few years issued regulations for names originally in French, in English, in German, Russian, in Arabic and other languages and writing. What makes reading difficult is the fact that a Chinese character is always meaningful, but one has to forget its meaning to understand the foreign name, either Geographical or Personal

    Catherine Despeux et Frédéric Obringer (dir.), La maladie dans la Chine médiévale. La toux, 1997

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    La Robertie Pierre de. Catherine Despeux et Frédéric Obringer (dir.), La maladie dans la Chine médiévale. La toux, 1997. In: Études chinoises, vol. 17, n°1-2, Printemps-Automne 1998. pp. 313-320

    Global Warming's Effect on Animal Species in Colorado River Basin Alpine Tundra

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    The Colorado River Basin alpine tundra has experienced recent climate changes which are affecting the animal wildlife in the tundra. It was very hard to find the exact numerical changes in species population in alpine tundra's. However animals are very dependent on their environment, so when that changes it is safe to assume it affects the wildlife. This project investigated the changes occurring in the Colorado River Basin alpine tundra and draws conclusions on how it may be affecting animal wildlife.

    La formation et l'entraînement des unités opérationnelles: pierre angulaire de l'efficacité de l'action militaire (en collaboration)

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    Rapport du club de réflexion DGA/CHEAr, Division des Etudes Stratégiques, Paris, 49 p

    Langue, langage, parole

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    Au printemps dernier, le Groupe de Recherche et d'Action pour l'Enfance -le GRAPE -avait organisé des journées d'étude sur le thème Petite enfance et immigration en lien avec la notion d' inter culturel. A ces journées qui ont connu un réel succès ont participé des chercheurs, des sociologues, des médecins, des éducateurs . Parmi les conférences les plus originales, nous avons retenu celle de Mme Janine de la Robertie, psychanalyste, intitulée Langue, langage, parole mais qu'on aurait tout aussi bien pu titrer Comme si un petit enfant n'était pas toujours un étranger... Nous remercions le GRAPE et Françoise Groud-Dahmane, sans oublier la conférencière, de nous avoir autorisés à reproduire ce texte. Il est extrait des Actes des journées d'étude que l'on peut se procurer au GRAPE, 23, rue Notre-Dame de Lorette 75009 PARIS, au prix de 90 F.La Robertie Janine de. Langue, langage, parole. In: Hommes et Migrations, n°1107, octobre 1987. pp. 28-35
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